Should the Supreme Court stop Biden from giving social security funds to illegal aliens?

Let me propose a theory that might make sense. With all of the new illegal / undocumented people coming into the country, there has to be a reason for the government to want them. If they come, and are given things (e.g. social security, a place to live, other benefits), could the government then say that they are a citizen (documented or not) and required to fight in a war? From my experience, the government usually isn't looking to give things away to those that aren't offering something significant in return.
They are not illegal.
They cannot receive SS or SSDI. I’m not sure about SDI.
They are not citizens.
They cannot vote.
They cannot serve in the military, and cannot be drafted.

They bolster the economy.
They revitalize towns, e.g. Dayton, OH.
They reduce the per-population level of crime in the neighborhoods they move into.
They provide a way for companies to exploit labor, engage in labor theft, and keep wages lower.
They increase the cost of the housing market.
Those coming from south of the border are Americans.

We live in a (hyper)capitalist society. Nothing is given away, and nothing is free. Like life in general.

angry mustache GIF by South Park
Title and premise of the thread is invalid.

They are not illegal.

The US Government is not trying to give immigrants Social Security funds.

So stop with the mischaracterization and misinformation.

Just a note...the United States has no official get to Spanish class.

To a large degree, all Western democracies are depending on immigration to offset the eventual economic collapse resulting from unchecked debt spending and the inverted population pyramid. If citizens can’t afford to make babies, you have to get the bodies from somewhere.

Which citizens cannot afford having babies? Why can they not, if true, afford things? Are illegal aliens' new children citizens?

Learned enough Spanish to work three men.
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Which citizens cannot afford having babies?
Many Americans in prime reproductive years.

Between medical, childcare, and day to day, it simply isn’t a viable option.

Title and premise of the thread is invalid.

You do mean like over half our demented lies in the news media?
Many Americans in prime reproductive years.

Between medical, childcare, and day to day, it simply isn’t a viable option.

Many people have changed by our own government's false reporting on things, like:

Tens of thousands of new jobs. Of course, this is not counting all the people that have lost their jobs because their employer(s) cannot afford to stay in business any longer. We say we raised minimum wages. In doing so, prices of everyday needs have almost doubled. Not everyone is getting the new minimum wage. Ask around. Did that mean all those in lower paying jobs would get a raise, but not those making the so-called new minimum wage? Bought a chicken sandwich, lemonade, and waffle fries yesterday for fifteen dollars. I didn't get a raise. Of course, I'm living on social security checks. Neither my wife nor myself can afford to live alone the way we live now. We worked some fifty years, more or less, each to get the things we get, and we paid for it out of our paychecks and our employers' matching it.

Which brings me to working for cash, not paying taxes, and so forth so many of our Spanish-speaking people are doing. There are some beautiful Mexican ladies and hard-working, but list the health and different benefits they get.

I love people, but was taught to follow rules. Our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. I see the world as we cannot live alone here. I was asked once, but how are we supposed to get our hands on the money, ask every time? Told the man that was a great idea if they thought they could just take from everyone else without asking.

Some parenting-aged people have just plainly had too much taken from them without being asked.
You do mean like over half our demented lies in the news media?
Please do not quote me out of context so as to promote an agenda.

Such behavior is not actual engagement, but using another as a stepping stone, and is a disrespect.

Thank You,
United States average yearly cost for childcare, per child: $18,866.

Are there any like, articles or videos of anyone prominent saying they want illegal immigrants to be able to vote? Overall I am confused what the argument for it is supposed to be.

I think it's been mentioned "so illegals will vote for them", them being people who want illegals to vote. But that was never really an argument for the American people- like, people care about the economy and things, they aren't particularly concerned about giving illegals the ability to vote in order to ensure their political candidates win. That is more a politician's type of position, right?

I think you will be hard pressed to find any average American who is not glued to extreme reddit threads openly say they want to give illegal aliens the right to vote. To me that begs the question of what the purpose of this thread was. My guess would be, genuine concern that people do think this based off of media possibly reporting it. I've seen these mainstream media channels too and the types of things they report on MSNBC, CBS, FOX NEWS, and the spin on these stories is crazy.

Sorry @just me , I know this tangent is slightly off topic and I am not trying to hijack your thread but I do think it is also super related.

We used to have the "Fairness Doctrine" in the USA, when television was first introduced. That was such a massive technology that there was serious concern over issues of public importance and representing both/as many sides as possible of an issue. But in 1969 the Supreme Court made a ruling which created a loophole in this and as algorithms and online media bubbles expand it just seems to make it all worse. Even Trump touched on this with "fake news", it resonated with people because indeed, there is a lot of salacious stories that have very little truth or substance and are being blown out of proportion.

Even though personally I do believe there is a legitimate concern in this country over border security and influx in undocumented immigrants to this country, taking it further to speculate as to why it is happening and saying it is because Democrats are trying to get more people to vote for them, that really just subverts the important issue. I keep asking it myself: what is up with the border? Why are there more people coming in now rather than years before? Is it really worse than it was before, and if it was, why, and if it isn't, why is it being reported this way? I can't claim to know the answers to this but it is a little disheartening to see this not being approached from a data-driven perspective. Probably because there is no data to support or refute this claim because it is more of an opinion claim. I share the concern over illegal immigration in terms of how it can impact the country's infrastructure, tax system, and so on and so forth. But politician arguments like these are nothing more than a dog and pony show that gets people all worked up and results in zero serious policy reform. As far as exhaustive google searches have led me, there has never been any legislation on a federal level introduced which would allow illegal immigrants to vote on a federal level.

