Shadow Queen
- Enneagram
- 4w5
If I met you, I would start by tickling until you urinated.
It is kind of how I mark my territory.
I have bodyguard for a reason.

If I met you, I would start by tickling until you urinated.
It is kind of how I mark my territory.
I react strong to physical touch as well. But not in that way, instead I am emotionally aroused. I love it. I acknowledge any touch and anticipate it whether it is a hug or a clap on the shoulder. It gives me the *bambi eyes* due to feeling 'aaaaaaaaw' ^^
I have bodyguard for a reason.![]()
I don't like ENTPs who wants to touch INFJ minors.
When any of in INFx ex's has pulled that crap, they were immediately tickled until near involuntary urination.
ENTP's: nature's anti-depressant.
It is kind of how I mark my territory.
I'm pretty physically affectionate when in a relationship.
When any of in INFx ex's has pulled that crap, they were immediately tickled until near involuntary urination.
ENTP's: nature's anti-depressant.
The reason I asked is because it seems like many people I know out here at college are rather touchy-feely, and have very small personal space bounderies. I guess it really isn't limited to type.
For some insane reason, college people do tend to be very touchy-feely. I don't know if this is searching for acceptance or attempting to 'connect' in any way shape or form they can but you are right and it drove me batty also.
My close friends finally learned that quick "Brady-bunch" type hugs were about all I would deal with. I was not one to hold hands or link arms or anything of that nature, unless I was in a romantic relationship with that person... Romance makes me slightly more likely to cuddle and touch, but not a lot.
Most of my close friends know that I need my personal space bubble and that is just the way I am. I can handle being in crowds for awhile but it leaves me very exhausted and emotionally drained.
I will, however, physically comfort someone who needs it... If they are crying and need to be held or hugged or whatever the case may be, it is suddenly fine. I'll reach out to near strangers and do this. But, if I'm the one who is upset - very few people can hold me. I resist and I fight it. If it is the right person - I will back down and allow myself to be held but only for a few minutes. After that the bubble goes up again.
I mean, I'm a jumpy person. People touch me or make sudden movements/loud noises while I'm spacing off (which is about 1/3 of the time), and I involuntarily spasm.
I have that same bubble. I most assuredly do not want people to touch me unless I am in a relationship with them. The main reason for this is simple. I can 'feel' their vibes extremely intensely when people touch me. I don't want to feel someone's vibes involuntarily.