Merkabah | Page 74 | INFJ Forum

Lecture 5: The Distinction of Past and Future

Lecture 6: Probability and Uncertainty — The Quantum Mechanical View of Nature

Lecture 7: Seeking New Laws
Random picture I found...

Hydrogen wave functions : density probability plots. Look familiar?

The Bedside Watcher


In this series of video stills from a surveilance/monitoring camera in a hospital, you can see what looks like a misty child-like human form, watching over a patient. However, there are at least three versions of who the person in the bed is, and what they are doing in the hospital: a sleep experiment, a dying elderly man or a terminally ill child.

If it is, in fact, a spirit watching over the sick or dying, it is comforting to know that someone is with them, even if only in spirit.

It Watches While You Sleep


Here are three video stills, from an IR surveilance/monitoring camera, located in a hospital. Two of the three images show what looks to be a misty, child-like, human figure standing to the side of a hospital bed.

One of these video stills shows the figure almost perched on the railings, looking down at the patient. The other looks as though it is making contact with the person’s forehead.

These images proved quite popular a few years ago, when they started making the rounds through social media and although it is great that people show an interest, what it has done is caused a bit of a mix up with the story relating to the photos.


In a good example of 'social media chinese whispers', with each posting of the image the story has been changed, so that now, when trying to find information, you will stumble across quite a few variants.

However, there are three main variants that are talked about the most:

The first does not give a place for the hospital/medical center, but tells us it was part of a sleep analysis experiment. The man in the bed had been suffering from waking dreams, that involved people coming through his bedroom walls in an attempt to get to him.

These terrors were so bad that his waking life was suffering, as he was being severely sleep deprived due to an anxiety of going to bed. It was during the experiments to monitor him and determine what was happening in his brain during these waking nightmares, that the cameras picked up the images.

Was the 'ghost' one of the people who would attack him in his 'waking dreams'?

The second places the hospital in Osaka, Japan. The person in the bed is an elderly person who was soon to pass away. No explanation is given as for why there was a monitoring camera set up.


It was at a time just before death that the image was captured. Many speculated that maybe it was one of their close relatives coming to help them make the crossing to the other side, or maybe it was their own spirit taking one last look at their body before leaving it behind.

This Osaka Hospital version of this story is by far the most told.

The final story places the location as a children’s hospital. The person in the bed is a young boy who was terminally ill. He had been battling with illness for a long time, and the night the footage was taken was the first night of many he would spend in the hospital under care, before he finally lost his fight.

Although this image was captured a long time before he died, many believe that it is perhaps a guardian angel, a friendly spirit who would look over the sick children in the hospital.

Then of course maybe it was not a spirit at all but something else...

What do you think?


Calling Earth (July 2014 Version)

CALLING EARTH • A rough-cut documentary-in-progress about communication with the deceased through modern electronic technology. (Parts 1 through 10 of 11)

Produced, Directed and Edited by Dan Drasin.
Associate Producer, Tim Coleman
Music Courtesy of Harold Moses, James Crocker, Mitchell Covington and John Rowcroft


Because the conscious survival of physical death makes no sense in terms of our materialistic (essentially 19th-century) scientific paradigm, Western science is only now beginning to play catch-up in this arena.
So please don't take this documentary as the final word.
In another decade or two we may well look back on this type of research as primitive, but for now it's a start.
Just try it on for size and see what you think, keeping in mind that a documentary film can only scratch the surface of any subject. We hope you enjoy it.

Camera: Dan Drasin and Tim Coleman • Special thanks to Leslie Kean and Jolyn O'Hare • Editorial Services: Tim Coleman and Boris Zubov • Interim Narration by Dan Drasin • Dedicated to the memory of Jane Kimbrough • © 2014 by Daniel Drasin • Produced for free, educational viewing only. Unlicensed materials are included under applicable Fair Use provisions.

This has to be watched on Vimeo and will not let me post the video….but here is the link…enjoy!
Near-Death Experiencers Shouldn’t Be Treated as Crazy: Healthcare Workers Discuss

(Man these folks look goofy…lol)

A panel of healthcare workers discussed as part of a panel at the IANDs 2014 Conference how near-death experiences are received by their colleagues. Among the panelists were Dr. J. Timothy Green (top left), Lee Witting (moderator, bottom left), and Erica McKenzie (right). (Background image via Shutterstock*)

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.—Erica McKenzie is a registered nurse who has not only seen many patients come back from the brink of death with reports of experiencing the other side, but who has also had her own profound near-death experience.

McKenzie spent months in a psychiatric facility after telling a doctor about her experience.
Without any previous history of mental illness, at the age of 31, she found herself on high doses of medication and separated from her children.

She learned she had to lie to have her medication decreased and to eventually be released.

When the staff at the facility would ask her, “How are you today? Did you go to heaven?” she learned to reply that she hadn’t, even though she felt deeply her vivid experience of the afterlife.

Healthcare professionals discussed how to better approach patients reporting near-death experiences (NDEs), as part of a panel at theInternational Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDs) 2014 Conference, August 28–31.

While there are people who have hallucinations and need certain treatments to function well and live healthy lives, noted some psychiatrists at the event, NDEs should not necessarily be lumped in with such hallucinations.

NDEs are fairly common among people who’ve had brushes with death. Reports of communication with angels or deceased people, whether as part of an NDE or otherwise, shouldn’t be immediately discounted as hallucinations, the healthcare workers said.

Panel moderator Lee Witting, who hosts NDE Radio and is also a hospital chaplain, said: “You wouldn’t disrespect a Catholic, or a Protestant, or a Jew, or a Muslim for their beliefs, would you?

Then why do it to someone who’s had a personal, mystical experience?”

The panelists, immersed in the healthcare community, could testify that many doctors and other professionals are open to the idea that NDEs are genuine.

While the most common reaction is to immediately dismiss what the patient says as a dream or hallucination, these panelists found that after discussing NDEs with doctors and educating them, they became more receptive and even enthusiastic about the NDEs reported by their patients.

Julijan Naskov, MD, said he has encouraged his colleagues to record with him privately the NDEs they have heard.
While they won’t necessarily openly discuss NDEs, the doctors are comfortable with this method.

