please don't use NLP anchoring to make me sound like a predator
i'm simply having a conversation with people and we don't have to agree on everything
everyone is allowed their own opinions
I'm just seeking more understanding about why people hold their opinions. This could be beneficial for them as much as it is for me
Yeah, well don’t fucking listen to me then.
(If you thought “predator” then idk what to tell you)
You don’t have to certainly haven’t thus far and that is the issue not just with me.
What's with being incredibly dismissive, why is that?
You don’t see how you are making the claim that only your facts and opinions count in the vast majority of your you dismiss the legit opinions, certain facts, and have labeled everyone as this or that?
You ask for proof that is so readily available you should have no issue finding it for yourself, to keep asking others to prove this or that is frankly very time consuming to go over every one of the points you with to contend with that you are convinced are this certain way, not that.
You ask questions yes, but then you start in with what you think is wrong with it, and humor is great, but laughing at someone else’s political views usually just irritates them, it does not ingratiate them.
NLP...yes, I’m manipulating everyone with my secret hidden programming to make you sound like a pred.
"everyone is allowed their own opinions” you say?
Don’t look at this as me putting words in your mouth...just extrapolating what seems to be going on so far.
You should rephrase that - “Everyone is allowed their opinions which I (out of everyone on the forum) will immediately give my unsolicited criticisms of, challenging your statements only to ignore the responses and/or facts that back up said statement, laughing at you as only I know what’s really going on and telling you in a passive aggressive way that you are ignorant...when this is pointed out, I just then play the victim....(I was only doing this *insert innocent thing*)."