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Anchor Point [AP] "Fearless"
Guilt Trip
Lost In The Thought Of It All
Sharing Your Love
Realm of Remembrance
I Think
Redefinition of the Human Being
Near Death Experience
What Is Within Is Without, Equal
The Bridge of Forgiveness
'everybody wants to rule the world'
Placebo Effect
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!
Thoughts Are Products Of...
Quite the Story-Makers
Love Life
Anchor Point {AP] "Fearless"
Guilt Trip
Lost In The Thought Of It All
For me, this signifies my initial approach/reaction to this reality experience...I was fearful re that approach and this message is about the fearless approach...for many years I was lost in the fearfulness of what I was experiencing.
Sharing Your Love
This is something of an antidote to fear - the '20/20' referencing the way in which love is best shared, re that.
Realm of Remembrance
An annoying place hard to remember. Sometimes I have been asked to remember things about a prior existence I had, which I cannot remember.
I Think
Redefinition of the Human Being
Near Death Experience
What Is Within Is Without, Equal
This refers to the occasional OOBExperiences I had which confirmed for me [eventually] that I was better off self-identifying as Ghost or Spirit or Immaterial or Consciousness - in human form, but not of human origin, re said form.
This new way of thinking allows for one to be 'on another level' with a better hit-rate re 'predicted future'...
The Bridge of Forgiveness
A place within an imagined reality setting I created based upon the idea that in the next level [phase] what we will each experience is determined by our beliefs and attitudes in general. Point being - we will be creating our own unique reality to experience...so this bridge is the entry point into that reality setting...which I have created for myself to experience [re after-death stuff.]
More on that here
'everybody wants to rule the world'
Placebo Effect
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!
Example of "Gibberish"
Seriously though, re "fearless" - the association with the phenomena of each of us thinking we know how to create the perfect reality - we get to do that and experience the results in the next phase experience [after 'death'] See the funny side of that if you would....
Thoughts Are Products Of...
Quite the Story-Makers
Love Life
Whatever thoughts are, they create stories...and we take these with us as data....best advice re going fearlessly is to "Love Life".
Take that attitude into the next level, having become acquainted with it at this level [through this reality experience].