infj+intj= enfp
Quite a dominating father, short temper, obsessive over things having to be 'just so', occasionally frictional and him not being truly content unless he is listened to and what he wants, happens. Gets progressivly worse as gets older, feels less adequate and as though his role is diminishing.for those with ESTJ parents : what was (is) that like?
My whole childhood, I felt I was waging war to establish my own identity and world-view. I was constantly told I what I needed to think and do. My parents thought my 'eccentricity' at a young age was cute and kitschy, and so they humored me to myself and others as being an 'artist.'for those with ESTJ parents : what was (is) that like?
My whole childhood, I felt I was waging war to establish my own identity and world-view. I was constantly told I what I needed to think and do. My parents thought my 'eccentricity' at a young age was cute and kitschy, and so they humored me to myself and others as being an 'artist.'
Yet when it actually came to me expressing myself, I was put down for it. My mom (the ESTJ) would find my notebooks and laugh at the things I wrote when I was younger. Whenever I tried to speak to my dad (ENTJ) about my views, I was never mentally competent enough.
I'm not complaining. I think if they didn't make it so hard on me just to be who I am, I would have been this soft fragile thing. Not so. My entire family is SJ. My aunt literally remarked to me when I discussed my career goals with her a few months ago, "Where did you come from??"
That pretty much sums it up right there.
Anagulous to this for me as well, except my dad is an ESTJ, and my mom is an INFJ (parents split when I was 4).
My whole dad's side is pretty much all SJ's, and my dad has said to me last month "You are so different from me it's astounding, I don't know how you came from my loins."
That just sounds so cruel to me...but I guess for an STJ that's simply stating facts without taking into account how the other person might take it. If you don't mind me asking, Indigo - did that make you feel uncomfortable, or are you "used" to that kind of talk in your family?
I find it interesting how many people have xSTJ parents