President Donald Trump

There was a documentary on the BBC a few nights before the polls opened. The message of the documentary was basically saying that Trump's entire campaign was powered by fuelling the '' Conspiracy theories '' have you found that to be the case to ? Continuing from that, it looks like his latest outburst could just be him keeping the siege mentality stoked. Us vs the system stuff... Which is a curious strategy because in a couple of months time he will be the system...


Interesting times ahead.

I would agree but I do not think that all c.t.'s are falling for it. I have noticed that a large portion of the people who believe in conspiracy theories but do not have any real facts that can appear to support the hot theory of the month, are the ones who voted for him. Basically, they believe whatever they hear. Easily led. But then there are the c.t.'s that are very knowledgable on info and they can get behind a theory with information that can actually be verified to some extent. And these people are smart enough to know better. They did not vote for Trump. They see what is happening here and they are terrified.

I do think that people are giving this man WAYYYYY too much credit. He is a sociopath. He doesn't think about his actions. He works on impulse. And his type of evil is not planned. This is who he is. He doesn't hate the system and he doesn't love the system. He doesn't care because he has no stance unless someone is messing with his money. Only then he will play the role of giving a shit so that he can get what he wants. The one thing Trump does love is drama and chaos. He loves being the antagonist. It is exciting for him. And he loves watching how easily he can control these stupid little Americans. He could shoot a man on the street in front of hundreds and they would still love him, right? It's a very sad truth. He is appealing to a certain crowd and he knows it and feeds off of it. They love him for his ugliness. But what they do not realize is that this feeling of respect and admiration is not mutual. He hates these people. He looks down on them. They are weak in his eyes. He doesn't want to help them. He wants to help himself. He wants control.

But they will learn the hard way.
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Looks like bullshit has run in the family for quite some time.
And all that money that his Dad made in real estate...bought with brothel money.
Hahahaha....the “Christian” candidate indeed.
(I think we need an updated decree/banishment for the current one)

Historian finds German decree banishing Trump's grandfather
Royal decree ordered Friedrich Trump to leave Bavaria and never come back after he failed to do military service

Wow. Trump isn't going to have Clinton investigated. This is such a shocker, lmao. But...


He knows nothing would be found because she DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL. He always knew that. But jumping on that bandwagon was necessary to getting him elected with that crowd.

DJT's strategy: Lie, lie, lie, and then let the chips fall where they may.

Oh, and...

I told you so. :)
But what about the justice that the 'merican people demand?
Mr. Trump is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing right now. He has no business personally going after her. I know he said that but I don't think he ought to be doing that anyway. He has played everyone so many times already and the strange phrasing of "Let her heal" makes me think something is up his sleeve but this one is over my head. If the FBI or DOJ find something with their current investigations then he shouldn't get involved. I don't have all the information, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"What difference at this point does it make?" :D Riiiight? :)
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I can’t help but fucking laugh my ass off about the whole thing.
Shocker! Hahaha!

Right. Now let's see how many supporters will make excuses for him or say that he is outwitting us all, LOL. You know, with one of his super secret (non-existent) plans, lol.

I will have more respect for the supporters that call him out on his bullshit and lies. That takes moxie.
Ok.. I preface this post by admiting I really don't like Donald Trump. I just don't like him, his manner, his politics, the whole deal.

But for now ? something more positive about President Trump. Here at last to my eyes, he has acted in a Presidential way.
Trump disavows 'alt-right' supporters

Donald Trump has repudiated the fringe "alt-right" group that celebrated his election win with Nazi salutes.
In a far-ranging interview with the New York Times, the US president-elect was quoted as saying: "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn."
He said he did not want to "energise" the group, which includes neo-Nazis, white nationalists and anti-Semites.

Alt-right supporters were filmed on Saturday in Washington DC cheering as a speaker shouted: "Hail Trump."
In the video, Richard Spencer, a leader of the "alt-right" movement, told a conference of members that America belongs to white people, whom he described as "children of the sun". He denounced the movement's critics as "the most despicable creatures who ever walked the planet".

I think it's interesting to try to see beyond the conservative/liberal labels and focus on issues and their impact. If President Trump actually does some of the things he seems to say he would, to protect American working class jobs? I think that might be good news. If he now seems to be indicating he does believe in Global Warming (it's REAL it's already happening..) then I think that's also a good thing. For the environment and the global economy.

It's very early days, and I think if people try to encourage the good things and push back on the bad ? Maybe things will be ok. He is only one guy, President or not he has to work within the law, and in America you have a strong constitution. In Britian during the start of World War II, our country was bombed by the Luftwaffe for 113 days straight. Although I am very very old, it was before my time, but not my fathers. I saw the impact on him and other people of his generation. All across Britian even today, you don't have to travel far to see the damage and destruction it caused.