Psychiatrist J. Timothy Green said he gave an atheist neurologist he knows a copy of Dr. Eben Alexander’s book, “Proof of Heaven.” Alexander has been an academic neurosurgeon for more than 25 years, including work at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

He thought that NDEs were fantasies produced by the brain until he had his own.
After reading Alexander’s book, the doctor became more open to at least hearing his patients describe their experiences.

This doctor enthusiastically told Green of one NDE he heard: a patient in her 60s saw her dead father standing in front of a bright light.
She wanted intensely to go to the light, but her father said it’s not the right time.
She tried to run around her father as she did when she was a little girl, but he caught her in his arms and told her she can’t go into the light yet.

Many elderly NDEers are slapped with the “dementia” label, said psychologist Liz Dale.
She works with patients at San Francisco General Hospital and in nursing homes.

When she encounters an NDEer, she removes “dementia” from the file after assessing the patient if the NDE is the only reason that diagnosis has been given.

“I think it’s unfair to say that somebody who is in a spiritual emergence or who just had an NDE or is noticing somebody is helping them to cross over, that they should then be diagnosed with a cognitive deficit—that’s what I’m against,” Dale said.


An audience member who works as a psychologist pointed out that about 15 years ago there was an effort to get “spiritual emergence” officially recognized and included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) that guides professionals in diagnosis.
It was a failed effort.

Jan Holden of the University of North Texas said a recent study of hers, which has just been accepted for publication in an American Psychological Association journal, looks at how NDEs are received by healthcare professionals.

She examined 188 cases in which NDEers disclosed their experience to healthcare providers.

The majority, 4 out of 5, received positive or neutral responses.
The 1 out of 5 that received negative responses were often those who impulsively told healthcare providers about their NDE right away.

The most positive cases were those in which the NDEer waited to talk about it, waited perhaps until they gauged an appropriate and receptive environment.

Krista Gorman, a physician’s assistant and NDEer, waited more than a decade to openly discuss her experience. “I was terrified of sharing it,” she said.

When she told her boss, a head doctor at the hospital where she works, that she was coming to the IANDs conference to discuss her NDE, he was supportive.
He said, “I mean, I believe in all that,” recalled Gorman with a laugh.

As she’s opened up about her experience to her colleagues, she’s had mixed responses. “The responses that I focus on, that I give my attention and energy to, are the supportive ones,” she said.

An audience member who works as a psychiatrist in Vancouver, Canada, warned against going to extremes by looking down on all doctors who dismiss or react negatively to NDEs.

“We have to be careful that we don’t get into polarization,” she said. “We’re all learning together.” She has found through her efforts to educate healthcare workers in Vancouver about NDEs that many react positively and are more open to listening to their patients’ experiences.

Do Alzheimer’s, Dementia Prove the Soul Doesn’t Exist?

A brain affected by Alzheimer's disease (above) and a healthy brain (below). Does the mind or soul exist without the brain?

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.Occasionally, just before death, people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia who’ve been completely incoherent for many years will seem to return suddenly to their senses.
Their memories, personality, and entire mind–so long shrouded by the disease that loved ones had lost hope of their return–shine forth in a final blaze. This phenomenon is known as terminal lucidity.

Some say it refutes the philosophical argument that the “soul” is merely a function of the brain.

The late philosopher Paul Edwards made his “Alzheimer’s Argument Against the Soul” in 1995.
He used the example of “Mrs. D.” Mrs. D was a kind and generous lady, often helping others.

Alzheimer’s drastically changed that. “All her elegance was gone.
She no longer recognized her children, and then in the advanced stage, became extremely aggressive.

She who always helped others and was kind to others suddenly started to beat up other elderly patients,” quoted Robert Mays, a near-death experiences researcher.

Mays gave a presentation on terminal lucidity at the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) 2014 Conference on Aug. 30, on behalf of Dr. Alexander Batthyany, a professor in the cognitive science department at the University of Vienna.

Edwards argued that the case of Mrs. D shows the mind or soul does not exist separately from the brain.
When the brain is damaged, the person’s mind is damaged.

Mrs. D was kind when her brain was functioning, but her personality disappeared when her brain ceased to function properly, proving that the brain creates the mind.

Batthyany said that Edwards makes an “intuitively compelling” argument.

But terminal lucidity may suggest the mind is not destroyed with the brain, Batthyany said.

If the mind were dependent on parts of the brain for existence, it is hard to see how a whole person–a person who can make connections between this memory and that, a person who can calmly and rationally interact with others and perform coherent actions–could return.

If parts of the brain were so badly affected by the disease, one would expect only a fragmented individual to remain.


The diagram on the right shows a brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease. The diagram on the left shows a healthy brain. (Wikimedia Commons)


Above is a brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Below is a healthy brain.

Batthyany asks whether Edwards’s argument would be as compelling if the loss of cognition were only temporary.
What if Mrs. D were in a state of drug-induced confusion or some dream state with effects similar to Alzheimer’s?

Would it make a difference in how Edwards viewed the case if Mrs. D’s mind returned to normal functioning and her personality remained intact?

In terminal lucidity, it almost looks as if the mind distances itself from a diseased brain, if only briefly, and close to the actual dying process, said Batthyany.
When one reads such reports, one cannot help but get the impression that the mind is also hidden behind and constrained by the brain, he said: “Much like the moon eclipses the sun, the brain eclipses the self.”

The Data

Further studies need to be done on terminal lucidity to understand the phenomenon and all of its implications, Batthyany said.

In a survey of 800 caregivers, only 32 responded.
These 32 caregivers had cumulatively cared for 227 Alzheimer’s or dementia patients.

About 10 percent of these patients had a sudden and brief return to lucidity.
However, these caregivers were self-selected, warned Batthyany.

The low response rate may well mean that the phenomenon is rare, and that we received replies primarily from those who had witnessed terminal lucidity in their dying patients. Currently, we do not know how often the phenomenon really takes place.

Most people with dementia still die with dementia.
Yet cases of terminal lucidity have a lasting impact on those witnessing them.

A caregiver was quoted as saying: “Before this happened, I had become fairly cynical about the human vegetables I cared for.
Now, I understand that I am caring for nurslings of immortality.
Had you seen what I saw, you would understand that dementia can affect the soul, but it will not destroy it.”

Studies carried out by Michael Nahm and Bruce Greyson, including one published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease in 2010, are based on analyses of recorded cases from 100 years ago or earlier.
More current information is needed, Batthyany said.

