Red Pill Documentary

Anyway on my end I'll let it rest there. Wife is all like "you've been on your computer all weekend!" As a man I can't help responding to my biological calling of discussing men's rights vs feminism on the internet for several hours straight instead of engaging with my family. But nope, her needs first of course. Women amirite???
Geez I’m so sorry you are suffering such abuse! Did your wife not like you asking her how amazing it is for her to have the prestigious opportunity to sleep with you?
maybe women didnt make the rules of men dying for them.....but they damn sure benefited from them.

Right.. women really benefit when their sons or husbands or brothers or fathers etc are killed either in war or in dangerous professions. That is so warped. That is the aggravating thing about this. MRA do not see how intertwined they are with women. It's not that women are benefitting from men because poor and working class men die in rich men's wars. Women (feminists) have also been pointing out the toxic masculinity that holds you down, too... And oddly enough, that The Red Pill (movement) seems to really rally around. It's not good for women and it's definitely not good for men.
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Right.. women really benefit when their sons or husbands or brothers or fathers etc are killed either in war or in dangerous professions. That is so warped. That is the aggravating thing about this. MRA do not see how intertwined they are with women.

#1 they lived. point done.
#2 Intertwined? interesting! I am pretty sure men have been told WOMEN DONT NEED them for the past 50 plus years. Now you blame generations of men for viewing the situation as independent?

Look ya cant have it both ways. either A your stance is we are together! as a human race which means Both extreme sides are wrong, and the balance is some where in the middle..... which if we go by the history of mankind we have specific gender strengths and we play too said strengths to survive. This is simply a know fact. If this is the stance than no more talk of oppression

Or you can say all that shit is oppressive and men are oppressive to women and now the oppressed is now the oppressor and women can easily oppress men and have.....we have a civil war. right now its just a war so its time to pick a side.

Or back to point A we sue for peace.
#1 they lived. point done.
#2 Intertwined? interesting! I am pretty sure men have been told WOMEN DONT NEED them for the past 50 plus years. Now you blame generations of men for viewing the situation as independent?

Look ya cant have it both ways. either A your stance is we are together! as a human race which means Both extreme sides are wrong, and the balance is some where in the middle..... which if we go by the history of mankind we have specific gender strengths and we play too said strengths to survive. This is simply a know fact. If this is the stance than no more talk of oppression

Or you can say all that shit is oppressive and men are oppressive to women and now the oppressed is now the oppressor and women can easily oppress men and have.....we have a civil war. right now its just a war so its time to pick a side.

Or back to point A we sue for peace.
Less of a war, more of a boycott.

EDIT: Men are far more necessary to society than feminists realize, but when enough men have been alienated and become belligerent society will gradually grind to a halt. You can't force people to accept a shitty deal in a free society, so as long as feminists won't compromise the situation will just continue to deteriorate.
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man spirited

Muh pills! Muh vag!
If I remember what Cleese said in another interview the woman in question never had a job and brought in no income the entire time they were together, and she got all that money because she was "accustomed to a certain lifestyle" as they say in divorce proceedings. Marriage is just an extremely expensive socially-endorsed form of prostitution.
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John Cleese is also an asshole and I’m fairly certain being married to him would be a nightmare. He’s a very bitter man. Must have chosen the bitterest pill to swallow.