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Tin man is jacobi?
Tin man is jacobi?
aside from having internet boobs?I personally think that @Eventhorizon should say something nice about me.
but somehow knowing that everyone is capable of doing anything, no matter how repugnant makes it seem like the ones that actually do terrible things aren't different from everyone else... but their actions are.
aside from having internet boobs?
Don't even tell me you have that picture, Stu. TELL ME YOU DON'T STILL HAVE THAT PICTURE, STU...O.O
You made me do it in a dream, and everything you do in my dreams are REALSadly there was no agreement signed....atpat:
You made me do it in a dream, and everything you do in my dreams are REAL
A thousand likes.I remembered this thread, and figured it was a bit pertinent here.
My thoughts there.
I realized I hadn't really responded to this thread saying something nice to someone with political views different from mine, and then also realized it was because it felt a bit silly. Political beliefs aren't black and white, and I've said nice things, from the heart, to people with different views from mine all the time. If political difference isn't a deal-breaker for me in regards to being able to be in a relationship with someone, it would be extremely odd to not be able to say nice things about someone you're in a relationship, lol. "Well, he's a complete asshole and I can't say one nice thing about him, but here we are!" So basically, as long as you're not a complete asshole, it should be pretty easy to find something nice to say.
I think politics just tends to heat people up, especially with the political atmosphere as it is right now. So many people at each other's throats and placing so much weight on politics, but people are so much more than their political views. This kind of makes me appreciate the premise of ezra's OP more, because I know these are hard times right now, to be able to look past politics. We get blinded by our biases, often without even realizing it.
You forgot to say that most of them have the sense of touch... that's a good thing to have.... so surely that's a nice thing to say.Something nice about people I disagree with politically: They have opinions and that's good, it means they have the capacity to think. is good.
You forgot to say that most of them have the sense of touch... that's a good thing to have.... so surely that's a nice thing to say.
*That's not even a compliment, it's nasty sarcasm*
I can't believe, that me: the INTJ sociopath, is surprised by how devoid of kindness you INFJs are.
If you're American (or have an interest), you can't say you're not a self-loving narcissist unless you can at lest say something genuinely nice about someone who isn't part of your echo chamber: a Trump, or Clinton voter. (I voted for neither and am not an American). You all are kind of uber petty and showing towering insecurity if you can't say something remotely nice+genuine.
You forgot to say that most of them have the sense of touch... that's a good thing to have.... so surely that's a nice thing to say.
*That's not even a compliment, it's nasty sarcasm*
I can't believe, that me: the INTJ sociopath, is surprised by how devoid of kindness you INFJs are.
If you're American (or have an interest), you can't say you're not a self-loving narcissist unless you can at lest say something genuinely nice about someone who isn't part of your echo chamber: a Trump, or Clinton voter. (I voted for neither and am not an American). You all are kind of uber petty and showing towering insecurity if you can't say something remotely nice+genuine.
You forgot to say that most of them have the sense of touch... that's a good thing to have.... so surely that's a nice thing to say.
*That's not even a compliment, it's nasty sarcasm*
I can't believe, that me: the INTJ sociopath, is surprised by how devoid of kindness you INFJs are.
If you're American (or have an interest), you can't say you're not a self-loving narcissist unless you can at lest say something genuinely nice about someone who isn't part of your echo chamber: a Trump, or Clinton voter. (I voted for neither and am not an American). You all are kind of uber petty and showing towering insecurity if you can't say something remotely nice+genuine.
I can't believe, that me: the INTJ sociopath, is surprised by how devoid of kindness you INFJs are.
Being goaded into participating made me take notice. What I noticed is the hypocrisy that INFJs are forever admonishing others to be nice to each other... but seem existentially incapable of it themselves. Hypocrisy bugs me, especially self-deluded hypocrisy.Perhaps your idea of what kindness is, is somehow different from others.
This whole thread is equivalent to a "Now Kiss" meme. Just because you force people to kiss, doesn't mean they will have feelings for one another.