‘Thanks for Everything’

A few cases were cited in Batthyany’s presentation, including the following: “An elderly woman with dementia, almost mute, no longer recognizes people, non-expressive. Unexpectedly one day, she called her daughter and thanked her for everything … [she] had a phone conversation with the grandchildren, exchanged kindness and warmth, and said farewell, and shortly afterwards, she died.”

In another case study, the patient was mute and disoriented and hadn’t seemed to notice or understand when her husband, whose name was Urs, died.
A few months after her husband’s death, she sat up in bed, stretched out her hand, and said, “Urs! Yes, yes, ready.” She died shortly afterward.

Though this case was somewhat ambiguous, Batthyany said, it was nonetheless untypical of hallucinatory delusions sometimes observed in Alzheimer patients in that it was calm, orderly, and based on traces of memory that hadn’t been observed in the patient in a long time.

It also showed a similarity to many near-death experiences, in which people who have brushes with death or who die for a few moments before being resuscitated often report seeing loved ones who help them “cross over.”

Near-death experiencers also often report hovering above their physical bodies, seeing beings or scenes in the afterlife, feelings of euphoria, et cetera.

A Philosopher’s Take

As he seeks further scientific data, Batthyany considers also the words of philosophers.

He quoted Spinoza: “You can have light without shadow, but you cannot have shadow without light.”

Lucidity, the mind’s normal state, is the light. Dementia and confusion are the shadows.

Batthyany also said: “You can have truth without error, but you cannot have error without truth.”
Error is a deviation, as dementia and Alzheimer’s are deviations from the brain’s normal functioning.

There may yet be a true mind or a light shining behind the distorted shadows of the disease.

Batthyany closed on a cautionary note.
Terminal lucidity research is a very young field, and it would be premature to draw strong conclusions from the little data currently available.

We still do not know what is happening and how it is possible that some of these patients who have been lost for years return to cognitive lucidity in the presence of severe brain pathology.

Batthyany’s research also shows that terminal lucidity episodes tend to be relatively brief (between 30 minutes and 2 hours) and are therefore easy to miss.

The only strong conclusion so far seems to be that we should never cease giving attention to dying patientswhether demented or notas end-of-living experiences such as terminal lucidity have deep impact and give warm consolation to family, friends, and caregivers, whatever the wider implications may be.



View of emitter and receiver subjects with non-invasive devices supporting, respectively, the BCI based on EEG changes driven by motor imagery (left) and the CBI based on the reception of phosphenes elicited by a neuronavigated TMS (right) components of the B2B transmission system.
Credit: Grau C, Ginhoux R, Riera A, Nguyen TL, Chauvat H, et al. (2014) Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105225. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105225

In a first-of-its-kind study, an international team of neuroscientists and robotics engineers have demonstrated the viability of direct brain-to-brain communication in humans.

Recently published in PLOS ONE the highly novel findings describe the successful transmission of information via the internet between the intact scalps of two human subjects -- located 5,000 miles apart.

"We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways," explains coauthor Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD, Director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

"One such pathway is, of course, the internet, so our question became, 'Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other in India and France?'"
It turned out the answer was "yes."

In the neuroscientific equivalent of instant messaging, Pascual-Leone, together with Giulio Ruffini and Carles Grau leading a team of researchers from Starlab Barcelona, Spain, and Michel Berg, leading a team from Axilum Robotics, Strasbourg, France, successfully transmitted the words "hola" and "ciao" in a computer-mediated brain-to-brain transmission from a location in India to a location in France using internet-linked electroencephalogram (EEG) and robot-assisted and image-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technologies.

Previous studies on EEG-based brain-computer interaction (BCI) have typically made use of communication between a human brain and computer.
In these studies, electrodes attached to a person's scalp record electrical currents in the brain as a person realizes an action-thought, such as consciously thinking about moving the arm or leg.
The computer then interprets that signal and translates it to a control output, such as a robot or wheelchair.

But, in this new study, the research team added a second human brain on the other end of the system.
Four healthy participants, aged 28 to 50, participated in the study.

One of the four subjects was assigned to the brain-computer interface (BCI) branch and was the sender of the words; the other three were assigned to the computer-brain interface (CBI) branch of the experiments and received the messages and had to understand them.

Using EEG, the research team first translated the greetings "hola" and "ciao" into binary code and then emailed the results from India to France.
There a computer-brain interface transmitted the message to the receiver's brain through noninvasive brain stimulation.

The subjects experienced this as phosphenes, flashes of light in their peripheral vision.
The light appeared in numerical sequences that enabled the receiver to decode the information in the message, and while the subjects did not report feeling anything, they did correctly receive the greetings.

A second similar experiment was conducted between individuals in Spain and France, with the end result a total error rate of just 15 percent, 11 percent on the decoding end and five percent on the initial coding side.

"By using advanced precision neuro-technologies including wireless EEG and robotized TMS, we were able to directly and noninvasively transmit a thought from one person to another, without them having to speak or write," says Pascual-Leone. "This in itself is a remarkable step in human communication, but being able to do so across a distance of thousands of miles is a critically important proof-of-principle for the development of brain-to-brain communications. We believe these experiments represent an important first step in exploring the feasibility of complementing or bypassing traditional language-based or motor-based communication."

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference:

  • Carles Grau, Romuald Ginhoux, Alejandro Riera, Thanh Lam Nguyen, Hubert Chauvat, Michel Berg, Julià L. Amengual, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Giulio Ruffini.Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies. PLoS ONE, 2014; 9 (8): e105225 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0105225

Cite This Page:

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. "Direct brain-to-brain communication demonstrated in human subjects." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 September 2014. <>.



Our Souls come into this 3-Dimensional Reality for a reason.
This is not to say we are bound by one goal, but that we can choose to have any experience out of a myriad of possible realities.

All of these branching life paths are absolutely viable and justified courses of action in the eyes of our Eternal selves.
Whatever choice we make, it is ultimately for the overarching desire to rise in consciousness, to grow in self knowledge, and thus expand the Infinite Mind of God in which we all reside.

As we’ve covered, everything in reality is essentially thought vibration in an infinitely extending spectrum of mental-musical octaves.
We’ve also discovered that our Souls, as fractal extensions of the transcendent consciousness, are what collectively creates these symphonies of vibration for the purpose of experience.

We are in fact the universe perceiving itself, and thus creating itself.

