Yes I will...and I have no fear for my soul.
I won’t now, or then.
You can live a life of fear, no thanks.
Quit projecting things onto me that you know nothing about - “This is just a game” inferring that I’m a sewer-dwelling clown-demon (lol derp) - way judgmental and dickishly arrogant.
It’s funny that you say you are trying to help people, but you are just a jerk to those that don’t believe your personal religious viewpoint - that will never in a million years get people on your side - insult them and then expect them to listen to what you think is substantial - no way.
Jesus taught by setting an example more than the words he spoke...and he never preached Hell-fire.
The only time he refers to Gehenna (wrongly translated into “Hell”) which was a burning trash heap outside of Jerusalem (Jesus likens mens' hearts to it) which is now actually a park for all to yes, maybe I will go to Hell one day, I will pick a daisy for you.

This is serious for me.
I’m trying to save someone a lifetime of living in fear when that is certainly not what this life should be spent doing.
If you think that is the purpose then I will forever disagree and we should call it at that, but I will still stand in opposition to your fear-mongering commentary on who is damned and why is it is justified.
Also, if we have no free will, then we can’t choose salvation can we?
Stupid argument.