say what
I like soft soft!
- Enneagram
- 5w4..maybe?
In a way we are all being shamed publicly every day by Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
So much public shaming goes on via social networks. It's not shaming for punishment, but shaming with malicious intent.
I'm going to make a few big sweeping statements in the next few sentences, so I apologize. Public shaming worked because people still held their personal integrity and worth as important. Especially with today's youth, shaming would not hold the same impact as it once did, because they don't hold the same personal and societal values that made public shaming useful. I would even say that society as a general doesn't hold those same values (not to say they should, or that these values are right). For example, look at the Steubenville incident. When the boys were publicly shamed, they became the victims of the entire ordeal. Shaming just doesn't work - regardless of it being right or wrong, I don't think it's an effective 'punishment'.
I'm not sure how to effectively 'punish' the current generation, especially when it seems they have so little respect for authority and repercussions. It seems like corporal punishment isn't of value either to them either. The millennial generation is very unique.