President Donald Trump

No need to thank, just do something about it.
Hmmm ok. I think I'll ignore everything you typed and occasionally wonder why you took the time to type anything at all.

This makes no sense. Trump didn't marry his college sweetheart and Obama was never and isn't scandal free.
Derp dude.


Obama married his college sweetheart (Trump bought his).
What major scandals was Obama involved in that trumps anything Trump has done thus far?
Is Obama in jail?
Is he even under investigation?
Nope, and nope.
Only in your dreams.
Last I saw he was free and people wish he was still running the show instead of Capt. Moronathon.

I see you don’t have any objections to the summary of Trump though...because it’s all true.
The lying, the infidelity, sexual assault/inappropriateness, the casinos and strip clubs are all true...(though most of those went bankrupt under Trump).
Not to mention his BS Trump university that he scammed people on, or the shitty overpriced mail-order steaks (like his wife)....the bank loans and multiple various workers and employees of his that he chose not to pay...or instead sued.
How many lawsuits does Trump currently have filed against him?
The sexist, disgusting, and inappropriate Tweets he constantly vomits up.
Also the dozen or more women who have said Trump has sexually assaulted them...I don’t remember Obama having that problem?
He even says so himself about how great it was to walk backstage at his Miss Universe pageants so he could leer at the women (many of whom were underage) as they changed and were nude or partially so.
Aaaand is under federal investigation by the FBI for sucking off Putin - which has already has 3 people from the Trump camp pleading guilty.

Don’t be butthurt that pedophile EX-Judge and human mangina Roy Moore lost in a deep red state last night to a Democrat.
If that is any clue as to how the elections next year will’s gonna suck bad for you.
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Going into the new year all Americans need to take a minute to thank Preisdent Trump for the great leadership be has brought. He's gone a distance in making America great again. Our economy is now booming, no longer stagnant. The feeling of division is being quelled in everyone's hearts, no longer being cultivated in the hopes of fracturing this great nation as it had been the past 8 years. Security, one of the only things our government is responsible for is being built up from the shambles it was broken into again in hopes of creating a fracture America could not recover from.
Obama put great effort into destroying the country he hated so much and it's taken leadership like Trumps to begin to undo it all.

Thanks Trump for being an American President and not a terrorist President like our last one. All Americans thank you!
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Going into the new year all Americans need to take a minute to thank Preisdent Trump for the great leadership be has brought.

Nope....he sucks...he’s fucking the country up....he starting wars...he’s destroying the social safety net...not to mention he's a sexual predator...a constant and pathological liar....stealing tax money from the poor and middle class to pay for tax breaks on private jets.
Fuck Trump...and the poor horse he rode in on.
He acts like a dictator or a mob boss.
He’s inhuman and nothing but a snake oil salesman (and not a very good one - which says something about the US).
I will never say “thank you” to that orange bag of sexist, racist, bigoted hot trash as he destroys our democracy for profit.
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Trump sucks
Trump comes off as an asshole but he's doing good things for America. Fixing many wrongs. Do I wish we had a President that didn't come off the way he does? Yes. But I would still want that President to do almost exactly what Trump is doing.
Going into the new year all Americans need to take a minute to thank Preisdent Trump for the great leadership be has brought. He's gone a distance in making America great again. Our economy is now booming, no longer stagnant. The feeling of division is being quelled in everyone's hearts, no longer being cultivated in the hopes of fracturing this great nation as it had been the past 8 years. Security, one of the only things our government is responsible for is being built up from the shambles it was broken into again in hopes of creating a fracture America could not recover from.
Obama put great effort into destroying the country he hated so much and it's taken leadership like Trumps to begin to undo it all.

Thanks Trump for being an American President and not a terrorist President like our last one. All Americans thank you!
Shut the fuck up, butthole!
Trump comes off as an asshole but he's doing good things for America. Fixing many wrongs. Do I wish we had a President that didn't come off the way he does? Yes. But I would still want that President to do almost exactly what Trump is doing.
He does not "come off" as an asshole.. He IS an asshole. I mean, he thinks women are meat, there for his grubby handed pickings. Eww... The thought sends a shiver up my spine, that the president *grabs today by the pussy*....
Comprehensive real tax reform passed that will help Americans thrive. More than Obama accomplished in his 8 failed years to break America's back. Just half into his Presidency and Trump showcases himself as an actual leader with America's interests at heart.
Comprehensive real tax reform passed that will help Americans thrive. More than Obama accomplished in his 8 failed years to break America's back. Just half into his Presidency and Trump showcases himself as an actual leader with America's interests at heart.
Can you slurp any more grease off his nuts?
Can you slurp any more grease off his nuts?
Trump is getting things done. The media is desperately trying to brainwash it's base into believing far different and being successful with the slower minds. I am simply taking account of his accomplishments.
Ben Carson led members of the Trump cabinet in prayer during a meeting on Tuesday, thanking God "for a President and for cabinet members who are courageous, who are willing to face the winds of controversy in order to provide a better future for those who come behind us." - CNN

I'm not religious but its a nice gesture on Ben's part.
Trump is getting things done. The media is desperately trying to brainwash it's base into believing far different and being successful with the slower minds. I am simply taking account of his accomplishments.
Sexually touching unwilling women and being quoted as saying such gems as these:

The following is evidence, taken from a video and audio recording of Mr. Trump, himself... He prosecutes himself by his own words. He needs not, the "lying media" to "brainwash" the "slower minded" ( aka, intelligent citizens ) of the country he now "runs".

"Donald Trump’s sex boasts: ‘When you are a star they let you do anything’

Donald Trump was hit by an outraged backlash from allies and opponents alike after a tape emerged of the Republican candidate bragging about using his fame to try and “fuck” women and groping them without waiting for their consent.

“When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says in the recording, which was obtained by the Washington Post and released on Friday. “You can do anything.”

Trump, in a 2005 conversation with a television host that was caught on a live microphone, describes a failed seduction, saying: “I did try and fuck her, she was married,” and says that when he meets beautiful women he feels able to “grab them by the pussy”.

“You can do anything,” he tells Billy Bush, the TV host who is a cousin of George W and Jeb Bush."

Are these also part of the accomplishments you speak of?

Remember, it takes a man of great and honorable character to lead an entire country. He must carry it on his own shoulders, secure, honest, and decent..

Character is who you are, when no one is looking... . Even if the tape recorder is on.
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