With this in mind, let us look to a multidimensional perspective.
When our Souls peer into the limiting illusory experience of physical reality ready to jump in, what sort of events would we naturally intend to observe?

Since every Soul is a fractal point of the Infinite Personality, we all have very different vantage points in the vast sea of possible realities to create.

Each of us is imbued with a unique personality from our Higherselves, and will have our own ideas and concepts that we wish to play with when coming here, all of them having the underlying purpose of having a new experience and thus expanding consciousness.

They will be experienced one way or another, because we’ve already created them and are only playing these stories out in our linear time structure.

Do not be mistaken, this is the epitome of free will, as the very core of who we are is what decides to have these experiences.
Our Souls are seated deep within our vessels, deliberately and consciously plucking the harp strings of consciousness, vibrating out into the quantum foam and becoming the experience itself through the listening thereof.

We all have a different song to play, and each compliments the whole in a unique way.

In these next 7 articles, I will present 6 Ways of Being that produce the most harmonic melodies for the whole of Consciousness to continue expanding in the most positive fashion. They also appeal to all the main archetypes of human personality so every person can find their niche to explore in this system.

Understand that the archetypal images, made popular by Carl Jung, are human personality templates and do not encompass the mindset of every individual in humanity.

However, these themes and core intentions have been recorded and written about throughout human history.

Each of them will naturally gravitate towards a certain Way, so if you share any similarities with an Archetype, this may indicate you should work towards that field.

The Ways of Light are an interdisciplinary journey of spiritual progress and practice.
This is a real means of moving forward in spiritual understanding and in applying this understanding.

It offers a method of connecting, interacting, and partaking in a personal spiritual practice that simultaneously uplifts oneself and the world around them.

Each article after this one will focus on one Way of Light, outlining all of the related techniques, and practices in each spiritual vocation. This will be an introduction into the philosophies, archetypes and methods associated with each Way.

Let’s begin.

Way of the Sentinel

The Sentinel is the true warrior soul, whose pure intentions are always directed towards protecting and maintaining balance, never instigating any sort of forceful encounter unless aggressively provoked.

Creed: To nurture, maintain, and protect the awakening collective consciousness in order to cultivate a harmonious environment for all.

Archetypal Images:

The Hero (core desire: to prove one’s with through acts of courage. core fear: weakness/ vulnerability.)

The Ruler (core desire: order. core fear: chaos.)

Element: Earth


Grounding – The process of energetically anchoring yourself or others to the Earth or certain positive mental structures for the purpose of energy distribution, stability, and connection with a greater manifestation of self.

Shielding – The creation of energetic or mental barriers with particular belief patterns structured for protection, sustainability, growth, and discretion.

Clearing – The creation of mental or energetic space free of negativity or conflicting belief structures.

Guardian Creation – The creation of simple thought forms programmed to protect consciousness.

Crystal Work – The collaboration with Earth energies manifest as crystals for the purpose of creating energetic barriers or crystal grids.

Astral Combat – The way of astral self defense via energetic tools with particular belief patterns created for dismantling offensive astral entities or ‘negative’ thought forms.

Way of the Empath

Empaths are healer souls who deeply feel their surroundings and work to restore emotional and energetic balance by introducing a new positive vibration.

Creed – To create a positive, healing, and inspirational co-mental environment.

Archetypal Images:

Caregiver (core desire: To help and care for others. core fear: Selfishness and ingratitude.)

Everyman (core desire: Connecting with others. core fear: To be left out or stand out in a crowd.)

Element: Water


Breathwork – Observing and controlling the flow of prana within yourself through breathe and visualization.

Empathy – The direct sensing of the emotional environment

Mudras – Hand signals and formations which direct the flow of energy in unique ways.

Atmosphere Shift – Projecting a positive energy that creates an emotionally/energetically uplifting environment.

Radiant Creation – The creation of simple thought forms which produce blissful and positive emotions or thought patterns in a mental environment.

E-flow – The flow of prana into other energy bodies to heal and balance.

Way of the Transient

This being is the manifestation of freedom, as it moves through all the various planes of reality to experience all there is to see with no limitation.

Creed: To explore and interact with familiar and unfamiliar forms of consciousness in order to understand and gain more perspective.

Archetypal Images:

The Explorer (core desire: Freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world. core fear: Getting trapped, conformity, inner emptiness.)

The Lover (core desire: Intimacy and experience. core fear: Being alone/unwanted.)

Element: Air


Lucid Dreaming – The act of consciously dreaming in order to explore ones own consciousness and possibly interact with others through dreams.

Tunneling – The process of creating gates and tunnels through which to transmute your energies into new vibrational states, thus tuning you into other dimensions.

Phasing - The act of shifting Focus to communicate in a much more streamlined fashion with other dimensions.

Bi-location/Body of Light – The process of consciously creating a second energy body and moving ones consciousness into it temporarily.

Companion Creation – The creation of a somewhat complex thought form with a personality to accompany and assist you on your astral journeys.

Traditional OBE – The act of separating from the physical body via sleep paralysis.

Way of the Seer

The Seer is the psychic Soul, whose multidimensional perception will shed much light on the Souls it serves.
This being has the capability to move unseen through the dimensions to gather truth but only towards the end of spiritual enlightenment, guidance, and the greater good of all.

Creed: To obtain spiritual truth and knowledge with discretion, accuracy and ethic. To be a bridge between worlds.

Archetypal Images:

The Sage (core desire: To find the truth. core fear: Being misled, ignorance.)

The Innocent (core desire: To get to paradise. core fear: To be punished for doing something wrong.)

Element: Fire


Focus Overlay – The process of being multidimensionally aware, or experiencing phenomena from multiple planes while still focusing on one.

Clairaudience – Clear-hearing; the hearing of extra sensory information in the “mind’s ear”

Clairsentience – Clear-sensing; the feeling or sensing of extrasensory information via gut feelings, subtle body sensations, and “knowing” without having the source of knowledge.

Clairvoyance – Clear-sight; the seeing of visions, the future, auras, and higher dimensional phenomena.

Seeker Creation – The creation of simple thought forms which seek out a particular target, scene, time or concept gather information on them, and report back to you.

Cloaking – The act of stealthily obtaining multidimensional information without being sensed by other entities in the vicinity.

