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... I'm a female mate. Points for effort.I’m not saying that gender differences don’t play a role, what I’m saying is it’s not harder for boys than it is for girls. Because you know what? Until you have periods and hormone cycles that affect your sleeping, eating and concentration, giving you cramps for ten days out of the month, don’t talk to me about how hard it is physically to go to school and sit still for eight hours.
Anyways, apart from periods being irrelevant to this conversation and quite shoehorned in I might add, you are admitting girls do better in school because they listen to instruction better, which doesn't refute my point at all. It was my point. Boys learn better by having hands-on activities and learn more in the long term which is why you see males in high school suffer in mathematics and sciences, yet they perform better in a college environment when it pertains to the STEM field. Males and females are inherently different for the most part in how they learn and what their interests are when it comes to education.
It was "made by men for men" and yet is ran by women. More than 80% of teachers are female. Boys fidget. Boys have interests that are frowned upon. Boys are put in a box in the American education system when it comes to public schools. It's not due to any intentional discrimination, but a lack og understanding that boys learn differently and things that would be considered disruptive behavior are actually healthy for them while they learn.
And "agreeable and obedient" is only a put down if you feel negatively about females being primarily more empathetic, which is the main reason you don't see them dominating the business world. Men are more competitive than women are typically. But it is also why you see women dominate fields like medical, educational and psychiatric ones. Because they are caring and nurturing roles.
Despite what SJWs would have you believe, for the most part males and females learn differently and ultimately have different personality strengths and weaknesses, which brings me back to my central point: males don't fare well under our public education system not because they aren't intelligent, but because they don't fit into a specific mindset that they aim for. If teaching tactics were to change to be more interactive, males would benefit from it. There is no need to act like that is somehow an offense to women