[POLL] Your Most Disliked Function?

Which cognitive function do you dislike most?

  • Si

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Se

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ne

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Fi

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Fe

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ti

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Te

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Can't Decide/Don't Know/Other

    Votes: 10 22.2%

  • Total voters
I think overall we should not judge a particular function as like or dislike. I think it is mainly the combination of functions that are used, that influences the way a certain function is used.

for example all NF's seem to get along quiet well. Although INFJ's and INFP's have complete opposite functions (i and e wise). So I think Fi in combination with Ne and Fe in combination with Ni generate a more or less equivalent personality. But if you combine Se with Fi or a Ti dominant who uses Fe, you come to a totaly different way of using those functions. So probably what I'm trying to say is that it is not the function we like or dislike but more the maturity of the function used. A mature Se is probably more liked that an inmature Fi and visa versa... All functions can be wondeful if used correctly.

for me Te and Fe can turn me in a totaly different person if I don't pay attention. When I'm insecure and in self doubt I start to lean very hard on those functions what turns them into something negative. Fe makes me very aware of social standards and learns me what I have to do to be "liked" by a group because I don't like myself (when I'm in self doubt). It is a very selfish way of using Fe, all for my benefit and never for the benefit of the group. But at the other hand when I'm centered and convinced of my self worth, I start using (trusting on) Fi more wich gives me a good balance in who I am, what I believe, the connections in the world. When I use Fi I don't need to plug into the social standards to be social, aware of others feelings and helpful. For me Fi is a much better function to do these things. Fi helps me to get a sense of what is really wrong with a person.

So saying this type can be selfish and that type can be that ... is just biased!
It is the way you use a type that makes it sefish or ...

I've noticed a trend of Fi dislike in some strongly Fe folks; they perceive it as selfish and egocentric, perhaps because it's not likely to submit to social norms and their expectation for the correct standard of behavior. Fi's are also generally less emotionally expressive than Fe's, it may make the Fe user feeling like they give more than they get, thus the perceived selfishness.

you don't have to submit into social norms to be in touch with people. Social norms are nothing more that a layer people use to interact with eachother. You can have more contact and can be more helpful to others if you forget the social norm bullshit and really search for what someones problem/thoughts/feelings really are...

Te, it feels like a weight on my shoulders, something holding me back from being free.

Te is the voice in my head telling me "that's stupid!" or "that'll never work!" or "why don't you make yourself useful for once?!".

that is the way Te seems to work in me too. It is a great function for me to get things organized in my head, without Te I could never start an experiment in the lab and remember afterwards what I have done. But at the other hand it prevents me from being free. Every time I really want to follow my passion or my gut feeling
Te stands up and says "you are a dreamer, dreamers don't have there shit together, just stick to being practical ok?"
or Fe stands up and says "my god M, that is not what is expected from you" or "what will people think of you?"
Fe and Te are very useful for me to interact into the real world, they are also holding me back to be fabulous in what I'm really good at: FiNe

it'll go probably like:
INFJs will call INFP's Fi needy, whiny, and silent (until it exploded); and their Ne, random and aimless. Their Si old fashioned, their Te unprofessional.
INFPs will call INFJ's Ni rushing and clueless, and their Fe, subservient and manipulative. Their Ti too criticizing, their Se wild and random.

my god I would never call INFJ's Ni or Fe like that. I think INFJ's, since these are there dominant functions, are the types that display the best way to use Ni or Fe. They make those functions look fabulous and desirable. It is the Se and Ti usage of INFJ's that I dislike, especialy the Ti that is overanalyzing when they should just wait until there Ni is giving them the info they need. Same with the Si and Te usage of INFP's. I have an ISTJ collegue, here Te is soooooo rocking!!!! It makes my Te look very unprofessional. I think that is normal since Te is her natural way to deal with things while I have to make a huge effort to make Te work.

what I truly hate is fakeness. Pretending to be someone else so you can manipulate and use that person for your own personal glory. I don't know exactly what function, or combination of functions would cause that. Fe can lead to fakeness when used wrong. I think it is Se without a good value system that cause people to manipulate others for there own benefit...
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To me Fe has a lot of negatives too, actually it came in close with Se and Ti in my vote. I feel as if Fe can be so concerned with social norms, that all sense of individuality is lost. They change who they are to make others happy and therefore making them seem ''fake'' at times. Fe users can at times be overly expressive in their emotions, and need to much validity from others, and depend to much on others. I have some of this negative aspects of Fe listed above, though I am going more towards the INFP route now.

Of course, this are just stereotypes.

