Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

I don't know...I think the magical disappearance of over 200 people is pretty news worthy. They just went *poof*

Have to agree. When I see a news report about some random house fire in the US it blows my mind. One house out of 100 million or more. I care why? But a plane that size this day and age just vanishing? That is interesting or at least more so than most news.
Motorola announced that their semiconductor division would be divested on October 6, 2003 to create Freescale. Freescale completed its IPO on July 16, 2004.

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira.[SUP][20][/SUP] The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.[SUP][21][/SUP]

Freescale filed to go public on February 11, 2011 and completed its IPO on May 26, 2011. Freescale is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSL. At the time of the IPO, the company had $7.6 billion in outstanding debt on its books,[SUP][22][/SUP] and the company is being investigated for misconduct related to this IPO

Blackstone and carlyle group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alarm bells are ringing big time!

These guys are big players in the military industrial complex

I think there is something in this freescale thing. If they had 20 employees travelling to Bejing (enemy of the military industrial complex) with 2 iranians with stolen passports (ie probably intelligence agents) then the idea of a hijack by government forces would make a lot of sense

Governments forces would know how to shut off the various tracking devices and would be able to fly and land the plane

As i say i suspect they took it to that British island with the military instalation (i need to look up the name of it!)
Motorola announced that their semiconductor division would be divested on October 6, 2003 to create Freescale. Freescale completed its IPO on July 16, 2004.

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira.[SUP][20][/SUP] The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.[SUP][21][/SUP]

Freescale filed to go public on February 11, 2011 and completed its IPO on May 26, 2011. Freescale is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSL. At the time of the IPO, the company had $7.6 billion in outstanding debt on its books,[SUP][22][/SUP] and the company is being investigated for misconduct related to this IPO

Blackstone and carlyle group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alarm bells are ringing big time!

These guys are big players in the military industrial complex

I think there is something in this freescale thing. If they had 20 employees travelling to Bejing (enemy of the military industrial complex) with 2 iranians with stolen passports (ie probably intelligence agents) then the idea of a hijack by government forces would make a lot of sense

Governments forces would know how to shut off the various tracking devices and would be able to fly and land the plane

As i say i suspect they took it to that British island with the military instalation (i need to look up the name of it!)

Umm what? Its much simpler to just say aliens. Aliens. See?
Umm what? Its much simpler to just say aliens. Aliens. See?

Well that's a deeper layer of the conspiracy :)

I talk about the 'cabal' or the 'network' or the 'military industrial complex' or sometimes 'the central bankers' or the 'banksters' or the 'black lodge' or the 'illuminati' or the 'shadow government' or the 'deep government' and so on but some would say that above these guys are other forces...call them aliens if you want

But for the sake of day to day conversation where you want to convince people that you are in fact sane before speaking about such matters as 'inter dimensional entities' its often a good idea to first show them that you are in fact basing your claims on good info rooted very much in the material world

So for the sake of this particular discussion i would say that the network/cabal has hijaked this plane for some reason...they want those people on board to do something or to stop those people onboard from doing something

But who is giving the orders to the cabal.....are they guided by archetypal forces in the human consciousness or by entities from a different dimension (which religions have spoken about for thousands of years)

....so yeah...i'm not ruling aliens out...but perhaps not in the same way as some are visualising them
Diego Garcia..thats the name of the British owned island with the military instilation used for rendition flights:


The United States Navy operates Naval Support Facility (NSF) Diego Garcia, a large naval ship and submarine support base, military air base, communications and space-tracking facility, and an anchorage for pre-positioned military supplies for regional operations aboard Military Sealift Command ships in the lagoon.

Mauritius sought to regain sovereignty, sold to the UK in 1965, over the Chagos Archipelago. Between 1968 and 1973, the Chagossians, then numbering about 2,000 people, were resettled by the British government to Mauritius and Seychelles to allow the United States to establish a military base on the island. Today, the exiled Chagossians are still trying to return, claiming that the forced expulsion was illegal (see Depopulation of Diego Garcia)

