I think you need to look at the positive of this. Other people have given up on finding love. They get over things easier, for that very reason, that they have given up INVESTING in love.
You however have not. You keep on going out there and being vulnerable and open to finding love. Putting your heart out on show is an amazingly vulnerable thing to do, and some of us do that time after time. Because we won't give up on searching for the one person that complements us, that is our soul mate or true love.
Keep on keeping on. Take the lows because one day, you'll achieve the highest of highs. While those around you have to settle for normal or average or "it's the best I can find right now"
The lows are crap - I'm with you on that - and they take a long time to get over, regardless of age.
I can't tell you what the future holds except that for you it holds hope. Be strong .. and I hope one day you get everything you're looking for!