Just thought i might share some more things about my smaller dreams hoping to create more space for questions and suggestions :3
Ive made that list quiet a while ago but its still accurate:
Things i'd like to accomplish:
- Creating an Avatar and Design for RyuTechGaming
- Create a tatoo image that mirrors myself.
- Write a Book about Life.
- Beating a korean progamer in his favorite game.
- Writing a Song for Echoe Nightmare.
- Get a Drink with RoyalPhunk.
- Create an RPG.
- Having my Idea for a computergame realized with my name in the credits.
- Experiencing many different things in romantic relationship (nsfw)
- Watch the day all people on earth are considered equal.
- Change Society into something that values emotion, creativity and happyness over influence.
- Prove to someone that all religions share the same core.
- Learn to play an instrument.
- Draw a picture that shows the beauty of Life. (Motivation)
- Draw a picture that critizises Humanity. (Reflection)
- Creating a Soccer Team with 10 people im close to.
- Wife, Children and a house.
- Having children confront my son to tell him how cool his dad is!
- Sing a song flawlessly and share it on the internet.
- Save many broken people to get back to living.
- Writing a letter to the government that noone can ignore.
- Win a game of chess against a strong opponent.
- Play the game of go in a Tournament.
- Save a Life.
- Gifting a loved one a piece of the moon.
- Writing a poem that has impact on people reading it.
- Beeing able to give someone a future by hiring him/her.
- Create a Community to save Humanity.
- Bake a perfekt torte.
- Make a professional cook praise me for my cooking.
- Fighting in a boxing match.
- Visit Newzealand and visit the Hobbit Caves.
- Make all people ive got to know gather in a hall and do a speech.
- Making a crowd laugh.
- Building a boat on a lonely island and catching a fish.
- Achieving something impactful that makes people remember me many years later.
- When beeing 80 years old, walking to the white house with a stick knocking against it while cursing the government.
- Smiling, knowing i have lived my life when im about to die.
- Draw a picture about every thing ive achieved on this list.