No need to go through all that work to see the obvious. Sensors!!
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Yooo hoooo
Where you at?
Hoping you and the family are doing well.
Enjoy All Hallows Eve!
There is a rumor going 'round that this 2020 Samhain will be ripe with rich energy, not only the new, but ancestrial richness; may you all have a happy, healthy and fruitful new year. ♡
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I couldn't resist sharing this icy photo with you. The signs are all around us, ehe.
Take care♡
Something to watch for those going through another round of covid lockdowns.
Just to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas if you are checking in here occasionally. I hope you are well and managing to keep on top if things.
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Hello my friends!
I know it's been a while...I've been quite busy trying to make myself helpful to those who may be in need here.
Not always succeeding, but that's okay.
Thanks for all the wonderful, kind, and funny messages that everyone has left.
Just to update anyone who may be wondering...
I've still been hosting and running a support really took off, which is great.
When I was no longer working in the OR, it really created a gap in my internal desire to help those who may be suffering.
I think/feel it's essential for someone who has suffered and made it through, to help guide others in whatever large or small capacity they can.
I've been much more at peace with peace with the peace with life in general.
My meditation practice is going strong.
I have successfully made my biphasic sleep pattern into a habit...this has allowed me to get enough sleep to function properly and has really helped many aspects of life in general.
I usually go to sleep around 12-12:30am...get up at 4:30 because the pain doesn't allow me to remain in bed...go sit in a comfy chair...put the XL heating pad on my back, and lean forward arching my back while putting my face into a large inflatable pillow with an opening cut out so I can breathe properly, lol.
I will put on binaural beats, white/brown noise, sometimes rain or river sounds and meditate...sometimes here and there I will drift back to sleep in this position, but mostly I just maintain a quiet and peaceful focus until my back stops aching enough for me to go lie back down...which takes around 3 hours.
Then I lie back down for my second half of the biphasic sleeping pattern for 2.5-3 hours.
The second half is great, as it is quite often filled with lucid dreams or at least very vivid dreams!
I read a study recently talking about frequent meditators having more lucid dreams...which only seems to make sense...if you are more aware of the self, and present...that it should carry over somewhat into dreamland.
I've been able to wake from a dream and then reenter it (should it be one I want to), and maintain lucidity at least 30% of the time.
There are a few tricks I've taught myself that seem to really work well for me.
My second sleeping block is something I look forward to everyday now...had some very profound and crazy dreams...some that seem like they would be impossible to have emerged from my mind alone...but who's to say?
Anyhow...finally after several years of struggling to get enough sleep, I have worked out a pattern that accomplishes that.
The pain is still there...I don't imagine that it is ever going to be least until they have robot spine available for purchase...but I've been able to accept it and not direct hatred and anger toward it (which is only directed at me in actuality lol).
It is much more under control as far as how much of an impact I allow it has on my life, emotional state, and time spent in conflict with it.
I am still working with psychedelics...but only once or twice a year as more of a maintenance type dosage.
It's good to see them becoming more and more acceptable and less stigmatized.
Of course, nearly any substance can be helpful or detrimental depending on ones intentions or usage...for example foxglove is a beautiful flowering plant that can be deadly to those who aren't careful, but it can also be a fantastic heart medication (digitalis) when used properly...the same can be said of substances in the psychedelic family (though the majority of these have few physiological effects and are generally much more safe than drinking alcohol or taking Tylenol)
Anyhow, it's good to finally have medical/psychological/pharmaceutical science backing up those claims and taking them out of the realm of purely anecdotal and subjective experience.
Like I mentioned, the group I was giving lectures through ended up asking me to host a monthly support group...working with psychedelics to change our perceptions of chronic pain and it's associated issues in order to suffer less.
What I find really fascinating is how much the physical pain can be reduced by lessening the emotional and mental pain.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record...I just have to say that after a lifetime of depression which had no real source - it was just my baseline level...after trying so many various medications, antidepressants, pain meds, sleeping pills, biologic meds, even some antipsychotics when the anxiety was totally out of control...nothing worked for me until I began to work with psilocybin.
I didn't know what it was to NOT be depressed until I wasn't.
All it really took was a shift of perspective that is difficult (but not impossible) to induce by oneself.
I won't keep beating that dead horse though...I'll describe it in more detail if anyone is interested.

This lead me down some really fascinating roads...I now have people calling me and emailing me for advice and counseling on how to get the most of out their own work with chronic pain and the depression/anxiety that comes with it...which is far more fulfilling to me than where I was for several years.
Met some really cool people...including one who worked doing research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR Lab) running experiments into Psi, mind over matter, precognition, etc., and working with some very well known researchers in the field (many articles in this thread came from there or those working there!).
He was in a nasty car accident and now is partially and painfully paralyzed from cauda equina syndrome...we've had some great discussions.
I feel more free than I have in a long time...I'm less angry, less angsty, less negative, less's taken a lot of heavy lifting's unfortunately something that we can only do for one can do that work for you - as nice as it would be lol.
That's something I have to constantly reiterate to those seeking a reprieve from chronic pain...there is no magic bullet...magic mushrooms or pain pills are not going to fix your problems or your pain for you, it's still something that one has to do themselves.
All it can do is offer a person a new perspective and a push from a place of stagnation...they can give you the momentum and motivation to change...but that change still has to be fought for and worked on.
Anyhow...I definitely have missed everyone here...I still think of everyone quite often and I apologize that I haven't answered messages sent to me!
If your've sent me a message then I will try my best to get back to you will take a little bit of time.
Much love to everyone...I hope to chat with you all more very soon!