Way of the Luminist

This is the being who raises consciousness by authentically embodying their true selves and radiating their creativity, love and truth into the world with knowledge that they are one with all of it.
The Luminist will strive to be honest with themselves, act on their highest excitement in every moment and always move towards what they truly love to do in life.

Creed: To be an expanding conscious light in all dimensions that one operates in.

Archetypal Images:

The Jester (core desire: To live in the moment with full enjoyment core fear: Being bored or boring others)

The Inventor (core desire: To create things of enduring value core fear: Mediocre vision or execution)

Element: Ether/Akasha


Sol Work - The process of realizing what we are here to create as well as aligning with our true selves.

Satori – Being here and now with what is.

Mantra – The use of voice and thought to bring about positive vibrational change in the surrounding mental and physical environment via repetitive phrase or affirmation.

White Ring – The graceful control of energy work through the use of infinite imagination and toroidal mechanics.

Soulspeak - The development of a personal and mentor relationship with the Higherself.

Akasha Access - Directly experiencing the Akasha through perception change and thought direction.

Way of the Alchemist

The All-Chemist is the master of vibration who is on the path of self-actualization, enlightenment, and personal reality creation.
They intend to unlock their highest potential in all spiritual and physical endeavors.

Creed: To transmute consciousness into higher states of frequency out of unconditional love, understanding and wisdom

Archetypal Images:

The Outlaw (core desire: Revolution, to overturn what isn’t working. core fear: To be powerless or ineffectual.)

The Magician (core desire: Understanding the fundamental laws of the universe. core fear: unintended negative consequences.)

Element: Void (Operating from Soul Consciousness)


Mental Alchemy – Shifting into different mental states while redirecting etheric energy in chakras towards more positive ends

Universal Oneness – Connecting with the collective mind of the Universe, releasing all resistance and simply flowing with All that is.

Identity Integration – Becoming conscious of past life and higherself identities/perspectives and integrating them into the personality in a cohesive manner.

Merkabah Travel – The evoking of the inherent and limitless inter-dimensional vehicle that every Soul may use upon full realization of the sacred male and female energies present within their being.

Quantum Jumping – The deliberate moving between different parallel universes in which a different set of events will take place.

Lightweaving – The creation of various thought form sigils that can directly shift the vibrations of the mental environment and physically manifest a positive effect into being.

Each of these techniques are taught with the intention for each one to be used positively and for the greater good of all. If any of these methods are used towards harmful or negative ends, the universe will amplify and reflect these intentions back towards the user.

Know that if this does occur, it was your decision to experience this in entirety and will still ultimately positively expand Consciousness through the learning of personal lessons and working through Karma.

Just be aware of the consequences of your actions.

Now these Vocations are to be learned from top to bottom, focusing on the skills of the Sentinel first, then the Empath, and so on.
This is so there is a coherent spiritual progression that builds on prior systems of lightwork without any knowledge gaps.

When I begin teaching these techniques, I will be using a fairly arbitrary ranking system to act as motivation to progress further and to act as a barrier for those not ready to move forward.
Each Vocation and each Technique skill level will be ranked as Initiate, Apprentice, Adept, or Master.

When you begin as a Sentinel, you are immediately an Initiate in every skill upon taking an oath using the creed for each Vocation.
Each progressive skill rank calls for a little more diligence, practice, understanding and a certain level of creativity.

In order to move up a rank in your Vocation, every related skill must be that same rank.
In order to move on to a new Vocation, it is suggested that the prior Vocation is at an Adept level with one Master level skill.

You can choose to go about this at your own pace entirely, but this is just my suggestion, having designed the system.
Don’t rush yourself, take your time so you thoroughly understand the implications of every technique and have applied them to some degree.

I look forward to writing the articles to come, which will be focusing on each Vocation and how to perform their related techniques.

Watch a series of seven brilliant lectures by Richard Feynman


Richard Feynman was obviously famous for his work as a physicist, but he's also widely regarded as one of the most lucid and effective lecturers to ever address an audience.

So renowned, so readily accessible were his presentations, that his introductory physics lectures (which he delivered to undergraduates at Caltech) have since been immortalized in the form of a three-volume set called, quite simply, The Feynman Lectures.

The set is a phenomenal resource to anyone with even a passing interest in the physical world and the laws that govern it — but even these lectures cannot capture the essence of what it might have been like to attend a presentation given by Feynman himself.

Fortunately for all of us, in 1964, Feynman delivered a series of seven hour-long lectures at Cornell University.
Those lectures were recorded by the BBC, and in 2009 (with a little help from Bill Gates), they were released to the public.

You'll find all seven of them featured below, but you'll also want to check out the lectures on Microsoft's Project Tuva, where they have been carefully edited to include closed captioning and annotations.

Lecture 1: Law of Gravitation — An Example of Physical Law

Lecture 2: The Relation of Mathematics and Physics

Lecture 3: The Great Conservation Principles

Lecture 4: Symmetry in Physical Law

(Lectures 5 - 8 will be posted immediately after this one as you can only post 4 at a time..thanks)

And now you can also -
Read Richard Feynman's physics lectures for free online


Physicist Richard Feynman was particularly famous for his lectures, which were known for being an engaging and accessible introduction to a number of scientific topics.
Now Volume One of The Feynman Lecturesis available in its entirety online.

Videos of several of Feynman's lectures are already online, but now Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website have made the text of the first volume of his textbook, authored by Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands based on the lectures Feynman delivered at Caltech, for free.

Huge thanks to everyone involved for making this valuable work more accessible to the general public.


The first volume is 52 chapters long and focuses mainly on mechanics, radiation, and heat.
The team that brought us this volume also hopes to bring us Volumes 2 and 3 at some point in the future.

In the meantime, dig in!

Link - The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Richard Feynman is a fascinating human being. I've read and watched quite a few of his lectures and learned so much from them. I've never seen these though, so thanks for the links.

Edit: I meant was, I haven't succeed in reanimating dead bodies just yet.
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Richard Feynman is a fascinating human being. I've read and watched quite a few of his lectures and learned so much from them. I've never seen these though, so thanks for the links.
Wouldn’t he have been great to have as a Professor? Or just to have lunch and pick his brain?
Some people are just fascinating and brilliant…he is up in the top ten I think.

Edit - Did you see the lecture notes I also posted? Those are apparently just released as well.