I never want to see the Nazi salute of hate and murder ever again. I am glad he has condemned it, left or right, liberal or conservative, everyone should.

this just reminded me of something...
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I most heartily agree @James that Trump needed to condemn worthless Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer. My only issue is that he did not do it sooner. Trump is still sending mixed messages on this topic. The very day he makes this statement Trump has the arrogance to suggest that Nigel Farrage should be the UK Ambassador. No one should have any truck with UKIP whatsoever-- you are British and should be well aware of them and what they stand for. They are nothing more than a collection of latter day Oswald Mosleys and Enoch Powells

I am still concerned about Steve Bannon and his connections to these people and it makes me highly nervous that such a man who has freely admitted he created Breitbart as a platform for the so called "alt-right' is such a trusted advisor to Trump.

As for Trump's statement on global warming well, it was pretty tepid (pun intended). A politician who admits global warming exists but chooses to do nothing about it (like Canada's Stephen Harper) compared to a politician who refuses to acknowledge it, well, what's the difference? Nothing gets done in the end. Given the promises he has made to support "American energy competitiveness" I doubt he has great plans to do anything about global warming. It didn't play even a minor role in the campaign as an issue and does not appear to be on the radar of most Americans.

Personally I haven't heard anything about how he going to protect working class Americans. I remain skeptical that Trump is somehow this figure that going to transcend the left/right dynamic. To me he just all over the map and I really don't think he has a clue about how to proceed leading America.
I most heartily agree @James that Trump needed to condemn worthless Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer. My only issue is that he did not do it sooner. Trump is still sending mixed messages on this topic. The very day he makes this statement Trump has the arrogance to suggest that Nigel Farrage should be the UK Ambassador. No one should have any truck with UKIP whatsoever-- you are British and should be well aware of them and what they stand for. They are nothing more than a collection of latter day Oswald Mosleys and Enoch Powells

I am still concerned about Steve Bannon and his connections to these people and it makes me highly nervous that such a man who has freely admitted he created Breitbart as a platform for the so called "alt-right' is such a trusted advisor to Trump.

As for Trump's statement on global warming well, it was pretty tepid (pun intended). A politician who admits global warming exists but chooses to do nothing about it (like Canada's Stephen Harper) compared to a politician who refuses to acknowledge it, well, what's the difference? Nothing gets done in the end. Given the promises he has made to support "American energy competitiveness" I doubt he has great plans to do anything about global warming. It didn't play even a minor role in the campaign as an issue and does not appear to be on the radar of most Americans.

Personally I haven't heard anything about how he going to protect working class Americans. I remain skeptical that Trump is somehow this figure that going to transcend the left/right dynamic. To me he just all over the map and I really don't think he has a clue about how to proceed leading America.

@brightmoon I couldn't agree more. You won't know this, but I deleted a part about Farage from my original post, as I can't type the guys name without my blood pressure rising. He probably forgot but he already has a very well paid job (that he rarely seems to turn up for) in the European Parliament. Steve Bannon is just a horrible guy, and UKIP are currently being investigated by the Belgian police, for two members physically fighting in the parliament building!

I guess I'm trying to look for some glimmer of hope Trump will behave better as President, than he did as a candidate. He was threatening to rip up The Paris climate deal, which he now seems to have accepted. I'm glad he's condemned these far right groups, it's now clear that the UK mp Jo Cox who was shot and stabbed to death, was murdered for political reasons. The killer who brutally attacked her in broad daylight shouted "Britain First", and had nazi memorabilia on display in his home. So it's not just America unfortunately.
Mr. Trump is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing right now. He has no business personally going after her. I know he said that but I don't think he ought to be doing that anyway. He has played everyone so many times already and the strange phrasing of "Let her heal" makes me think something is up his sleeve but this one is over my head. If the FBI or DOJ find something with their current investigations then he shouldn't get involved. I don't have all the information, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"What difference at this point does it make?" :D Riiiight? :)
I wouldn't be surprised if one of Clinton's croneys has threatened to kill all of Trump's children, if he allows her to be prosecuted. Why do you think he is keeping Baron in NY, while he's in DC?
(This conspiracy theory stuff is kinda fun to make up).
I wouldn't be surprised if one of Clinton's croneys has threatened to kill all of Trump's children, if he allows her to be prosecuted. Why do you think he is keeping Baron in NY, while he's in DC?
(This conspiracy theory stuff is kinda fun to make up).
Now we know your true identity, Muir.