Merkabah | Page 62 | INFJ Forum
Child Prodigies and the Assault on Creativity


When you think of a child prodigy, you usually think of an exceptional young talent which has been recognized in a person’s early life and nurtured by those around them, who encourage their latent abilities to blossom and grow.

, of course, springs immediately to mind — a rare and gifted talent in music who, on account of the culture and environment in which he was weaned, was able to develop into one of the greatest composers of all time. And while it could be said that such an upbringing was overbearing and destroyed any chance of young Mozart leading a“normal” life, without it, it is highly unlikely that his incredible potential would have been fully realized.

The same can’t be said for the system in the present age. For some time now, the education system has been geared increasingly towards controlling children in an authoritarian environment (much research has been conducted into the comparison between schools and prisons), preparing them for a regimented series of arbitrary tests to make them suitable for a particular vocation — it’s hardly surprising, given that one of America’s wealthiest industrialists, John D. Rockefeller, was instrumental in the establishment of the General Education Board, which many believe was designed not to elevate the American people towards a position of creative, free-thinking individuals but compliant workers.

G. Edward Griffin
stated that “the goal was – and is – to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class.” He continued, “True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to productive skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.” Indeed, this is precisely the kind of stratification we see in contemporary education to this day.

By definition, child prodigies are not “normal” children — often, early age genius is intrinsically linked with conditions such as autism and Asperger Syndrome, and it is this intensity of interest in a particular subject or field which leads the child to excel. This higher function in one respect is often contrasted with other behavioral issues, particularly an inability to function in social circumstances. The psychiatric profession inevitably came to diagnose this as a disorder or disability, and despite a growing movement to have this removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostics and Statistical Manual, much in the same way that homosexuality was eventually removed, the identification of these personality and cognitive traits as a “problem” continues to this day.

This over-identification of mental health issues as a problem which needs addressing, rather than something which needs understanding with a view to nurturing a person’s inherent talents and abilities, is increasingly being ascribed to children across the spectrum. For years, restless and agitated children who rebel against the boredom-inducing regimentation of the classroom are being prescribed powerful anti-psychotics previously only given to adults with extreme cases of psychosis.

Not content with fabricating new disorders to justify this assault on the minds of children (a number of prominent researchers have gone on record to state that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder isnot a real disease), the American Psychiatric Association continues to expand its list of mental disorders, with each volume of the DSM significantly larger than the last.

A far more troubling development came last year, when the APA introduced “oppositional defiance disorder” into the DSM-IV. ODD — which is characterized as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behaviour” — takes the notion of labeling childhood behavior as a mental health problem to disturbing new extremes. With symptoms which include questioning authority the writing is on the wall — non-conformity and free thinking is taboo to the establishment.

Free and critical thinking is a crucial component of any society or culture which wishes to progress, and many historical developments which have improved both our understanding of the universe around us and improved our condition have arisen from those who are willing to challenge orthodox thinking. But conformity demands compliance, and in defining non-compliance as a mental illness in children and proceeding to medicate them with psychotropic drugs, the social engineers ensure that their authority — be it intellectual, political or ideological — remains unchallenged.

The rapid rise in mind-altering medication being prescribed to children, coupled with the effects of other toxic compounds found in food and water (a Harvard study recently confirmed what many have been saying about fluoride for many years, that it reduces the IQ levels in children) can only lead to a diminishment of critical thinking, creative children in society. And the contrast between how the state react to such children compared to the individual couldn’t be much clearer than in the following two cases.

Jacob Barnett was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from Asperger Syndrome who placed him on medication and into therapy — after being kicked out of school for allegedly not being able to learn, he went on to learn high school mathematics in two weeks before attending university.


By the same token, another home-schooling family in Alabama recently opened up about their children, six of whom had began studying for their college degrees by the age of 12. Several of the siblings went on to become a doctor, a spacecraft designer and an architect. Their parents attribute their incredible success to focusing on what it was they were passionate about, much like the scenario for child prodigies throughout history.

Remove a child from the education system, it seems, and their latent abilities will flourish, realizing their true potential.

This assault on genuinely creative and original modes of thinking is inevitable, given that the ruling elites of the system are characterized by psychopathy, a personality trait which is inherently incapable of creative thought.

This is ironically perhaps the most significant psychological characteristic when it comes to negative impacts on the well-being of any given society, but one which is rarely discussed and ultimately encouraged in the halls of political and corporate power. As long as a system which demands obedience to the state and conformity to its rules continues to exist, the assault on the free-thinking and creative spirit in children will continue unabated.
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Child Prodigies and the Assault on Creativity


When you think of a child prodigy, you usually think of an exceptional young talent which has been recognized in a person’s early life and nurtured by those around them, who encourage their latent abilities to blossom and grow.

, of course, springs immediately to mind – a rare and gifted talent in music who, on account of the culture and environment in which he was weaned, was able to develop into one of the greatest composers of all time. And while it could be said that such an upbringing was overbearing and destroyed any chance of young Mozart leading a“normal” life, without it, it is highly unlikely that his incredible potential would have been fully realized.

The same can’t be said for the system in the present age. For some time now, the education system has been geared increasingly towards controlling children in an authoritarian environment (much research has been conducted into the comparison between schools and prisons), preparing them for a regimented series of arbitrary tests to make them suitable for a particular vocation – it’s hardly surprising, given that one of America’s wealthiest industrialists, John D. Rockefeller, was instrumental in the establishment of the General Education Board, which many believe was designed not to elevate the American people towards a position of creative, free-thinking individuals but compliant workers.

G. Edward Griffin
stated that “the goal was — and is — to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class.” He continued, “True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to productive skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.” Indeed, this is precisely the kind of stratification we see in contemporary education to this day.

By definition, child prodigies are not “normal” children – often, early age genius is intrinsically linked with conditions such as autism and Asperger Syndrome, and it is this intensity of interest in a particular subject or field which leads the child to excel. This higher function in one respect is often contrasted with other behavioral issues, particularly an inability to function in social circumstances. The psychiatric profession inevitably came to diagnose this as a disorder or disability, and despite a growing movement to have this removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostics and Statistical Manual, much in the same way that homosexuality was eventually removed, the identification of these personality and cognitive traits as a “problem” continues to this day.

This over-identification of mental health issues as a problem which needs addressing, rather than something which needs understanding with a view to nurturing a person’s inherent talents and abilities, is increasingly being ascribed to children across the spectrum. For years, restless and agitated children who rebel against the boredom-inducing regimentation of the classroom are being prescribed powerful anti-psychotics previously only given to adults with extreme cases of psychosis.

Not content with fabricating new disorders to justify this assault on the minds of children (a number of prominent researchers have gone on record to state that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder isnot a real disease), the American Psychiatric Association continues to expand its list of mental disorders, with each volume of the DSM significantly larger than the last.

A far more troubling development came last year, when the APA introduced “oppositional defiance disorder” into the DSM-IV. ODD – which is characterized as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behaviour” – takes the notion of labeling childhood behavior as a mental health problem to disturbing new extremes. With symptoms which include questioning authority the writing is on the wall – non-conformity and free thinking is taboo to the establishment.

Free and critical thinking is a crucial component of any society or culture which wishes to progress, and many historical developments which have improved both our understanding of the universe around us and improved our condition have arisen from those who are willing to challenge orthodox thinking. But conformity demands compliance, and in defining non-compliance as a mental illness in children and proceeding to medicate them with psychotropic drugs, the social engineers ensure that their authority – be it intellectual, political or ideological – remains unchallenged.

The rapid rise in mind-altering medication being prescribed to children, coupled with the effects of other toxic compounds found in food and water (a Harvard study recently confirmed what many have been saying about fluoride for many years, that it reduces the IQ levels in children) can only lead to a diminishment of critical thinking, creative children in society. And the contrast between how the state react to such children compared to the individual couldn’t be much clearer than in the following two cases.

Jacob Barnett was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from Asperger Syndrome who placed him on medication and into therapy – after being kicked out of school for allegedly not being able to learn, he went on to learn high school mathematics in two weeks before attending university.


By the same token, another home-schooling family in Alabama recently opened up about their children, six of whom had began studying for their college degrees by the age of 12. Several of the siblings went on to become a doctor, a spacecraft designer and an architect. Their parents attribute their incredible success to focusing on what it was they were passionate about, much like the scenario for child prodigies throughout history.

