School, A path to modern enslavement?

I’m not saying that gender differences don’t play a role, what I’m saying is it’s not harder for boys than it is for girls. Because you know what? Until you have periods and hormone cycles that affect your sleeping, eating and concentration, giving you cramps for ten days out of the month, don’t talk to me about how hard it is physically to go to school and sit still for eight hours.
... I'm a female mate. Points for effort.
Anyways, apart from periods being irrelevant to this conversation and quite shoehorned in I might add, you are admitting girls do better in school because they listen to instruction better, which doesn't refute my point at all. It was my point. Boys learn better by having hands-on activities and learn more in the long term which is why you see males in high school suffer in mathematics and sciences, yet they perform better in a college environment when it pertains to the STEM field. Males and females are inherently different for the most part in how they learn and what their interests are when it comes to education.
It was "made by men for men" and yet is ran by women. More than 80% of teachers are female. Boys fidget. Boys have interests that are frowned upon. Boys are put in a box in the American education system when it comes to public schools. It's not due to any intentional discrimination, but a lack og understanding that boys learn differently and things that would be considered disruptive behavior are actually healthy for them while they learn.
And "agreeable and obedient" is only a put down if you feel negatively about females being primarily more empathetic, which is the main reason you don't see them dominating the business world. Men are more competitive than women are typically. But it is also why you see women dominate fields like medical, educational and psychiatric ones. Because they are caring and nurturing roles.
Despite what SJWs would have you believe, for the most part males and females learn differently and ultimately have different personality strengths and weaknesses, which brings me back to my central point: males don't fare well under our public education system not because they aren't intelligent, but because they don't fit into a specific mindset that they aim for. If teaching tactics were to change to be more interactive, males would benefit from it. There is no need to act like that is somehow an offense to women
males don't fare well under our public education system not because they aren't intelligent, but because they don't fit into a specific mindset that they aim for. If teaching tactics were to change to be more interactive, males would benefit from it. There is no need to act like that is somehow an offense to women
Well said
The point was that feminists have been complaining for years that Chinese women are not allowed to study real subjects and a significant portion of Chinese college courses are nonsense it sort of invalidates the argument that girls are doing better in China?

Where are you getting the idea that a significant portion of Chinese college courses are nonsense?? It only invalidates the argument by thinking the way you do, which is very convenient only for you.
Why is this thread suddenly a gender war?

perhaps the Op's dissatisfaction with school ties into the gender issue of how children are educated

if someone insists there is then no issue with how people are educated because they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo then that creates a clash with other posters who believe that there is a problem from a male perspective?
... I'm a female mate. Points for effort.
Anyways, apart from periods being irrelevant to this conversation and quite shoehorned in I might add, you are admitting girls do better in school because they listen to instruction better, which doesn't refute my point at all. It was my point. Boys learn better by having hands-on activities and learn more in the long term which is why you see males in high school suffer in mathematics and sciences, yet they perform better in a college environment when it pertains to the STEM field. Males and females are inherently different for the most part in how they learn and what their interests are when it comes to education.
It was "made by men for men" and yet is ran by women. More than 80% of teachers are female. Boys fidget. Boys have interests that are frowned upon. Boys are put in a box in the American education system when it comes to public schools. It's not due to any intentional discrimination, but a lack og understanding that boys learn differently and things that would be considered disruptive behavior are actually healthy for them while they learn.
And "agreeable and obedient" is only a put down if you feel negatively about females being primarily more empathetic, which is the main reason you don't see them dominating the business world. Men are more competitive than women are typically. But it is also why you see women dominate fields like medical, educational and psychiatric ones. Because they are caring and nurturing roles.
Despite what SJWs would have you believe, for the most part males and females learn differently and ultimately have different personality strengths and weaknesses, which brings me back to my central point: males don't fare well under our public education system not because they aren't intelligent, but because they don't fit into a specific mindset that they aim for. If teaching tactics were to change to be more interactive, males would benefit from it. There is no need to act like that is somehow an offense to women

The period is relevant for the discussion because the aggression you pointed out in boys is due to their higher levels of testerone. My point was women are affected hormonally as well, and personally I think we got the short end of the stick on this one.

In terms of brain structure, there is a difference, but I don’t think it predisposes women to studying. I think it surfaces more in terms of how the two sexes think. For example, men have less communication between their left and right hemispheres than women do. That will affect how they think, but not if they want to do homework or not.

I don’t think there are more men in STEM fields in colleg because of physiological differences. The paper below highlights how different countries produce different tendencies for women to go into STEM fields. The more the economic need, the higher the percentage of women choosing STEM over say, literature.

