President Donald Trump

Read the report and the facts brainiac.
Now you sound really lame.
Call me what you want Capt. Derp.
Report? I'm looking at the DOW right now. The economy is booming.
And you spread lies.
No I am not trolling.
I supported.some not all of his actions on the campaign trail all the while asking why we only had two crap choices for President. Oh we had three sorry but Hillary put an end to Sanders real quick didn't she?
I supported Trump because he recognized the value in putting America first.
I happen not to think Bernie Sanders was a crap choice, but I digress. Which actions of his on the campaign trail did you support?
And now you're wearing an "I support crap" hat :joycat:
I am not wearing anything. I have an avatar. The questions were asked in a past tense and referenced past proceedings. In my opinion Trump is doing exactly what America needs him to do. Being an American President. So I am glad he's turned out better than I thought he might and as good as I hoped he might.
I happen not to think Bernie Sanders was a crap choice, but I digress. Which actions of his on the campaign trail did you support?
Of Sanders? None. But I find it funny how all the people moaning over Hillarys loss ignore what she did to get the nomination. Ignore her breaking the law clearly over many things (email most recently) and then focusing on an investigation of Trump that started because of a fake dossier paid for by the Democratic party.

Percentage increase in the S&P 500 under the most recent six presidents.

Percentage increase in the Dow under the most recent six presidents.
Of Sanders? None. But I find it funny how all the people moaning over Hillarys loss ignore what she did to get the nomination. Ignore her breaking the law clearly and then focusing on an investigation of Trump that started because of a fake dossier paid for by the Democratic party.
Not Sanders, Donald Trump. Which of Donald Trump's actions did you support on the campaign trail?
Of Sanders? None. But I find it funny how all the people moaning over Hillarys loss ignore what she did to get the nomination. Ignore her breaking the law clearly over many things (email most recently) and then focusing on an investigation of Trump that started because of a fake dossier paid for by the Democratic party.

So what about the 4 guilty pleas for various Russian related ties and lies and broken laws?
Head in the sand.
All of our national security agencies have verified that Russia interfered to help Trump.
Which is why he is calling it a “witch hunt” - because it discredits his win - which was NOT the popular vote despite what Trump claims about illegal voting taking place...if any illegality was happening it was through voter suppression and gerrymandering and redistricting voting lines making a “fair” election a joke.
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No. Not Sanders, Donald Trump. Which of Donald Trump's actions did you support on the campaign trail?
Oh, taking care of illegal immigration, giving businesses a chance to thrive by removing the restrictions that were choking them, putting America first and stop bowing and asking to be bent over by foriegn interests.
Putting Hillary on trial for breaking the law.
Encouraging private space exploration companies to expand.
The list goes on and on and on.
Oh, taking care of illegal immigration, giving businesses a chance to thrive by removing the restrictions that were choking them, putting America first and stop bowing and asking to be bent over by foriegn interests.
Putting Hillary on trial for breaking the law.
Encouraging private space exploration companies to expand.
The list goes on and on and on.
I'm not asking you a question of economic or immigration policy. However, I would like to get to economic policy soon.

For now, I'm strictly talking about his actions and behavior on the campaign trail as a Presidential candidate. I'll only mention a few.

  • Referring to congressman Ted Cruz as a "pussy."
  • Implying that the use of nuclear weapons is proportionate, let alone, rational response to a very nuanced foreign threat.
  • His mocking of a disabled reporter, for which, he has yet to issue an apology.
Did you support these actions or begin to view him as Presidential because of them?
I get what you are saying. Pharisees are religious, the disciples were spiritual. Be like a disciple. The Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus. They didn't know him.
Finally, another person who speaks the language of spiritual vs religious.. well, besides mtb. :) Welcome to the fold acd ;)
I'm not asking you a question of economic or immigration policy. However, I would like to get to economic policy soon.

For now, I'm strictly talking about his actions and behavior on the campaign trail as a Presidential candidate. I'll only mention a few.