Remove a child from the education system, it seems, and their latent abilities will flourish, realizing their true potential.

This assault on genuinely creative and original modes of thinking is inevitable, given that the ruling elites of the system are characterized by psychopathy, a personality trait which is inherently incapable of creative thought.

This is ironically perhaps the most significant psychological characteristic when it comes to negative impacts on the well-being of any given society, but one which is rarely discussed and ultimately encouraged in the halls of political and corporate power. As long as a system which demands obedience to the state and conformity to its rules continues to exist, the assault on the free-thinking and creative spirit in children will continue unabated.

I had some horrible math teachers in School but at the time I just thought I sucked at math. They would do the problem on the board and say, "See this is how you do it." When I asked them to explain they said, "I just did." I said, no you just did the problem but you didn't explain.

When I went to college I decided to take some of those courses over and the math teacher there was a fricken genius. It wasnt about him showing that he could do it, it was about figuring out how to teach others how to do it. The dude wore a bow-tie no less. :)
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I had some horrible math teachers in School but at the time I just thought I sucked at math. They would do the problem on the board and say, "See this is how you do it." When I asked them to explain they said, "I just did." I said, no you just did the problem but you didn't explain.

When I went to college I decided to take some of those courses over and the math teacher there was a fricken genius. It wasnt about him showing that he could do it, it was about figuring out how to teach others how to do it. The dude wore a bow-tie no less. :)


What people need to realize is that the stuff written on the board or in books is not actually how you do math. It's only how you get other people on the same problem when you do math.

Formalized math is a language which describes things so that people have a starting point when they talk to each other about numbers. Things in math have to be defined just like they do in any other language.

Math describes ideas about numbers just as words describe ideas about things and events. So when I say for example "The quick fox is running" you will have an understanding of an abstraction. You don't see an actual fox in that sentence and there is nothing moving let alone running, yet you're able to understand it because you have the ability to connect an abstract picture to those five words.

Math is the same way yet people have become convinced that it is not, which is a big part of the problem.
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15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy


Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:

1. Give up your need to always be right

There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question:
“Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?” ~Wayne Dyer

What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?

2. Give up your need for control

Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” ~Lao Tzu

3. Give up on blame

Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk

Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.
“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” ~Eckhart Tolle

5. Give up your limiting beliefs

about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!
“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind.”~Elly Roselle

6. Give up complaining

Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

7. Give up the luxury of criticism

Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.

8. Give up your need to impress others

Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. It doesn’t work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not, the moment you take off all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.

9. Give up your resistance to change

Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” ~Joseph Campbell

10. Give up labels

Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open.
“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.” ~Wayne Dyer

11. Give up on your fears

Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. Give up your excuses

Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. You no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.

13. Give up the past

I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for – the past that you are now dreaming about – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.

14. Give up attachment

This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too, (it still is) but it’s not something impossible. You get better and better at with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another, attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.

15. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations

Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves. You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.

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Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals An Amazing Fact

One day Rose-Lynn Fisher wondered if her tears of grief would look different compared to her tears of joy, so she began to explore them up close under a microscope.

She studied 100 different tears and found that basal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) are drastically different from the tears that happen when we are chopping onions. The tears that come about from hard laughter aren’t even close to the tears of sorrow. Like a drop of ocean water each tiny tear drop carries a microcosm of human experience. Her project is called The Topography of Tears.

Tears from laughing until crying

Tears of change

Tears of possibility and hope

Tears of grief

Joseph Stromberg of the Smithsonian’s Collage of Arts and Sciences explained that there are three major types of tears: basal, reflex, and psychic (triggered by emotions). All tears contain organic substances including oils, antibodies, and enzymes and are suspended in salt water. Different types of tears have distinct molecules. Emotional tears have protein-based hormones including the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, which is a natural painkiller that is released when we are stressed. Plus, the tears seen under the microscope are crystallized salt and can lead to different shapes and forms. So even psychic tears with the same chemical composition can look very different. Fisher said, “There are so many variables–there’s the chemistry, the viscosity, the setting, the evaporation rate and the settings of the microscope.”

Basal tears

Tears of timeless reunion

Tears of ending and beginning

Tears of release

Tears of elation at a liminal moment

Tears of remembrance

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How To Exit The Matrix

by Michelle Walling, CHLC

The matrix can be defined as the holographic experience of a third dimensional reality we have chosen into in order to learn lessons or to have experiences. Signing up for this experience was a high risk choice with a high reward of moving to a higher spiritual placement in the cosmos. In preparation for exiting from the program, we reincarnated time and time again, however we accumulated karma that sometimes did not get balanced due to the forgetfulness of our goals. In order to exit the matrix, we must become aware of our goals as a spirit having this physical experience, heal the energies tied to the karma, and serve humanity and the planet in order to reach our goal of ascension.

The Goal of Ascension

The purpose of awakening is to remember the goal of ascension out of this third dimensional reality into a higher consciousness:
"Ascension is a shift in consciousness, a raising of all lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to full awareness and presence in the NOW. Ascension is the raising of consciousness to a new level of existence, a shift from 3rd dimensional reality to that of the 5th dimension and beyond.
Ascension is experienced when the four lower bodies are in perfect balance therefore in perfect union with yourHigher Self / Soul

This occurswhen all so called negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, hatred and anger are transmuted and changed to that of love, kindness and compassion. Ascension is not a place but a state of Being.
Ascension is personal and planetary ascension. The Earth and all her inhabitants are in the process of transforming density into light, transforming our lower four bodies into a unified love / light field known as Lightbody. Planet Earth is in the process of being transformed into a new Garden of Eden where love, unity and peace are the new norm.
Ascension is not the process of dropping your physical vehicle and leaving this physical realm in search for a better reality but the process of "getting in here" being fully in~bodied and alive, joyfully living and sharing this joy with others in turn assisting them to remembering who they truly are."
~ by Emanuehl
The process of ascension involves awareness, intention meditation, loving yourself, transmuting karma,healing, raising your vibration, transmuting fear, and serving others.

These topics are covered in the free E-Book, How to Ascend.
Preparation for ascension takes work and dedication. Once awakened to the reality of the extreme
which was designed to help us awaken, the next step is to dedication to the task of completing the healing necessary to create the space inside of your heart where you can expand the light. The expansion of light causes the raising of vibration which causes the shift into another reality or consciousness.

: Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important
The main preparation involved for ascension is personalized to each individual, however there are some similar stages that are being shared in social media outlets such asFacebook Groups. Here people can share personal experiences such as ascension symptoms and articles, and access support groups among soul family members that agreed to find each other through the great cosmic mind we call the internet.

The Merkabah


Ascension is not just a personal experience. It is also a human consciousness experience and a planetary experience. The triad of self, human consciousness, and the planet creates a triangle. Triangles are geometric patterns that create stargates when activated.On the microcosm level, each prepared human will have two triangles which form a double helixthat will spin to form the personal stargate for each individual’s consciousness to be able to travel through. This dual- triangle geometric energy pattern is centered on the body within the heart space and is connected out of the crown chakra to a person’s oversoul. Thus the human body is termed the merkabah vehicle for ascension.When Earth activates her merkabah, the resulting stargate will bring in the energy that will recalibrate earth’s entire field and will in turn affect the bodies of those on the planet that have prepared for this grand occasion.

The Regenerated Body

The ability to activate our merkabah exists in our DNA. Our planet is now in alignment with the photon belt which is an energy field of higher vibrational energy that changes the experience of planets that are immersed into it. As Earth is immersed, she raises her vibration due to her humans grounding the photons through using their bodies and grounding rods. As this higher vibrational energy is grounded in to the planet, all humans on the planet begin to have access to this transformational energy which slowly changes our cells from carbon based to crystalline based.DNA is the code which patterns the hologram of physical experience. DNA exists in the nucleus of all cells of the body except red blood cells. When the vibrational level reaches a certain level, the crystalline cells fill with light and cause a change in the overall makeup of the human body.


This new body is based on the Adam Kadmon lightbody template, which is the original template for the human body before the planet fell into a lower density existence. Some people also call this a regenerated or rejuvenated body, and some call it the rainbow light body.
The codes within the dormant DNA strands have to be activated in order to make the change from carbon based to crystalline based. There are two ways to receive these code activations.

