School, A path to modern enslavement?

Its current form was designed to create sheep, not greatness.

Nicely said, I agree with most of what you described. If we really were educated in our strength and gained the freedom to do so from an early age, it will make a incredible leap in humanity!
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School = Knowledge
Knowledge = Power
Power = Possibility
Possibility = Variables
Variables = Excitement

Edit: I respect your opinion, and mean in no way any disrespect.

People in this form have to stop doing these.

Why? Because if you think "School = Knowledge" then you are right because you made the choice that that's what you wanted out of school.

One thing will always lead to another, the whole universe is just one big limitless chain reaction. Energy can't be created or destroyed, it just changes into different forms, dimensions, vibrations and frequencies.

Between the one thing leading to another you have a choice, and that is where your power lays, free will. To choose to take action to achieve your dreams, or to let it just be a dream, slowly drifting away.

Let me stop it by putting up the final one, that's going to end them all.

Everything = Everything.
Teachers and parents who are passionate about their roles can make all the difference between drones and individuals.

True, but the problem is most teachers and parents aren't so passionate in what their doing.

I think they're usually people in the middle of the situation just going "with the flow" not knowing what their purpose is of that situation. they know it's their job and nothing else, they're there to finish it and move on.
Even in China now, women are outpacing men in terms of college entrances. I don’t think the education system there panders to girls. So, I think you need to stop thinking that the system is unfair for boys, and start accepting that girls are doing better because they are doing better.
Getting to college doesn't equate to intellectual strength. The reason males are falling behind in primary schooling is because the way the system subconsciously fails them.
Girls are better at sitting through courses and remembering things for tests and males tend to be more hands on and are better at long-term memory.
"Girls are better because they are better" lol.
Boys get in trouble more often for similar offenses a female would commit and sometimes boys get in trouble for things that they are inherently interested in (drawing violent pictures or having an interest in weapons and warfare).
It's really easy to get all the brownie points as a girl because females are more agreeable and obedient.
Even in China now, women are outpacing men in terms of college entrances. I don’t think the education system there panders to girls. So, I think you need to stop thinking that the system is unfair for boys, and start accepting that girls are doing better because they are doing better.

Neither of you are right in this, yes it may be so girls are doing better than boys, or the other way around.

But basing things on a collective of individuals, saying one collective is better than the other is almost saying like, a group of random monkeys against other random monkeys does better than the other.

I don't think gender has anything to do with it, humans need to learn to see past that and other physical appearances. It's the non-physical that matters most.
True, but the problem is most teachers and parents aren't so passionate in what their doing.

I think they're usually people in the middle of the situation just going "with the flow" not knowing what their purpose is of that situation. they know it's their job and nothing else, they're there to finish it and move on.
I can acknowledge your point but I’m still not sure I agree. My reservation here is that your gut feeling about the mindset of such broad swaths of people is just that. I’m not saying you’re wrong but if you’re going to just tell me how “most” of these people view their jobs and lives then I’m not sure we have much else to talk about. It carries as much weight to me as anyone ranting about “people these days”.

But I will concede that there are definitely things that are messed up about the ed system. An example that comes to mind in the US are so-called “degree mills” that have sprouted up within the past couple of decades. Colleges or universities that are new but imitate the names of other renowned universities. These places have been a pipeline for people trying to get into fields like nursing or medicine, and they were modeled after tech schools like DeVry. They lied about job projections and pretty much existed to soak up federal student loan money without any real concern for their students’ futures.
I can acknowledge your point but I’m still not sure I agree. My reservation here is that your gut feeling about the mindset of such broad swaths of people is just that. I’m not saying you’re wrong but if you’re going to just tell me how “most” of these people view their jobs and lives then I’m not sure we have much else to talk about. It carries as much weight to me as anyone ranting about “people these days”.

It's not my "gut feeling". You don't have to agree with me, test it for yourself, look around you. If you don't see it, then there's your answer. There's always plenty to talk about, if not, then our views are just to different from each other, while at the same time i'm not saying they are close either.
Education is preparing people to work in factories that will pump big money.

Go to your job, to pay for the house you only sleep in.
Go to your job, to pay for your gas for your car that you use to go to work.
Go to your job, to pay your bills and debt that you will never pay off.
Go to your job, to keep living like this.

