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Non-Conformity & Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists


It’s no secret that when society, as a whole starts thinking outside the box, or starts to question what’s really happening on the planet it faces a fierce opposition. It’s also no secret that authority figures throughout history have ridiculed ideas that simply did not fit the frame. In our not so distant past, new ideas and understandings were harshly opposed by those in control. A great example is Galileo, who was convicted (and worked banned) from the public domain, and labelled as crazy.

Scientists during this time were also sought after and killed. Have things really changed today? Is the pharmaceutical industry another means of condemning and altering those who think outside the box?**For those who believe this title is misleading, I think it’s great to open ones mind to the possibility that many psychiatric labels are used to push drugs, and discourage free/alternative thought. I believe many are made up in order to do so. At the same time, I believe there are people who experience very real differences that we have yet to understand. The science behind many “mental illnesses” is also very weak.

Again, we understand very little and have much to learn.“The nail that sticks up will be hammered down.” — Japanese ProverbIs nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the latest addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it looks that way. The manual identifies a mental illness labelled as “oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD. It’s defined as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.” () It’s also included in the category of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The manual is used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses, and it seems that with each new issue a new, made up mental illness is added to the list. This isn’t something new, in the Soviet Union, a systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place and was based on the interpretation of political dissent as a psychiatric problem. Mental illness has been used for political repression, those who were/are non-conformant and do/did not accept the beliefs of authority figures (like government agencies) face labels that do not represent them at all, and have no scientific backing what so ever.

On the first glance, political abuse of psychiatry appears to represent a straightforward and uncomplicated story: the deployment of medicine as an instrument of repression. Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression, because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud. Doctors who allow themselves to be used in this way betray the trust of society and breach their most basic ethical obligations as professionals.”

The entire psychiatric disease model today is based on the theory that a brain-based, chemical imbalance causes mental illness. Dr. Mark Graff, Chair of Public Affairs of the American Psychiatric Association said that this theory was “probably drug industry derived.” (source)“There’s no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, I have a biological imbalance, I say, ‘show me your lab tests.’ There are no lab tests. So what’s the biochemical imbalance?” - Dr. Ron Leifer, New York psychiatrist (source)“If a psychiatrist says you have a shortage of a chemical, ask for a blood test and watch the psychiatrist’s reaction. The number of people who believe that scientists have proven that depressed people have low serotonin is a glorious testament to the power of marketing.” - Jonathan Leo, associate professor of anatomy at Western University of Health Sciences. (source)

It’s quite shocking how medicine is convinced that the origins of mental illnesses are to be found in biology, when over three decades of research have not been able to provide any proof. There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person’s brain. Many psychiatric ‘disorders’ aren’t even real, we’ve just been convinced that they are. This is done to keep society in check, make money, and one method of controlling the masses to prevent them from thinking outside the box.As an end note, if you’re interested you might want to check out a documentary titled Generation RX.

It’s a documentary by a world renowned producer Kevin P. Miller. In the film he examines the rise in psychiatric diagnoses’ among children and teens. The film includes a number of experts, doctors, and researchers that are internationally respected in the fields of medicine, ethics, journalism and academia. He emphasizes that a lack of ethics goes hand in hand with psychiatric drugs that are prescribed to millions worldwide, yet have never been proven safe and effective for the very conditions they are purported to treat. He also uncovers a pattern of collusion between drug manufactureres and the FDA, who literally hide evidence about the detrimental effects psychiatric drugs can have on a person.

**I don’t want this article to detract from the fact that many people do experience differences that are still not understood today. We still have much to learn about mental “mental illness.”


I think there needs to be a separation between drug prescription which is done via individual physicians, and research which looks at mental health, the physiology and biochemistry behind it. There's research which suggests (not proves) that there are imbalances. This doesn't mean that it's true in everyone, but it does suggest that there are physiological changes that occur in the brain and body when you're stressed, anxious and/or depressed. I think the research is often misuse and misleads people. This research is often done through small case studies, or through correlational research, which can only deduce a potential relationship- not cause.