The first is to receive light from the photon band which is in alignment with our Great Central sun, Alcyone, in the Pleiades. Alcyone is now in alignment with our sun and the earth. By consciously allowing the energies from our sun via Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) of plasma to enter through our crown chakra we can consciously anchor it into our heart chakra. This has to be a slow process otherwise our bodies would explode apart.
The second way is to receive this code activation from someone who has consciously received the codes and anchored them into their heart.


This can be done by either being in that person’s vicinity where their vibration affects the water in the body. The water takes on the vibration which includes the codes. The vibration of the codes reverberates through water and enters the nucleus of the cells. The sound of a person’s voice can also echo into the body’s water which brings the codes into the cells. Some people who consciously do light work will anchor the vibrational codes into their bodies and use their bodies as an antenna or transmitter, and consciously send out the codes in a wave of love to their neighborhood, city, state, country, and planet.

The Adam Kadmon template already exists in the DNA but has been lying dormant in what has been termed “junk DNA” by scientists. Currently humans have two strands of DNA active which give us the hologram of a dense body. When the other ten-plus strands are filled with light, the activation will create a body hologram

: 97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose
Having a perfected DNA template means that the body will remain youthful and will not degenerate or deteriorate. The upgraded human consciousness will be able to heal the body and repair anything that is out of alignment. If a person had a missing limb before regeneration, they would be able to regrow that limb just like a lizard can regrow its tail. This new way of living in the physical will give us a body that is somewhere in between the light body and the dense body that we occupy now. It will take responsibility and awareness to keep it glowing with light.

"The Adam Kadmon begins as a Light Body that is created from divine imprint through the angelic field. This Light body is then integrated with a matter-molecule of part Light and part matter, which we refer to as the M-stra molecule.

All humans on this planet contain a seed of the M-stra that in the future will once again become fully realized. The Adam Kadmon then, is not a single Light Being or Race, but a sacred geometry transmitted from the angelic heavens to the matter-world."
The Light Body of the Adam Kadmon is our pattern for a return home to the greater Light Body of Universal Being. This greater Light Body he refers to as the Asheroth, although he stresses that this is just one of its many names. The Adam Kadmon is the ‘photograph' of the Asheroth which is encoded hologramically in the Zohar body. The Zohar is the light body that permits the physical system to move into greater dimensions and universes of experience.
We as human beings, contain a hologram of the Adam Kadmon within the cellular interface to our Light bodies. This is the memory of our true Divine form, that will re-activate through the awakening of the M-stra molecule as we assume our roles of Priests and Priestesses of Light within the Universes of God."
~ Thoth

The Adam Kadmon body allows for the full connection to our true Source which is not possible with the current density body. Currently those who are on the spiritual path are connecting only with that small part of Source that exists within the body. This spark we carry is what causes the heart to beat and the lungs to breathe. Expansion of this connection through the Adam Kadmon body will allow the completed experience of bringing more of this essence of heaven to earth.

The “New Earth”

Planet Earth also has a merkabah and is going to regenerate her body with the help of humanity. The space ship that we are on called Earth allows human consciousness to exist on her and also allows incarnation into physical bodies. Part of the Zohar experience will be the remembrance of skills and abilities that the human body had before the earth fell in density. Humanity will once again gain the ability to create from the formless or background energy and will thus be able to reverse the damage done to the planet over the many years of abuse.

The codes we are receiving cover a wide range of spiritual abilities that will create peace, unity, cooperation, integrity, truthfulness and cultivating a sense of beauty both inside and out. Other abilities will include achieving telepathy, stronger intuition, and physic gifts.
Humanity is destined to become the true stewards of the New Earth through a higher conscious awareness that she is also a living, sentient being. Humans will once again realize that her wellness depends upon humanities wellness. Humans will treat her body as they do their own and will treat others just as they are a part of themselves.

Exiting the Matrix

Humanity has been on a long road of third and fourth dimensional existence and is now astrologically aligned to receive the energies needed for Mother Earth to move into a new place in the Universe which exists in a higher vibration. By triggering our own awakening and ascension vibration, we will assist the planet in triggering hers as well. When she “goes within” herself, she will exit through the eye of a black hole which will relocate her consciousness into a new reality. A black hole is the “void” or the “space between” where creation occurs.


Planet Earth has been stuck in this reality just as long as humanity has. She will be successful in her ascension due to the number of lightworkers and starseeds on the planet who have held the light needed to fuel her birthing. The process is steady and calculated and is guided by extradimensional beings who have taken over the stewardship of the planet until humanity can once again be responsible caretakers. An individual’s process of integrating light into the human body is facilitated by each person’s guides and angels.Not all humans will be able to fly through the black hole with the planet.

Those that have not realized that they are a spark of the Great Spirit having a human experience in tandem with Planet Earth will leave their bodies to have the same type of recurring extreme polarity play on another planet that is preparing for ascension. Eventually, all roads lead to Rome and all of the souls that signed up for the ascension will arrive in Rome just in time for the Cosmic party and ambassadorship induction ceremonies.

About the author
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach. She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked on the website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.
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A Real Heart-Stopper: Soviet Psychic Superstar


On March 10, 1970, the impossible happened. Tucked away in a lab in Leningrad, a frog’s heart floated in a solution beating quite normally. The beating became faster, then slower; finally, it ceased to beat entirely. But this was no ordinary death, nor the result of some scientific experiment on the function of animal organs. It was a test of the mental power of a housewife by the name of Nina Kulagina.

Born Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina on July 30, 1926 in Leningrad, Nina was very much an average, tough Russian woman. She was loyal to her country, joining the tank regiment of the Red Army during World War II when she was only 14. After the war, she married and became a housewife, living what anyone would describe as an average life until she began to test if the psychic abilities of her mother might have rubbed off on her.

It was during Nina’s private attempts at developing these psychic abilities that she seemingly unlocked something within her. The most well-known of these alleged abilities was psychokinesis (PK), or the moving of objects with the mind. Nina could move a wide variety of items including clock pendulums, crystal bowls, matches, cigarettes, compass needles, bread loaves, salt shakers, and many other small objects (often placed in Plexiglass boxes to show there were no strings attached).

She first became aware of this ability when things would move whenever she would get angry. And aside from her famous stopping of a frog’s heart, Nina performed another fascinating feat: she separated an egg. That might not sound so amazing until you know that the egg was floating in a salt water tank two meters away from her. And she brought the yolk and white back together again when instructed to do so.

Nina Kulagina levitating what appears to be a ping-pong ball in the 1960s.

But Nina Kulagina’s special powers extended far beyond moving matches and killing frogs. She was said to possess healing powers, healing wounds with the application of her hand, and be able to diagnose illnesses merely by meeting people. She had the ability to make images appear on photographic paper, both outlines of images she was shown and the letters A and O.

Her body could generate a strong electromagnetic field and even a strong amount of heat, causing burns to form on her clothing and–on one occasion–a red burn patch to appear on the arm of an observing journalist. While Nina was in a hospital recovering from a nervous breakdown in 1964, doctors observed that she could reach into her basket and pull out the correct color of yarn without even looking at it. (She claimed she was able to “see” the colors with her fingers.) She could even tell people what they carried in their pockets.

At the First Moscow International Conference of Parapsychology in 1968, footage of Nina seemingly moving objects with her mind was finally shown to the public. But with the scientific community catching wind of Nina’s astounding feats came the heavy hand of scrutiny. Skeptics including James Randi have long maintained that none of Nina’s apparent psychic abilities were anything more than common trickery and sleight of hand illusions. Just like Uri Gellar, Nina’s publicized experiments were never under ideal laboratory conditions.

She was seen at home or in hotel rooms, without experts in trickery on hand. It’s been claimed that Nina had magnets implanted into her body to manipulate objects; other telekinetic claims could have employed the use of thin wires or mirrors. Yet in the USSR, laboratory experiments were performed on Nina (under the pseudonym Nelya Mikhailova) by several researchers, including Czech psychical researcher Dr. Zdenek Rejdak, psychologist B. Blazek, physicist V. F. Shvetz, Dr. J.S. Zvierev, physiologist L.L. Vasiliev, and the aforementioned Dr. Sergeyev. Dr. Rejdak published a report of his experiments (titled ‘Nina Kulagina’s Mind over Matter’) in the June 1971 issue of Psychic Magazine.

A still frame from one of 60 short films depicting Kulagina’s psychokinesis.

The Cold War had a little-known side, a “Psi Race” where both the US and the USSR tried hard to become superpowers with super powers. Telekinesis, remote viewing, automatic writing, and many other mind-over-matter experiments were carried out by both sides in an effort to turn the human mind into a powerful means of control and weaponry. Unfortunately, many of these experiments were complete failures.