Go go go, freedom is just around the corner!

Come on people is this really freedom? wake up! Please...

so are you saying that people are being prepared to work in largescale operations such as corporations where they become faceless cogs in a machine instead of being taught skills that would enable them to set up their own independent ventures?
So, I think you need to stop thinking that the system is unfair for boys, and start accepting that girls are doing better because they are doing better.

so its totally black and white?

there are no other factors involved?

The Drugging of the American Boy

By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis.

By Ryan D'Agostino
Mar 27, 2014

If you have a son, you have a one-in-seven chance that he has been diagnosed with ADHD. If you have a son who has been diagnosed, it's more than likely that he has been prescribed a stimulant—the most famous brand names are Ritalin and Adderall; newer ones include Vyvanse and Concerta—to deal with the symptoms of that psychiatric condition.

The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies stimulants as Schedule II drugs, defined as having a "high potential for abuse" and "with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence." (According to a University of Michigan study, Adderall is the most abused brand-name drug among high school seniors.) In addition to stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, and Concerta, Schedule II drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, Demerol, and OxyContin.

According to manufacturers of ADHD stimulants, they are associated with sudden death in children who have heart problems, whether those heart problems have been previously detected or not. They can bring on a bipolar condition in a child who didn't exhibit any symptoms of such a disorder before taking stimulants. They are associated with "new or worse aggressive behavior or hostility." They can cause "new psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices and believing things that are not true) or new manic symptoms." They commonly cause noticeable weight loss and trouble sleeping. In some children, some stimulants can cause the paranoid feeling that bugs are crawling on them. Facial tics. They can cause children's eyes to glaze over, their spirits to dampen. One study reported fears of being harmed by other children and thoughts of suicide.
a crisis developing in the US as boys drop out of school in larger and larger numbers

Is this down to how they are taught? This short clip explores this idea:

Physicians, engineers, nurses, scientists, etc.

These are educated people who have skills and meaningfully contribute to society.

With all due respect, what do you mean?

Sounds to me like anti-intellectualism.

I'm simply stating what a lof of people across various industries are saying which is that there are skills shortages

the solution to this is i suggest to start training our young with skills
Training the youth with skills and specialized education for their skill sets could actually lead to a rise in intellectualism because the population would have more advanced knowledge about their areas of expertise at a younger age. Students could theoretically reach current standards for Masters Degree level knowledge before college.
Actually a large amount of Chinese women attend "courses" in being a good obedient housewife and study ettiquite, child rearing and other studies to help them better serve thier future husbands. It might be possible to find a nation with highly misogynistic tendancies in which men are doing worse in education for any number of reasons, but China was a bad pick, try again.

There are rich Chinese women taking classes to better themselves - not just learning etiquette, but learning how to pronounce “Louis Vuitton” correctly. I think painting Chinese women as husband-pleasing and subservient isn’t accurate. The ones I’ve encountered in the workforce have been incredibly competent, savvy and tough. They’re kind of scary, actually.

This is a country that doesn’t believe in human rights in general and a culture that is historically oppressive for women, but is also now gender-blind in many ways that the US isn’t. I’m not sure why you think dismissing the women there based on a basic and incorrect perspective somehow invalidates my point? The school environment in China and in the US is totally different, yet girls there are doing better than boys just like they are here.
Yeah, I feel ya man. Gotta love that higher indoctrination.... I mean, ‘education.’

The prolonged adolescence is the icing on the cake. Does wonders for modern socicety.

The extra training you get from businesses having to retrain you after you graduate is pretty nice too (assuming you get highered).

Geez I have to stop now. I’m getting too pessimistic.
Getting to college doesn't equate to intellectual strength. The reason males are falling behind in primary schooling is because the way the system subconsciously fails them.
Girls are better at sitting through courses and remembering things for tests and males tend to be more hands on and are better at long-term memory.
"Girls are better because they are better" lol.
Boys get in trouble more often for similar offenses a female would commit and sometimes boys get in trouble for things that they are inherently interested in (drawing violent pictures or having an interest in weapons and warfare).
It's really easy to get all the brownie points as a girl because females are more agreeable and obedient.