The issue is, why are we curing the symptom - depression- rather than the cause - the environment, coping behaviours, etc. Giving a pill to someone won't always fix the problem, if they still face the same triggers/causes daily.
I think there needs to be a separation between drug prescription which is done via individual physicians, and research which looks at mental health, the physiology and biochemistry behind it. There's research which suggests (not proves) that there are imbalances. This doesn't mean that it's true in everyone, but it does suggest that there are physiological changes that occur in the brain and body when you're stressed, anxious and/or depressed. I think the research is often misuse and misleads people. This research is often done through small case studies, or through correlational research, which can only deduce a potential relationship- not cause.

The issue is, why are we curing the symptom - depression- rather than the cause - the environment, coping behaviours, etc. Giving a pill to someone won't always fix the problem, if they still face the same triggers/causes daily.

Part of the problem I think is our society of instant gratification...and it’s only getting worse. If you want to check the movie times...pull out your smart-phone and look it up. That would have been impossible just some 20 years ago....and even more so back in the 80’s and sooner...people didn’t even have cell phones...(maybe a giant If someone needed to get a hold of you and you weren’t just had to wait until they got home to call you back...that is unheard of’s been an invasion of our privacy in some respects.
I think the same could be said with how people look at medicine and psychology - if you can’t fix it with a pill, people don’t want to bother with it. Some things actually have to be cultivated and worked for...what a concept!
Conformity has been around as long as humans have been self-aware...but I feel that our society has taken it to a new extreme...that now if you are truly a non-conformist, or someone who really is highly creative to the point where they are thinking in a different manner than the general population then they are shunned.
We always like to say that we as humans embrace those thinkers that come along in the world who truly are highly creative...but on the down low we don’t...because we don’t understand them, and we have a long track record of destroying, killing, expelling, shunning, ostracizing, etc., what/who we don’t understand...we fear what we don’t understand.
And that is part of the way our mind is wired...we fear the dark because we can’t see what lurks in it...this probably goes back to the days when we lived in caves and the dark really did pose a threat to us - the predators waited for us there.
And although this is more of an intangible idea...I think it boils down to the same thought processes.
In retrospect we come to see that these “creative” people...these “nonconformists” have given us some of the most amazing pieces of art, music, philosophy, literature, etc.
Kind of - the artist that starves while alive and then his paintings sell for millions once he dies type thing.
Maybe these types DO have mental issues...but maybe that perspective NEEDS to be interjected into our society now and again...otherwise we will end up watching “16 and pregnant” and “here comes Honey Boo Boo” and being satisfied with our life...never wanting to further our own growth or the growth of our species.
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I'm very interested in how natural sounds interact with our senses to produce positive health benefits...I think the record/tree article and the Cymatics illustration of sound article to be a neat perspective. Imagine if they were combined? What do the sounds of nature look like? Mind you, I wonder how natural the sound from the tree is, given that it's synthetically created through a computer program.

If you find that interesting then check these out!!

Solfeggio Frequencies Set Body Into Full Harmony

What are the Solfeggio frequencies?
Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.
The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:​
396 Hz — Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz — Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz — Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)

639 Hz — Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz — Expression/Solutions
852 Hz — Returning to Spiritual Order


According to Professor Willi Apel, the origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more “god-kind”.

The original Solfeggio scale was developed by a Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo (c. 991 AD — c. 1050 AD). It was used by singers to learn chants and songs more easily. Today we know the Solfeggio scale as seven ascending notes assigned to the syllables Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti. The original scale was six ascending notes assigned to Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La. The syllables for the scale were taken from a hymn to St. John the Baptist, Ut Queant Laxis, written by Paulus Diaconus.
In the mid-1970’s Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and America’s leading herbalist, found six electro-magnetic sound frequencies that corresponded to the syllables from the hymn to St. John the Baptist.