It has been argued that Nina was shown off by the USSR in an effort to make it seem like they were making huge leaps in telekinesis when in fact it was all fakery. But even though the Cold War has long since ended, Russia has continued to keep many of its secrets under lock and key. If Nina was such a glowing success, where are the scientific reports? Might they still be housed somewhere in a storage room never to see the light of day? As is the case with so many things, just because we haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Near the end of her life, Nina seems to have lost the abilities she became so famous for. Her exertion in manifesting these powers was blamed for a near-fatal heart attack in the late 1970s. Sharp pain in her spine, dizziness, blood sugar irregularities, failing eyesight, and many other health concerns plagued her.

With deteriorating health, Nina stepped away from the endless scientific testing, conducting very limited experiments in labs up until her death in 1990. And so, the full truth died with her. Whether or not she ever possessed remarkable abilities, perhaps faking it when her powers disappeared later in life, is a matter of speculation.

What You Are Not Being Told About The Secret & Law Of Attraction

Whether you have been perusing the self-help or personal development section of the book store, been around people who are looking for personal success or whether you are part of or know of people in spiritual circles, The Secret or Law of Attraction is a big topic and has been for years. Some of us know a lot about it, some a little, for some of us it works and for some it “doesn’t,” either way, this article will explore a bit about The Secret or Law of Attraction and will touch on some key factors we are often not told about it.

What Is It?

For simplicity sake, I’m going to use the abbreviation LOA throughout the article when I’m speaking about the Secret or The Law of Attraction.
Simply put, the LOA is said to be a universal law that states every person has the ability to attract things into their life with their thoughts and intentions. If someone is thinking and believing negative things all the time, they will attract them into their experience. If someone is thinking positive things all the time, they will attract that into their experience.

In theory someone could also use the LOA to attract situations, experiences and material objects into their lives.
Made most popular by books like The Secret and Ask & It Is Given, the LOA has grabbed the attention of many and for good reason, it can work very well and even when viewed scientifically, there is some interesting stuff to back it up. When you note the fact that everything is energy and that our thoughts and consciousness do impact and create reality, as quantum physics has shown, making the leap that we can attract what we want isn’t too difficult to assert.

The Methods

Without going into huge detail, the methods are rather simple. One uses their thoughts and intentions to attract things they want. You can use affirmations, vision boards, words and so on to set out what you are looking to obtain and you go from there. In more day-to-day applications, one might watch what they say and avoid negative words, self-defeating words or attitudes and instead replace it with more positive and affirming statements and attitudes.

The theory behind some of the affirmations and vision boards is that the more you say something or see something, the more it imposes itself into your subconscious where it begins to create the reality.
Many have reported these methods to work often and many have claimed that they do not work at all. In any case, there can be a number of factors involved as to why it might work or not work, but most books don’t go too far into covering this and often times the whole subject of LOA has become a cliche.

What We’re Often Not Told About The LOA


I’ve personally seen some interesting results when I have practiced the LOA. Some of my friends would say that the LOA failed at times for me and other times it succeeded, but the way I see it is that it was successful every time.
Why do I see it this way?

Because I believe there are other factors involved in the LOA that we often don’t realize because we get too caught up in creating from our minds and ego desires. Simply, we are missing the bigger picture.

Right away I can hear the questions, “how do we know what an ego desire is or not?!” We will get to that shortly. Drawing from personal experience, I have used the LOA and was able to attract what I wanted into my life, but there were other times it didn’t come into being.

Simply because there is a larger factor at play — YOU have a say in determining whether or not a specific reality might play out for you. But when we are engaged in mental and ego desires, we often don’t see the perfect reason as to why we didn’t bring about what “we” wanted.
Each of us is on our own unique journey and we, in some way, have a path we are on for our own individual growth and experience. At a deeper level, often called a soul level, we are choosing aspects of our journey so we can learn what we set out to learn in each lifetime here.

So how could this interact with the LOA?
In a simple example, let’s say you wanted to attract a certain experience into your life, say becoming really rich, but you, at the soul beyond the mind, had a journey set out for yourself where you would learn to detach from money and that money does not define who you are nor your level of success in life. Then, no matter how hard you might try to attract this into your life, you would notice it not playing out simply because there is a bigger lesson you are trying to learn.

You can’t use your mental creative powers to dictate your life as intensely as your own bigger picture that your true self sees.
Think about it. How many times have you had a situation happen in life that you didn’t like at the beginning only to find out a few days, weeks, months or years later that you grew and learned so much from it? Guess what, you attracted this experience but in a way that we often don’t understand. It’s not as though we sat there and said “Oh yay let’s have this “crap” come into my life!” It was more so that at a deeper energetic level we knew we could grow from it.

Another Personal Anecdote

Before creating CE I was working in finance for a short period of time. I was using the LOA to attract money into my life so I could one day impact the world and become rich within a certain company. I had several deals on the table that were all on the edge of closing and making me a very large sum of money, but suddenly they all fell through.

At the time it seemed like a pain in the ass that this would happen, but my soul and life had a very different path. I ended up leaving finance very shortly after as my personal journey was unfolding quickly. CE got started and this became what I do full-time.

Now I have money I require to live and we are able to do projects we need to do to make an impact but its all coming through a very different avenue than in my past.
What did I take from this? Why did I not attract the money even though it was for the “higher good?” Simply because there was A LOT I needed to learn first and looking back at it all, it was very clear as to why none of it played out that way.

I learned so much about my perception of money, my own internal belief systems and self-worth etc. It wasn’t that the LOA did not or does not work, but rather I was looking to create something specific and I just needed to learn a few things first. After all, it all came into place but through different avenues. If I didn’t take the signs and hints and change life paths, I would have potentially missed out on my journey with CE.

A Few Other Key Notes

When we are using the LOA, we are often very attached to a certain outcome. Again, this can often be a great time for us to inadvertently create a whole different experience simply so we can move beyond the attachments that we create at the mind level. It’s the LOA working in ways our minds often don’t want to admit.

Another key thing to realize is that when we are detached, looking to do something in line with our path, often times having a strong belief in what we wish to create makes a big difference. So often we go on using the LOA but from a half effort, partial doubting state of mind where we aren’t really tapping into our true creative ability.

Bottom line, we are energy beings living in an energy based world, of course the LOA will have an impact on our reality, it’s just about seeing the bigger picture, removing doubt and utilizing from the clearest state of intention as possible.
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“Infectious Ideas” – Don’t Believe Everything You Think

It’s so interesting how conventional philosophy approaches and flirts with the obvious truth, but cannot really confront it because Science itself is yet another dogmatic set of beliefs –founded on questionable assumptions, like the belief that we are separate individuals..In this very compelling TED talk, philosopher Daniel Dennett makes the “scientific” case that neither our thoughts or beliefs are “us” –he compares them to the parasites that can take over an ant and even make an individual ant commit “suicide” to reach the parasite’s goal –the top of a leaf.


In this wonderful talk Dennett uses a “scientific” and “philosophical” perspective to analyze our own beliefs –called “memes” by atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins –which seem to have a life of their own.As Dennett says, once a meme is “loose” in the world its adoption takes people over –the best example being the fundamentalist religions which currently wreak so much havoc.

Of course, the underlying meme that Dennett and Dawkins are trying to debunk is the notion of “God” –but once one has granted the legitimate reality of thought, especially outside the brain of individual humans, and given it a “life of its own” as a meme, what are the implications?

Now science must inevitably account for “mind” and perhaps even confront the 800 lb. gorilla that is “a priori” to all being or existence –Consciousness.
Having established clearly that thought is NOT consciousness –then science must now address –what IS Consciousness and can it be “known” objectively?

One might ask which scientists if any are approaching this kind of work?
One area is surely neuroscience and perhaps more specifically the area of dreams –something that science pretends to “study” and “understand” but which clearly points to another mental realm.

Based on our own experience we know that dreams “seem” real –they are thoughts that we completely believe (as though we’re immersed in a movie or video game). In “waking” consciousness –we can continue to believe our thoughts (and remain unconscious –in Dennett’s terms in the grips of the mental parasite) –or we can begin to “awaken” and question our thoughts.

