Well the trouble is that he's a sincerely absurd person, so when he says something likeAnd that's EXACTLY my point... When you want to know if someone is telling you the truth you have two weapons at your disposal.. Well, especially if you're an NF, better if an INFx or an INTJYou have your Ni.. ( your intuition ) and you have what I call the match rule. Watch a person. If their words do not line up with / match their actions, look out. Words are easy. The proof is in the ACTION.. That, is where you will find either love or hate.. And that guys actions match his disgusting words, and thus give us an accurate depiction of the sad and ugly truth... Trump that..
Yep. I am actually Christian, so by rule I am "supposed" to be on team Trump. But I don't think his views are biblical at all, and thus... blech. He is one thing for sure: Wildly dumb. Watching him makes my IQ drop a little bit.Well the trouble is that he's a sincerely absurd person, so when he says something like
"When you're famous they let you do it. Grab 'em by the pussy"
It is impossible to differentiate whether he's exaggerating insincerely for comedic effect or if he actually believes what he's saying to be actually true and the absurdity of his personality is just making it seem like a joke. You just have to go by everything else he says and does and boy.... I mean, wow.
I go liberal on a lot of issues, but I feud with liberals all the time, this "team" stuff is going to destroy our country in the end so it's best to put it out of your head. America is my team, I don't need another.Yep. I am actually Christian, so by rule I am "supposed" to be on team Trump.
Yes, it was said more as a nod to the expectation than to my own thoughts. But yes, show me a candidate with good values, on either team, and I'm in. Until then...I go liberal on a lot of issues, but I feud with liberals all the time, this "team" stuff is going to destroy our country in the end so it's best to put it out of your head. America is my team, I don't need another.
Incorrect.You audibly listen to new information or you visually read the information but since you've made your decision and moved on you are not PROCESSING the information. Which is why it has to be repeated, because it isn't getting processed.
Ok. That's all well and good but done for more you than me. On behalf of your god? How about on behalf of you?@Eventhorizon On behalf of the God I worship, I want to say sorry for using some of the terms I used last night, such as ignorant, and hillbilly. I am sure you are actually neither, I think name calling is unacceptable and I must also uphold the values I espouse, otherwise I am behaving hypocritically, which I loathe. My intention is not to call you names, nor use derogatory terminology when speaking to you, or about you. I simply find it sad that your views on Trump's character are so stubborn that you won't listen to cold facts, no matter how many of us show you otherwise. In life, the truest sign of maturity is being strong enough to stand up for, and never bend on your core values, yet open enough to constantly assess the lesser ones to ensure that they are not skewed..
Look I am clearly stating I understand and that this is exactly what I do. For some reason you can't accept this and are finding ways to say the same thing the same way and expecting a different response.Right, I can. You can't apparently.
This is not at all what I am saying. I am no atheist, of that I am assured.. I have way too much faith to accept your words. I get the concept, but the words are untrue and abrasive EH.. When I tell someone I am sorry, yes, even you... I do so yes, for myself, my own peace of mind and soul, which I must answer to God to in the end. I will be forgiven in the same manner with which I forgave. Though to be honest, the bible gives criteria for forgiveness. It requires as I study that the offender runs through a certain set of steps to attain your forgiveness.. the same steps we must go through ourselves to receive God's forgiveness. Confession, Repentance, and finally.. change and obedience in said arena going forward. Since you have done none of these I am not really even obliged. But being a my heart is very big, us weird INFJ's... I actually feel guilt for having spoken to you harshly. So my sorry is not just for my own benefit, but is sincere toward you, as well. Please don't take something honorable and poop on it EH, ok? Good.Ok. That's all well and good.and done for more you than me.
What facts are you giving me you feel I am not listening to? Trump made some comments that were benith a President? Opinion that I agree with but its not like other Presidents have not said stupid things. You feel these comments are justification to have him removed? That's opinion.
In short I am not sure what you are getting at.
The god you worship is but one of many in the world. The other people that worship a god or gods believe as strongly in theirs as you do yours. You know what it's like to be an atheist because you do not believe in theirs.