According to the documentation provided in “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse“, Dr. Joseph Puleo was introduced, through an open vision, to the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using this method, he discovered the pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83.
The Pythagorean method is a simple reduction method, used to turn big numbers into single digits. The values of all digits in the number are added up. When after the first addition the number still contains more than one digit, the process is repeated.

Here’s an example:
456 can be reduced to 4+5+6 = 15, and subsequently reduced to 1+5=6. So the number 456 reduces eventually to the single digit 6.
Dr. Joseph Puleo found repetitions of a single issue or subject in the Book of Numbers. In Chapter 7, verse 12 he found a reference to the first day, the second day was mentioned in verse 18, the third day in verse 24, and so forth until the final reference in verse 78 which is speaking of the twelfth day.

The Pythagorean reduction of these verse numbers is:
Verse 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
Verse 18 = 1 + 8 = 9
Verse 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
Verse 30 = 3 + 0 = 3
Verse 36 = 3 + 6 = 9
Verse 42 = 4 + 2 = 6
…until verse 78
Do you see the repetition of 396? This is the first frequency.
He found the next frequency by looking at verse 13, which is speaking of an offering. Six verses down, which is verse 19, the same offering or idea is repeated, six verses down at verse 25 there is another repeat, etc. Thus, by using the Pythagorean method of reduction, again he discovered a pattern. This pattern is 417. It is the second frequency. The rest of the frequencies were found using the same method.


As you already know, the syllables used to denote the tones are: Ut, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, La. They were taken from the first stanza of the hymn to St. John the Baptist:
Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannes
Literal translation from Latin:
“In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.”
In other words, so people could live together in peace and communicate in harmony about the miracle in their lives, and how God blessed them to produce this “magic”, people’s true unpolluted spiritual natures required revelation. The above text seems to suggest that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine.
Each syllable was thoroughly studied by Dr. Puleo and other professional researchers. David Hulse, a sound therapy pioneer with over 40 years of experience, described the tones as the following:
UT — 396 Hz — turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear
RE — 417 Hz — undoing situations & facilitating change
MI — 528 Hz — transformation & miracles, repairing DNA
FA — 639 Hz — relationship, connecting with spiritual family
SOL — 741 Hz — expression/solutions, cleaning & solving
LA — 852 Hz — returning to spiritual order

Click here for detailed description of each tone.


The Solfeggio frequencies were lost because throughout history different tuning applications have been used. Ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as “Just Intonation.” The method of Just Intonation featured pure intervals between every note that were mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.

The tuning practice adopted for western cultures from about the 16th century and used today is known as “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”. According to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, the 12-Tone Equal Temperament mistunes all consonant intervals except the octave. Our modern scale can create situations such ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.
Our modern day musical scale is out of sync when compared with the original Solfeggio scale. If we want to bring harmony in our lives, we need to replace the dissonant western scale with a web of subtle and clear intervallic relationships of the Solfeggio music. Let the music become once again a tool to raise human nature and a method to connect you with the Source.


Nikola Tesla, the great genius and father of electromagnetic engineering, had once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe”. The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.

Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” All matter beings vibrate at specific rates and everything has its own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now finally being recognized by science.

That is why these frequencies are so powerful. They can literally bring you back to the original tones of the heavenly spheres and put your body into a balanced resonance. Solfeggio music is the key to the Universe. You can either throw it away or you can use it to find healing and harmony, health and well-being. Just play the music!

These original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960′s by Swiss scientist, Dr. Hans Jenny.


Cymatics, Sound & Consciousness

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have a golf-ball size consciousness when reading a book, then you will have a golf-ball size understanding. This is why it is crucial for you to broaden your minds. I am sure those of you who are reading this, have a broad mind and expanded consciousness. And by viewing the videos below, you will open yourselves to the reality and occult power of sound/music.

There is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. It is right at the source and base of mind. It is right at the source of thought. And it is also at the source of all matter.

For those of you who do not know, Matter, is actually a poorly defined term in science. The term, Matter, is used in reference to a substance (often a particle) which has “rest mass”. Matter is also used loosely as a general term for the substance that makes up all observable physical objects.
Why is matter so vaguely defined? Because there is no matter, as such.

