Ha. If I had Trumps money I sure as fuck wouldn't be president.

@Skarekrow , I am a US citizen. I am required to pay my 'fair' share in tax. I have an accountant who has gone after every damn tax incentive I'm elgible for...you see the missing piece is I am a disabled small business owner...I broke my neck in a car accident 28 years ago...I still work & volunteer every day! I pay my taxes. And I pity the silly mutherfucker that calls or even suggests I'm stupid for doing what's right. And it's right to pay taxes based on income. If these rich asses paid 10%...hell, if all of us paid 10% of our annual income the US would have a surplus of money.
As I was told once...
"Folks ya can't take it to the grave...y'all know somebody will steal that shit before they even take yer dead ass out the car."
Oh but they can take it to their grave...at least they can pass it to their greasy haired kids by repealing the estate tax (which will not help the average American AT ALL...ZERO).
But let’s plan to do that anyway.
It is frustrating, and I know about the disability system.
Take my situation for example.
Worked full-time+ since I was 17, (independent studies senior year of HS...INJFs dream!), paid my taxes, paid my unemployment, paid my social security, served my country in Coast Guard, worked as a paramedic and saved countless lives, worked as a surgical scrub nurse and saved even more lives, and I paid for my health insurance who I had via my employer Peacehealth (catholic hospital chain conglomerate supreme).
My medication needed to be changed from a self-injectable like Enbrel, or Humera, etc. to Remicade which is via IV infusion, meaning I would have to go to the infusion center...we had one at our hospital, and I wouldn’t cost them any more than what I was paying for the self-injectables...hell, I could have IV’d myself or had a friend I worked with do it....but they fought me and my Rheumatologist, my Family physician, my pain specialist, and an internist.
Too expensive...not justified
I also needed a new MRI...deny, deny, deny...appeal, appeal, fight, fight, fight...deny, deny, deny.
And that’s how it went until I was so incapacitated that I could not physically stand without help, could barely shower and bend to bathe, had to sleep sitting in a chair every night.
Went on Medical leave still fighting to get the medication approved...though, keep in mind, every time I had to go and see the Doctor to try and get the insurance to do something, being a specialist, it was $500 per visit.
It got to the point where I couldn’t afford to see her anymore...filed for temporary disability through work which they also denied.
Hell...the insurance even denied that the sacroiliac joints even exist, and the Doctor had to argue basic anatomy with them for 45 minutes.
Then I just couldn’t physically do the job anymore...I certainly couldn’t lean over an operating room table for what were sometimes 16-24 hour days if I was on call for open heart.
Obamacare immediately caught me as I fell...they immediately approved and started me on Remicade which has made a huge difference...too bad, my medical insurance allowed me to deteriorate to the point I had to apply for disability.
I didn’t have to appeal...or fight it...it was very obvious to the Doctors examining me and looking over my records, x-rays that show obvious areas of bone eaten away.
So if someone thinks that makes me a lazy taker, then I have a big “eat shit” for you.
Pure stupidity and greed...greed and money made on the suffering and denial of care for suffering people.
This is the system that Trump wants to go back to?