Fe makes me very aware of social standards and learns me what I have to do to be "liked" by a group because I don't like myself (when I'm in self doubt). It is a very selfish way of using Fe, all for my benefit and never for the benefit of the group. But at the other hand when I'm centered and convinced of my self worth, I start using (trusting on) Fi more wich gives me a good balance in who I am, what I believe, the connections in the world. When I use Fi I don't need to plug into the social standards to be social, aware of others feelings and helpful. For me Fi is a much better function to do these things. Fi helps me to get a sense of what is really wrong with a person.

I said Fi because the bad form of Fi is horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive (good Fi is lovely though, it's just rare).

LOL sounds like a stereotypical high school cheerleader.
Good Fi is not rare. How would you even know that?
I think what irritates me most about these threads, is the actual lack of understanding as to what the theory is about... and an excuse to judge other people you don't understand based specifically on the wrong assumptions about what the theory is for.
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Good Fi is not rare. How would you even know that?
I think what irritates me most about these threads, is the actual lack of understanding as to what the theory is about... and an excuse to judge other people you don't understand based specifically on the wrong assumptions about what the theory is for.


maybe we could just use ourselves as a reference to our judgements of functions. It is not perfect either but a better than judging a whole function based on assumptions about other peoples behaviour while we are not even sure that it is the same function that is responsible for the behaviour in the first place. Poor base for judgement if you ask me...
Well, I'm not going to speak about what I like or dislike about a certain function in other people, but I know I hate my Fe. It blurs my needs with those of others to something that sometimes freakishly approaches co-dependency. Indeed, its all said and done, after an entire day of catering to another person's needs (or what feels like it), I am often disgusted with myself for not having stood up for myself more just because I didn't want to hurt the other person's feelings.

I hate having Fe as a primary function.
Well, I'm not going to speak about what I like or dislike about a certain function in other people, but I know I hate my Fe. It blurs my needs with those of others to something that sometimes freakishly approaches co-dependency. Indeed, its all said and done, after an entire day of catering to another person's needs (or what feels like it), I am often disgusted with myself for not having stood up for myself more just because I didn't want to hurt the other person's feelings.

I hate having Fe as a primary function.

yep, the same.

maybe we could just use ourselves as a reference to our judgements of functions. It is not perfect either but a better than judging a whole function based on assumptions about other peoples behaviour while we are not even sure that it is the same function that is responsible for the behaviour in the first place. Poor base for judgement if you ask me...

For me to not do that (refrence others) would require me to completely invert and remove a major aspect of my personality, and a major tool I use to interact with people. Not so much deciding which function is "better or worse" (which isn't what I am really doing), but it's all very related. I refrence other people for nearly everything, it is what I do. I also am not doing this in a black and white way either. I may appear that way, but I have exceptions to everything. I just seldom spell them out cause it's irratating for me to do so.
Haha Fi

maybe we could just use ourselves as a reference to our judgements of functions. It is not perfect either but a better than judging a whole function based on assumptions about other peoples behaviour while we are not even sure that it is the same function that is responsible for the behaviour in the first place. Poor base for judgement if you ask me...

I agree with this wholeheartedly. The analysis and judgement of function based on observation of others' (valued or not) behavior is an error of judgement from my perspective. My sense is that it speaks to a lack of understanding of the basic precepts of function theory itself.

I think what irritates me most about these threads, is the actual lack of understanding as to what the theory is about... and an excuse to judge other people you don't understand based specifically on the wrong assumptions about what the theory is for.

In my experience, that seems par for the course as it regards forums built around MBTI. Discussion and analysis of function theory is casual, anecdotal, and of the folk/pop psychology variety. Reference to the source, i.e., Jung, is typically met with a response that lies somewhere on the axis defined by indifference/dismissal and annoyance/hostility.

[sarcasm]Of course, the fact I have quoted and agreed with/affirmed the both of you is just proof that us Fi-doms typically tend toward being horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive. Typically, I say, in that the lovely aspects, like the good variant of Fi itself, is rare. :wink: [/sarcasm]

[sarcasm]Of course, the fact I have quoted and agreed with/affirmed the both of you is just proof that us Fi-doms typically tend toward being horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive. Typically, I say, in that the lovely aspects, like the good variant of Fi itself, is rare. :wink: [/sarcasm]

the minute I saw your post with the quotes to mine and acd's post I thought popped up in my mind

INFP party!!!! :party:

I have no idea where you guys get the "Fi is judgemental". I think Fi is the least judgemental of all judging functions. It tries to see the good in everything and is always holding back to make a final jugdement call. The INFP posts here seem to be the only one without statemens as "x = bad" in it but rather statements about being careful with judging people/types based on biased observations

lets have a quote parade about judgements, shall we:

I said Fi because the bad form of Fi is horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive (good Fi is lovely though, it's just rare).