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume that behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

The solidity of this world seems totally indisputable — as a fixed thing which you can see and touch. Your body seems also reassuringly solid. But, beginning with Albert Einstein, modern physics has assured us that this solidity is a mirage.

All physical matter, everything we have around us is actually the result of a frequency. And what this means is that if you amplify the frequency, the structure of the matter will change.

Oscillating a wine glass by playing sound at its resonance frequency, will cause it to move, change and liquify its structure and eventually even break it.
Sound is behind the manifestation of form and matter. Welcome to the study of visible sound and vibration, called Cymatics — allowing us to see into the otherwise hidden geometry in sound and the frequencies which form matter. Cymatic frequencies have an effect on texture, structure, water and more. We humans are made of over 70% water!​



Sound is one of the sole factors which holds existence together. Sound is the basis of form and shape. Everything in existence is the result of a frequency.
We are told in school that in the beginning, was the word, and the word was God. We are told that this is how the world began and how creation took shape.


Word = Symbolic for Sound Frequency.

As shown in my website videos, what you previously thought were ancient sacred sites contain pretty carvings/images, are actually intelligent carvings/images depicting sound frequencies — cymatics! Therefore, geometric patterns all over the world have much meaning and significance.

The ancients knew much more than given credit for regarding life, the universe, astronomy, advanced mathematics, magic, magnetism, healing, unseen forces, etc. Encoded knowledge is and has been conveyed in plain sight, but as signs and symbols — which only the initiates would ever understand.

Thanks to the works of those such as Manly P. Hall, Madam Blavatsky, etc and myself, you do not need to be initiated in secret societies to receive the secrets of the world.

The intangible aspects of our existence, such as emotions, are part of the true reality of higher consciousness. If emotions are part of a dimension that we cannot experience as part of our five senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell), then how is it that we are all aware of our own emotions?

What most people believe to be emotions, are not truly the emotion itself. What we are experiencing is the physical manifestation of these emotions. Anger causes a disturbance in the psyche which manifests itself in the ego. These manifestations cause the heart rate to increase, body temperature to rise, and other physical traits which signify anger.

Just as music from the radio is the physical manifestation of an intangible signal, our experience of emotion is the physical manifestation of an intangible signal too. It has been shown that our emotions possess a vibratory frequency. Further to this, it has been shown that there are only two emotions which humankind experiences:

All other emotions branch off either directly or indirectly from these two emotions. Fear possesses a long and slow frequency vibration, whilst Love possesses a very rapid and high frequency. Again, Cymatics can reveal the vibrations forming the foundations of existence.

When the vibrations of sound are passed through a form of media, there is a set pattern that will follow. When the frequency increases, the media develops into a more complex pattern. This is precisely what is happening to earth and to humanity.

There are 64 possible codes of amino acids in human DNA structure, which are made from the four elements:

  • Carbon
  • Oxygen
  • Hydrogen
  • Nitrogen

By any means of logic, we should have all 64 codes activated within our DNA structure. Yet, we only presently possess 20 active codes.

There is a switch that turns off and on, where those coding sites lay. And this switch is Emotion. Patterns of emotion have recently been discovered to be directly and physically linked to human genetics!

An individual living in fear, is limited to far fewer sites for coding than an individual living in love. Remember, the vibrational frequency of love is rapid and high.
Russian researcher Dr. Vladimir Poponin worked with DNA and light particles also known as photons. The effect produced, known as the “Phantom DNA Effect” was astounding!

The Hollywood movie, Mission To Mars (2000), should now be watched again — showing Sound vs DNA vs “Our Past, Present & Future”!
Quantum physics has revealed what ancient masters knew long ago. That is, matter does not exist. The concept of substance arose from the philosophy of the Greek philosopher, Aristotle (384-322 BC). From this concept arose science’s conception of matter. The fact of the matter is, the substance of the universe is consciousness.