Ok so you don't like Trump. I can understand and accept the fact you don't. I think he's turning out to be an excellent President but who has some flaws. Nothing more or less than I have said in the past.This is not at all what I am saying. I am no atheist, of that I am assured.. I have way too much faith to accept your words. I get the concept, but the words are untrue and abrasive EH.. When I tell someone I am sorry, yes, even you... I do so yes, for myself, my own peace of mind and soul, which I must answer to God to in the end. I will be forgiven in the same manner with which I forgave. Though to be honest, the bible gives criteria for forgiveness. It requires as I study that the offender runs through a certain set of steps to attain your forgiveness.. the same steps we must go through ourselves to receive God's forgiveness. Confession, Repentance, and finally.. change and obedience in said arena going forward. Since you have done none of these I am not really even obliged. But being a my heart is very big, us weird INFJ's... I actually feel guilt for having spoken to you harshly. So my sorry is not just for my own benefit, but is sincere toward you, as well. Please don't take something honorable and poop on it EH, ok? Good.
My point is that a man's character influences all that he says and does. Out of the mouth flow the issues of the heart. So having a man who is adulterous and lecherous, among the other wild vacillations in his world views, morals and mental capacity, is terrifying. He is unstable EH. I have seen clips of him saying one second I'm pro life, next clip he tells someone else I'm pro choice, next min I hate China, lets bomb those suckers.. ( what president speaks like this?!!!!! ) classy. Then next clip he loves China.... This is not the sort of guy I want with his hand near Nuke buttons. He's a ticking time bomb. He stands for nothing but his own image. His own profit. His own wealth. He sacrifices nothing for his country, least of all his own pride, which is huge... and as you know pride goeth before destruction. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"... That is... if you don't lay down your pride, like most decent presidents do.
I am sincerely glad you are not using your religion as a reason to be on "Team Trump". Thank you for showing critical thinking skills.Yep. I am actually Christian, so by rule I am "supposed" to be on team Trump. But I don't think his views are biblical at all, and thus... blech. He is one thing for sure: Wildly dumb. Watching him makes my IQ drop a little bit.
LOLOL... I'd say this is a typical convo between an INFJ and and ENTJ / INTJ, but I have been close to an INTJ and he was nothing like you, well stubborn af, but nothing like you EH. I also know @Pin is an ENTJ and he is much more reasonable and at least can accept a sorry on it's face value.. I think you are correct in one respect.. You and I, will never ever see eye to eye and I think that is a good thing. Your eyes are not the ones I want to see the wonderful world through..Ok so you don't like Trump. I can understand and accept the fact you don't. I think he's turning out to be an excellent President but who has some flaws. Nothing more or less than I have said in the past.
If you want perhaps we can try to have a conversation where we realize neither will convince the other they are wrong. Currently I know I am right and I dont foresee information being provided that will change my mind on that.
I find your apology to be unneeded in every sense.
I'm not "religious". I have a relationship with God. Plain and simple. I don't know why people make it out to be such a thing it is not. I follow what God says and if a candidate's value system does not align with God's ( democrat OR republican ) then I do not side with them.. This was my point.. Not to mention Trump's character in general is a scary thing to behold.I am sincerely glad you are not using your religion as a reason to be on "Team Trump". Thank you for showing critical thinking skills.
Thank you for your approval of my critical thinking skills, though, in case that honor society stuff in college wasn't enough.I am sincerely glad you are not using your religion as a reason to be on "Team Trump". Thank you for showing critical thinking skills.
I think you have a right to your opinion of me. Just like everyone else.Thank you for your approval of my critical thinking skills, though, in case that honor society stuff in college wasn't enough.
This is a total contradiction. I have no idea why you posted it. If it makes sense to you great but it makes no sense to me. Your not religious but have a relationship with god?I'm not "religious". I have a relationship with God. Plain and simple. I don't know why people make it out to be such a thing it is not. I follow what God says and if a candidate's value system does not align with God's ( democrat OR republican ) then I do not side with them.. This was my point.. Not to mention Trump's character in general is a scary thing to behold.
Yes my eyes suck. They see the truth and often the truth is not pretty.LOLOL... I'd say this is a typical convo between an INFJ and and ENTJ / INTJ, but I have been close to an INTJ and he was nothing like you, well stubborn af, but nothing like you EH. I also know @Pin is an ENTJ and he is much more reasonable and at least can accept a sorry on it's face value.. I think you are correct in one respect.. You and I, will never ever see eye to eye and I think that is a good thing. Your eyes are not the ones I want to see the wonderful world through..
This is a total contradiction. I have no idea why you posted it. If it makes sense to you great but it makes no sense to me. Your not religious but have a relationship with god?