I think there are definately things to criticise trump on but i think collusion with russia is not one of them. I think people are barking up the wrong tree there
The CIA, FBI, DOJ and democrats have all been desperately scraping around for a long time now to try and find some sort of smoking gun evidence of russian collusion but can't find it. I don't think russia is the biggest influence on trump but i think he definately is under influence, just not the russians
I think most people vote for the person they think will act in their best interests
To understand the success of trump we have to consider what was happening under the previous regime. The middle class in america had shrunk to the lowest size in living memory. This left a lot of people feeling very abandoned and I think those people made their frustrations heard in the ballot box
I don't think they voted for trump because they liked him. I think they voted for him because the other main candidate, Hilary, had already been in power within the Obama regime and under that regime the middle class shrunk
So i think it was a case for many that they were voting for something other than what was destroying them economically
You don’t know what evidence Muller has and neither do I, you are dismissing a legit investigation based on what reasoning?
Quite a few people have now been indicted and are going to jail...Jeff Sessions the AG had to recuse himself because he lied like the rest of the Trump administration about meeting with Russians in Trump tower or elsewhere.
First they said there was NO meeting.
Then they said it was about adoption.
Then they admitted it was about dirt on Hillary.
Read the emails from Junior.
But Trump didn’t know.
Oh wait...but then he did...and it was a lie.
First it was...it didn’t happen....then when caught...the story gets changed to - it’s not illegal.
Ummm...yes it is.
The term “collusion” is not....but what collusion encompasses is.
Also so strange how that is the same time on the campaign trail that he started in with the “Maybe Russia can find the emails?”.
Coincidence...maybe...but it looks damn crooked.
Trump writing letters under his Son’s title to try and cover things up is not acting corrupt to you?
Same thing with his paying off his affairs with high dollar hookers.
Never happened.....but then it did...but he didn’t know about it...but then he did...but it's not illegal...except actually it
is breaking campaign finance rules.
And the CIA, DOJ, FBI, Democrats and Republicans alike (Muller is NOT a democrat people) along with every other agency that was involved with this investigation into Russian interference with our elections say that they absolutely DID fuck with them.
The only people still trying to deny this is the Prez and Co, cause it would make his win look less legit, and we all know how thin his skin is based on his Tweets.
Also, it was the Bush Jr. policies and tax cuts along with unpaid wars and unfunded medicare prescription plans, along with the deregulation Bush finished that Clinton started (yes he contributed) that allowed the banks to bend America over and go to town.
Wall St. crashed while Bush was in office still.
The fact that the economy is still on an upward turn is great, though it is not keeping up with inflation.
Many folks who lost their well-paying jobs with great benefits and pension plan ended up getting rehired by the same company nix the benefits and for less money.
You really think Obama is to blame for the greed of Wall St?
Trump is more closely tied to Wall St than Obama was...not saying that he didn’t have ties...don't get me wrong...there were things that he didn’t address that he needed to and ignored...like the loss of jobs in the midwest and out of date coal jobs.
And the - if you like your doctor you can keep them...didn’t pan out at all...lol.
But Trump has now...given huge tax cuts to the rich while given everyone else temp 2 year tax cuts that actually end up taking more away...and will steadily raise our taxes over the next ten years...all those write-offs people once enjoyed are gone, they took the write offs from those who need them the most to pay for the rich who don’ t need the help at all....now only the rich have loopholes/write-offs to drive their Ferrari through.
And tariffs?
This is a tax on consumers...the cost gets passed along....plain and simple.
Now they are once again deregulating the stock market and banks - who are now even bigger than they were when they were too big to fail - but hey, who cares, the taxpayers will bail them out - as we are on the hook thanks to Congress.
So instead of a “free market” where they would fail...we can’t let them fail, because it could crash it all and explode.
That’s is what the Dodd-Frank regulations they just rolled back attempted to stop.
So yeah...the stock market likes all this BS Trump is doing...what do they care?
They just got huge tax breaks - that didn’t result in anyone but a handful of companies giving small raises...wages for the middle class and poor have stagnated since Reagan.
Not to mention that there is approximately $21 trillion + in offshore tax havens used by the rich.
Basically they don’t feel they need to contribute their fair share to the country that they live in and who’s infrastructure they use...so more of the working person’s taxes have to make up the difference and shoulder the weight...all while they say - “We have to cut this program we can’t afford it.”