Of course our own computer science has simulated dreams with computer graphics to a greater and greater extent – forcing us to profoundly rethink the models of perceptual reality we have taken as true. Through observation and meditation, we can eventually create a gap between our “selves” that apparently begin to notice our thoughts -and the thoughts themselves – connecting with the “spirit” or “being” above thought –as Eckhart Tolle describes it.

From this perspective we know that some thoughts clearly are helpful –and probably related to the primary genetic program we seem to be running –survival and/or evolution.
For example, a thought that the last time I went into the jungle, my friend got eaten may save my life, and perpetuate the species. Then came thoughts about which plants were safe to eat, and which cured ailments.

This is the beginning of science – the trial and error testing of hypotheses that may seem to lead to a “higher” level of truth –within the overall dream (Consciousness).
At the apex of current science is genetics and the decoding of the genome –the chemically encoded set of instructions that lies beyond thought –serving as the basis for our and all known life’s organic being.

Geneticist Juan Enriquez has made clear in his amazing TED talk that in fact genetic code operates as an “application” –like our own computer code it is based on a rigid set of logical principles and syntax –so that if it is symbolically altered we can literally create a new life form.


I’ve noted the potential implications of this in my own video on the subject:


And again – even prominent scientists and atheists like Richard Dawkins have noted the eerie similarity between what we have conceived (software) and what instructs our Being (DNA).


So if we know that thought “exists” from philosophers like Dennett with the ability to take us over, and that another level of being exists, that allows us to describe and analyze thought as memes, what can we say about the level of apparent “thought” that has gone into our genes –and clearly not by “us?”

Since it takes supercomputers to decode the genome we can clearly see that on the order of its complexity it is vastly beyond anything we have created with science (our own thought-belief system (“meme”) of being separate objective thinking objects).

And we can also know that whatever thought “went into” DNA it is like software that did not simply randomly “evolve” –as disturbing as this thought is to scientists like Dawkins –Google was created via thought –by a Mind. Apparently so was DNA.

Does this automatically validate the fundamentalist meme of Creationism?

Well no –we have no direct evidence of the conventional notion of “God” so according to the Scientific meme we can discard it, as Dennett has.
But now, what of our “objective” science itself? Is it now clearly exposed as yet another meme –assuming our knowledge of ourselves as separate “things?”

The key element of the scientific meme is that we are our bodies –and yet even scientists like Dennett have noted that we are “composed” of many different types of cells; in fact besides “our own” tissues (with “our” genetic instructions) there are literally millions of other organisms that live symbiotically within our bodies at all times.

Some of these are benign – fortunately for our current state of being. Some are not – as Enriquez points out in showing the genetic code for the Ebola virus in his video above.
What does all of this point to –apart from the apparent incompleteness of scientific understanding?

First, that “objective” Science itself is a meme. It is not Truth. It is a belief system like all others that seem to “inhabit” our minds.
So can science ever reveal Truth? – That is a very important question.

Some, like the Advaita Nonduality folks assert that Being or Consciousness is unknowable. Period. (“Don’t believe anything you think.”)
Others romanticize ancient cultures when there may have existed a “Sacred Science.” And yet, here we are.

Programmed apparently for survival to continue thinking about our “selves.”
My own favorite living philosopher, Jacob Needleman, ends his masterpiece “A Sense of the Cosmos” by observing:

“To acquire power, the modern age turned to the mechanism of thought rather than to consciousness. As a result the emotions—unharmonized, untouched by the ideas of the intellect—unconsciously continued their work of governing the life of man under the formation of egoism. Ideas which could have guided the harmonization of mind, feeling and instinct became instead mere explanations which divide and analyze, and through which unity can never be obtained.”

Many of the ideas Dr. Needleman refers to are “esoteric” – they were withheld from the masses, guarded by “priests” and insiders and lost to plunderers and savages (believers in other memes).

One immense such loss was probably the Library of Alexandria…
In modern times, these sources can be found on the Internet, and profound thinkers like Eckhart Tolle, who writes so eloquently about the dysfunctional effects of the egoic mind, have potentially led us back to a level above mere thought –or memes.

In seeing clearly that even Science is yet another meme or belief –we can possibly reconnect with Consciousness as lived experience (an idea that can “guide the harmonization of mind, feeling and instinct’), with renewed reverence for the true scale and sanctity of Existence itself.

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10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception of the World

Reality is not as obvious and simple as we like to think.

Some of the things that we accept as true at face value are notoriously wrong.

Scientists and philosophers have made every effort to change our common perceptions of it.

The 10 examples below will show you what I mean.

1. Great glaciation.

Great glaciation is the theory of the final state that our universe is heading toward. The universe has a limited supply of energy. According to this theory, when that energy finally runs out, the universe will devolve into a frozen state. Heat energy produced by the motion of the particles, heat loss, a natural law of the universe, means that eventually this particle motion will slow down and, presumably, one day everything will stop.

2. Solipsism.

Solipsism is a philosophical theory, which asserts that nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness. At first it seems silly – and who generally got it into his head completely deny the existence of the world around us?
Except when you put your mind to it, it really is impossible to verify anything but your own consciousness.
Don’t you believe me?
Think a moment and think of all the possible dreams that you have experienced in your life. Is it not possible that everything around you is nothing but an incredibly intricate dream? But we have people and things around us that we cannot doubt, because we can hear, see, smell, taste and feel them, right?
Yes, and no.
People who take LSD, for example, say that they can touch the most convincing hallucinations, but we do not claim that their visions are “reality”. Your dreams simulate sensations as well, after all, what you perceive is what different sections of your brain tell you to. As a result, which parts of existence can we not doubt? None. Not the chicken we ate for dinner or the keyboard beneath our fingers. Each of us can only be sure in his own thoughts.

3. Idealist Philosophy

George Berkeley, the father of Idealism, argued that everything exists as an idea in someone’s mind.
Berkley discovered that some of his comrades considered his theory stupid. The story goes that one of his detractors kicked a stone with his eyes closed and said, “There I’ve disproved it!”
The idea being that if the stone really only exists in his imagination, he could not have kicked it with his eyes closed.
Refutation of Berkeley is hard to understand, especially in these days.
He argued that there is an omnipotent and omnipresent God, who sees all and all at once. Realistic, or not?


4. Plato and Logos.

Everybody has heard of Plato.
He is the world’s most famous philosopher.
Like all philosophers he had a few things to say about reality.
He argued that beyond our perceived reality there lies a world of “perfect” forms. Everything that we see is just a shade, an imitation of how things truly are.
He argued that by studying philosophy we have a chance of catching a glimpse of how things truly are, of discovering the perfect forms of everything we perceive. In addition to this stunning statement, Plato, being a monist, said that everything is made of a single substance.
Which means (according to him) that diamonds, gold and dog feces all consist of the same basic material, but in a different form, which, with science’s discovery of atoms and molecules, has been proven true to an extent.

5. Presentism.

Time is something that we perceive as a matter of course, if we view it at the moment, we usually divide it into past, present and future. Presentism argues that the past and the future are imagined concepts, while only the present is real.
In other words, today’s breakfast and every word of this article will cease to exist after you have read it, until you open it again. The future is just as imaginary, because time cannot exist before and after it happened, as claimed by St. Augustine.

6. Eternalism.

Eternalism is the exact opposite of presentism.
This is a philosophical theory that says that time is multi-layered.
It can be compared to a pound cake (however, unlike the time, a biscuit is not up for philosophical debate).
All time exists simultaneously, but the measurement is determined by the observer. What he sees depends on which point he is looking at.
Thus dinosaurs, World War II and Justin Bieber all exist simultaneously but can only be observed from a specific location.
If one takes this view of reality then the future is hopeless and the deterministic free will is illusory.

7. The Brain in a Jar

The “brain in a jar” thought experiment is a question discussed by thinkers and scientists, who, like most people, believe that human’s understanding of reality depends solely on his subjective feelings. So, what is the debate? Imagine that you are just a brain in a jar that is run by aliens or mad scientists.
How would you know?
And can you truly deny the possibility that this is your reality?
This is a modern interpretation of the Cartesian evil demon problem.
This thought experiment leads to the same conclusion: we cannot confirm the actual existence of anything except our consciousness.
If this seems to sound reminiscent of the movie “The Matrix“, it is only because this idea was part of the very basis of the story. Unfortunately, in reality we have no red pills…


8. The Multiverse Theory

Anyone who has not spent the last ten years on a desert island, has at least once heard of “the multiverse”, or parallel universes.
As many of us have seen, parallel words, in theory, are worlds very similar to ours, with little (or in some cases, large) changes or differences.
The multiverse theory speculates that there could exist an infinite number of these alternate realities.
What’s the point?
In a parallel reality you have already killed the dinosaurs, and you are lying under the ground at a depth of eight feet (because that’s what happened there.)
In the other you might be a powerful dictator. In another you might never have even been born since your parents never met. Now that’s a memorable image.

