Ni v. Stereotyping


Regular Poster
Who wouldn't want to be an INFJ or an INTJ with the way Ni is often praised?

We "see things that others don't", "the big picture", blah blah blah...

So I suppose that those who have it as the dominate function are never wrong then.

Well, actually, they can be. What might be thought of by an individual as seeing a different perspective or the big picture could, in fact, merely be the person's stereotype of another perspective.

I have been wrong before, but I know that this is true! This time I'm right, and I know I'm right!!! :closed_2:


I've actually seen some people argue that stereotypes are good. It has been said that we need to categorize people (or things) to make sense out of them. And we can't really understand the complexities of an individual's mind.

I don't agree with this. I'm actually trying to see past them as best I can. And I no longer trust my inner world to tell me the truth about the outer world, so I think this is another reason that I keep seeking external validation. :help:

The MBTI tries to categorize people into 16 different personality types. And better yet, it says that our types come from the brain.

But there are still a lot of X's out there (i.e. "INxJ"). Why? Because these people who daydream all of the time think that they are both logical and emotional, so that makes them an "x" or "50% T and 50% F".

And the daydreaming is how they know that they are intuitive instead of being a sensor, and the J is there because they don't like to be indecisive.

Anyone who thinks about things in the manner that I just wrote, and I used to be that person, does NOT see things that others don't.

I really think it's better for people interested in the MBTI to study the individual functions.

There is a difference between seeing the big picture and making generalizations based on assumptions.
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i stereotype until i can get my bearings per se. Or I might say THIS thing IS THIS, without any specific evidence, but thats just a place holder until I really know how I feel about it.
Who wouldn't want to be an INFJ or an INTJ with the way Ni is often praised?

We "see things that others don't", "the big picture", blah blah blah...

So I suppose that those who have it as the dominate function are never wrong then.

Well, actually, they can be. What might be thought of by an individual as seeing a different perspective or the big picture could, in fact, merely be the person's stereotype of another perspective.

I have been wrong before, but I know that this is true! This time I'm right, and I know I'm right!!! :closed_2:


I've actually seen some people argue that stereotypes are good. It has been said that we need to categorize people (or things) to make sense out of them. And we can't really understand the complexities of an individual's mind.

I don't agree with this. I'm actually trying to see past them as best I can. And I no longer trust my inner world to tell me the truth about the outer world, so I think this is another reason that I keep seeking external validation. :help:

The MBTI tries to categorize people into 16 different personality types. And better yet, it says that our types come from the brain.

But there are still a lot of X's out there (i.e. "INxJ"). Why? Because these people who daydream all of the time think that they are both logical and emotional, so that makes them an "x" or "50% T and 50% F".

And the daydreaming is how they know that they are intuitive instead of being a sensor, and the J is there because they don't like to be indecisive.

Anyone who thinks about things in the manner that I just wrote, and I used to be that person, does NOT see things that other's don't.

I really think it's better for people interested in the MBTI to study the individual functions.

There is a difference between seeing the big picture and making generalizations based on assumptions.

Realistically speaking, can you really ever completely know another person's perspective? We like to assume that we can understand another person's view point but truthfully, it seems quite hard. We might get almost there, but still, no cigar. Stereotypes (not prejudce) exist and I don't think it's a good or bad thing. Ignoring them or noticing them is a personal choice. And using a faulty system that's practiced by people like me, who sit at home and tinker with it while I'm bored is not exactly a good way to prove that your pov is right nor that MBTI is wrong.
you totally forgot to mention the part where I can read minds and a fire rainbow lazer from my mouth. Don't forget the magic either, that stuff is important.
Realistically speaking, can you really ever completely know another person's perspective? We like to assume that we can understand another person's view point but truthfully, it seems quite hard. We might get almost there, but still, no cigar. Stereotypes (not prejudce) exist and I don't think it's a good or bad thing. Ignoring them or noticing them is a personal choice.

Yes, it's hard, but I'm trying to do the impossible anyway.

I admit that I associate stereotypes with prejudice. But you're right they aren't the same thing in and of themselves, but I think that they often go hand in hand.

