I don't think anyone is actually that interested in his tax returns... but if it makes good campaign fodder, so be it.
Seriously?Yeah...I may have actually considered voting for him myself if he released them and everything was how it should be...as in - he’s paid actual taxes for the past 20 years.
Not yet, no favors that we are aware of. But it will all rinse out in the wash.The best reason for hope at the moment is that he is not a politician, and that he hasn't courted any favours.
Anyway. I understand that having republicans ruling most of the government right now can be a concern and I do find it alarming how much religious thinking gets into politics in the USA
First let me say I am drunk and I am a loser in life. Though not so much so that I live with my parents or anything... they both passed away a long time ago. Im just really in line with how you word things. So much so I could forsee myself at some point falling in love with you. Like over and over. But its not meant to be. You with your boyfriend and me with my need to be free. It cant ever happen. Like ever... "I've been watching a lot of interviews, speeches, etc made by both candidates. The internet is a beautiful thing. I have been enjoying watching each of them through history and seeing where they've been consistent or perhaps where they've faltered. I do find it valuable to hear what has come straight from the horse's mouth instead of relying on the media to deliver its paraphrased and out of context interpretations of each candidate.
I don't think either choice was perfect and there is no perfect government system. It really is too bad but I do think this election has really opened many people's eyes to how things work. I do hope that people take some time to look back (hind sight is 20/20 afterall) and really examine over the course of many years how this conclusion was reached. It's not that everyone on Trump's side is a horrible close minded racist and it's not that everyone on Hillary's side is a hippy social justice warrior. Everyone voted the way they did for any variety of reasons and I don't think the majority of the votes on either side were a result of an extreme belief system. I wish more people could see that instead of blindly labelling people who voted a certain way.
Anyway. I understand that having republicans ruling most of the government right now can be a concern and I do find it alarming how much religious thinking gets into politics in the USA. I hope that at the end of his first term as President we can see a net benefit to the USA. Though many people don't want to give Trump a chance I do think there's value in stepping back and saying "Maybe I disagree with A, B, C....Z about Trump, but let's see if he can deliver on 1,2 and 3."
I can see why people feel afraid. The way information circulates and what people buy into really doesn't help anyone feel better about the world, no matter who is the figurehead of a government.
First let me say I am drunk and I am a loser in life. Though not so much so that I live with my parents or anything... they both passed away a long time ago. Im just really in line with how you word things. So much so I could forsee myself at some point falling in love with you. Like over and over. But its not meant to be. You with your boyfriend and me with my need to be free. It cant ever happen. Like ever... "
This is my way of saying I appreciate your perspective.
I know one day you will come to your senses and see an old bald fat man for what he is. I will protect you until then..over the Internet. . Stay away vixen. ..
I know I know. Its alot. I mean theres this than that.
First let me say I am drunk and I am a loser in life. Though not so much so that I live with my parents or anything... they both passed away a long time ago. Im just really in line with how you word things. So much so I could forsee myself at some point falling in love with you. Like over and over. But its not meant to be. You with your boyfriend and me with my need to be free. It cant ever happen. Like ever... "
This is my way of saying I appreciate your perspective.
I know one day you will come to your senses and see an old bald fat man for what he is. I will protect you until then..over the Internet. . Stay away vixen. ..
What do you call someone, who doesn't take advantage of every legal tax deductible/write-off/etc...?
A: too f..king stupid to run a coffee shop, let alone run for president.
Nope.I call them a tax dodger.
And it isn’t just him.
There is an estimated $21 Trillion in offshore bank accounts where the US govt. cannot tax it.
That’s isn’t being smart, it’s defrauding the system.
There is a huge difference in the average working Joe taking his tax advantages/breaks and someone like Trump paying zero or getting the tax moneys of the working class as returns/subsidies.
The average working Joe may break even and not get any money back from the govt. but all the while they have been deducting taxes from the employee paychecks if you like it or not, unless you are self-employed (which is a whole other headache).
So yeah...seriously.
My accountant has kept me pretty much tax free for years. It's all to do with the exemptions and deductions offered/available in the tax laws/rules.
Admittedly, I haven't been too keen on some of loopholes available... I have made net loss investments in order to minimise tax; but if the government seriously wanted me to pay tax, they would not offer me hundreds of entirely legal and legitimate ways to avoid it.
I call them a tax dodger.
And it isn’t just him.
There is an estimated $21 Trillion in offshore bank accounts where the US govt. cannot tax it.
That’s isn’t being smart, it’s defrauding the system.
There is a huge difference in the average working Joe taking his tax advantages/breaks and someone like Trump paying zero or getting the tax moneys of the working class as returns/subsidies.
The average working Joe may break even and not get any money back from the govt. but all the while they have been deducting taxes from the employee paychecks if you like it or not, unless you are self-employed (which is a whole other headache).
So yeah...seriously.
Yes it is! I own a small business. I pay into the system monthly to cover tax. At the end of the year I have to balance my goods sold income tax with the amount I pay in ahead of time. I do not currently have to pay extra at the end of year reconcilliation. I don't get any returned either!unless you are self-employed (which is a whole other headache).
Yes it is! I own a small business. I pay into the system monthly to cover tax. At the end of the year I have to balance my goods sold income tax with the amount I pay in ahead of time. I do not currently have to pay extra at the end of year reconcilliation. I don't get any returned either!
...regardless of if I didn't sell product equivalent to the year before and sold less. The government keeps my difference...absorbs it, steals it.
The system sucks ass because how does a small business ever really make a profit?
Ha. If I had Trumps money I sure as fuck wouldn't be president.Well, how come you haven’t just gone out and hired a lobbying firm to represent you?
Clearly, by Trump’s standards and the standards of some in this thread - you and I are stupid for paying our taxes and caring about where they end up.
If Trump, the accused racist, would focus and build up African 'American' communities with clean industry and give them an opportunity to better their conditions then maybe we can unite as Americans instead of fight as black and whites. As a Trump supporter I hope he does and ends the media race obsession and shaming that prevents substantive discussion from occurring.