That said, I don’t think you’ll find a 50/50 split in all areas.

I also don’t think women, in general, go easier on girls than boys when they misbehave. I think the standard for behavior is way stricter for girls.

Finally, I don’t buy into the theory that if education was somehow made fun or interesting, that’s what will motivate kids to study. Around when I was going to school, they introduced a new way of teaching math called New math that was supposed to do exactly that. It was scrapped because it failed miserably and now there’s a generation who can’t divide if their life depended on it. So, I’m hesitant to believe more interaction is more effective than the tried and true methods of teaching. Also, I think the amount of benefit wouldn’t be so big between girls and boys.
perhaps the Op's dissatisfaction with school ties into the gender issue of how children are educated

if someone insists there is then no issue with how people are educated because they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo then that creates a clash with other posters who believe that there is a problem from a male perspective?

I suppose that person is me and if you mean by vested interest, me being a woman arguing for other women, that’s not really driving my opinion. You could say I don’t have a direct interest since I don’t have kids, but I do have a lot of cousins, both boys and girls.

I agree understanding why there’s a gap is important. I’m just not convinced by a lot of the arguments here. For instance, the article posted on ADHD has the rate for boys in the US at 20%. In Norway, the rate for ADHD in boys is 3-5%. Yet, the gap between men and women going to college is even bigger there. So, ADHD and the more general argument that boys are more active, doesn’t explain why girls are doing better educationally. And that makes sense if you think about girls, and that they have their own hormone problems.
Re: ADHD. Different diagnostic criteria. America uses the DSM-5, Europe uses the ICD-10. Age of diagnosis and diagnostic guidelines differ, and those guidelines are often not even followed. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, in the US there is deliberate overdiagnosis cause the health care systems require a diagnosis to access and fund treatment.

I think it's probably a good idea to leave ADHD out of this discussion, it's just too muddy of a variable.
Everything is explainable through mental disorders these days.
I think girls are more aware of the social prestige that comes with having a university degree than boys and they are sold this since young age. Boys are more like I want to make money now, I don't care how. Generally speaking. Maybe lots of them believe in self learning. And they have more jobs available but are required more skills. Like investing in stock market, becoming a 3d sculptore or even learning code, those who don't, become carpenters or philosophers. What is out there for girls who drop out of school? Becoming a waitress because they are hot? I just think they are not as good as guys are at finding opportunities and that maybe these opportunities are not even targeted at them in first place, but that's the point of the gender war. The tendency is that girls are more into power positions than boys because somebody someone is generating this need in them. I'm pretty sure that most of the people who watch house of cards are girls. No coincidence. I only know one single boy who has graduated as a lawyer. Instead I know a thousand girls who are lawyers. For journalism it is exact same thing. In medicine field it's like a tie.
Think of Russia politics. They are based on the fact that they are endangered and circled by the west and America. And they are interested In this. Not in the actual war that's why they won't nuke America first.
So my guess is that certain elite organizations are interested in the endangered speech. Think of the number of girls wanting to become criminologists. Maybe triggered by the amount of serial killers and mental disorders documentaries and papers pointing out mentally unstable men. So what is left for boys? Escapism, avoidance of conflict. Dropping out of theoretical school. That or joining the movement by feeling ashamed of themselves.
A rap song says: "I'm fabricating my own bombs while everyone else is doing show business". The failure radical feminism is committing is that they are exposing themselves too quickly, pressing too many nuke buttons at the same time.
I'm more like explaining the speech of war. In reality shit is not as brutal as they want us to believe. And you have to be aware of it. The less you pay attention to bullshit the wiser you are. ;D

Edit: Unless ofc it is all part of a plan to cover up other kind of operations, and feed the raise of far right movements. Which seem to be kind of weird to me. A kind of massive purposeful no gender based spiritual genocide, trying to stablish a rational high iqed balanced race. Mmm kind of crazy.
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Where are you getting the idea that a significant portion of Chinese college courses are nonsense?? It only invalidates the argument by thinking the way you do, which is very convenient only for you.

Also why is there so much resistance to this? All we're talking about is schools failing to integrate different learning types, I don't know why that had to become a debate over which gender is better. Men and women are equal in terms of intelligence, so if more women than men are signing up for college and staying in high school until they graduate then the problem is an institutional one.

Why would acknowledging that be an attack on women...
It's not as if education is a tangible quantity that is in limited supply where if you educate men then there won't be enough to go around for women.

You can educate everyone who is capable of learning, just do it well and not poorly. That's what this conversation is about.

