Well from my experience (unfortunately have had experience) If you can see someone is actually playing games with people and you confront them, and they are actually worse than you thought they will now see you as a liability and proceed to destroy you in any way possible. That's where the sniffing out vulnerability and playing others around you comes in, if they are seemingly sane enough to pass for normal and if you attribute them with scruples that they don't have they can do this. It's really repugnant.Mind you, I used this only when dealing with actual friends, or family... you know, people that essentially want a good relationship with me. If someone was dealing with a true sociopath of some sort, be them a sadist, a narcissist, pathological liar, or whatever form of sociopathy they have, I don't know how well this alone would hold up... HOWEVER, I believe it would still be very effective if one used it in conjection with a very clear sense of "personal, relational, and ethical boundaries"