[POLL] Your Most Disliked Function?

Which cognitive function do you dislike most?

  • Si

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Se

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ne

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Fi

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Fe

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ti

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Te

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Can't Decide/Don't Know/Other

    Votes: 10 22.2%

  • Total voters
I'm an Fi dom and I'm not offended, do I get a prize?

I love to consider how my dark side could manifest, negative perspectives regarding Fi are very interesting. Anyway I think people are talking about very unhealthy types or even their own "inferior" use of the function.
I'm an Fi dom and I'm not offended, do I get a prize?

I love to consider how my dark side could manifest, negative perspectives regarding Fi are very interesting. Anyway I think people are talking about very unhealthy types or even their own "inferior" use of the function.
Exactly, why would we take fault with a well developed and healthy version of any function?

And yes, you may have a cookie :D
Sure, like if this forum had an Se or Te majority, however there are quite of us that are Fi doms. Also, in our judgment we clearly stated that this were stereotypes. Some of the posts here sounded like direct assumptions or accusations.
Exactly, why would we take fault with a well developed and healthy version of any function?

And yes, you may have a cookie :D

Exactly. My intention with this thread was to see what people disliked in functions when they are used in the worst way. We all have different prefrences to what bothers us, and that was expressed. I'm sorry but I don't see how this all would offend anyone and I just don't understand why anyone would take offense to such a thing (and I'm sorry I find it really ironic too). If people started taring bad Ni to ribbons I wouldn't be offended (if someone wants to do it, then go ahead). All this offense talk just is a derailment of this threads intention.

and ditto to the cookie :D
Sure, like if this forum had an Se or Te majority, however there are quite of us that are Fi doms. Also, in our judgment we clearly stated that this were stereotypes. Some of the posts here sounded like direct assumptions or accusations.
This isn't exactly making me change my vote, either.
Any function has the potential to really suck, even in a developed person. They all have their downsides. However, the degree of suck is usually in proportion to how little of the function the offended party has developed. For example, Fi rarely gets to me unless it is just being antagonistic to my Fe sensibilities because my Fi is pretty well developed. Se rarely offends me because I also have a fair amount of it well developed... only when it refutes my Ni. Ti also makes a lot of sense to me and is only offensive when it directly opposes my Fe, etc. Te used to really bother me, but now that I've developed it to a fair degree, I'm losing that problem. The last one for me to really deal with is Si, me thinks.
I think any time we discuss the merits or shortcomings of any function, we're always going to run into a risk of offending others. The very nature of MBTI has us, like it or not, staking a part of our identity with our type. If that type or its defining components are criticized, it is incredibly difficult not to take personal offense. Instead of pointing fingers or staggering into a defense, a more prudent solution would simply be to let bygones be bygones and simply remain mindful of the way we approach function-related pro's and con's in the future, whether we're the ones expressing our opinion or reading into the opinion of another.
I think any time we discuss the merits or shortcomings of any function, we're always going to run into a risk of offending others. The very nature of MBTI has us, like it or not, staking a part of our identity with our type. If that type or its defining components are criticized, it is incredibly difficult not to take personal offense. Instead of pointing fingers and staggering into a defense, a more prudent solution would simply be to let bygones be bygones and simply remain mindful of the way we address function-related pro's and con's in the future.

My biggest pet peeve about typology EVER. Type =/= Identity.

I really wish people wouldn't think of type in terms of their identity, it would make many misunderstandings like these disappear.
thinking of it,

our least favorite function may have more to do with us ourselves and the troubles we ourselves have with that function than with the troubles we have with others.
irritation with others shows us the things we have to work on in ourselves...

just concider it...
.....uh, I completely agreed with you.
And the point ....is...uuuh, wha? That's it's our own fault we hate a certain function? and what would recognition of one's flaw do to the fact that the feeling itself still exist?
which brings me to the point;
What good can come from stating "Fi is selfish and Te is just a bitch"? What can we learn from it? How can it be helpful in understanding the people around us that are different than we are or make us more tolerable to others? What is it more than just an expression of irritation and bitterness?

that is what I dislike. Judgement without context or inside. I guess it is my shadow side ... maybe I should declare now what function I think it is caused by ...
Uh. I'll be frank and say that I am personally piqued.