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell

There is a place on the northern shore of the Bay of Naples that has long been steeped in history, mystery, myth, and magic.
Known as the Phlegræan Fields, it is a desolate place; a barren wasteland strewn with rubble and intersected by deep underground vents that belch out choking fumes and fire.

Legends and strange phenomena cling to this hellish, smoke-wreathed landscape, so it is perhaps no wonder that these fields are a location believed since ancient times to hold a tunnel that leads to Hell itself.

The Phlegræan Fields is a plateau that is part of an ancient volcanic caldera not far from Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano known for laying waste to the once great city of Pompeii.

The heavily volcanic area, which is pitted with steaming vents, sulphur spewing crevasses, and even flaming holes in the ground, was well-known in Greek and Roman myth and is heavily associated with stories of magic and prophecy.

A volcanic vent on the Phlegræan Fields

One of the greatest legends originating from here is that of the Cumæan sibyl, or prophetess, that was featured in Virgil’s epic the Aeneid, which tells of the hero Aeneas’ journey through the Land of the Dead, guided by the Sibyl.

This prophetess took her name from the nearby town of Cumae, itself having the legendary distinction of being one of the landing places for Daedalus, the mythical father of Icarus of lore.

The Sibyl was depicted as a woman bestowed with immortality by the sun god Apollo and gifted with powers of prophecy, who was said to dwell in a cave somewhere in the Fields that also served as an entrance to the underworld.

Her powers were described as vast, and Virgil liked to depict her sitting in her cave feverishly scrawling the future onto leaves.

An interesting story concerning the Sybil is that she once possessed nine magical scrolls that allegedly outlined the entire future of Rome in detail, which she offered for an exorbitant sum to a Roman king by the name of Tarquinius Superbus, also known as Tarquin the Proud.

When the king refused her offer, the Sybil proceeded to methodically destroy the scrolls until the king finally coughed up the vast amount of money she had demanded, and had the last remaining three sequestered away in a hidden place.

Although this may all seem like pure fantasy, this story is significant in that there really was a king by the name of Tarquinius and there were indeed three scrolls kept by the Greeks that came to be known as the Sibylline Books, which were thought to be the actual texts acquired by Tarquin from the Sybil.

These scrolls were typically securely locked in a stone vault deep beneath a place called The Temple of Jupiter and although it is unknown if they had any real prophetic powers, the Greeks certainly thought they did, as the scrolls were said to occasionally be used to divine the future in times of imminent crisis or disaster so that such hardships could be avoided.

The scrolls were considered to be of extreme importance at the time and were protected at all costs.
So desperate were the Greeks to keep these scrolls that when the temple was burned down in 83 BC, envoys were allegedly sent to the far flung corners of the earth searching for any pieces or fragments that might have survived so that they could be reassembled.

The Cumæan sibyl with her prophetic scrolls.

It is these intriguing grains of truth inherent to this legend that have beckoned adventurous souls for centuries, who believed that there could possibly be a real cave where the Sybil resided and that it could really descend literally into the depths of Hell itself.

The historically accurate features of the tale have also been cause for historians, archaeologists, folklorists, and scholars to wonder if there actually was, if perhaps not a literal opening to the underworld, then a previously unknown and unexplored cave or tunnel system that lies at the heart of the legends of the Sybil’s cave.

Various searches and expeditions of the Phlegræan Fields were undertaken over the years to discern the location of this mythical cave yet turned up nothing.

In the face of the lack of any further physical evidence to point to a real cave or tunnel at the root of the legend, the possibility of one existing seemed more and more doubtful, and the Sybil’s entrance to the underworld faded once again into mere myth.

The legend of the Cumæan sibyl’s mysterious cave may well have remained shrouded in myth and legend forever if it weren’t for a curious discovery made in the 1950s in the ancient Roman luxury resort town of Baiae, a place located in the western portion of the Fields that was once renowned throughout the Empire for its spas with reputed healing powers.

Here, among the 2,000 year old ruins of this once flourishing and decadent resort, an Italian archaeologist by the name of Amedeo Maiuri stumbled across the entrance to a previously unknown tunnel complex, or antrum, painstakingly carved into the volcanic rock and leading down into a hill and beneath the city.

The entrance itself was a plain, nondescript and narrow opening found concealed beneath 15 feet of rubble and vines behind a vineyard near the ruins of an ancient temple.
This opening was unknown and obviously man made, so the excited team attempted to explore it.

They did not get far.
After delving only a few feet into the blackness of the narrow passage, it quickly became apparent that the place was thickly choked with potentially dangerous fumes and the heat emanating from the darkness soon became unbearable.

The archaeologists abandoned their exploration of the tunnel and in the ensuing years the entrance became sort of a mysterious, forgotten curiosity.

The ancient Roman resort of Baiae

Some years later, in the early 1960s, a British armchair archaeologist by the name of Robert Paget came across the story of this enigmatic tunnel entrance and was immediately fascinated by it.

Paget just happened to be one of the few remaining people who actually entertained the idea that the Sybil’s cave of legend was a real place, and so he theorized that perhaps this fume wreathed tunnel of infernal heat at Baiae was it.

He quickly became obsessed with the notion, and determined to penetrate into the tunnel’s mysterious depths at any cost.
Gathering a colleague of his by the name of Keith Jones and a small contingent of volunteers, Paget made preparations to dare the harsh conditions of the tunnel in order to unravel its mysteries and find out just where it led to.

It was to be a daunting feat that would ultimately pose more questions than answers.

From the outset it was apparent that it would not be easy going.
The group was immediately greeted by pungent volcanic fumes belching from the darkness of the tunnel and they found that it was difficult to squeeze through the opening, which while measuring 8 feet high was only 21 inches wide.

Once inside, the temperature proved to be uncomfortably warm, yet lured by the promise of amazing discoveries the expedition doggedly pressed ahead nevertheless.

Although the passage became wider as they went, the team were able to penetrate only 400 feet into the tunnel until they came to an area made impassable due to a pile of rubble.

Besides marveling at the effort and ingenuity that it must have taken ancient people to carve out such an impressive tunnel, Paget came to the conclusion that it was likely used for some sort of ritualistic purpose due to its position in relation to the entrance and its orientation with the sunrise line and therefore the solstice.

The Baiae tunnel entrance

The wall of rubble prevented any further progress, but for Paget the promise of more to find was irresistible.
Driven by his obsession to uncover the tunnel’s secrets, Paget embarked on an ambitious project to clear the tunnel and press on.