Strategic Air Command began deploying Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bombers and aerial refueling aircraft to the newly completed airfield facilities in 1987.
In June 2004, the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw stated that United States authorities had repeatedly assured him that no detainees had passed in transit through Diego Garcia or were disembarked there.[SUP][57][/SUP] In October 2007 the all-party Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament announced that it would launch an investigation of continued allegations of a prison camp on Diego Garcia, which it claimed were twice confirmed by comments made by Retired United States Army General Barry McCaffrey.[SUP][58][/SUP] On July 31, 2008, an unnamed former White House official alleged that the United States had imprisoned and interrogated at least one suspect on Diego Garcia during 2002 and possibly 2003.[SUP][59][/SUP]
Manfred Nowak, one of five of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, says that credible evidence exists supporting allegations that ships serving as black sites have used Diego Garcia as a base.[SUP][60][/SUP] The human rights group Reprieve alleges that United States-operated ships moored outside the territorial waters of Diego Garcia were used to incarcerate and torture detainees.[SUP][61][/SUP]
[h=3]Rendition flight refuelling admission[/h] Diego Garcia is rumoured to have been one of the locations of the CIA's black sites.[SUP][62][/SUP] Several groups claim that the military base on Diego Garcia has been used by the United States government for transport of prisoners involved in the controversial extraordinary rendition program, an allegation formally reported to the Council of Europe in June 2007.[SUP][63][/SUP] On February 21, 2008, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband admitted that two United States extraordinary rendition flights refuelled on Diego Garcia in 2002. No reference was made to whether prisoners were on board the aircraft at the time.[SUP][64][/SUP] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is one of the "high-value detainees" suspected to have been held in Diego Garcia.[SUP][65][/SUP]
[h=3]WikiLeaks CableGate disclosures (2010)[/h] According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:[SUP][66][/SUP]
HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park—the world's largest—would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.
Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.[SUP][67][/SUP]
Motorola announced that their semiconductor division would be divested on October 6, 2003 to create Freescale. Freescale completed its IPO on July 16, 2004.

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira.[SUP][20][/SUP] The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.[SUP][21][/SUP]

Freescale filed to go public on February 11, 2011 and completed its IPO on May 26, 2011. Freescale is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSL. At the time of the IPO, the company had $7.6 billion in outstanding debt on its books,[SUP][22][/SUP] and the company is being investigated for misconduct related to this IPO

Blackstone and carlyle group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alarm bells are ringing big time!

These guys are big players in the military industrial complex

I think there is something in this freescale thing. If they had 20 employees travelling to Bejing (enemy of the military industrial complex) with 2 iranians with stolen passports (ie probably intelligence agents) then the idea of a hijack by government forces would make a lot of sense

Governments forces would know how to shut off the various tracking devices and would be able to fly and land the plane

As i say i suspect they took it to that British island with the military instalation (i need to look up the name of it!)

Bahahahahaha!!! Damn straight the alarm bells are ringing. :bounce:

I'm bouncing just from listening to The Pogues music you posted. Danggg.... that Irish dander can sure get riled up in me. :D
Diego Garcia that's 4 and a half hours at 500mph
an ngo would want to make themselves known

YES absolutely yet we've heard nothing...its looking like a government black op
I have read this is an attack on the Blackstone group and Rothschild to send a message to them. Allegedly they were flying to hand over the details of this secret ability to Russia.


que Twilight Zone music.

Is this a cool mystery or what?!?!?!? Hahahahahahaha...

EDIT: I am not implying Russia is the enemy and that was an attack by the US. Nope. Not all....It was said specifically an enemy of Rothschild's.
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or something

Well at some point they will have to dissapear the plane

I would guess that will involve them crashing it into the sea somewhere

Presumably they could fly beneath radar and ditch the plane in the drink with the pilots bailing out; so it might be found yet
I have read this is an attack on the Blackstone group and Rothschild to send a message to them. Allegedly they were flying to hand over the details of this secret ability to Russia.


que Twilight Zone music.

Is this a cool mystery or what?!?!?!? Hahahahahahaha...

EDIT: I am not implying Russia is the enemy and that was an attack by the US. Nope. Not all....It was said specifically an enemy of Rothschild's.

Who was trying to hand the secret to who?

Who is sending a message to who?
Who was trying to hand the secret to who?

Who is sending a message to who?

Blackstone and Rothschild were giving their information to Russia.

The attack on the plane was against Rothschild and to keep the info from getting into the hands of Russia.

Do you think it's possible? People do seem to be defecting left and right all over this globe lately.
I find the whole 'investigating pilots' stuff so silly...for me it's so obvious that they're looking for a scapegoat (one of them had a youtube channel about helpful domestic tips - like cooking and fixing things!!!! ) ...I'm surprised there's not more investigation going on publicly about the people onboard.