9. Fictional realism.

This is the most fascinating branch of multiverse theory.
Superman is real.
Yes, some of you would probably choose a different story, for argument’s sake, Harry Potter might be real too.
This branch of the theory argues that given an infinite number of universes, everything must exist somewhere.
So, all of our favorite fiction and fantasy may be descriptive of an alternate universe, one where all the right pieces came in to place to make it happen.

10. Phenomenalism.

Everyone is interested in what happens to things when we aren’t looking at them.
Scientists have carefully studied this problem and some of them came to a simple conclusion - they disappear.
Well, not quite like this. Phenomenalist philosophers believe that objects only exist as a phenomenon of consciousness.
So, your laptop is only here while you are aware of, and believe in its existence, but when you turn away from it, it ceases to exist until you or someone else interacts with it.
There is no existence without perception.
This is the root of phenomenalism.

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97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose And Is Not ‘Junk’ As Labeled By Scientists

After thousands of years of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies, our DNA is finally breaking free from old patterns which have been stuck in a universal time matrix. However, humans will soon know and understand why 97% of our DNA has a higher purpose and why its transformation is leading us into an awakening that we never could have imagined.

The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health and consciousness because many complex diseases appear to be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.

As scientists delved into the “junk” – parts of the DNA that are not actual genes containing instructions for proteins – they discovered a complex system that controls genes. At least 80 percent of this DNA is active and needed. Another 15-17 percent has higher functions scientists are still decoding.

The result of the work is an annotated road map of much of this DNA, noting what it is doing and how. It includes the system of switches that, acting like dimmer switches for lights, control which genes are used in a cell and when they are used, and determine, for instance, whether a cell becomes a liver cell or a neuron.

There is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Russian researchers’ findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless junk DNA follows the same rules as all our human languages.

To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.

Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.

This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome.

So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA.

This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

This discovery also points to the significance of sound frequencies and vibrations in the origin of human life and the possibility that creation was generated by waves of consciousness. The Phantom DNA effect is a case in point: the energy field of a DNA sample remains detectable by laser light even when the physical sample is removed. At a fundamental level, man is pure energy.

In Wave Genetics, the junk DNA functions at a rich infrastructure level of super codes and wave communication, realized in material form as crystalline structures—dynamic gene-holograms in liquid crystals of the chromosome continuum. What this model suggests is that the human gene is part of larger holograms (multiverse) of wave information reality. Hyper-communication, in the form of remote sensing, remote healing and telepathy, is definitely a part of the human protocol.

Scientists are aware that 97% of our DNA is, as they call it “junk DNA”. They call it junk because they don’t see that we have any use for it. Only 3% of our DNA is wrapped up in the spiraling double helix strand. During the time of the 75,000 year cycle when we are exposed to the most torsion energy waves and it affects our DNA by reorganizing the 97% “junk” DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix advancing man in a leap of evolution.

Empty space is not really empty but filled with the invisible torsion wave energy at different degrees of concentration. Thus, as the stars and planets drift through the galaxy they pass through different concentrations in very exact intervals of time, with precise cycles that can vary in length from thousands to millions of years.

As planets move through periods of high concentration of these torsion waves a transformation affects the DNA structure on the planet, which causes more highly evolved forms to more rapidly replicate than less evolved forms of life. Ample evidence of this is seen to occur through our fossil records which evolution has shown this to occur in sudden jolts rather than as a gradual process.

The effect has been named as “punctuated equilibriumâ by mainstream biologists.
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Robert the Haunted Doll: More than a Plaything

Honestly, I think one of the most terrifying images I’ve ever seen in a horror movie is that scene in “Poltergeist” where the evil Clown Doll reaches up and pulls the little boy under the bed. Until that moment, I’d never put much stock in those “Can’t Sleep. Clowns will eat me!” T-shirts, but that movie certainly opened my eyes to the fact that evil lurks in some of the last places we’d ever expect to find it.

Some might say I have a vivid imagination, but on more than one occasion I’ve walked into a roomful of colorful, harmless looking toys and felt their beady little eyes boring staring at me. Even perfectly ordinary plastic fire engines or dump trucks can send shivers down my spine. What if their headlights were to suddenly flash on? What if the siren started blaring? What if all the toys in the room suddenly decided to attack?!

But it’s dolls that bother me most and I think it’s because you can never be sure if that was a movement you just saw out of the corner of your eye. Did that doll just turn her head a little? Did she wink, or blink? Did she wiggle her foot? Wasn’t her hand resting on her knee a moment ago? Bah! That’s impossible. It’s only a doll. Or is it?

You can do an Internet search and find hundreds of haunted dolls, most of them fake and available for sale on Ebay. But over the last few years I’ve tripped over two that have been the subject of official and expert paranormal investigations and found to be truly creepy little dolls. Today I’d like to introduce you to Robert the Haunted Doll, from Key West, Florida.
Robert has quite a story, and I’m recapping here research conducted by investigator Joshua P. Warren.

In 1906, a young boy named Eugene Ott received Robert as a gift from one of the household servants. Eugene’s first name was actually Robert, but he went by his middle name, Eugene. At the time, no one thought to question Robert’s origins but later, after strange things started happening, the following theory arose:
Eugene Otts parents were strict with Eugene and very stern taskmasters with their servants. It’s said that they treated their servants very poorly — low wages, long hours of exhausting physical labor, as well as a little physical abuse thrown in from time to time.

One of these servants was a Bahamian woman who, some say, practiced Voodoo, and it was she who gifted Eugene with Robert the Doll. It’s said that she cursed the doll before giving it to the boy. Some folks claim she stuffed the doll with rags that had been mixed with human blood, and some say the doll has real human hair.

As the story goes, young Eugene quickly became attached to Robert and took the doll with him every where he went. He would ‘feed’ Robert at the dinner table and sleep with him at night, and on more than one occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Ott could hear Eugene conversing with someone who had a low, sinister-sounding voice when they passed by his room. But of course, they assumed Eugene was just “playing” with Robert.

It wasn’t long before strange things began to happen outside the playroom, too. Lamps would fall and shatter, for no apparent reason. Silverware and drinking glasses would go flying off the dinner table. Torn clothing and rumpled beds were found in rooms that weren’t being used.

Each time something strange happened, Mr. & Mrs. Ott would turn to Eugene for an explanation and Eugene always said, “It wasn’t me! It was Robert!” And each time, Eugene was strongly disciplined by his stern parents.

Over the years, Eugene and Robert continued to get closer and closer, and after Mr. & Mrs. Ott died, Robert and Eugene were alone in the home.
Servants came and went due to the unholy atmosphere in the home. They’d hear giggling when no one was in the room — except Robert, of course. They’d hear strange voices and footsteps, and combined with all the other mysterious activity, Eugene was hard pressed to keep servants around.

Eventually, Eugene decided it was time to get married, but it wasn’t long before his new wife became frightened, not only of Eugene’s obsessive attachment to Robert, but by the mysterious things that kept happening, too.

The new Mrs. Ott could sense the evil in Robert. She often saw his expression change from one of innocence to one of pure malevolence and she sense a threat to her life whenever she was alone in the room with the doll. Terrified, she told Eugene that if he wanted to keep the doll he’d have to keep him up in the attic and away from the rest of the house.

After relegating Robert to the attic, the neighborhood children and passersby began to notice movement as they walked by the house. Robert would follow from one end of the attic to the other, maniacally giggling, watching as people passed by, growing angrier and angrier by the day at his confinement.

With Robert locked away in the attic, Eugene’s health began to suffer. Soon, he defied his wife and set Robert up in his own comfortable bedroom in the main house again. Alas, Eugene’s health continued to deteriorate and when he died in 1974, his wife was left alone in the house with Robert.

But not for long. Mrs. Ott, free at last, stashed Robert back in the attack and quickly sold the house, leaving Robert for the new owners to contend with.
When the new owners were investigating the attic their 10-year old daughter discovered Robert, sitting in a little chair, hidden under a blanket. The little girl fell in love with Robert, moved him into her bedroom and, you guessed it, that’s when Robert really stepped up his plan.