And using a faulty system that's practiced by people like me, who sit at home and tinker with it while I'm bored is not exactly a good way to prove that your pov is right nor that MBTI is wrong.

True. But I'm not trying to prove that the MBTI is wrong. However, I would argue that people who use the faulty system need to have a good understanding of it- which I did not for a long time.
Yes, it's hard, but I'm trying to do the impossible anyway.

I admit that I associate stereotypes with prejudice. But you're right they aren't the same thing in and of themselves, but I think that they often go hand in hand.

They often go hand and hand. No comment there. Conflating the two doesn't help though.
True. But I'm not trying to prove that the MBTI is wrong. However, I would argue that people who use the faulty system need to have a good understanding of it- which I did not for a long time.
Eh. Most don't. But that's why we're here, lol. For the most part.

Majesty is correct: Ni doesn't "see" the big picture in the sense of the sentence. Ni often sees the big picture and immediately starts whittling down to a conclusion. Ne, on the other hand, sees the big picture in the sense that they see EVERYTHING that could happen and what could happen from that. For Ni, the big picture would be connecting the many conclusions to one statement I suppose/guess. I'm tired so this might not make sense.
Majesty is correct: Ni doesn't "see" the big picture in the sense of the sentence. Ni often sees the big picture and immediately starts whittling down to a conclusion. Ne, on the other hand, sees the big picture in the sense that they see EVERYTHING that could happen and what could happen from that. For Ni, the big picture would be connecting the many conclusions to one statement I suppose/guess. I'm tired so this might not make sense.

Na, it's not that you're tired.

Ni just doesn't make sense to me in general, and it is supposedly my dominate function. lol

I try so hard to understand everything that I've ever read from the MBTI, and for what? So I can post a thread about how people should try to understand it better. :nod:
Among other things, Ni has trouble functioning in "the real world". It's certainly as much of a handicap as an advantage.

I think the praise of it comes from those who use it and like to think their perspective is therefore better, and use Ni as a badge of honor. I can assure you that many people in the world see Ni as annoying.
Among other things, Ni has trouble functioning in "the real world". It's certainly as much of a handicap as an advantage.

I think the praise of it comes from those who use it and like to think their perspective is therefore better, and use Ni as a badge of honor. I can assure you that many people in the world see Ni as annoying.

i would also like to say i think that Ni can be taken in supplement form for larger breastesesss for woman and mating organs for men. However, I would not advise taking while pregnant because your baby may become psychic and we'll have a whole 'nother rosemary's baby incident. I also would not take if your lactating because we might get another chicken incident as well. Really, I would only take Ni supplements if your pornography career ain't working out too well, and diet and exercise still leaves you bluffin' with your muffin (top.) When in doubt though wash it down with some vodka and sour cream and as you vomit up that disgusting mixture you may experience not only larger breastesesss and or penii but psychic visions of sugar plum fairies and other things to come.

i took some with cocaine earlier. so, just so you now, RON PAUL 2012@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

tik tok on the clock but the party dont stop no.
i would also like to say i think that Ni can be taken in supplement form for larger breastesesss for woman and mating organs for men. However, I would not advise taking while pregnant because your baby may become psychic and we'll have a whole 'nother rosemary's baby incident. I also would not take if your lactating because we might get another chicken incident as well. Really, I would only take Ni supplements if your pornography career ain't working out too well, and diet and exercise still leaves you bluffin' with your muffin (top.) When in doubt though wash it down with some vodka and sour cream and as you vomit up that disgusting mixture you may experience not only larger breastesesss and or penii but psychic visions of sugar plum fairies and other things to come.

i took some with cocaine earlier. so, just so you now, RON PAUL 2012@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

tik tok on the clock but the party dont stop no.

Yes, I will ask my doctor about Ni. :wink:
Among other things, Ni has trouble functioning in "the real world". It's certainly as much of a handicap as an advantage.

I think the praise of it comes from those who use it and like to think their perspective is therefore better, and use Ni as a badge of honor. I can assure you that many people in the world see Ni as annoying.

