Should the Supreme Court stop Biden from giving social security funds to illegal aliens?

just me

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Yes: 252393
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From The American Digest

POLL: Should the Supreme Court block President Biden from giving Social Security to illegal immigrants?

President Joe Biden wants to give illegal immigrants social security checks.

Do you think the Supreme Court should step in and block Biden from doing so?

Yes: 25239300
What is the argument that only Citizens are eligible for US benefits, or more precisely Social Security benefits. Are we talking people who paid ss taxes for ten years but are not now not legally in the country, or people who paid those taxes but were never legally in the country or people who never paid the tax and were never in the country legally. And can you collect social security if you are in prison or deported?
I'm speaking of illegal immigrants who have paid nothing into SS. Think it's is in bold type in the OP.
Inasmuch as social security is more about the society than the individual, pay it out.

Given the numbers, we can afford it. But we wonʼt do it. As a nation, we love wealth and weapons of war. We do not love people, or perhaps better said, weʼre tribal, judgmental, moralistic, racist, and hierarchical as fuck.

In the name of God, no less.

My opinion is of no consequence, so I will not worry about it. They will do whatever they like. Always have, always will.

If they served more the name of God, rather than have His name here and there, we would see a difference.

Far as SS is concerned, it is taken from our paychecks. If WE do not pay in, WE receive nothing monthly at 65. The more we make and pay in, the larger our checks, and it is personal. Judging our nation negatively makes me have to say if you don't like it: leave.

My wife has a lot of things that come out negatively to me. I have enough at home than to come here for more of it.
Just buying votes as usual and very little to nothing at all about charity if all else more to bait people into immigrating to this dreadful place to compensate for the lack of population growth as a large part of the population is getting too old never mind there a huge economic drain on Gen X and younger.
If they served more the name of God, rather than have His name here and there, we would see a difference.
Indeed, and part of what makes the social experiment of the United States great is that this is not so.

The more we make and pay in, the larger our checks, and it is personal.
Yes, and in this way, systemic inequities are preserved.

Judging our nation negatively makes me have to say if you don't like it: leave.
I donʼt like it. I say what I do because I love it.

Inasmuch as social security is more about the society than the individual, pay it out.

Given the numbers, we can afford it. But we wonʼt do it. As a nation, we love wealth and weapons of war. We do not love people, or perhaps better said, weʼre tribal, judgmental, moralistic, racist, and hierarchical as fuck.

In the name of God, no less.

My opinion is of no consequence, so I will not worry about it. They will do whatever they like. Always have, always will.

From what I understand, the social security bank cannot afford it. With nearly all the boomers retired, there just isn't enough there to feed the next generation or those that follow. Morbid, but Covid helped a little by weeding down the elderly pack a bit, but not enough to make more than a ding in the problem. We're living longer, which is great, but the system was designed for only so many cars on the proverbial road of life.

The country does have excess money, I won't argue this. It could prioritize taking care of our elders no matter how they arrived here... but it's all earmarked for other needs such as military and now, even more pressing, FEMA and helping to fix area that will be demolished by rising seas, stronger storms and droughts. There the goal is to protect all life, not just the elderly.

Our opinions hold more weight that one might think. If we write directly to our senators the notes will be trashed... but we have voices, we have communities. We have the ability to make scratches on the polished finish here and there that all together rile up communities and together we can raise our voices and make a difference.

If they served more the name of God, rather than have His name here and there, we would see a difference.

Far as SS is concerned, it is taken from our paychecks. If WE do not pay in, WE receive nothing monthly at 65. The more we make and pay in, the larger our checks, and it is personal. Judging our nation negatively makes me have to say if you don't like it: leave.

My wife has a lot of things that come out negatively to me. I have enough at home than to come here for more of it.

I'm with you - SS is for those who've paid in. It's our money, not the government's.

I believe all life is worth saving, just find that money elsewhere. Don't raid that rainy day jar.
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Not one red cent.

They're crossing our borders in droves and Sleepy Joe and his gang let them. It's for the welfare. It's for the votes the gov ticks hope to get. Free everything. In the local news recently they caught an illegal for the 3rd time. He was thrown out of the country twice for committing violent crimes. He's also a criminal in his country. As has been said many times.... they aren't sending us their prime citizens.

Notice none of them in news reports look starved? They lack nothing.

Last I looked they are costing us $150,000,000,000 a year. One Hundred and Fifty BILLION...........

Everyone should be pissed! We should be voting these asses out of office. Demand term limits. Some of these people in office have never had a job. Never. There's no calluses on Chucky Schumers hands....lips maybe
I can't imagine sneaking into a country illegally. It would be like sneaking into a wedding reception without an invitation... kind of cynical and creepy, especially if when you get caught, you expect a room and room service.
No, illegal immigrants shouldn't get social security funds as it wouldn't be fair to everyone else.

Ideally, there wouldn't be any illegal immigrants at all, as it is dangerous to be an illegal immigrant: You have no rights and are at the mercy of the people around you, some of whom will be exploitative. (Most hopefully are not.)

I can see an argument for making it easier to legally immigrate and then have the same rights as everyone else. (And the same obligations too.)

If we get rid of all the undocumented workers, whose gonna mow the lawns?
I know you're kidding, but...

I can't say much about the poll specifically though, as I don't know enough about the legal system in America to have an informed opinion.
I'm speaking of illegal immigrants who have paid nothing into SS. Think it's is in bold type in the OP.
Yes: 25239300
Can you post the legal requirements of this specific legislation to obtain SSI if you are an illegal alien?

Im not sure how you got the requirements that those who qualify being people who haven't paid into the system . That part of the thread is confusing.
I'll have to look for it. It has likely been like that over at least fifty years, so I was told. Hey, @slant. I'll be away from my PC most of the day, though.
is it not the case that one cannot receive SS payments without having a SS number, and one cannot get a SS number unless one is a us citizen or a have a work visa.

I know it is true that there are people who obtain SS numbers and use them to gain employment without having the legal stature to have that ss number. but in those cases is it not true that any paycheck they receive using that number is having the SS tax with held?
And is it not also the case that the employer matches the funds withheld from the employee's paycheck?

so is the og post asking the questions as to whether or not those funds which have been paid by both the employee and the employer to a ss account that was established without legal standing be then not remitted to the worker who paid their portion of the tax.

I ask because it seems from the OG post that the post is asking if the US should just give money to folks who did not pay into the system.

can i get a clarification on that?
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