Hello! I'm not too shabby thanks...keeping a close eye on developments both here in scotland but also in the wider world.....things are really moving into a new gear now
The outlook will vary on who you speak to. there are increasing numbers of 'yes' and 'no' signs and stickers appearing everywhere
When you ask 'why' are you asking 'why become independent?'
if so the reasons are many. My personal motivation for independance is through a desire for power to be decentralised away from westminster. This would bring power closer to the scottish people but also to the english people who would then need to re-evaluate their own political set up.
The politicians in westminster are completely enthrall to the corporations and as a result the small to medium sized enterprises are suffering due to for example the tax environment that the politicians create which is favourable to the big corporations.
I would like to see that change and i'd like to see an environment that is friendly to SME's develop. If Scotland became independent it would be able to create its own tax conditions. It could get rid of the pound and use an interest free currency instead. It could create a regulatory environment that would be suited to innovation and entreprenuraliship which is what scotland was famous for in its past before the union neutered it. Think about all the famous scottish inventions...google it and be amazed! THAT environment of innovation and imagination and self belief is what we need to re-create in scotland
Well if you want an insightful view from the energy sector then this guy sets it out very well....the outlook for the british economy is NOT GOOD (not just the british but the US economy as well). To use his language the banks went in 2008 into the emergency room and have not left despite talk of the economy growing again; the system is fragile and teetering on collapse:
There is some talk of massive reserves of oil being off scotlands west coast which the MOD has been keeping hushed up. This would of course boost the case for independance:
The EU is about centralising power pure and simple....the more the big money interests operating through the corporations and the governments they have bought can centralise their power the less say you and me and anyone else on mainstreet will have to say about how things in our world are managed
That's what it boils down to....do we want to be dictated to from above or do we want a say in matters?
So i agree that we should get out of the EU
We should get out of the pound, out of the EU and out of NATO. We should drop the nucelar weapons, drop the nuclear power, focus on oil and renewables and start trading with germany, russia and the scandinavian countries (ie robust economies)
The more self sufficient we can be the less we will be affected by the coming global economic turbulence. maybe in an emergency we could turn some of scotlands many golf courses into permaculture cooperatives growing clean organic food!
No problem
I think if scotland can gain independance it also affects the english who will then need their own shake up and from that the public might be able to force a better situation for themselves
At the moment under this current UK government it is very difficult for the public to make any headway....we need a shake up....scottish independance could be that event