Post your Enneagram

When I saw this thread I read it as Post Your Mammogram.
I'm not kidding.
You are most likely a type 8.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5 or 5w4.

HUH? How can I be a 8 AND 4w5. I identify with 8...but in the past 4w5 fit me too.

Edit: On the other test I'm a 5. But 8 was close to it.

I'm just gonna say I'm 5.
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Eclectic Energies

Similar Minds
first one:

Perfectionism 50%
Helpfulness 50%
Image Focus 50%
Hypersensitivity 82%
Detachment 70%
Anxiety 78%
Adventurousness 42%
Aggressiveness 54% <--lol
Calmness 38%

4-20 I must avoid painful feelings to be happy.
6-19 I must be secure and safe to be happy.
5-17 I must be knowledgable and independent to be happy.

type 4 variant sp/so/sx

second one:

You are most likely a type 4.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5.

Type 4 - 10
Type 5 - 9
Type 6 - 9

*sigh*...sounds like the story of my life...(
You are most likely a type 4.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5.

Type 4 - 10.3
Type 5 - 6.3
Type 9 - 6
A solid 6 on similarminds, so/sp/sx

A 4 on the other:

Enneagram Type 4 - The Individualist

Identity seekers, who feel unique and different
People of this personality type tend to build their identities around their perception of themselves as being somehow different or unique; they are thus self-consciously individualistic. Fours tend to see their difference from others as being both a gift and a curse - a gift, because it sets them apart from those they perceive as being somehow "common," and a curse, as it so often seems to separate them from the simpler forms of happiness that others so readily seem to enjoy. Thus, Fours can manage to feel superior to others while also secretly harboring some degree of longing and envy. A feeling of being a member of the "true aristocracy" alternates with deep feelings of shame, and fears of somehow being deeply flawed or defective.
Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated. They have a tendency to withdraw in the face of a world that seems harsh or crude, and are often somewhat moody or temperamental. They are emotionally centered and spend much of their lives immersed in their internal mental landscapes, where they feel free to cultivate and analyse their feelings. A desire to manifest this internal world often leads Fours to an interest in the arts, and some do become actual artists. Whether artistic or not, however, most Fours are aesthetically sensitive and concerned with self-expression and self-revelation, whether it be in the clothes they wear or in the overall nature of their often idiosyncratic lifestyles.
Fours are somewhat melancholic by disposition, and under stress tend to lapse into depression. They also tend to be self-absorbed, even under the best of circumstances, but when unbalanced, easily give way to a self-indulgence which they perceive as being fully justified as a way to compensate for the general lack of pleasure they experience in their lives. Rather than look for practical solutions to their difficulties, Fours are prone to fantasizing about a savior who will rescue them from their unhappiness.
Intellectual Fours tend to mistakenly type themselves as Fives, and a heavy wing can certainly exacerbate this tendency. Fours however, unlike Fives, tend to be self-revealing and comfortable with emotional expression.

Wow! That very accurate. Geez.. :meyes:
eclecticenergies - You are most likely a type 5. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6 or 6w5.

similarminds - 4 sp/so
You are most likely a type 1.
Your wings seem to be balanced.

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||| 46% Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||| 58% Type 3 Image Focus |||||| 26% Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||| 30% Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||| 78% Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 54% Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 34% Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 50% Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 58%
Variant self: sp/so/sx

So, I guess my test results are a bit of a contradiction.
And I quote.
"Enneagram Type 4 (Four): The Individualist, Romantic, Artist

Fours are the poets and the artists. Well, fours are the starving artists. Sometimes, you know, you have to starve to get to the real stuff.

Fours are the masters of the emotional realm. Fours seem to be old souls. They have been around the block with heartache and even if they still get caught up in it they know there way around.

Some books say that fours are the jealous type. That’s bullshit. Fours don’t want what you have, they want something of their own… but it might be the same thing that you have.

You see fours are always out looking for how to make life better. That’s the thing- the aperture on the vision is so large that fours are trying to find ways to make LIFE better.

Fours can seem sort of down to others. Fours can seem sort of sad, but they really aren’t that sad at all. Once you get to know them, fours know a depth of feeling that none of the other types can TOUCH.

Fours are dag smat on the part of the enneagram that coincides with emotions. Yup, the thinking types see no logic in the four’s moves and the body types think fours are airy-fairy.

Fours are often lethally embarrassed. Or self-concious. Or both.

But that’s OK because despite what anyone might think, the four knows exactly what’s going on.Sexual Variant
The Fours of this variant are emotionally intense, and they express themselves through relationships and high-pitch lives. They have a competitive streak, and their emotions toward another (especially their love interests) run the gamut of total devotion and burning hatred. They are also the “face” of romantic poets and tortured artists, working in fervour on their art in between their outbursts of temper. They typically lead very unconventional lifestyles as a kind of personal statement. When in stress fours of this variant express their envy more openly, and can act out through violence or self-harm."

Scary this seems to be me. All of it.. I feel uniquely ashamed lol
5w4 of the Sexual Variant. Though at times I come out as a 7, neither wing seems to suit and the bits about the pleasure seeking compulsion and avoidance of introspection aren't really familiar. I actively seek different experiences and invite adventure, but it's less about thrill than it is about information gathering and seeing a bigger picture.

I found the Eclectic Energies test to be more accurate than the Similar Minds test.

Oh, and my mammogram came out bea-U-tiful. Nary a bump to be seen. 'cept the two that are suppose to be there.
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My 4 and 6 got equal scores (both tests). I think the 6 is largely do to my inner scientist.