The girl began screaming in the night, terrified, claiming that Robert was moving all around her bedroom and the he even attacked her on several occasions, trying to kill her. The girls’ parents quickly removed Robert from the house and knowing a little about his history by then, they donated him to the East Martello Museum in Key West.

But our story doesn’t end there. Robert is kept in a locked, glass case in the center of the room. Museum workers report seeing him move his hand or his foot and he frequently changes position during the night, while no one is in the museum. Workers who remain in the building after hours hear strange noises and giggling.


For two weeks every year Robert is moved from the museum and put on display at the Custom House in Key West and while he’s away from the museum the paranormal activity actually increases.

While he might be enclosed in a glass case, Robert still manages to go about his evil ways. Visitors who take pictures of Robert, without first asking his permission, report a wide variety of results.

Some have just blank film, with no picture at all. Other see Robert in one position in the picture, but it’s not the position he’s posed in in the case. Some see an evil expression on his face, or his eyes are half-closed, his head is turned, or his foot seems to have moved because it’s blurry in the picture.

Worse, though, is what happens after they leave the museum, as evidenced by all the letters posted on the walls surrounding Robert. Visitors who neglected to ask his permission and snapped their pictures anyway, or people who laugh at Robert and don’t take his evil seriously, meet with horrible luck ranging from flat tires, to serious injuries, and even to death. Many of the letters you see are people begging Robert’s forgiveness for not asking his permission before they took his picture.

The picture you see posted here was taken for me personally. One of my cousins moved to Key West, Florida about a year ago and I asked her to stop in the museum and take a picture of Robert for me. I warned her, though, to respectfully ask his permission before she started snapping away.

Thankfully, she followed my advice and neither she nor I have had any problems, and I even use this picture as the screensaver on my computer. But you can bet your boots I’d never enter a room with the real Robert the Haunted Doll. One giggle from that malevolent little creature is all it would take and I’d be out the door in a heart beat.
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Disclaimer: this article is only critical of the subculture of aggressive and bullying sceptics, NOT sceptics who are mature, polite and reasonable in their conduct. If you identify as a sceptic but are also tolerant and well-mannered, this does *not* apply to you.

When a movement or a group - whether religious or secular - contains some foundational principles that are downright insidious and threatening to others' personal freedoms (and, in some cases, safety) thoughtful and intelligent criticisms are often made.

This is why there are insightful critical commentaries on fundamentalist Christianity, radical Islam, the Ku Klux Klan, Nazism, Soviet and Chinese communism and various other social and political structures. Dogma, totalitarianism, oppression and bigotry of all stripes are subjects which invite mature and impassioned dissent.

However, when a movement or a group contains NONE of the aforementioned unpleasant characteristics and is generally innocuous in nature - both in its defining principles and the majority of its adherents - there is very little of significance or substance to attack. Therefore, the attacks these groups and people DO get, tend to be rather shallow - superficial at best, and bullying at worst.

The group labelled as the "New Age" - and most of the individuals that comprise it - are an example of what I am describing. I do have an interest in some subjects that the New Age covers, and appreciate parts of it, but I believe I am being objective when I give my perspective that, overall, the New Age as a group is harmless and non-threatening, with no discernibly negative affect on society at large.

See, the New Age "movement" wasn't, and isn't, really a movement in the classical sense. The New Age is largely fairly disorganised and is a melting pot of different spiritual and alternative science views, ranging from Western esotericism to Eastern mysticism to the paranormal (and the scientific study thereof, parapsychology) to holistic health/medicine and natural ways of living.

There is no foundational dogma and no rules about what to believe or *not* to believe, which is what makes defining New Age views so difficult. At most, it can only be said that "many" New Agers may have a certain point of view, but this by no means suggests that *all* do. For example, the New Age is not *necessarily* theistic - while many New Agers do believe in some concept of deity/ies, this is not a requirement.

Many New Age and spiritual beliefs have nothing to do with the concept of deity, so it is entirely plausible for a New Ager to also be an atheist and vice versa. (If anyone is confused by this, remember that atheism is MERELY the lack of belief in God/s. It does *not* preclude any other spiritual views, and an atheist who believes in ghosts, an afterlife and paranormal abilities is no less of an atheist than one who doesn't believe in those things.)

The New Age also has no strict moral code or instructions - it's essentially a group that is free of these things. There are no sets of prejudices - the New Age has nothing to say on race, sexual orientation, gender or alternative belief systems, and so is devoid of intolerance of prejudice.

There may be some individuals who subscribe to a New Age worldview who happen to ALSO have some prejudiced ideas, but these views are not New Age in origin, nor are they influenced by the New Age - unlike the way that a member of the KKK is a racist by dint of being a member of the KKK to begin with.

Neither is the New Age known for trying to impose its viewpoints on unwilling or disinterested parties. Think about it: when have you ever had a New Ager knock on your door in an attempt to spread their ideas? It just doesn't happen.

New Agers typically don't care about getting converts - they're happy to inform people if people COME TO THEM but they generally don't go looking. What many MAY enjoy is being open about their spiritual choice/lifestyle and discussing it - but there is a difference between being open about who and what you are and having a conversation and/or debate about it, and actually trying to force your way of thinking onto other people.

Taking into account all of the above, my experience has led me to believe that a great deal of organised scepticism's attacks on the New Age are lacking in depth and amount to little more than superficial sneering and mockery. (Not ALL criticisms - there are some intelligent countering views that make some salient points) but it seems like far too many "sceptical" writings on the New Age follow the arc that I first outlined. What is actually offered is very often no more than bullying and abuse.

Perhaps this is because there isn't really THAT much about the passive and non-threatening New Age onto which one can mount frequent sustained and intelligent criticisms. The New Age is so overwhelmingly harmless that most of the attacks have to stoop to ridicule and name-calling, rather than say anything of substance.
Aggressive sceptics probably know that they can't call out the New Age movement on grounds of discrimination and bigotry.

Attacking the New Age on those grounds would be untenable - the movement simply has no principles which promote discrimination or bigotry. Since this is the case, it is also difficult to criticise the New Age on generic standards of morality.

At best, what can be legitimately criticised is an individual who happens to be fraudulent or who is using their status for personal gain - but in these cases, they are personal flaws of the INDIVIDUAL and they are no more endemic to the New Age movement than plagiarism is endemic to writers and the literary establishment in general.

It is my contention that when aggressive sceptics wage their war on the New Age, they have very little to actually work with, which is why the discourse so often descends into petty name-calling. (It also might be that some of these people are just plain immature and bigoted.)

Cases in point are James Randi, PZ Myers and Jerry Coyne, who love to hurl the abusive and offensive epithets "woo" and "woo-meister" at any and all alternative spiritual and scientific notions, and the people (including professional academics, scientists and investigators) who choose to keep an open mind and actually look into these things.

Or, take Tim Minchin's incredibly prejudiced poem 'Storm' in which he proceeds to berate a classic strawman of a New Ager for being open to auras and paranormal abilities. While it is admittedly cleverly written and perhaps amusing in parts, I think it is one of the most bigoted pieces of writing I have ever seen, lacking in nuance and any attempt to seriously engage with the deeper concepts of the New Age. In my opinion, it is pure prejudice in poetry.

Consider this: when people like Martin Luther King were speaking out against entrenched racism in the United States, and of particular groups that sought to promote such racism, did they overwhelmingly resort to childish taunts and mockery?

Maybe occasionally, but in almost all of the attacks upon racial bigotry that I have seen or read, what you get is intelligent and informed criticism, taking to task backwards attitudes and those that propagate them. How often did Martin Luther Kind point and laugh and call names? He engaged seriously and maturely with what was then a very severe problem across certain swathes of the United States.

When you have grave problems to fight, you argue against them thoughtfully and intelligently. Playground taunts have no place in serious and mature discourse.
The shallowness of much of organised scepticism's attacks on the New Age highlights the fact that there is very little that they can legitimately seriously assault.

Think about this: if sceptics had significant meat to sink their teeth into, would they throw around words like "woo" and "woo-meister" with such regularity? No, they would be busy confronting the negative issues with intellect and reason. It doesn't take much intellect or reason to call somebody a "woo-woo", let me tell you.