How come?
The prioritization of funds in the US is incredibly out of touch with the constituents they are supposed to represent in Congress and govt. as a whole.
Look at Trump...didn’t he say he was going to release his taxes?
Also the nerve agent did make the first policeman on scene ill and in the hospital.
This is not the first time that Russia has assassinated former spies who turned or political rivals of those in power.
Why launch such an attack you ask?
To make those who would do the same fear for their lives and seriously question going up against them.
Wouldn’t you?
I would be afraid if I were in that position having seen this as a pattern Moscow repeats.
It’s a deterrent...just like throwing children into cages who were seeking asylum with their parents was so recently used here.
The administration even said and admitted as much.
How sad and inhuman.
And now we have the threat of Russia interfering once again in the elections this year...both here and in GB.
Using both hacking and social media manipulation.
I just don’t see how you can be as dismissive of all this as you are?
That isn’t even mentioning his and Republican plans to dismantle what is left of our social safety net...they block any legislation that would give health care to all Americans...they block even raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour...they are after Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Disability, PP, SNAP benefits, Heating assistance, meals on wheels, environmental regulations, food safety regulations, drug safety regulations, pre-existing conditions, the right for a woman to choose, school lunches for poor kids...need I go on?
The party of fiscal responsibility and family values indeed!
"Mueller has now indicted or secured guilty pleas from
32 people and
three Russian companies.”
"four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people (including three former Trump aides) have already pleaded guilty."
This is what I kept thinking as I read special counsel Robert Mueller's
29-page indictment yesterday of a dozen Russian intelligence officers (from Boris and Ivan to Sergey and Viktor):
- Wait! A Russian military intelligence agency leased server space in Arizona and a computer in Illinois?
- Wait! The Russian military used bitcoin to buy servers, register domains and pay for other election-hacking activity?
- Wait! The Russian military used screenshots and keystroke-capture to monitor dozens of DCCC and DNC employees as they typed?
- Wait! The Russian military tried to trick more than 30 Hillary Clinton campaign employees into clicking on a document titled "hillary-clinton-favorable-rating.xlsx" (that actually went to a Russian website)?
- Wait! The Russian military extracted opposition research on Republican candidates in bulk from the DNC, as part of a multi-gigabyte haul?
- Wait! A lieutenant captain in the Russian military named Nikolay Yuryevich Kozachek (Козачек Николай Юрьевич) disguised himself online as “blablabla1234565"?
And none of that is even the most alarming, damning news in the filing in U.S. District Court in D.C. Mueller, who personally signed the document, saved that for
page 25:
- Two of the officers conspired "to hack into the computers of U.S. persons and entities responsible for the administration of 2016 U.S. elections, such as state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and U.S. companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of U.S. elections."
- And they actually pulled it off: "In or around July 2016, [Russian military officer Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev] and his co-conspirators hacked the website of [an unnamed] state board of elections ... and stole information related to approximately 500,000 voters, including names, addresses, partial social security numbers, dates of birth, and driver’s license numbers."
All of the documents are on one page on
Mueller's official Justice Department website.
I curled up and read them all.
What I learned:
Known knowns about Mueller:
- He has keystroke-by-keystroke reconstructions of online activities by the Russian "Conspirators," as the indictment calls them — down to their web searches.
- He's going broader, deeper, wider than people realize — following the money, following the keystrokes, following the concentric circles of characters.
- His indictments and plea agreements are providing a serial narrative of what Sen. John McCain has called an "act of war" perpetrated during one of the closest elections in American history.
Known knowns about Russia:
- Yesterday's indictment was so significant because its scope went far beyond propaganda efforts and into a physical attack on America's state-by-state machinery of democracy.
- This wasn't an attempt — the Russians actually succeeded in some of their incursions.
- The attack was more sophisticated and involved vastly more resources than most U.S. politicians realized.
Be smart:
David Kris, founder of Culper Partners consulting firm and head of the Justice Department's National Security Division under President Obama, told me that Mueller is following traditional prosecutorial practice by starting at the outer ring.
- "His next steps may include moving in closer to the center of things."
- One possible shot to drop ... Russian blackmail or threats targeting Americans who took things of value: "That's a traditional element of Russian tradecraft."