As they proceeded, it became evident to Paget and his team that the tunnel was actually only a small part of a larger, highly intricate tunnel system that would come to be known as the Antrum of Initiation, or the Great Antrum, and had been painstakingly designed for some as yet unknown purpose.

All Paget could discern was that the system likely had a ritualistic nature, an idea further bolstered by clues along the way, such as numerous candle holes placed too close together to be explained by a mere need for illumination down in the stygian depths.

There were also other unique design features such as evidence of double doors leading to secret passageways, jogs in the tunnels to prevent visitors from seeing the next section of the tunnel until the bend is passed, pivoting doors for closing off passages, and complicated ventilation systems, all of which added to the mystery of the tunnels.

It was obvious that although the tunnel system’s makers and the true purpose of this place were unknown, whoever had constructed it had undoubtedly put great effort and thought into designing it.

Perhaps the greatest mystery of the tunnels was to be found deep in the lower levels, where temperatures reached 120 degrees Fahrenheit and the air was so choked with noxious, sulfurous fumes as to be nearly un-breathable.

It was here in these hellish conditions that Paget and company found a sharp bend at the end of a particularly steep passage that seemed somehow designed to prevent anyone who approached from seeing what was to be found at the end until they turned the corner.

When Paget and Jones rounded that sharp bend, they were confronted with an underground stream of boiling water that they would later call The River Styx.
Projecting into this super heated stream was a landing, the purpose of which could not be discerned.

On the other side of the stream, another passage ascended up into an antechamber that Paget called “The Hidden Sanctuary,” and continued on until a hidden staircase led up to the surface and exited at the ruins of water tanks that had once fed the Roman spas.

In the end, Paget and his team would spend nearly a decade clearing and exploring this vast tunnel system.
During this time, Paget and Jones studied the mysteries they had uncovered and became convinced that the tunnel system and its boiling river were meant to be a representation of the entrance to the Greek underworld of Hades itself.

After years of searching and obsessing, Paget had finally found his legendary cave of the Sybil, or at least the cave he believed the legend was based on.

To support his theory, Paget pointed to the Aeniad, and argued that Aeneas’ and the Sybil’s trip to the underworld bore a striking resemblance to the layout of the Great Antrum. Paget believed the course that the tunnel system took closely followed Aeneas’ journey and indeed faithfully mimicked similar trips to Hades throughout Greek legend.

The estimated date of the complex, around 550 B.C., is also consistent with the time the Sybil was said to have existed.
Paget and Jones surmised that the intricate tunnels of the complex were meant to recreate a similar journey through the underworld and that the boiling river represented the River Styx, at which it was speculated a boatman would have once waited at the landing to take visitors across, just as in Greek legend.

It was theorized that this impressively realistic depiction of Hell would be enough for the priests of the temple to convince anyone foolhardy enough to venture through its tunnels that the underworld was very real.

In short, this vast, elaborate tunnel system was thought to be more or less very convincing deception to convert followers, and may have even showcased a person playing the role of the Cumæan sibyl.

Paget even went so far as to suggest that Virgil himself may have been an initiate of the temple.

Paget’s theories were met with a good amount of skepticism from the scientific community, which made efforts to distance itself from his wild ideas, in part because he was not a professional archeologist and also because his far out claims that he had more or less found the entrance to the underworld did not sit well with academics at the time.

As a result, Paget and Jones’ findings from their exploration for the better part of a decade were not even published in book form until much later, and even then with a clear disclaimer that the team’s elaborate theories were not necessarily those of the academics publishing it.

Regardless of the detractors and debate that raged over their ideas, Paget and Jones’ work remains the most complete attempt to uncover and explore the mysteries of the complex to date.

Very little is known about the Great Antrum, and we are no closer to really understanding it than we were when its humble entrance was discovered in the 50s.
There are so many perplexing questions posed by it.

Who built it and why?
What are the purposes of its various odd features?

Why is it that visitors were not allowed to see ahead to the next section until they turned the bend?
Why did the complex’s activities cease and why had the passageways been blocked with rubble?

How did the entrance go unnoticed for thousands of years?
Did the Romans know it was there?

Was it intentionally buried by the Romans and if so why?
No one really knows the answers to any of these.

The only mystery that does seem to have been solved was the source of the underground river’s hot water, when friends of Paget’s used scuba gear to explore it and found that it was fed by two vents that spewed superheated water from the volcanic Phlegræan Fields.

The Baiae tunnel complex remains and is mostly off limits to casual tourists due to the perilous nature of trying to navigate it, although it is possible to hire a guide to explore certain sections.

Since Paget and Jones’ excursion, surprisingly little effort has been made to truly find the answers to the many archaic mysteries that lie buried here.
Until the site is more deeply studied by archaeologists willing to brave its perils, it seems that the mysterious and long hidden Great Antrum of Baiae and its menacing tunnel to Hell will remain one of ancient Rome’s most perplexing enigmas.

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It just occurred to me that tunnel alignments relating to the path of the sun coincidentally would be the best way to get the most natural light into the tunnel as possible.
That is a really amazing cave complex!

Totally built into a natural source of energy to tap into that for effect...amazing

Concerning alignment with the sun....every site seems to be aligned with something often the sun

Even modern churches are aligned with the sun (facing east)

I'd guess at the caves being for initiation as well

It just occurred to me that tunnel alignments relating to the path of the sun coincidentally would be the best way to get the most natural light into the tunnel as possible.

That is a really amazing cave complex!

Totally built into a natural source of energy to tap into that for effect...amazing

Concerning alignment with the sun....every site seems to be aligned with something often the sun

Even modern churches are aligned with the sun (facing east)

I'd guess at the caves being for initiation as well
It is an amazing place…it would be interesting to see it in all it’s glory! As far as the sun alignment goes I’m sure there were examples in the ancient world that did it for purposes other than sacred or for worshiping reasons…but in places that are already established as a place of worship the obvious overall sun worshipping nature of most of them (especially Christian churches) is present in more than 3/4’s of them I would say.

Witchcraft, Sorcery and Magic on the Battlefield

In August 1964, a very strange yet fascinating document was secretly prepared for senior personnel in the U.S. Army and the Pentagon.
Its title was Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic, and Other Psychological Phenomena and Their Implications on Military and Paramilitary Operations in the Congo.