This is....as far an opinion poll about one's least favorable opinions. Subjective in nature, yet not future-oriented; Not "Which function you would like to see it GONE FOREVER?"

I completely understand why most Fi user here are offended and protesting (Fe here), but I think how it's presented are going to only prove....the point. See; Fi is about one's own value. And you're protecting your own values and ideals now by the evils of whiny, dominating Fe by...doing what, exactly?

@edit : aaaah, I guess I -am- personally offended *cough*. I wonder.... I'll refrain from replying here until I've made a more coherent reply, I suppose. :)
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I think any time we discuss the merits or shortcomings of any function, we're always going to run into a risk of offending others. The very nature of MBTI has us, like it or not, staking a part of our identity with our type. If that type or its defining components are criticized, it is incredibly difficult not to take personal offense. Instead of pointing fingers or staggering into a defense, a more prudent solution would simply be to let bygones be bygones and simply remain mindful of the way we approach function-related pro's and con's in the future, whether we're the ones expressing our opinion or reading into the opinion of another.

The irony is I wanted to pick Se but I accidentally clicked Ti.

If you laugh, I'll kick you in the balls.

...although chances are that I would miss.
My biggest pet peeve about typology EVER. Type =/= Identity.

I really wish people wouldn't think of type in terms of their identity, it would make many misunderstandings like these disappear.

Hah, you have better chances of winning the lottery jackpot. I applaud anyone who is capable of dissociating themselves from their type once they've had a chance to apply it and use it as a tool to get to know themselves better. And judging from many of the introductory posts in the introduction forum, the majority of people seem to view the MBTI this way.

Typology discusses personality, and personality is the lens with which we experience our reality. Even if you're generalizing about a type, if that generalization strikes at something true about your person, it's no longer a discussion about theory so much as it is a direct discussion of aspects of yourself and all of the things that are wrong with the way your personal conduct. It really sucks that it's so personalized, but it was almost designed that way.

Still, Trifolium is right. Let's try to keep in mind that this poll was meant to be a matter of subjective preference and personal experience. Let's limit the discussion to such.
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In reality functions do not exist independently of each other. It's useful to analyze a function in itself, but not when it comes to like/dislike, because then you can only relate to whole persons, and their functional interactions. Thus, the poll gives a somewhat wrong impression.

Notably, of course, in an INFJ forum the dislike for the opposite functions is higher: Si>Se, Ne>Ni, Fi>Fe, Te>Ti. That rather means that people with very different functional groups have problems understanding each other's motivations, needs and abilities.

The other interesting trend is that N/S-dominant of course have bigger issues with T/F-dominant, so T and F get the highest number of votes in an INFJ forum. If this was, say, the INTP forum, I can almost guarantee that S and N functions were going to get the highest total.

I'm experiencing more clashes with Ti-dominant, when I'm in my pure ENFP state, and more clashes with Fe-dominant, when in ISTJ shadow mode. In both cases I feel almost bullied and defenseless. The nasty twist is that I'm sure my own functions cause the same effect to others, without me even noticing.
I think any time we discuss the merits or shortcomings of any function, we're always going to run into a risk of offending others. The very nature of MBTI has us, like it or not, staking a part of our identity with our type. If that type or its defining components are criticized, it is incredibly difficult not to take personal offense. Instead of pointing fingers or staggering into a defense, a more prudent solution would simply be to let bygones be bygones and simply remain mindful of the way we approach function-related pro's and con's in the future, whether we're the ones expressing our opinion or reading into the opinion of another.
I completely agreed. Maybe it's time for everyone to stop pinpointing and start......improving each other.

Come to think about it.....
If people started taring bad Ni to ribbons I wouldn't be offended (if someone wants to do it, then go ahead).

For balance sake.

Ni makes people believe things for no good reason, people extrapolate the most meaningless details into something grand. From conspiracy theories to the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast, this kind of thinking can be amusing but it can also be down right dangerous. Because Ni already thinks it knows the answer, it is basically confirmation bias taken to the extreme.
I'm really surprised no one has voted for Ni yet.