Now, we can talk about on a state level. San Francisco, for example, has allowed undocumented workers as the term is there to vote in things like city council and on the board of education. But you know what? In some sense that makes sense in a states law viewpoint. Who am I to police how a state runs themselves? If one state becomes a refuge for undocumented workers, that will be their tax burden and different laws will apply in the surrounding states. If all states adopted those policies, that would represent the attitudes of the country, wouldn't it? This would not end up happening, I can already promise. People who fear that it would don't have a lot of confidence in the evidence their opinions are based on.
Please do not quote me out of context so as to promote an agenda.

Such behavior is not actual engagement, but using another as a stepping stone, and is a disrespect.

Thank You,

You do surely see the question mark. Is that a national average for childcare, or local? What does it entail?

Slant, thank you for your insight. Problems and more problems, and somebody must pay for it. I, too, read about the voting on the web. All these migrants, at this time, might be used to confuse what is going on: an election. Bleeding hearts. People have been migrating almost all over the world for years, and few people like it.

Maybe the Palestinians should migrate to Iran? That would be just too easy.
You do surely see the question mark.
Yes, and I called it out as I thought it merited.
Is that a national average for childcare, or local?
Yes, as stated. It would vary, per state.
What does it entail?
A household with a national median income of $64,529 will spend 29.43% of its earnings on childcare.

The average cost of daycare across the United States is $18,866 per child per year.

Childcare costs the most in Connecticut, at an average of $27,125 per year for daycare, whereas it’s the cheapest in South Dakota at $14,813 per year.

In all states, infant care (up to 18 months) is the most expensive form of daycare, with a U.S. average of $22,350 per child per year, compared to $17,800 for toddler care and $13,950 for preschooler care.

Across all states, the average annual cost to hire a full-time nanny is $35,432.

55% of Millennials were living in families with a spouse and/or children in 2019, compared to 85% of the Silent Generation in 1968.

Average annual childcare costs by state were taken from the average costs for infant, toddler, pre-school and family childcare, and combined to determine one average cost figure for all childcare.

Want per-state data, and per-type? The link includes sources:

Well it turns out that I was wrong and that non-citizens can vote...

Apparently very few do, though, according to statistics collected.

They bolster the economy.
How exactly? With the funded ebt cards? Is that what will bolster them? With the free money doled out that Americans were taxed?

What about the local community that will be displaced?
Personally I would tend to believe the people's testimony who actually live there. Not sure why.

They revitalize towns, e.g. Dayton, OH.
Again I tend to believe the people who live there. Not sure why.

They reduce the per-population level of crime in the neighborhoods they move into.
I'm listening, but slow, please share any examples of this happening or what that looks like again?
They provide a way for companies to exploit labor, engage in labor theft, and keep wages lower.
Do you mean like slave labor wages? Because they are only viewed as pawns??
Lol that's just silly nonsense Ian. They didnt come to work they make more than enough with vouchers and what gets funded on their ebt cards. Listen to the local firsthand experiences for yourself, but I bet you don't.

They increase the cost of the housing market.
Which pushes the true residents out and replaces them with migrants on vouchers.
Those coming from south of the border are Americans.
Do you mean as in South Americans and North Americans are all Americans?
We live in a (hyper)capitalist society. Nothing is given away, and nothing is free. Like life in general.
Actually Ian the really real truth is that Nothing is free if you are a tax paying American citizen. Everything is free if you walk across the southern border. You project this real life burden as just a normal fact of life for Americans to simply accept and absorb when it's not. I could be wrong. Maybe it's just me.

You and I are not the same. I may be blunt but I look for the truth no matter where that leads me. You seem to relentlessly push a one-sided agenda and ignore anything contrary as misinformation. With all these exact numbers and percentages that are clearly just copy pasted rather than an actual authentic opinion. It just comes out if your little narrative db. More like a chat bot.

It only makes sense that a locals first hand testimony would be more valid than random opinion. Yet it appears more that you ignore them as irrelevant while pushing the idea that this is all a good thing. Maybe it's just me.

Not to be a pest but I sure would like to look at that evidence of that Wuhan market source of the outbreak. I'm sure it will only takes a few seconds. I tell ya I have looked virtually everywhere for it yet I have failed🥺.
On the bright side, I do enjoy salad these days. 😃👍
Many Americans in prime reproductive years.

Between medical, childcare, and day to day, it simply isn’t a viable option.

You know it's bc of the clot shot. Stop the Cap. And who decided what nationalities this viral replacement stock to be comprised of?
You seem to relentlessly push a one-sided agenda and ignore anything contrary as misinformation.
Yes, which speaks to your ignorance and lack of discernment.

But I appreciate that you own that and didn’t seek to invalidate, so thanks for playing fair.

Best to You,
Dayton, Ohio has a number of resources to support immigrants and their integration into the community, including the Welcome Dayton program:

Welcome Dayton
A program that helps immigrants integrate into the community by providing access to education, government, health and social services, and more. The program also encourages business and economic development, and promotes arts and culture. Welcome Dayton has three full-time staffers who mediate between immigrants and longtime residents to prevent conflicts.

Support network
Dayton has a diverse support network of resources, services, and agencies to help immigrants. Local businesses, institutions, and schools offer programs and services to help with day-to-day interactions.

Some examples of how immigrants have contributed to Dayton include:

Moh Fardeen Ahmadi
An immigrant from Afghanistan who started his own trucking company after working at Payless Shoes and as a truck driver.

New immigrants in Old North Dayton
New immigrants have helped revitalize the aging community by buying and fixing up abandoned houses.

Also, listen to actual Dayton residents:
