Some member's odd habit of posting right wing propaganda and his nonstop cultivation of it.

It all matters whether you choose to see it or not. I'm not suggesting people should vote for a savior, but for someone who at least isn't a moron and won't leave us in worse shape after their term.

This. God knows I don't like Hillary Clinton or approve of everything she stands for, but at the very least she would have likely appointed qualified people to cabinet positions. She would have kept us from running completely into the fucking ditch. Frankly, that's enough for me.
It's up to you to get John F. Kennedy elected.




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Who can say anything for sure anymore. I can't after witnessing that last "election" anyway.
I think it is high time that we carefully delineate all the crimes that Hillary is accused of. But to be faif we should all list them from our memory and not look them up.
First up I would have to say is the accusation that she did something illegal when she was staffer during the congressional impeachment investigation of Richard M Nixon, who was impeached for obstruction of justice. She must have been part of a conspiracy to bring him down.
any one else @Skarekrow @James @Milktoast Bandit @acd @Free @Icedream @dogman6126 @Icedream @Peppermint @Eventhorizon @ruji @Sandie33 @Reason With Logic Filling @Chickensoup @Pin @Disguised ?
Vince Foster.
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Mr. Biden, while more popular than Ms. Clinton, is still unfortunately accountable to the same monied interests. It's hard to predict what would happen had Mr. Biden won the primary.
Nothing mrs clinton was going to win the election. She had the fix in. It was all sewed up. She owned the DNC and took out Bernie. To me that is cheating the voters from making the choice. She has had her run at it twice. And twice she lost. Obama was virtually unknown. And he killed her in the primary. She was never going to win. The rupublicans put their weakest guys against her and she loses to a self proclaimed billionaire cause no one has seen his taxes yet who is also a tv star who thinks he marvelous "billy crystal reference from the 80's" and a little to much in your face for most people. People have had a hatred for her for decades men and women both have rejected her time and again. People just viscerally know she is not who she proclaims to be in public. Trump on the other hand cannot help but tell you how great this or that is. It's a weakness really. If he would just shut up and just work his ass off. Stop running around all over the country campaigning and talking shit. Maybe he could be taken seriously. What these political assholes do not understand is that Americans at large are fed up with the political bullshit that has been going on. Both sides are working together against the public good. Mr Trump will find himself out on his ass if he screws with his base. People want action. We are in deep shit. And no one wants to talk about it. They just keep kicking the can down the road at your expense. If they wreck America where will we be versus where they will be. Do you think they will starve with you? Did bush miss a meal during Katrina? Do they ever really suffer? You will. But they will not. They have stolen the Republic and given you Democracy. Majority rule. Where individual rights mean nothing. A Democracy will vote away your rights. A Republic will defend them because the individuals rights mean more than the mobs vote. Our political parties have led this country to ruin on purpose and I as a citizen want to know why. Why did the jobs have to leave in the eighties? Why were our congressmen voting the end of our way to make a living? Why purposely gut manufacturing and move it to China. We have witnessed both party's stab Mother America in the back and they have stolen and given the people's homes to the banks through legislation that they have written into law. We are focused in the wrong direction in America. It's now a sin to love Your Country To Love America. That is too bad. What country will you love when America is gone. Do you think the world will give us pity as we starve in the streets. Do you think they will care? They can barely get by themselves. The ship is sound. It's the crew that has killed the captain and sent the ship into uncharted waters. We just need to bring her to port and install a new crew and get things back to normal again. Common sense and the facts go along way. It's the people's government. It's not theirs to take. It's ours.
I think the constitution is a great system. It's just not working anymore (ignored). Capitalism killed the government, but it still exists as a sock puppet of the corporations in power.
Capitalism absolutely works and it's the only thing that works. At some.point in the future we can move away from it but that won't be in the in lifetime of anyone alive today. Capitalism is the only thing that moves the world foward rather than stagnate and suffocate it.
I do agree though that corporations manipulate the system bypassing laws already in place by lining the pockets of politicians and law officials. This is what needs to be addressed.
Nothing mrs clinton was going to win the election. She had the fix in. It was all sewed up. She owned the DNC and took out Bernie. To me that is cheating the voters from making the choice. She has had her run at it twice. And twice she lost. Obama was virtually unknown. And he killed her in the primary. She was never going to win. The rupublicans put their weakest guys against her and she loses to a self proclaimed billionaire cause no one has seen his taxes yet who is also a tv star who thinks he marvelous "billy crystal reference from the 80's" and a little to much in your face for most people. People have had a hatred for her for decades men and women both have rejected her time and again. People just viscerally know she is not who she proclaims to be in public. Trump on the other hand cannot help but tell you how great this or that is. It's a weakness really. If he would just shut up and just work his ass off. Stop running around all over the country campaigning and talking shit. Maybe he could be taken seriously. What these political assholes do not understand is that Americans at large are fed up with the political bullshit that has been going on. Both sides are working together against the public good. Mr Trump will find himself out on his ass if he screws with his base. People want action. We are in deep shit. And no one wants to talk about it. They just keep kicking the can down the road at your expense. If they wreck America where will we be versus where they will be. Do you think they will starve with you? Did bush miss a meal during Katrina? Do they ever really suffer? You will. But they will not. They have stolen the Republic and given you Democracy. Majority rule. Where individual rights mean nothing. A Democracy will vote away your rights. A Republic will defend them because the individuals rights mean more than the mobs vote. Our political parties have led this country to ruin on purpose and I as a citizen want to know why. Why did the jobs have to leave in the eighties? Why were our congressmen voting the end of our way to make a living? Why purposely gut manufacturing and move it to China. We have witnessed both party's stab Mother America in the back and they have stolen and given the people's homes to the banks through legislation that they have written into law. We are focused in the wrong direction in America. It's now a sin to love Your Country To Love America. That is too bad. What country will you love when America is gone. Do you think the world will give us pity as we starve in the streets. Do you think they will care? They can barely get by themselves. The ship is sound. It's the crew that has killed the captain and sent the ship into uncharted waters. We just need to bring her to port and install a new crew and get things back to normal again. Common sense and the facts go along way. It's the people's government. It's not theirs to take. It's ours.
You are partially right but don't think for a second Trump was the Republicans "guy". They are scared of him. If he's successful he shows everyone they don't need a career politician to get things done. He threatens the very core of everything they have built.
Every president will make things worse. It's not their choice.
Trump is making things better though. Your argument doesn't hold up.
This. God knows I don't like Hillary Clinton or approve of everything she stands for, but at the very least she would have likely appointed qualified people to cabinet positions. She would have kept us from running completely into the fucking ditch. Frankly, that's enough for me.
We aren't running into the ditch. That is the programming you are watching or should I say liberal propaganda. The economy is booming thanks to Trump. We are taking care of the threats to America thanks to Trump. ISIS is defeated thanks to Trump.
Qualified People? Do you mean people ready to get in line to break the law and cover the Presidents tracks at the minute he asks like our last President???? It's a good thing we don't have that.
Move away from your liberal brainwashing channels.
If life gives you dirt, sling it at your opponent.