  • Referring to congressman Ted Cruz as a "pussy."
  • Implying that the use of nuclear weapons is proportionate, let alone, rational response to a very nuanced foreign threat.
  • His mocking of a disabled reporter, for which, he has yet to issue an apology.
Did you support these actions or begin to view him as Presidential because of them?
The mocking a disabled reporter is questionable. I dont believe that's been proven but I did not keep track of the accusation.
Trumps use of words makes him an individual in the world with an individual perspective. He is his own person. Id prefer a President that did not use these words. I would prefer a President parents could tell their children is worth looking up to. We haven't had a President like that since Reagan. I have long since stopped believing you have to be anything special to be President. So long as you pass laws that are in the American people's best interest at least you are doing your job. Enter Trump.
The use of nuclear weapons is scary crap. But the fact is there is a reason we have them. I'd prefer they be banned and that if banned everyone actually got rid of them and did not make them any more. I'd prefer the same of nuclear power plants. But this is the real world. That s not going to happen and as a result the use of them is in fact proportional to the need and threat.
Finally, another person who speaks the language of spiritual vs religious.. well, besides mtb. :) Welcome to the fold acd ;)
Spiritual is fine but I think you may have the definitions mixed up. Just as food for thought.

  1. 1.
    relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
    "I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
    synonyms: nonmaterial, incorporeal, intangible; More

  2. 2.
    relating to religion or religious belief.
    "the tribe's spiritual leader"
The U.N. wouldn't exist without the US. I hope Trump removes the US from the assembly and tells them to shove it.
This seems to be the truth regarding the mocking accusation.

Investor's Business DailyInvestor's Business -


Fake News: Trump Did Not Mock Disabled Reporter And Other Lies From The Left

Meryl Streep, who makes millions of dollars doing what preschoolers do on the playground every day, has dragged up again the accusations that Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

While making an acceptance speech earlier this month at the Golden Globe Awards, Streep said it broke her heart that "the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back."

Fake tough guy Robert De Niro followed with a letter telling her he shared her "sentiments about punks and bullies." Trump is no delicate blossom but it's a bit amusing watching the mafia of popular culture censure others as if it's a bastion of geniality and tolerance.

But back to the charges against Trump: Is it asking too much for these people who are constantly attacking him to actually know what they are talking about? To be honest brokers of information? To be just a bit judicious?

Quite clearly the only response has to be yes, it is too much. Because if they were to deal with the facts, their meme would collapse.

The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man.

But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated.

Why couldn't the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of and Taki's Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn't something he reserved for Kovaleski.

McInnes wasn't alone — Catholics 4 Trump ably made the same case. So have others. If these people could do the research, why couldn't the legacy media, with all its resources, do the same?

And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably.

Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?

The answer to all these questions is this: The media and their political handlers constructed a fake news talking point against Trump and ran with it. The truth would have derailed their anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative agenda.

This, of course, is not the only Trump lie the media and the TDR sufferers have tried to immortalize. McInnes, a controversial and provocative fellow who has described himself as a "western chauvinist" and "anarchist," covered the Top 10 Trump Myths last week. It's a skillful takedown of the narrative that was carefully crafted to vilify Trump — and by extension the deplorables who voted for him or against Hillary Clinton — and delegitimize his presidency.

The lesson here is while the Democrats, and the branch of the DNC that's also known as the media, are doing all they can to smear Trump as a depraved, crude and hateful man, the people who best fit under those terms are his accusers.

Spiritual is fine but I think you may have the definitions mixed up. Just as food for thought.

  1. 1.
    relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
    "I'm responsible for his spiritual welfare"
    synonyms: nonmaterial, incorporeal, intangible; More

  2. 2.
    relating to religion or religious belief.
    "the tribe's spiritual leader"
Stop being such a giant grammar nazi. I know it's in your blood as an INTJ, but tryyyy to control the force. Squeeze your eyes shut, and try hard EH..

You have to have the intelligence to comprehend the examples mtb, I, AND, acd gave you... Surely you did. And if you didn't.. then,
................................................................................... ok.

One, whatever word you use to define it, is characteristic of a showy form of, or more to the point, a false, superficial, sensory, external type of what some might deem faux or disingenuous "faith" in God... Subscribing to a brand of "religion" externally, yet being fully devoid of any actual "faith" whatsoever in God at all.....

The other has very much to do with an internal, genuine, and real faith in a living God... "Walk by faith and not by sight, lean not on your own understanding".

Here is the bible definition of faith, just one of them... Note the bible itself even utilizes the word "spiritual"... . The more you know... Knowledge is key, EH..

"SCRIPTURAL DEFINITION[edit] "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11: 1. Faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm, which links us with God and makes Him becomes a tangible reality to the sense perceptions of a person.