The reason so much sceptical criticism of the New Age is lacking in maturity is because there is not very much in the New Age which is negative or problematic enough to A) warrant such criticism and B) weave an intelligent attack around.

The New Age movement "aims to create "a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas" that is inclusive and pluralistic. It holds to "a holistic worldview", emphasising that the Mind, Body, and Spirit are interrelated and that there is a form of monism and unity throughout the universe.

It attempts to create "a worldview that includes both science and spirituality" and embraces a number of forms of mainstream science as well as other forms of science that are considered fringe." scary! How terrible!

Since there is such a dearth of negativity and danger upon which to mount an attack, aggressive sceptics are usually forced to resort to juvenile and bullying behaviour and, on occasions, dishonesty and misrepresentation in order to manufacture the erroneous idea that the New Age is actually a threat.

And so much of the attacks really do seem just like bullying. Okay, some New Age ideas can seem pretty "out there" and a little bit of laughter and mockery is to be expected and can be taken as just light-hearted teasing.

But when there is a consistent and sustained campaign consisting mainly of ridicule and insults, it ceases to be moderate and harmless teasing and becomes prejudice and bullying. It is bullying to constantly castigate people by telling them they are stupid and crazy. And really, what kind of person systematically harasses people for being what they consider to be unintelligent?

If someone abused mentally retarded people and called them "stupid" they would rightly be called out on their tormenting. Not that I am trying to imply that New Agers actually *are* mentally retarded or stupid in any way - most of them are of average, or above average, intelligence.

Now, I am not saying that the New Age is totally perfect and without flaws. *Some* New Age ideas can be fluffy and vague, and there are *some* insightful sceptical responses. But by far the majority, in my experience, have been hateful and bigoted.

My suggestion to the aggressive and bullying sceptics is that rather than demonising an entire group of mostly harmless people, perhaps you could actually engage with New Agers themselves and what it is they actually believe in. Explore, learn and, if you still have questions or criticisms, pose them in a mature and reasonable way.

Make suggestions to New Agers as to how they some of their views could evolve, come up with ways in which to test some of the New Age notions. Take a little time to absorb yourself into some of the people and culture that you are belittling, rather than restricting yourself to your little boxes and throwing stones. (Note that these are *suggestions* rather than orders.)

Hopefully, I don't come over as *too* angry in this article, but I am, admittedly, somewhat angry that New Agers (and other practitioners of alternative spirituality) have been bullied and humiliated for so long. I am tired of the puerile personal attacks and infantile slurs. I am not going to stand for being called an "idiot" simply because I choose to make my mind up in favour of the existence of a spiritual reality.

Of course, there is freedom of speech and expression so aggressive sceptics, you are entitled (up to a point) to continue with your abusive behaviour all you want. You can keep on calling names, mocking and hurting other people's feelings. But don't be surprised if your antics win you few friends (aside from some of those who already share your views) and don't be surprised if the targets of your attacks get fed up and start to stand up for themselves.
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Is It Really Money That Motivates Us?
The Science Will Surprise You!

Human nature is not what we have been told.

I couldn’t contain my excitement while watching this video because this is what I have always felt to be true. Not to mention it is now backed by a legitimate study!Many people love to blame “Human Nature” for the state of our world.

It is believed that we are inherently greedy and that money is our primary source of motivation, whether it is to do good or not so good stuff. Yet my intuition always told me that modern society has nothing to do with human nature but instead with human CONDITIONING.

Think about it: it takes on average 20 years, starting from a very early age, to shape us into so-called “functional members of society” at school. And why not add a daily dose of “television programming” into the mix?

Our education and media both train us to believe that making money and consuming is our reason for being alive.

But just how natural is it to value pieces of paper more than the health of the planet we live on?

How natural is it to spend a lifetime working at repetitive jobs we don’t like simply to make money to survive?

Is there more to life than this?

I absolutely believe so.

Enjoy this awesome RSA Animate adapted from a Dan Pink’s talk.

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Check this out!!

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

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The Physical, Energetic & Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Plants


Many of the plants we pass in the background of our day are hard at work. They are employed by the planet as construction workers, teachers, security guards and doctors. Arguably the top performers in each profession and certainly the hardest workers, never wanting or taking a day off in their life.

Yet it is humanity that fails to understand much of their vital importance in each area. It is said that you don’t miss a good thing till it is gone. This seems to be the case with our plant kingdom. Radiation, heavy metal contamination, genetic tinkering (GMO) and pesticides appear to be muting the lessons of perhaps our greatest teachers and doctors throughout time, plants.

As “science” continues to discover and validate what was already known by our ancestors, it is clear we have a lot to discover regarding the assistance plants can give in all areas of human health and consciousness. Perhaps that is why they call it ‘re’ search.
It is said that the greatest inventors, scientists and overall creators throughout all time were the ones that excelled in unbiased observation.

The people of China, Africa and India represent the cultures with the longest history in true experience with the relationship of plants and the betterment of humanity. It is only in the last few centuries that we have all but abandoned the ancient wisdom in an arrogant search of high-tech solutions. This has yielded soaring cancer rates along with other chronic disease states in “developed” nations. In addition, it has distanced and blocked humanity from their intimate relationship with the earth they live on.

Rebuilding The Physical Body

As Hippocrates famously states, ‘let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ I would go a step further and say let it be thy medicine, thy doctor and thy friend. The Hippocrates Institute has been proving that raw, plant-based food is superior in balancing the body and eliminating most non-mechanical ill-health states faced by humanity for over six decades.

Much like many other areas of ‘alternative’ health, it seems that allopathic/Western/Rockefeller medicine has seen the need to join forces and admit their shortcomings. The raw plant-based diets once considered a fad appear now to be set in stone and here to stay. The wisdom of the raw plant and enzyme rich sprout to re-balance the physical body time and time again are still king.

It appears last century’s experiment of reliance on processed food along with heavy propaganda from the dairy and meat industries was a nice footnote on its way to the dustbin of history. Of the 1.8 million species identified on this planet, all eat a raw food diet except one. We are slowly rejoining our lineage as the last stubborn holdouts and receiving a warm welcome with the gifts of superior health from our old teachers.

Raising Our Consciousness

In a time in which humanity has lost its way in a fog of lower consciousness, plants have once again emerged to teach us. Plant combinations yielding ayahuasca and mushroom derived psilocybin are gaining rapid popularity not for their recreational effects but for evolutionary changes on the individual involved.

Many studies are underway
about the effects of such exotic substances. Yet the true value may forever lie beyond laboratory measuring devices and lab coats. As Alanna Ketler, contributor for Collective Evolution puts it, “Ayahuasca is an amazing tool that can assist you with clearing your innermost demons, bringing clarity and joy to your everyday life, helping you to let go of any fear, showing you what unconditional love feels like, showing you your soul purpose and many.”

The gift taught by these powerful teachers may rest solely on the elevated consciousness and intimate personal experience each walks away with after an experience with the above mentioned teachers/plants.

Dr. Bach’s Energetic Flower Therapy:

An often overlooked lesson from our plant teachers is their assistance and effects on our energetic systems. Dr. Edward Bach believed that there is no true healing unless there is “a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness”.

His Flower Therapy utilizes the essence or Soul of specific, higher order flowers that have been prepared through a harmonious process of natural alchemy. A process similar to one that Native American healers were reported to have used. These essences don’t work on the physical body.

They work on the human energy system. The beauty lies in the simplicity. However simplicity, in this case, should not be confused with a primitive, lesser form of healing. It’s quite the contrary. So the teaching goes, disease is a disharmony or the distortion of frequencies within or between different levels of the aura.

The information pattern of the distortion shows itself at the etheric level for weeks, months, or even years before it is manifested in the physical body. If these disharmonies are corrected at the etheric level by using subtle methods of healing, they will not manifest in the physical body.

In fact, physical illness serves as a last corrective factor. It’s a warning light, forcefully indicating that something has to be changed immediately to prevent dysfunction from setting in. Throughout the 1920′s and early 1930′s, Dr. Bach discovered thirty-eight separate flower essences that address different dysfunction patterns in human beings.

Each has a specific task to balance out those distortions and hence the individual’s energy body and physical body. To quote Dr. Bach, “These plants are there to extend a helping hand to man in those dark hours of forgetfulness, when he loses sight of his divinity, and allows the cloud of fear or pain to obscure his vision.”

If that sounds like your life, learn about Dr. Bach and his Bach Flower methods now with his short book titled “Heal Thyself”
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