My mom is came up as an ENFP on a MBTI test through facebook. I think her NFP is pretty obvious even without a test. She can normally intuitively guess things better than anyone I know (e.g., she is rarely more than 20 seconds off at guessing how long it will take to drive home from wherever we are on the road), but cannot give an coherent rationale for very much. She claims she was extremely introverted as a child and still prefers to think of herself as slightly introverted, but I tend to think she was an extrovert as early as I remember and has become far more extroverted in just the past few years.
My father tested as an INTJ. He wouldn't actually take the test himself, but answered most of the questions when I asked them to him. On a few mom answered for him first. he viewed himself as more judging than she did, perhaps thinking more of his work self. I think she pushed him to respond as more intuitive than he should have been, not that it would necessarily have changed the overall type.
While I am only one letter off from my dad, we share none of the top 4 processes.
I suspect my sister was INFJ as a child, but she hasn't really fit any type since she began treatment for OCD and bipolar. She tested ISFJ, but the last 2 preferences are quite weak and I think ISTP fits a little better. She is certainly not intuitive anymore.