For clarification purposes, am I allowed to call them the Morality Squad or is that a negative?
Ahem, let me take off my troll cape, and put on my analrapist (analyst/therapist) stockings and make a genuine post. ( [MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] )
(Please note that the aforementioned line is simply a tribute to the greatest show of all time, and I couldn't resist saying it.)
Here's the issue, Ms. Salander,
Is that you assume anyone with a different opinion than you is wrong, uneducated, and doesn't deserve to be heard. But the issue is that if you flip the other side of this coin, the person who does that to you is a wrong hateful person. So you say you have no time for wrong hateful people, but by your own token you're a wrong hateful person. Now please note, I'm not calling you a wrong/hateful person in this post, I'm simply telling you what I'm noticing. You claim to fight for the rights of the gays, but I have a better solution, as a gay man: Why not fight for the rights of humans? We've added a label to these groups of people who don't need a label. If you were to dissect us, then we are gay and lesbian, you and I. But in the bigger picture, we're people. You see, most people don't mind, and infact support the right for all people to be treated equal. Now, the funny thing is that thats what this country was founded on.
You say constantly the Christians are these hurtful people who hate everyone. However, research has been conducted and its been proven that Christians are actually named after a man named Christ, now Christ was on this earth to save it. Because, according to the Bible, which I believe in as a Christian, when Man first sinned, and separated us from God, we were damned. Because the wages of sin is death. However God has again and again gone to all lengths to save us. After time and time again we messed everything up; he came and he said fear not because I love you and I will give you another chance. And because of this chance, because God loved us so much, he gaves us his only Son, note the word gave. He gave us Jesus, and Jesus in turn gave us the love of his Father. Now I realize this is not vacation bible school, and the last thing you want is a sermon. But what is the main thing you get from this part?
That its all based on love, forgiveness, and another chance. Because you see, God sent Jesus to save us. But who was he saving us from? He was saving us from ourselves. When humanity is left alone, we squander all that we are given. But through God, and Jesus we are given new life. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say its ok to hate anyone no matter what. When his disciples were wronged they said Jesus can we avenge us? He said no, but forgive your enemies, as I have forgiven you. And they practically mocked him and said "but how many times must we forgive them? 7 times 7?" No, he said, "70 times 7."
Now here's where we tie into this little Bible lesson. It is our (LGBT) time to forgive. Now with that note I don't want it to sound like I'm saying "we've been wronged by the world woe is us," because there have been some pretty nasty mean people who have been LGBT who have wronged the world. While yes, the Conservative movement in general condemns gay marriage, many, in fact most do not condemn GAY PEOPLE. They fight for the rights of ALL people. Because when America was founded, if you were gay you had just the same right to own land as you did if you were straight. If you were a woman, you could not own land but mainly because when you married, whatever the man owned, you also owned. (Whereas nowadays if you get married you can choose to put your names on property together etc.) We, the gays, need to stop fighting for gay marriage, and instead fight for the understanding that all people deserve the right to be people. And I as a Christian, will fight for the idea that all people are loved by God, and the world needs to remember that. Because, you see Unpersons, if we fight for the right to be ourselves, then we can marry. If we instead of making the government bigger, we make it smaller, then whos to say we aren't allowed to get married? If the government doesn't tell us what to do anymore.
See Obama says he supports gay marriage, Romney condemns it, but here's the issue, they're both government people. In fact, Romney is hardly a republican, he's practically a democrat. So he claims he will fight to make sure you and I will never be allowed to marry whom we please, and Obama will fight for us to allow to marry whomever we please. But who are they? Who are they to say who we can or cannot marry? If we shrink the governments control over us, (Us the states) then we the states can decide for ourselves what we want and do not want. So perhaps wherever you live will not allow gay marriage, but the state next to you does. Why not move to that state?
I've heard the argument that people make saying 'we shouldn't have to move, we're Americans too!' well sorry, frankly you can't make everyone else agree with you and you shouldn't try either. The founder fathers understood, since some were Christian, some were theist, and some were atheist, that you can't get everyone to agree to one thing hardly ever. So what can you do? You can let them choose for themselves and not make everyone agree.
Freedom for gays will only come when we fight for the freedom of People. The Left, and the LGBT community in general has turned a group of people only connected by one aspect of them, as this sensationalistic dying race that must be protected and sheltered and coddled. We can't make everyone believe we have the right to marry, and we shouldn't try. Because if we have the right to believe we can marry, they have the right to believe we cannot. That is the values this country was founded on, and the values that have made this country of ragtag colonists mocked and joked by the rest of the world as a country that most of the world fears. The difference between the right and the left, is that the left says we know what is wrong and what is right, and anyone else is wrong. The right says we can't say what is right and what is wrong, that is for the individual person to decide.
Now unpersons, isn't that what you're fighting for? The right to decide for yourself? If that is true, then why are you fighting so hard for a leftist society? Is yours (and in this case mine also) freedom really so great if it comes at the cost of crushing others freedoms? You see, I have a point for everything in this post. Please do not say Christians, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, or Republicans are bad, wrong, evil and hateful people. Instead say this: Humans in general are wrong, bad, evil and hateful people. No one is exempt from that, I understand you're not religious, but we all must stop and forgive others as we have been forgiven. We must give grace and compassion to those who hate us, and so they may give grace and compassion back. And if they don't? If they still hate us? Well then, I guess thats why those two things are called grace and compassion. Handing out labels and titles such as racists and homophobes and bigots, is just as damning and damaging to them, as is it is to ourselves. Anyone one human is never right on every topic, so it is not right for me to say that what I believe is right, and what you believe is wrong. Because who says I’m right? As a Christian, I believe this is because we are of the world, and the world is of Sin, and so only God is right. However, even an atheist can benefit from this, because, again I’ll say it: If you believe you’re right in believing you should marry who you marry, then the other party is right in believing you shouldn’t marry, of their own merit. This isn’t grade school, we can’t bully others into believing all one thing. Instead we give them love, not hate; forgiveness, not condemnation; charity, not scorn; understanding, not forced ignorance; life to be who they want to be, not death.