- Enneagram
- Warlock
If you want to PM where you stand on the 6 issues i;d be intrigued to know for my own interest
it all helps inform my own understanding of the political landscape but if its not public it doesn't help others inform themselves of the political landscape
i just saw this! lol
ok maybe i need to reframe the six points!
I offered my opinions earlier which you did not like...I even included links and facts for you to check - this is NOT my first rodeo and you are not the biggest bull.
I have no problems sharing what I think about political subjects whatsoever and have several threads and thousands of posts on that subject alone.
But I don’t go around in circles with people who refuse to acknowledge my own POV and political leanings as being just as legitimate as their own.
Which seems like an issue?
Am I wrong?
Can you empathize with people in the shoes opposite your own?
My Father was very conservative and didn’t mind sharing his opinions, we never had a problem, he knew I didn’t agree.
But he also took the time to understand my positions too.
We can make things public, but if you slip in insults or ignore facts proving what you are asking for only to continue and argue then forget it.
We can go to PM land, and that was for your own benefit as you seem to think I am wrongly influencing the other forum members to rally against you.
Lol...I assure you I am not...but for your comfort we can do that.
When I said those things or anything about the way you address people and interact - I am trying to help you man see why people are responding negatively, not insult you.
Take it however you wish...or honestly, we don’t have to talk at all.
That is fine if it is a problem in some way or the other.