Yet, boys were fine until barriers education for women were removed. The system was built by men for boys. I don’t agree at all that the system coddles girls over boys, or that it subconsciously fails boys.

I do think when the barriers to education for women were removed, women were able to do well. Right now, I think society is having trouble adjusting to the changes from women having more equal opportunities in school and in the workplace. I think the displacement of men is the real issue here, not that it’s unfair or that women have it easier somehow.

When you talk about girls being more “agreeable and obedient,” it just sounds like a put down. That they’re doing better not because of their own hard work and intelligence, but because they can’t think on their own and only follow other people’s instructions.

I’m not saying that gender differences don’t play a role, what I’m saying is it’s not harder for boys than it is for girls. Because you know what? Until you have periods and hormone cycles that affect your sleeping, eating and concentration, giving you cramps for ten days out of the month, don’t talk to me about how hard it is physically to go to school and sit still for eight hours.
Neither of you are right in this, yes it may be so girls are doing better than boys, or the other way around.

But basing things on a collective of individuals, saying one collective is better than the other is almost saying like, a group of random monkeys against other random monkeys does better than the other.

I don't think gender has anything to do with it, humans need to learn to see past that and other physical appearances. It's the non-physical that matters most.

My point was that in totally different school environments, girls are doing better than boys. So, it’s not the system that’s an issue.
so its totally black and white?

there are no other factors involved?

The Drugging of the American Boy

By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis.

By Ryan D'Agostino
Mar 27, 2014

If you have a son, you have a one-in-seven chance that he has been diagnosed with ADHD. If you have a son who has been diagnosed, it's more than likely that he has been prescribed a stimulant—the most famous brand names are Ritalin and Adderall; newer ones include Vyvanse and Concerta—to deal with the symptoms of that psychiatric condition.

The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies stimulants as Schedule II drugs, defined as having a "high potential for abuse" and "with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence." (According to a University of Michigan study, Adderall is the most abused brand-name drug among high school seniors.) In addition to stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, and Concerta, Schedule II drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, Demerol, and OxyContin.

According to manufacturers of ADHD stimulants, they are associated with sudden death in children who have heart problems, whether those heart problems have been previously detected or not. They can bring on a bipolar condition in a child who didn't exhibit any symptoms of such a disorder before taking stimulants. They are associated with "new or worse aggressive behavior or hostility." They can cause "new psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices and believing things that are not true) or new manic symptoms." They commonly cause noticeable weight loss and trouble sleeping. In some children, some stimulants can cause the paranoid feeling that bugs are crawling on them. Facial tics. They can cause children's eyes to glaze over, their spirits to dampen. One study reported fears of being harmed by other children and thoughts of suicide.

I’m not an advocate of giving prescription drugs to kids. I believe there are kids suffering from ADHD and should be prescribed drugs, but I think the numbers are overinflated. As a diagnosis, it’s so easy to get wrong and conflate with other non-medical issues.

I think the real issue is how to deal with the displacement of so many boys, who will become men, in education and in the workforce. Especially when we have this system of tracking into white- and blue-collar jobs. If the trend is that there are even more men vying for ever fewer blue-collar jobs, then what is the alternative for the ones who can’t find jobs? That is the burning question. (I’m all for a universal minimum income, or socialist-type welfare benefits. In my ideal world, people would just volunteer a portion of their time for community service in return for qualifying for those benefits, but that’s not likely to happen.)
There are rich Chinese women taking classes to better themselves - not just learning etiquette, but learning how to pronounce “Louis Vuitton” correctly. I think painting Chinese women as husband-pleasing and subservient isn’t accurate. The ones I’ve encountered in the workforce have been incredibly competent, savvy and tough. They’re kind of scary, actually.

This is a country that doesn’t believe in human rights in general and a culture that is historically oppressive for women, but is also now gender-blind in many ways that the US isn’t. I’m not sure why you think dismissing the women there based on a basic and incorrect perspective somehow invalidates my point? The school environment in China and in the US is totally different, yet girls there are doing better than boys just like they are here.
The point was that feminists have been complaining for years that Chinese women are not allowed to study real subjects and a significant portion of Chinese college courses are nonsense it sort of invalidates the argument that girls are doing better in China?
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