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Malaysia Airlines missing plane: Here's what we know Thursday
After six days of searching, U.S. aviation investigators say they now believe that a missing Malaysia Airlines plane flew on for four or five hours after contact was lost with the aircraft.
If that's true, they say, searchers could be looking for the plane in the wrong spot.
Controversy still remains following the report from The Wall Street Journal that U.S. national security officials think the plane continued on after communications ended based on data automatically downloaded from the plane to the manufacturers of its engines - Rolls Royce. Malaysia's Defense Minister denied that report, and claims that both Rolls Royce and Boeing also deny the report is accurate.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had 239 people on board when it disappeared early Saturday morning after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Beijing.
Here's what we know Thursday:
What looked to be debris on a Chinese satellite image released Wednesday was not found by searchers, according to a Malaysian official. Later, the official said the satellite images showing something large and light in color floating in the South China Sea were "mistakes."
According to The Wall Street Journal report, U.S. counterterrorism officials are looking at the possibility that someone on Flight 370 may have diverted it toward "an undisclosed location" after turning off the plane's transponders.
According to The Telegraph, in June 2013, a safety alert for the Boeing 777 was issued, telling companies that flew the plane to check for corrosion and cracks in the crown fuselage around a satellite antenna.
Forty-three ships and 40 aircraft are searching for the plane.
Developments from Wednesday include:
Officials have announced that the area being searched has been expanded. It now covers 27,000 square miles.
Forty-two ships and 39 planes are in on the search.
On Tuesday, a Malaysian Air Force official told CNN that the plane appeared to have veered hundreds of miles off course before disappearing from radar screens. On Wednesday, Gen. Rodzali Daud, head of the Malaysian Air Force, said officials weren't sure if the object that disappeared from radar screens was Flight 370.
Developments from Tuesday include:
According to the BBC, Military radar suggests the plane veered west before vanishing from the radar.
Interpol said Tuesday that the two passengers who used stolen passports to board the flight were Iranians seeking asylum in Germany. Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble identified the men as Pouri Nourmohammadi, 19, and Delavar Seyedmohammaderza, 29.
Authorities are concentrating search efforts between the northeast coast of Malaysia and southwest Vietnam. They are also searching thousands of miles of water off the west coast of the Malaysian Peninsula, in the Strait of Malacca and north into the Andaman Sea, according to CNN.
The Daily Mail is reporting that a man claims to have seen a 'bright light descending at high speed', toward the South China Sea northwest of Malaysia. Alif Fathi Abdul Hadi, 29, reports seeing the light about four minutes after the last radar contact was made with the aircraft.
Developments from Monday include:
Vietnamese searchers Sunday looked for an object spotted in the South China Sea thought to be a life raft from the plane. According to CNN, the object was found, but it turned out to be a moss-covered cap of a cable reel.
Vietnamese officials also said that they spotted from the air what was believed to be the door of an airplane floating in the South China Sea, but searchers on ships were unable to locate it.
The plane appeared to be turning back to Kuala Lumpur when it disappeared from radar, according to Malaysia's air force chief Rodzali Daud.
There was no communication from the pilots nor alerts from the plane prior to its disappearance.
Two passengers on the flight were using stolen passports. The passports were originally issued in Italy and Austria. Both had been reported missing. Tickets purchased using the passports were purchased almost simultaneously, according to the BBC.
According to The Daily Mail, 34 aircraft and 40 ships from 10 nations are now involved in the search.
The Daily Mail is also reporting that five passengers who check in for the flight never boarded the plane.
Chinese media is reporting that passengers' mobile phones are connecting when their numbers are being called, but the calls are not being picked up.

[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] , what are your thoughts!?