Spidey Sense Wielder
- Enneagram
- 468 sx
Lol@Disguised it's called "conversations" here
Lol@Disguised it's called "conversations" here
Indeed! I am HSP also.. but wow. Nobody should mess with the boards..![]()
Lol, I confused myself I was thinking 'ESP' - but wrote 'HSP' but yes to both!
Nice stuff @Skarekrow!It all depends on how it is used.
The intentions behind it.
The knowledge of the user.
The proper way is not the way that most people use them.
They don’t know how to properly use it and they end up spiritually harming themselves or others.
A board is no different than any other device used to connect us to the spirit world - tarot card, ouija boards, scrying mirrors, automatic writing, a psychomanteum, trance states, etc, etc.
I agree that if you are not comfortable with something like this 100%, then it’s probably something you shouldn't be messing with.
I have created them, but never used one...and would never use one by myself and only after certain protective measures were taken.
You have to have the mental prowess and “psychic" ability to maintain command over whatever comes through...to make sure only good and positive spirits are allowed.
Definitely not just to be played with...it should have never been sold as a “fun game for kids!”.
Here is one I created when I first started pyrography (wood burning art), it’s not the best - it was my first attempt and I sold it to someone (who knew what they are doing) for a decent price.
Here are two Pendulum Boards that I have created (using only positive energy and intention), the red one sold super fast, the blue one is newer and is still for sale.
and the reverse side...
A scrying mirror I created from a very beautiful antique mirror that no longer had a mirror...was tarnished, dirty, paint flecks on it...the guy at the shop had it behind the counter, it belonged to the owner - an old fellow who had brought it over from Poland in WWII from the foundry where he worked - it was his sole possession he brought. I inquired and the guy told me the story but just then the owner called on the phone and the guy asked him about it - he said to sell it to me!
It was meant to be.
Have made numerous wands and am creating a very special one for someone here on the forum currently.
Here are a few pics of some wands I have created and sold.
Lastly...an art piece I did...I am also currently making a newer and improved version for someone else here on the forum.
To that person, it’s still coming along!
Again...imho, it’s all about your intentions, will, knowledge, and respect when dealing with such items.
If your intuition tells you not to mess with it - best not to, unless you are versed in using something properly.
Much love to you both!
Thanks...that one just flew out!Nice stuff @Skarekrow!
...My favourite is the last one though.
It's a very beautiful and delicate design, and I also really like the colours. Looking at it closely I also noticed that it's almost symmetrical but not quite, which I also like.Thanks...that one just flew out!
Working on another butterfly currently for someone here...though it's more art deco and less art nouveau.
Colors chosen by them.
Oh those@Disguised it's called "conversations" here
saw a luminous circle of white for about 6 seconds
Or an imminent migraine
B-but...You weirdos need Jesus, and stop meddling in the dark arts
Meh. All just more proof we are living in a simulation.
True.How easy is it for us to forget the times we were wrong?
I am also currently making a newer and improved version for someone else here on the forum.
To that person, it’s still coming along!
Oh thoseNot offended at all, thanks! Need to have one sometime
On the note of experiences I saw a luminous circle of white for about 6 seconds (not a ring) yesterday before falling asleep. Any ideas or meanings behind one? Or could it be just intuition as I did some tests with pictures and the first was the moon?
Or an imminent migraine
This is weird.People in my family (a lot of them) say same stuff abt post-death experiences.My great-grandfather predicted his own death<he knew it like a week before.At least that’s what my mother and my grandfather tells me-I didn’t believe them but now there’s an another example .Some things -some supernatural stuff- can’t be believed until the person himself experiences it.Has anyone on the forum had, or felt like they had a "psychic experience" or similar ?
INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which can be verbalized.
It used to really trouble me, but shortly after my fathers death, I had an experience where I was fairly certain I'd seen him. It was broad daylight, and I had left the house to walk to the village shops. I had not been drinking, no medication just a regular normal day. I suddenly noticed a man who seemed to be watching me. Immediately I noticed him, he turned away so I only caught a very fleeting glance, but everything in his manner seemed to be my father.
I was stunned, and the man walked away very quickly. I followed after him, rapidly, trying to catch up and get a better look at him. For an older man he moved very fast, I was practically jogging and struggled to keep up. I wish now I had just called out and ran after him, but I was shocked. Eventually I did manage after 3 or 4 minutes catch up, but when the man turned around it was not my father.
The whole thing felt surreal. I realize it's irrational and sounds like I just chased some random guy, but I could have sworn it was him. I have read about these things since, and the most likely and rational explanation is I just got confused having recently suffered an emotional shock, with his death. I was only 17 and naturally that seems more plausible. However to this day, I still feel, like it was him. The whole manner of it, his reaction. It all seemed to fit his behavior. Even the way he moved and walked.
My mother was INFJ - I am sure. She told me that twice in her life, she'd had a premonition about relatives who were ill. Both times, they actually were ill. She was a catholic lady who used to feel guilty even about reading the horoscope in a newspaper, and she was painfully honest, often to her own detriment. So I always believed she'd had the 'experiences' but questioned whether they could be true. As I've gotten older, I think with INFJ they may well be.
On the night my father died, I had a bad dream and woke with no clear memory of it - but a very strong feeling that my father was dying. He was in hospital already and my mother was with him. I woke my brother and told him, this was our last chance to see him. We got dressed and went to the hospital in the middle of the night, and sadly he died some short time later.
That's the full extent of my personal experiences. I can't "read minds" or tea leaves etc lol. But I am guessing that others may have had clearer/fuller experiences. I have no rational way to explain it, and to me ? Those that have them, seem to be highly sensitive and are reluctant to discuss it. They certainly don't try to put on shows or make money from it. I do quite often seem to experience very strong feelings of deja-vu which I've gotten used to. But to me that's far more normal, and most people experience that in some form.
My great-grandfather predicted his own death<he knew it like a week before
I recently red the book Phenomena by Annie Jacobsen and I must say, it has shifted my paradigm. aas far a esp, astral projection telekinesis and telepathy goes...I am all in. Only problem I see is the danger of charlatanism and superstition.
I know, right? Tellingly the author linked to it on twitter which feeds into one of the central themes of the book which is that weird shit does not get investigated by big science because doing so makes you a weirdo.
I recently read the book Phenomena by Annie Jacobsen and I must say, it has shifted my paradigm. as far as esp, astral projection telekinesis and telepathy goes...I am all in. Only problem I see is the danger of charlatanism and superstition.