Seems like a natural for upsetting people, as it is such a cut to the chase and yet out of touch with reality function. I'd assume Ni would be one of the INTPs' pet peeve functions. Then again, maybe it really is the most unobtrusive of the functions.

However, I honestly think that Fi and Fe would always get the most votes if there were a full array of types. These are the emotional functions, and people get the most annoyed by other people being emotional, by and large. If you have one of these functions in your primary set, you're likely annoyed by the other. If you're a T type, you're likely most annoyed by emotional people of any sort.

Also, I really think that functions unto themselves are less capable of being offensive than when in conjunction with other functions. For example, Si isn't nearly as offensive to me when it is paired with Fe. In fact, I almost don't have any issues with the SFJs I know. But, pair it with Te, and all of a sudden it's usually toxic to me. Meanwhile, if you pair Te with Ni, I actually admire Te.
Risking derailing the thread, I'm actually curious about what Fi looks like paired with Te.

Or better yet, @VH:, I have a project I think you might jump right on... How's about a post discussing different function pairs and how they work together?
Well you know, I don't see any of the Se, Te or other function doms coming on-mass to protest and be offended. Just the Fi doms...

This thread was meant to take in the opinions of posters, and we gave them. You didn't exactly stay "clean" of all judgments either.
I'm more disgusted by the lack of insight in the responses.
I guess that's being offended, or irritated that people are being so wonderfully open about something they obviously don't understand.

After all though, don't mind me.. this is a bitch and rant thread.
If this is what Fe doms do when they get together... cackle and nit pick at differences... then so be it.
Have your fun.
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Well you know, I don't see any of the Se, Te or other function doms coming on-mass to protest and be offended. Just the Fi doms...

This thread was meant to take in the opinions of posters, and we gave them. You didn't exactly stay "clean" of all judgments either.

*cracks shoulder*

I feel very offended. My functions has been consistently posed as the worst functions to have based on the opinions of the INFJs on this forum. Te is harsh and critical and Fi is also selfish!


Okay, okay, I'll stop. In actuality, it doesn't really...matter? Bad use of a function is bad no matter what it is, the function only affects what's going to happen. Bad use of Ni makes me incredibly stubborn, I'll have a particular view or interpretation of a subject and I won't change it because my Ni is right 9.5 out of 10.In that situation, I'm using Ni badly. Te can be focused on getting the practical results, this can imply ignoring people's feelings depending on the person with Te. That's bad function use. Being inherently selfish and not thinking of everyone as a individual is also a faulty way of using Fi. Seeking immediate please = bad way of using Se.

TDHT: Fi paired with Te? Well...Te and Fi limit each other. Te is based on the practical, often scientific manipulation of systems, while Fi is more about the values and ethics of the situation. Also Fi reminds the individual that every person is an individual and as such, should be treated as one. Fi is all about everyone being themselves instead of giving away a bit of themselves to fit a social contract. I also think a INTJs view of what's practical comes from Fi as well
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Risking derailing the thread, I'm actually curious about what Fi looks like paired with Te.
Interesting! :D If I may chime in....

I've wondered about how Te would be if paired with Fi, but not the opposite..... I think the effect would be same to other opposed functions and type; balancing. In this case, from the basic definition.... Fi / what one believed would be tempered by to what amount are their belief and values -are- in objective values, together with the ability to extensively plan for reaching that value, perhaps?

I'm really surprised no one has voted for Ni yet.

Seems like a natural for upsetting people, as it is such a cut to the chase and yet out of touch with reality function. I'd assume Ni would be one of the INTPs' pet peeve functions. Then again, maybe it really is the most unobtrusive of the functions.
Yeah *cough*;

how many people liked that old gypsies sitting outside selling prophecies of doom, that guy sitting outside telling you the cloud shapes like the Angel of Dead Donuts, or that girl who knows how you've been banging your secretary secretly all week just by seeing a broken pencil?

/looks place Oh, wait.