What a lovely way to burn...
- Intui
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- Thinking
There was a documentary on the BBC a few nights before the polls opened. The message of the documentary was basically saying that Trump's entire campaign was powered by fuelling the '' Conspiracy theories '' have you found that to be the case to ? Continuing from that, it looks like his latest outburst could just be him keeping the siege mentality stoked. Us vs the system stuff... Which is a curious strategy because in a couple of months time he will be the system...
Interesting times ahead.
I would agree but I do not think that all c.t.'s are falling for it. I have noticed that a large portion of the people who believe in conspiracy theories but do not have any real facts that can appear to support the hot theory of the month, are the ones who voted for him. Basically, they believe whatever they hear. Easily led. But then there are the c.t.'s that are very knowledgable on info and they can get behind a theory with information that can actually be verified to some extent. And these people are smart enough to know better. They did not vote for Trump. They see what is happening here and they are terrified.
I do think that people are giving this man WAYYYYY too much credit. He is a sociopath. He doesn't think about his actions. He works on impulse. And his type of evil is not planned. This is who he is. He doesn't hate the system and he doesn't love the system. He doesn't care because he has no stance unless someone is messing with his money. Only then he will play the role of giving a shit so that he can get what he wants. The one thing Trump does love is drama and chaos. He loves being the antagonist. It is exciting for him. And he loves watching how easily he can control these stupid little Americans. He could shoot a man on the street in front of hundreds and they would still love him, right? It's a very sad truth. He is appealing to a certain crowd and he knows it and feeds off of it. They love him for his ugliness. But what they do not realize is that this feeling of respect and admiration is not mutual. He hates these people. He looks down on them. They are weak in his eyes. He doesn't want to help them. He wants to help himself. He wants control.
But they will learn the hard way.
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