Belief that the substance of the universe is matter, leads to what I call, a fear — greed dichotomy. People in their quiet desperation attempt to accumulate as many material possessions and riches as possible. However, it is behaviour which is important and not material possessions and riches because the universe is consciousness.

Quantum Physics has shown that space and time are illusions of perception. Therefore, our bodies cannot be a reality if they occupy this space.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was a New Zealand-born physicist and chemist who became known as the father of nuclear physics.
Ernest Rutherford performed an experiment in Manchester, England, that revealed to him the shape of the interior of an atom.

Scientists were shocked to discover that the atom is almost entirely empty space. The question then became, how could this empty atom possibly make a seemingly solid space around us?

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The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health

Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy and each chemical works to create a different environment within the body. For example if your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, you will feel good and happy.

Convexly, if your body releases cortisol while you are stressed, you will have an entirely different feeling associated more with the body kicking into survival mode.What about when we are thinking negative thoughts all the time? Or how about when we are thinking positive thoughts? What about when we are not emotionally charged to neither positive nor negative? Let’s explore how these affect our body and life.

Positive vs. Negative

Is there duality in our world? Sure, you could say there is to a degree, but mostly we spend a lot of time defining and judging what is to be considered as positive and what we consider to be as negative. The brain is a very powerful tool and as we define what something is or should be, we begin to have that result play out in our world. Have you ever noticed, for example that someone driving can get cut off and lose their lid, get angry and suddenly they are feeling negative, down and in bad mood? Whereas someone else can get cut off while driving and simply apply the break slightly and move on with their day as if nothing happened. In this case, the same experience yet one sees it as negative while the other doesn’t. So are things innately positive and negative? Or do we define things as positive and negative?Cut

The Perceptions As Much As Possible

After thinking about it for a moment you might realize that there are in fact no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. Therefore our very perception of an experience or situation has the ultimate power as to how we will feel when it’s happening and how our bodies will be affected. While we can always work to move beyond our definitions of each experience and move into a state of mind/awareness/consciousness where we simply accept each experience for what it is and use it as a learning grounds for us, we may not be there yet and so it’s important to understand how certain emotions can affect our health.

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” ~ Hippocrates

Body Connection

The connection between your mind and body is very powerful and although it cannot be visually seen, the effects your mind can have on your physical body are profound. We can have an overall positive mental attitude and deal directly with our internal challenges and in turn create a healthy lifestyle or we can be in negative, have self destructive thoughts and not deal with our internal issues, possibly even cloak those issues with affirmations and positivity without finding the route and in turn we can create an unhealthy lifestyle.

Why is this?
Our emotions and experiences are essentially energy and they can be stored in the cellular memory of our bodies. Have you ever experienced something in your life that left an emotional mark or pain in a certain area of your body? Almost as if you can still feel something that may have happened to you? It is likely because in that area of your body you still hold energy released from that experience that is remaining in that area. I came across an interesting chart that explores some possible areas that various emotions might affect the body.


When you have a pain, tightness or injuries in certain areas, it’s often related to something emotionally you are feeling within yourself. At first glance it may not seem this way because we are usually very out of touch with ourselves and our emotions in this fast paced world, but it’s often the truth. When I’ve had chronic pains in my back, knees, neck or shoulders, it wasn’t exercise, physio or anything in a physical sense that healed it, it was when I dealt with the emotions behind it.

I know this because I spent the time and money going to physio and even though I wanted and believed I would get better, something wasn’t being addressed still. The more I addressed the unconscious thought pattern and emotions throughout my body, the more thins loosened up and pain went away.When you get sick or are feeling a lot of tightness and pain, often times our body is asking us to observe yourself and find peace once again within yourself and your environment. It’s all a learning and growing process we don’t have to judge nor fear.

You Have The Power

Davis Suzuki wrote in ‘The Sacred Life’, ‘condensed molecules from breath exhaled from verbal expressions of anger, hatred, and jealousy, contain toxins. Accumulated over 1 hr, these toxins are enough to kill 80 guinea pigs!’ Can you now imagine the harm you are doing to your body when you stay within negative emotions or unprocessed emotional experience throughout the body?

