Qualified for this a few months ago, but didn't know what to write so I avoided it

I know at least two friends who turned 40 a few years before me, and so it never seemed like a huge change for them. But I did see a confidence there, or a general sense of feeling settled in who you are. But everyone still struggles, and that's probably the most surprising thing. Everyone has their struggle, so I hate that I put that pressure on myself to be feel as if I somehow had to have everything figured out by this point when life just goes on. You just make the best of things. So, nothing really changes.
Actually, what I've loved the most about getting older is accepting the good and bad, and not having to pretend that life is a bed of roses or that things will always work out. I can be honest about things with myself about myself, and not hide. Coolest part of this is that everyone's journey is different, regardless of age. Two people may be the same age, but be ages apart in life and experience. We each have our own journeys. And that's what makes getting older so amazing. You learn that maybe there is more depth to your personality than you thought possible.
I'm also learning that as we get older, we can develop aspects of our personality in ways you don't expect. You may mellow out or find that you've more to work with to deal with things as life happens, because you can draw on more experiences, and you have some perspective. I mean, if I could meet my 16 or 25 year old self, I would've been such a different person today. I wished I could have prepped and warned her. But that would be wrong. I would've taken away her right to grow and learn on her own from all these experiences. So, I'll just have to visit her through memories, and appreciate the journey she made to now.