@Chickensoup do you see what I'm attempting to describe here? Do you understand that I'm not thinking in a girls vs boys mindset except to explain that one of these two groups is in crisis within the education system?
Conspiracy? Or lack of intelligent integration of different types of thinking and learning?

Do you understand that I'm not thinking in a girls vs boys mindset except to explain that one of these two groups is in crisis within the education system?
Perhaps this is where the miscommunication began, when I sarcastically proposed that there might be a conspiracy against OP then offered poor integration of certain mindsets as the real culprit.
The period is relevant for the discussion because the aggression you pointed out in boys is due to their higher levels of testerone. My point was women are affected hormonally as well, and personally I think we got the short end of the stick on this one.

Not under the current education system where pupils are passive observers

under that teaching style girls have an advantage

Boys are uncomfortable under those circumstances and instead of society adapting the boys are then diagnosed as ADHD and drugged

In terms of brain structure, there is a difference, but I don’t think it predisposes women to studying. I think it surfaces more in terms of how the two sexes think. For example, men have less communication between their left and right hemispheres than women do. That will affect how they think, but not if they want to do homework or not.

clearly the brains of men and women are different because far more boys are developing autism now than girls and that will impact on their educational abilities

I don’t think there are more men in STEM fields in colleg because of physiological differences. The paper below highlights how different countries produce different tendencies for women to go into STEM fields. The more the economic need, the higher the percentage of women choosing STEM over say, literature.

That said, I don’t think you’ll find a 50/50 split in all areas.

I think women tend to lean towards nurturing jobs while men often lean to physical or technical jobs

I also don’t think women, in general, go easier on girls than boys when they misbehave. I think the standard for behavior is way stricter for girls.

what are you basing that on because clearly more boys than girls are being drugged into submission?

also with something like 80% of the teachers being women the chances are that some of them are going to harbour feministic biases towards their students

Finally, I don’t buy into the theory that if education was somehow made fun or interesting, that’s what will motivate kids to study. Around when I was going to school, they introduced a new way of teaching math called New math that was supposed to do exactly that. It was scrapped because it failed miserably and now there’s a generation who can’t divide if their life depended on it. So, I’m hesitant to believe more interaction is more effective than the tried and true methods of teaching. Also, I think the amount of benefit wouldn’t be so big between girls and boys.

however you have never been a boy so you wouldn't know

to understand from a male perspective you would have to listen to what males are saying to you
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@Chickensoup do you see what I'm attempting to describe here? Do you understand that I'm not thinking in a girls vs boys mindset except to explain that one of these two groups is in crisis within the education system?

In that clip i posted of tucker carlson speaking to a female author she says that many women are clinging to outdated assumptions based on third wave feminist thought which sees the male/female dynamic as a battlefield

if people begin to see the world that way then they close their minds off to the struggles of the other group

There are clearly crises facing boys and the desire of some people to ignore this should not be allowed to shape policy
Boys are statistically punished more for the same behaviors in school:
Here is a link breaking down why boys aren't fairing well in our school system. It doesn't have anything to do with level of intillect, rather differences intrinsic in the way they learn:
Saying things like "girls do better because they are better" perpetuates a toxic cycle of ignoring an issue males of all backgrounds face, discrimination in the school system and notably the legal system. Gender biases and lack of understanding the way males are best educated is hurting an entire demographic of people and making this somehow a war on females doesn't present a solution to the issue.
It seems like you're going to keep fishing for the answer you want "girls are smarter than boys". Other than that, I don't understand why you so vehemently argue to ignore a valid issue that a single gender, approximately half of the population, faces.
As far as hormones go, since both genders deal with hormonal issues wouldn't that be an equalizer to that variable? So the variable that remains is the failure in the system.
Furthermore, an obvious educational biased is shown for scholarships as females receive 4 times as many scholarships as males do, which isn't a variable to be ignored when bragging about women being more likely to go to college:
All in all, the sexes are equivalently intelligent, but the system is flawed when it comes to integrating males. Let's not make this a debate about gender superiority. Sexism when applied to males is still sexism

Genes are the physical units of heredity. They are the coding sequences of the DNA. (Or RNA, in some cases, for completeness sake.) There is no 'tendency' for expression. That doesn't even mean anything biological. Gene expression is a process by which a gene is transcribed into RNA, spliced, translated and finally post-translationally modified, into a gene product; often a protein.

Genetics is the study of heredity of gene mutation, epigenetics is the study of heredity of gene expression. Epigenetics says nothing about 'the code' itself, only about how it is used. Yes, epigenetic processes can be changed, there is gene silencing, methylation programming, histone modifications, etc etc.

No, you cannot change epigenetic processes by "changing your consciousness". That is pseudoscientific nonsense.