Remember, you have all the power in you to get through anything life throws at you. Instead of labeling with perception the concepts of negative and positive as it relates to each experience you have in your life, try to see things from a big picture standpoint. Ask yourself, how can this help me to see or learn something? Can I use this to shift my perception? Clear some emotion within myself? Realize something within another and accept it? Whatever it may be, instead of simply reacting, slow things down and observe.

You will find you have the tools to process emotions and illness quickly when you see them for what they are and explore why they came up. If you believe you will get sick all the time, and believe you have pain because it’s all out of your control, you will continue to have it all in an uncontrollable manner until you realize the control you have over much of what we attract within the body.
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Part of the problem I think is our society of instant gratification...and it’s only getting worse. If you want to check the movie times...pull out your smart-phone and look it up. That would have been impossible just some 20 years ago....and even more so back in the 80’s and sooner...people didn’t even have cell phones...(maybe a giant If someone needed to get a hold of you and you weren’t just had to wait until they got home to call you back...that is unheard of’s been an invasion of our privacy in some respects.
I think the same could be said with how people look at medicine and psychology - if you can’t fix it with a pill, people don’t want to bother with it. Some things actually have to be cultivated and worked for...what a concept!
Conformity has been around as long as humans have been self-aware...but I feel that our society has taken it to a new extreme...that now if you are truly a non-conformist, or someone who really is highly creative to the point where they are thinking in a different manner than the general population then they are shunned.
We always like to say that we as humans embrace those thinkers that come along in the world who truly are highly creative...but on the down low we don’t...because we don’t understand them, and we have a long track record of destroying, killing, expelling, shunning, ostracizing, etc., what/who we don’t understand...we fear what we don’t understand.
And that is part of the way our mind is wired...we fear the dark because we can’t see what lurks in it...this probably goes back to the days when we lived in caves and the dark really did pose a threat to us - the predators waited for us there.
And although this is more of an intangible idea...I think it boils down to the same thought processes.
In retrospect we come to see that these “creative” people...these “nonconformists” have given us some of the most amazing pieces of art, music, philosophy, literature, etc.
Kind of - the artist that starves while alive and then his paintings sell for millions once he dies type thing.
Maybe these types DO have mental issues...but maybe that perspective NEEDS to be interjected into our society now and again...otherwise we will end up watching “16 and pregnant” and “here comes Honey Boo Boo” and being satisfied with our life...never wanting to further our own growth or the growth of our species.

I totally agree!

The rise in pharmaceuticals really happened after the industrial era, when people wanted quick fixes to get back to work, rather than understanding the external forces causing them to experience things like stress, anxiety, hysteria, etc. However, those illnesses were there prior to the rise in prescription medication - I just think our current environment and our inability to actually allow ourselves to take time to recover, exacerbates us. You can see documentation of depression and anxiety dating back to the Romans - their treatment was actually aromatherapy, light therapy (sitting in sunlight), or to walk outside in a garden - there is actual accounts of a Roman hospital having a therapeutic garden!

I do agree that we don't foster or encourage creativity - I know I've posted about Ken Robinson a billion times on here, but he does such a great job outlining the lack of creativity in our children, and the monumental impact it'll have on our society!

I see it in my own generation, of people not wanting to work towards a goal- we are outcome driven, and we want that outcome to be instantaneous! The fact that we can't have something right away is now causing us stress - this has to do with the dopamine feedback loop and our physiological and psychological reward system. Essentially, we will take anything that gives up that little spike, which, as you said is now trashy TV! (I am a victim of it :( ) We no longer value longterm hard work, which is often the source of creativity! Think of all the masterpieces that took a lifetime to create! We don't value that at all now!
I totally agree!