I wouldn't have said it has trouble functioning in "the real world". That's a myth made up by angsty introverts when trying to explain why nobody likes them. In reality it's an extremely useful function for coming up with workable ideas and solutions quickly. I know that Si is usually considered the "business" function but it's slightly hampered in that it can only look at past information, whereas Ni/Se is able to look at the present. I have also yet to meet an Ni dominant who isn't extremely good at exams.

The problem with Ni lies with communication. It's hard to express your perceptions at the best of times but when you pull answers from out of your arse most people are going to want an explanation, and rightly so. You wouldn't want to go into a company merger just because someone "had a feeling". Ni isn't always correct either so it helps to formulate your ideas.

So it's communication that turns the Ni user from a know-it-all to a valuable member of society and even a good friend. The best way for an Ni dominant to grow is to develop their Se along with Fe (INFJ) and Te (INTJ). A lot of the complaints about Ni doms is about those that spend too much time focusing on their introverted functions.
My issue with my Ni personally, is that I clock out all the possibilities that don't lead anywhere, and only list one. So people say "what baout this?" I go "nope." Because I've already gone through it and deemed it worthless. But then it just looks like I'm being a douche because I get ticked off that we're wasting time on something I've already been over.
I'm actually trying to see past them as best I can. And I no longer trust my inner world to tell me the truth about the outer world, so I think this is another reason that I keep seeking external validation. :help:
This isn't Ni. Ni as a function creates whole concepts directly influenced by its extroverted judging function (NiFe, NiTe, TeNi, FeNi), and it is often perceived by others as a form of stereotyping. These whole concepts are part of Ni's symbolic nature, these whole concepts are the symbols that people refer to when they describe Ni. A good example of this is someone who makes a generalized statement such as "Well, most people do this, so that should mean you do it too." That is Ni, and as a dominant function Ni is comfortable doing it because it has been doing it ever since its master (The individual / ego) was around five years old. If you're uncomfortable making such judgment calls, generalizing, then you're not dominantly Ni. That would be like saying you've used this function as a primary function your entire life, just like walking, yet have doubts about how good you are at walking. What you're describing sounds more like a tertiary or inferior Ni, or more accurately Si.

But, don't listen to me, nobody ever does anyway.
This isn't Ni. Ni as a function creates whole concepts directly influenced by its extroverted judging function (NiFe, NiTe, TeNi, FeNi), and it is often perceived by others as a form of stereotyping. These whole concepts are part of Ni's symbolic nature, these whole concepts are the symbols that people refer to when they describe Ni. A good example of this is someone who makes a generalized statement such as "Well, most people do this, so that should mean you do it too." That is Ni, and as a dominant function Ni is comfortable doing it because it has been doing it ever since its master (The individual / ego) was around five years old. If you're uncomfortable making such judgment calls, generalizing, then you're not dominantly Ni. That would be like saying you've used this function as a primary function your entire life, just like walking, yet have doubts about how good you are at walking. What you're describing sounds more like a tertiary or inferior Ni, or more accurately Si.

But, don't listen to me, nobody ever does anyway.

Being uncomfortable making judgment calls and genrealizing is a new thing. I always think I'm right, but I need to make sure.

What has happened recently is reflecting on past judgment calls that were incorrect. It's like I've made another judgment and decided that these were incorrect, but I have to make sure about everything, so I look for external feedback.

My mind is spinning in circles, and it needs closure. Is it an Ni-Ti loop? Am I an INFJ at all? Is the MBTI simply a bunch of BS?

Don't get me wrong, I want the answers to these questions. Pretty soon, I suppose I'm just going to have to come up with some lie to believe in and let it go.
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I have been wrong before, but I know that this is true! This time I'm right, and I know I'm right!!! :closed_2:
You are the stereotypical Ni, so I must agree with everything you say, my lord. :hail:
Just kidding. I love criticizing Ni, and unlike other functions, it really takes it well. ... unless it flips to its Se-counterpart which goes pretty much "my way or the high way".
People like it because it's corrosion resistant :)

Oxygen won't cause Ni to rust like it will with Fe or Cu