That's super creepy! Who would do that!!?
Unbalanced people
This is going to sound SOOO stupid - and I can't believe I'm mentioning this - a lot of the concepts you talk about are components of a TV show call 'Supernatural'. I haven't seen it in awhile, but last time I watched it, there was a story arc about these Leviathans putting additives in the food to dumb people down and basically kill them. They also have incorporated a character named Crowley into the show (who is the devil). It seems silly, but some of the things you mention remind me of that show! I'm sure it's the media again trying to convince of that real things are "fictitious"!
That's not stupid at all
I haven't seen the show but magicians use a method called 'bud will' where they plant an idea into the subconscious so that it then flowers into our reality
This 'reality' is really created by consciousness. So if you affect consciousness then you affect this reality. This is why graham hancock calls this a 'war over consciousness'; his TED talk was removed by TED!
The bud will effect is often spoken about in the alternative media but they call it 'predictive programming'
So on one level it helps bring about a change in reality in a sort of self fulfilling prophecy sort of way but also it prepares people psychologically for certain things to happen. There have been for example strange things appear in films and other popular culture that have referred to but preceded events like 911 or the boston bombin of the shooting at sandy hook
For example sandy hook is mentioned in the batman films as is aurora (where the theatre shooting happened). This is all planting things subconsciously into the collective consciousness.
But one of the most interesting things in the batman film was the jokers speech to two face where he explains that as long as people are prewarrned of disasters they don't long as there is a plan
Concerning the 'leviathon' that is just the hebrew name for the chaos dragon. Set or satan is chaos. Typhon the black goddess is also chaos. Crowley was in my opinion an expression of unbalnced force; i see him as an agent of chaos, so although many of his followers will argue he wasn't a satanist he is in that current. In fact the satanic bible was really influenced by crowleys work and like crowley (see for example in his confessions) it says it is a social darwinist belief system
Social darwinism believes in stamping out the weak. The 'weak' are basically anyone they don't like. The guys at the top of our society who are the black magicians behind the popular culture industry are social darwinists and the 'weak' to them are the poor. That is who thay are primarily trying to exterminate
Crowley talks about wanting to create a new system based on the old spartan system. But the spartans used to throw any deformed babies off a cliff. They would also give up their children to state run military boarding schools where they would be brutalised (have their emotional empathy removed) and paired up with an older boy who would often use them for sex.
The spartans trained as soldiers so that they didn't need to work. Instead they dominated a slave class of people called the helots who did all the work. This has lead to comparisons being made for example by noam chomsky between modern day israel and its exploitation of the palestineans and ancient sparta and its domination of the helots
But that is basically the mindset of the corporate elite. They see themselves as the spartans and the rest of us as the helots. In fact the chiefs of wallstreet are often called 'the masters of the universe' even in the mainstream media
So it sounds like that programme you are watching is not far off the mark; but the question is: ''are they warning us or are they fictionalising whats real so that people don't believe the truth when they hear it?''. Also is it predictive programming?
I had a question I meant to ask awhile back about the Britney Spears interview. If it's the case that the media and journalists are actively trying to control us through their broadcasts, how do we not know this? It would be wide-spread across so many outlets, and so many people would know...why aren't people coming forward? or are they, and they're just being deemed crazy?
People DO know about it...there is a massed awakening going on where people are becoming aware how centralised control is
The media outlets have all consolidated into a handful of giants eg there was another recent merger of comcast and time warner. The different media outlets have for a long time been owned by the same families but they have been prevented from merging due to the enforcement of anti-trust laws such as the Sherman Anti Trust Act (1890) which were used to break down monopolies for example the rockefellers standard oil trust in 1911 but these families just carried on infiltrating government and the judicial system and the media to such a degree that now no one is enforcing the anti-trust laws anymore allowing 'too big to fail' coporations to grow which basically hold government to ransom
Concerning why it isn't spoken about on the media outlets its because they are all centrally controlled. The presenters are just sock puppets spewing out the scripts they are handed by the cabal. Have a look at this clip to see this:
So the reason the central control of the media is not discussed through the mainstream media is because the media is centrally controlled (see analogy of platos cave to understand why the black lodge want to control the flow of information to peopels minds...because to control that is to control perception and to control perception is to control reality)
This is why people have to go to the alternative media to get the truth
CFR control of the mainstream media:
The term 'conspiracy theorist' was created by the CIA after the kennedy assassination as a smear term to be used against anyone who questioned the magic bullet theory. This term was made analogous to insanity by the mainstream media
The ADL uses a similar technique of manipulation by branding anyone who criticises Israeli foreign policy as an 'anti-semite'
The powers that be do not want anyone questioning their actions! Those that have done so will be assassinated or character assassinated or both; they have very cleverly got the masses to police each other and to use these terms to silence each other
Here's a clip about this process:
After my next post is a clip of another illuminati pop culture puppet beyonce talking about her alter ego called 'sasha':