Should the Supreme Court stop Biden from giving social security funds to illegal aliens?

OOOps. Thanks!

Maybe the money doesnʼt fit their definition, but if giving $3.3 billion USD to Israel in 2022 isnʼt aid, I donʼt know what to call it.

Well, I do, I mean. Israel is strategic in the power dynamics necessary to preserve the petrodollar.

Glad you are not blaming it on religion.

Never forget. Peacekeepers slain as sheep. Planes attacking America.
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I know that @pale rider has been away from the computer and not able to address all of the questions here recently, so I decided to provide the research I found. I cannot say this represents Pale Rider's intentions for this thread, only that this is the information that I personally found related to this issue.

I wasn't sure if the legislation I found that Biden was trying to pass in 2021 was related to what this poll is asking.

Pale rider follows up in another post saying specifically:
"I'm speaking of illegal immigrants who have paid nothing into SS. Think it's is in bold type in the OP."

This is the core issue with this discussion, why it doesn't make sense and why I'm finding it hard to formulate a response. I think there may be a misunderstand of what 'alien' is referencing in this legislation that Biden is trying to pass. Definitions are super important.

The government run SSI website has a GREAT write up definitions I would like to share:

I posted the entire webpage (here is a link to it:

But it is important to go through the specific section which defines alien:

A noncitizen (also called an "alien" for immigration purposes) may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if he or she meets the requirements of the laws for noncitizens that went into effect on August 22, 1996. In general, beginning August 22, 1996, most noncitizens must meet two requirements to be potentially eligible for SSI:

  • small blue and black arrow
    be in a qualified alien category; and
    small blue and black arrow
    meet a condition that allows qualified aliens to get SSI.
This is already law, so understand that.

The questions should be asked:

Why would Biden, or any other elected official, seek to make it legal for people who have not paid into the SSI system to be able to receive SSI benefits? Think long and hard to come up with a good argument for that. The truth is, there is no argument for that. Instead, Biden's legislation (and many other similar ones) have been aimed at helping people who are considered aliens (non-citizens of the USA) who are working and paying into the SS system already to collect SSI later in life.

This is why I am confused by this thread, @pale rider . There are situations in which people who are not actual residents have obtained work authority and are paying into the system and would like to collect. There are situations where people who are not actual residents but have an false SSN identity are paying into the system. These are the people targeted by these legislation changes. I can't find any legislation that is specifically targeting people who never paid into the system. I think this is why no one is responding to this thread, it's a very confusing premise.
Why would Biden, or any other elected official, seek to make it legal for people who have not paid into the SSI system to be able to receive SSI benefits?

So that illegals are dependent on the govt for their existence. For the votes. Are you going to vote against the hand that feeds you?

The govt. hands out money like cheap candy on Halloween night.

The total cost of illegals alone? The last number I've seen was $150+ BILLION and raising. What other country does this?
150 billion out of 6 trillion is 2.5%
Granted this is twice as much as the next highest countries.
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So that illegals are dependent on the govt for their existence. For the votes. Are you going to vote against the hand that feeds you?

The govt. hands out money like cheap candy on Halloween night.

The total cost of illegals alone? The last number I've seen was $150+ BILLION and raising. What other country does this?
Yeah but they can't vote. You have to be a us citizen to vote in federal elections....
A friend will help you bury something. A good friend will help you carry it.
Bad joke. Sorry.

I've helped carry several folk. The one I had to turn down bothers me intensely. It was my cousin's Father: my Uncle. I wasn't ready after burying my Dad yet.

Time doesn't just fix everything.
A friend will help you bury something. A good friend will help you carry it.
Bad joke. Sorry.
Whatʼs the difference between a good friend and a best friend?

A good friend will post your bail.

A best friend will help you hide the body.

Inasmuch as social security is more about the society than the individual, pay it out.

Given the numbers, we can afford it. But we wonʼt do it. As a nation, we love wealth and weapons of war. We do not love people, or perhaps better said, weʼre tribal, judgmental, moralistic, racist, and hierarchical as fuck.

In the name of God, no less.

My opinion is of no consequence, so I will not worry about it. They will do whatever they like. Always have, always will.

It's about paying it in for 60 years, like I have, and expecting the government to invest it wisely and conservatively. That was the plan. If followed there would be a wealth of money for the one who paid in. That would be I.
Help people, but not from that fund.
How about out of my pocket, or yours? If one means it, forgo that vacation and help someone in REAL need. Otherwise, everyone works. There is no free lunch! At least there is no need for it in this capitalist Republic.
It's about paying it in for 60 years, like I have, and expecting the government to invest it wisely and conservatively. That was the plan. If followed there would be a wealth of money for the one who paid in. That would be I.
Help people, but not from that fund.
How about out of my pocket, or yours? If one means it, forgo that vacation and help someone in REAL need. Otherwise, everyone works. There is no free lunch! At least there is no need for it in this capitalist Republic.
It's about paying it in for 60 years, like I have, and expecting the government to invest it wisely and conservatively. That was the plan. If followed there would be a wealth of money for the one who paid in. That would be I.
Help people, but not from that fund.
How about out of my pocket, or yours? If one means it, forgo that vacation and help someone in REAL need. Otherwise, everyone works. There is no free lunch! At least there is no need for it in this capitalist Republic.
It's about paying it in for 60 years, like I have, and expecting the government to invest it wisely and conservatively. That was the plan. If followed there would be a wealth of money for the one who paid in. That would be I.
Help people, but not from that fund.
How about out of my pocket, or yours? If one means it, forgo that vacation and help someone in REAL need. Otherwise, everyone works. There is no free lunch! At least there is no need for it in this capitalist Republic.
Easy with the WE. I'm not racist, tribal, a wealth monger, weapons monger (sometimes judgmental), hierarchical. The government and I had an agreement, that's all. That being said, I am so thankful for the monetary and medical benefits I receive! THANK YOU, GOV!😄
Yes: 252393
No 2589

What is your opinion?

From The American Digest

POLL: Should the Supreme Court block President Biden from giving Social Security to illegal immigrants?
President Joe Biden wants to give illegal immigrants social security checks.

Do you think the Supreme Court should step in and block Biden from doing so?

Yes: 25239300

And show them the door.

Why give them another reason to come here illegally?

The Libs here are allowing them to cross illegally for their votes. Some states, including the lib headquarters of Vermont, have allowed them to vote on local issues that cost taxpayers.
Fun fact: anyone that says "the Libs" is a Lib

And show them the door.

Why give them another reason to come here illegally?

The Libs here are allowing them to cross illegally for their votes. Some states, including the lib headquarters of Vermont, have allowed them to vote on local issues that cost taxpayers.
Dems love them for cheap votes while the rich hypocrites of that party often have a few as cheap house cleaners or some other low wage labor or worse human trafficking. As for Republicans they also love having them as it results in easy votes as people react while business owners love having them for subsistence wages or completely under the counter then there is human trafficking.
Why give them another reason to come here illegally?
Immigration outside of US federal procedure is not a criminal act. As such, no one who immigrates to the United States does so illegally.

Why do we have passports and check stations?
Example: An immigrant that has no papers.
Been there, done that. Took their pictures, fingerprints, and other info that bounced back and forth between Texas and Georgia a few times.
They had NO work permits, and tax time they lied about a Social Security number. Told me to keep I think 40 something percent of their checks, and they just went to my competition. Good guys. Good workers, most of the time. Started stealing my next-door jobs, installed with my stolen materials.

They had nothing and nobody to answer to. Did as they wished. Give them SS? Fat chance I would or would ever condone it.
There seems to be an awful lot of criminal acts with lawlessness, but people know better.