In reality functions do not exist independently of each other. It's useful to analyze a function in itself, but not when it comes to like/dislike, because then you can only relate to whole persons, and their functional interactions. Thus, the poll gives a somewhat wrong impression.
well this is pritty much what I tried to explain with my post, I probably really suck at it ... I'm sorry
but I'll stop my moral quest right here
TDHT: Fi paired with Te? Well...Te and Fi limit each other. Te is based on the practical, often scientific manipulation of systems, while Fi is more about the values and ethics of the situation. Also Fi reminds the individual that every person is an individual and as such, should be treated as one. Fi is all about everyone being themselves instead of giving away a bit of themselves to fit a social contract. I also think a INTJs view of what's practical comes from Fi as well
I agree!
I also use Fi and Te all the time (as far as I'm right about my observations). They are to me like the Jackal and mister hide. I have to switch in a total different person when I use Te. And because I have to use it at my job all the time, I have to switch to mister hide every day. If I try to do my job with Fi, my head is to cloudy to do anything properly. Te helps me to organize my work, make correct judgement calls based on rationals instead of morals (I can't use morals while working in a lab).
But when Te is up, Fi seem to be vanished and I have a really hard time to find my own moral grounds, my own identity again. This really has been the biggest challenge of my life, I can't make them work together properly. And what realy bothers me is that when I really want to use Fi all the way, Te always have to come in nagging that what I'm trying to do is not practical enough and that I will end very badly if I continue that way. Because of that, I can never follow my passions all the way...
Is there anyone who can let there Te and Fi work together harmoniously?
gloomyoptimist said:
For me, it would have to be a tie between Te and Fi. I mean, I don't dislike any function, but both of those functions are a bit foreign to me and can frustrate me. My sister, an ENTJ, can unleash a whole barrage of Te backed by Fi when she's being stubborn and irritable, and it's just not fun. But, having a ton of xNTJ and xNFP friends, I can't say I have any problems with the functions on a day-to-day basis.
great post!
This is what I ment, this is a judgement about a function, or interaction between functions but she als provid us with a context and an attempt to understand why these functions can bother her!
I guess that is a way for Te and Fi to work together, lol. I think I do that too when I'm irritated and stubborn. I really don't like myself when I do that but it is hard to stop. Especially when it happens with my father. I think my father is a an IXTJ so he uses Te and Fi as well. And we are a fine pair when we are both irritated and stubborn.