I do not like Fi when it is Tertiary or Inferior, cause people act like selfish pricks then. I know, I grew up with an INTJ older sister and she was one selfish bitch.

No offence to the Fi's in general of course, developed Fi is super nice, but when Fi is bad, its really bad. Lex luthor bad.

I've noticed a trend of Fi dislike in some strongly Fe folks; they perceive it as selfish and egocentric, perhaps because it's not likely to submit to social norms and their expectation for the correct standard of behavior. Fi's are also generally less emotionally expressive than Fe's, it may make the Fe user feeling like they give more than they get, thus the perceived selfishness.

...it's pretty much between Fi or Te. Both functions, when bad, became.... horribly, blatantly, self-centered; Fi with added bitchiness, and Te with added standards. =A=

Good point. but I was thinking Fi is bad because Fi's keep their feelings themselves (anger, annoyance, PAIN). So in a way, their internalized emotions can get them to become more stressed out/depressed? Also, Fi enables one to vividly re-experience past feelings and if those feelings are negative, Fi's are doomed!

I think .....when Fi became more and more depressed, their function flipped and went into a bad form of Fe. So they whine and whine and destroy themselves and others; basically went self destruct just because.

Fi-tea anyone?
:mcute: or would that be bad
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I think Fi is the least judgemental of all judging functions. It tries to see the good in everything and is always holding back to make a final jugdement call.

That's Ne, or Se. Fi is judgemental (in the sense that it's a judging function) but it's directed inwards.
thinking of it,

our least favorite function may have more to do with us ourselves and the troubles we ourselves have with that function than with the troubles we have with others.
irritation with others shows us the things we have to work on in ourselves...

just concider it...
thinking of it,

our least favorite function may have more to do with us ourselves and the troubles we ourselves have with that function than with the troubles we have with others.
irritation with others shows us the things we have to work on in ourselves...

Agreed. In fact, you can actually say that's true of most things we don't like in other people: it is the things we hate in ourselves. I wonder if Fe, for all its wonders, makes us project our own ills onto others.
lets have a quote parade about judgements, shall we:
Fi-tea anyone?
:mcute: or would that be bad

I'm sorry, I just have to ask what this post is about. It's an honest question.

Do the quoted posts offend you?

I'm asking, because it appears so, given that all negative words are highlighted in an out of context way, and the end of your posts implies that the posters stated all Fi is bad, (which I don't think anyone meant) and yet all but one were phrased in an unoffensive way.

They were posed as observations and most posters focused on the negative aspects of Fi, which do exist as with any other function.

I guess I just wanted to say, that despite the easily misinterpreted thread idea, I don't think it was meant to discriminate against others functions, or that is my impression at least.
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I'm sorry, I just have to ask what this post is about. It's a honest question.

Do the quoted posts offend you?

I'm asking, because it appears so, given that all negative words are highlighted in an out of context way, and the end of your posts implies that the posters stated all Fi is bad, (which I don't think anyone meant) and yet all but one were phrased in an unoffensive way.

They were posed as observations and most posters focused on the negative aspects of Fi, which do exist as with any other function.

I guess I just wanted to say, that despite the easily misinterpreted thread idea, I don't think it was meant to discriminate against others functions, or that is my impression at least.

to be really honest and open, yes they offended me. and I quoted all the Fi statements but it also goes for the others as well. Saying "Fi = bad" without any explanation about how you got at that point or in which context it would be bad is just so unfair/unmoral in my eyes. You say my quotes where out of context, that is because there was no context given. I (mostly) quoted the whole post. Ofcourse Fi can be bad as all things in life can be good or bad but when you make such a statement, at least say why. What good can come from stating "Fi is selfish and Te is just a bitch"? What can we learn from it? How can it be helpful in understanding the people around us that are different than we are or make us more tolerable to others? What is it more than just an expression of irritation and bitterness?

that is what I dislike. Judgement without context or inside. I guess it is my shadow side ... maybe I should declare now what function I think it is caused by ...
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Well you know, I don't see any of the Se, Te or other function doms coming on-mass to protest and be offended. Just the Fi doms...

This thread was meant to take in the opinions of posters, and we gave them. You didn't exactly stay "clean" of all judgments either.
Well you know, I don't see any of the Se, Te or other function doms coming on-mass to protest and be offended. Just the Fi doms...

This thread was meant to take in the opinions of posters, and we gave them. You didn't exactly stay "clean" of all judgments either.