The rise in pharmaceuticals really happened after the industrial era, when people wanted quick fixes to get back to work, rather than understanding the external forces causing them to experience things like stress, anxiety, hysteria, etc. However, those illnesses were there prior to the rise in prescription medication - I just think our current environment and our inability to actually allow ourselves to take time to recover, exacerbates us. You can see documentation of depression and anxiety dating back to the Romans - their treatment was actually aromatherapy, light therapy (sitting in sunlight), or to walk outside in a garden - there is actual accounts of a Roman hospital having a therapeutic garden!

I do agree that we don't foster or encourage creativity - I know I've posted about Ken Robinson a billion times on here, but he does such a great job outlining the lack of creativity in our children, and the monumental impact it'll have on our society!

I see it in my own generation, of people not wanting to work towards a goal- we are outcome driven, and we want that outcome to be instantaneous! The fact that we can't have something right away is now causing us stress - this has to do with the dopamine feedback loop and our physiological and psychological reward system. Essentially, we will take anything that gives up that little spike, which, as you said is now trashy TV! (I am a victim of it :( ) We no longer value longterm hard work, which is often the source of creativity! Think of all the masterpieces that took a lifetime to create! We don't value that at all now!

Although the roman therpy garden sounds lovely the patient will after lowering their blood pressure have to return to the society which made them anxious in the first place

A psychiatric ward or a therapy garden is a temporary escape from the storm and pharmaceuticals are a way to try and block out the fact that you are in a storm

The only way of curing these problems is to change the system so that the storm abates

Take the romans for example. Yes they were anxious because they lived in a money and debt based system just like us. Sure some of them might have had slaves to do much of the menial work for them but this not only dehumanises the slave it also dehumanises the slave master who has compromised themself as an oppressor who must now worry whether their slave will one day slit their throat when they are sleeping

The only way to alleviate such concerns is to end slavery, end debt and end money

Everything else is window dressing

Dehumanisation of the money based system:

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Although the roman therpy garden sounds lovely the patient will after lowering their blood pressure have to return to the society which made them anxious in the first place

A psychiatric ward or a therapy garden is a temporary escape from the storm and pharmaceuticals are a way to try and block out the fact that you are in a storm

The only way of curing these problems is to change the system so that the storm abates

Take the romans for example. Yes they were anxious because they lived in a money and debt based system just like us. Sure some of them might have had slaves to do much of the menial work for them but this not only dehumanises the slave it also dehumanises the slave master who has compromised themself as an oppressor who must now worry whether their slave will one day slit their throat when they are sleeping

The only way to alleviate such concerns is to end slavery, end debt and end money

Everything else is window dressing

Sorry- I don't think I said it the way I meant, but I agree with this. It's recognizing the external issues that are causing the the ill health! However, I am a believer that there are biological and physiological issues that make cases the result of internal factors.

I guess what I was trying to say that, before pills, there were still cases of such illnesses - which may or may not have been linked to external forces. However, with the rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization, we saw a significant rise in mental health issues - which has triggered pharmaceutical companies to get rich, rather than looking at health promoting factors that could help. I like to look at how our environment can be changed to not only help decrease the impacts of mental health, but also prevent. Our society just wants a cure, rather than focus on prevention.
Sorry- I don't think I said it the way I meant, but I agree with this. It's recognizing the external issues that are causing the the ill health! However, I am a believer that there are biological and physiological issues that make cases the result of internal factors.

I guess what I was trying to say that, before pills, there were still cases of such illnesses - which may or may not have been linked to external forces. However, with the rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization, we saw a significant rise in mental health issues - which has triggered pharmaceutical companies to get rich, rather than looking at health promoting factors that could help. I like to look at how our environment can be changed to not only help decrease the impacts of mental health, but also prevent. Our society just wants a cure, rather than focus on prevention.