It was a document written by James Price and Paul Juredini, both of who worked for the Special Operations Research Office, SORO, which was an agency that undertook top secret contract work for the military.

The document, now in the public domain via the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, is a fascinating one, in the sense that it focuses on how beliefs in paranormal phenomena can be successfully used and manipulated to defeat a potential enemy.

The bigger the belief in the world of the supernatural, noted Price and Juredini, the greater the chance was that a particularly superstitious foe could be terrorized and manipulated by the spreading of faked stories of paranormal creatures on the loose, of demons in their midst, and of ghostly, terrible things with violent slaughter on their monstrous minds.

Interestingly, one portion of the document deals with a classic aspect of the zombie of the modern era: its terrifying ability to keep on coming, even when its body is riddled with bullet upon bullet. In the example at issue, the authors reported that:

“Rebel tribesmen are said to have been persuaded that they can be made magically impervious to Congolese army firepower. Their fear of the government has thus been diminished and, conversely, fear of the rebels has grown within army ranks.”

That was not all: rumors quickly spread within the army to the effect that the reason why the rebels were allegedly so immune to bullets was because they had been definitively zombified.

Not in Romero-style, but by good old, tried and tested Voodoo techniques.
The rebels, entire swathes of army personnel very quickly came to believe, had literally been rendered indestructible as a result of dark and malignant spells and incantations.


How do you fight an army when you believe they can’t be killed

On top of that, the minds of the rebels, controlled by a Voodoo master, had been magically distilled, to the point where they were driven by a need to kill and nothing else.
Or so it was widely accepted by the Congolese military.

It transpired, as one might guess, that the stories were actually wholly fictional ones.
They were ingeniously created and spread by none other than the rebels themselves, and with just one purpose in mind: to have the army utterly convinced that the rebels were unbeatable and indestructible.

Such was the ingrained fear that infected the army, the brilliant piece of disinformation was accepted as full-blown fact — as was the belief that fearless, and fear-inducing, zombies were roaming the landscape and who were impervious to bullets.

The result: the rebels delivered the army a powerful blow of a terrifyingly psychological kind.
While the bullet-proof zombies of the Congo never really existed, for all of the stark fear and mayhem they provoked, they just might as well have been the real thing.

It is an amazing place…it would be interesting to see it in all it’s glory! As far as the sun alignment goes I’m sure there were examples in the ancient world that did it for purposes other than sacred or for worshiping reasons…but in places that are already established as a place of worship the obvious overall sun worshipping nature of most of them (especially Christian churches) is present in more than 3/4’s of them I would say.

Yeah. In any case the level of understanding it requires is quite interesting. I'm sure they had multiple reasons, I just thought it was cool that it could also be a very practical reason. I hadn't thought of it that way before.

I just think it's pretty neat that if you put your tunnel on the path of equinox then you'll get a median amount of sun coming into it when the sun rises (if you have the tunnel pointing east) because the tunnel would be positioned in between the summer and winter solstice sun paths - if you put the tunnel closer to the summer solstice path then the tunnel is going to get much darker in the winter solstice because the path of the sun will be further off the tunnel than if you place the tunnel in the middle along the equinox path, so that the summer and winter solstice paths are roughly equidistant, and you get a good contiguous amount of time where the sun crosses the equinox going from one solstice to the other.
Caves from pre-history times have art depicting shamanic rituals

often the caves are accessed along a long tunnel

This is symbolic of the female birth canal with the cave as the you go into the cave blindfolded and then you take a libation (a brew of mushroom sand other infusions) and the shamans chant and beat drums and the lights from the candles/torches flicker around the cave and in your altered state of consciousness the pictures on the wall come to life and the cave walls add to the resonance effect amplifying it

After the ritual you crawl or pass back along the tunnel out into the world spiritually reborn having emerged from cthonic spirit world

Caves are a bit of a fascination for me...i've visted a number of them and there are a few on my list of places to visit! I'm suprised i haven't heard of this cave before

The caves at Ajanta and Elora in India are aligned to the sun and at certain times the sun shines into the caves illuminating the statues inside

The freemasons have similar rituals which are echoes of old mystery school traditions for example the initiate is lead into the temple with a blindfold on and a noose (said to represent the umbilical cord) around their neck. They then are reborn looking at the star of venus with the removal of the blindfold (hoodwink)

The christian apostles were also part of a resurrection cult. They used water to baptise people as a symbolic rebirth into the spiritual life of their system. When jesus resurrect lazarus from the dead he wasn't actually performing an act of necromancy he bringing a lapsed member of their spiritual community back into the fold; anyone who was not initiated in to their spiritual system was perceived by them to be spiritually dead
Caves from pre-history times have art depicting shamanic rituals

often the caves are accessed along a long tunnel

This is symbolic of the female birth canal with the cave as the you go into the cave blindfolded and then you take a libation (a brew of mushroom sand other infusions) and the shamans chant and beat drums and the lights from the candles/torches flicker around the cave and in your altered state of consciousness the pictures on the wall come to life and the cave walls add to the resonance effect amplifying it

After the ritual you crawl or pass back along the tunnel out into the world spiritually reborn having emerged from cthonic spirit world

Caves are a bit of a fascination for me...i've visted a number of them and there are a few on my list of places to visit! I'm suprised i haven't heard of this cave before

The caves at Ajanta and Elora in India are aligned to the sun and at certain times the sun shines into the caves illuminating the statues inside

The freemasons have similar rituals which are echoes of old mystery school traditions for example the initiate is lead into the temple with a blindfold on and a noose (said to represent the umbilical cord) around their neck. They then are reborn looking at the star of venus with the removal of the blindfold (hoodwink)

The christian apostles were also part of a resurrection cult. They used water to baptise people as a symbolic rebirth into the spiritual life of their system. When jesus resurrect lazarus from the dead he wasn't actually performing an act of necromancy he bringing a lapsed member of their spiritual community back into the fold; anyone who was not initiated in to their spiritual system was perceived by them to be spiritually dead
That reminds me of the Biblical passages that get ignored frequently by the modern sects of Christianity, where Jesus basically says that John the Baptist is the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah…and yet, they don’t teach or even explore reincarnation -
"For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who was to come." (Matthew 11:13-14)

"And the disciples asked him, saying, 'Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?' But he answered them and said, 'Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.' Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist." (Matthew 17:10-13)

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