I think there have been changes in our society for sure that are increasing the pressures but i think big pharma don't want a cure. If they cure people they destroy their market

Society is living in fear...fear of losing status, fear of not gaining status, fear of not paying rents, bills, taxes etc and is looking for anyway to enable them to keep going in what is a sick system....this is just treading water though and not actually progressing anywhere

Big pharma in turn want people with chronic physical and mental health problems who will then be customers for life

If people want things to change they need to change how they think, how they speak and how they act. They need to think, speak and behave a new reality into existance
I think there have been changes in our society for sure that are increasing the pressures but i think big pharma don't want a cure. If they cure people they destroy their market

Society is living in fear...fear of losing status, fear of not gaining status, fear of not paying rents, bills, taxes etc and is looking for anyway to enable them to keep going in what is a sick system....this is just treading water though and not actually progressing anywhere

Big pharma in turn want people with chronic physical and mental health problems who will then be customers for life

If people want things to change they need to change how they think, how they speak and how they act. They need to think, speak and behave a new reality into existance

I wish you all lived around me, and then I would experiment on the most humane and uncreepy way.

I would put you in my lab filled with trees, sunshine, butterflies, and bird sounds...then see how much you frolic around with love and joy! Instead...I will just use students.....MUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I wish you all lived around me, and then I would experiment on the most humane and uncreepy way.

I would put you in my lab filled with trees, sunshine, butterflies, and bird sounds...then see how much you frolic around with love and joy! Instead...I will just use students.....MUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


The trick is to make the whole world into that place

We really might be the generation to do it
The trick is to make the whole world into that place

We really might be the generation to do it

Small steps! get people to see the impact of it, and they'll begin to value it!
Sorry- I don't think I said it the way I meant, but I agree with this. It's recognizing the external issues that are causing the the ill health! However, I am a believer that there are biological and physiological issues that make cases the result of internal factors.

I guess what I was trying to say that, before pills, there were still cases of such illnesses - which may or may not have been linked to external forces. However, with the rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization, we saw a significant rise in mental health issues - which has triggered pharmaceutical companies to get rich, rather than looking at health promoting factors that could help. I like to look at how our environment can be changed to not only help decrease the impacts of mental health, but also prevent. Our society just wants a cure, rather than focus on prevention.

Our environment has for sure changed...I actually DO think that we have created a more stressful society. Besides that, we are constantly bombarded with images that tell us - we are not good enough...attractive enough...thin enough...that we will be attacked by terrorist any moment...or no one will like us if we don’t own this car...this house...act a certain way. People are reaching the point where they cannot afford to live in the way society tells them they should.
I could go on and on listing factors that exist in our society of today as opposed to generations before. I am not saying that life was easier a hundred or two-hundred years ago...but it definitely wasn’t as fast paced.
Our society is incredibly lazy...only wanting a quick fix...I don’t foresee it getting any least not until it gets worse first.
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Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
presented in 8 bit Zelda graphics!

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Lets not get caught up on details, there is a bigger picture to this whole thing. This is the story of man, the story that we’ve created, and an invitation to write a different one. A story of unity, of harmony, of growth, and of powerful transformative change.

Lets not get caught up on details, there is a bigger picture to this whole thing. This is the story of man, the story that we’ve created, and an invitation to write a different one. A story of unity, of harmony, of growth, and of powerful transformative change.


Awesome video clip!!
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We all know about Tesla, how he was a master of energy and electricity, and wanted to build a new world where everyone and everything was connected, and free energy was abundant everywhere!

But I don’t think I’ve ever seen a presentation as moving, creative, and inspirational as this!

Combining projection mapping and a pop-up book, Marco Tempest tells a visually arresting story about Nikola Tesla — called “the greatest geek who ever lived” — from his triumphant invention of alternating current to his penniless last days.


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Well, it just seems to make sense that different vibrations would influence our bodies...even at a quantum level.

“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” — Albert Einstein

This quote implies that there really is NO separation between what we determine as "matter"...that when we think something is separate, when we think that WE are is all really the same bits of "matter" vibrating in the universe. The "matter" that makes up our brain communicates with why not two "individual" brains having the ability to communicate too? Why not? It only seems to make sense that the atoms vibrating through the air that are in contact with us could somehow send a message if we only knew how.

The Einstein quote is wonderful. He knew the truth....didn't he? do I find/choose music with the correct frequency of 432hz?