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The ENTJ way.
That's one mental image I could do without Pin.![]()
At least let me finish. After Mrs. Clinton, that is.I will gouge my eyes out
I'm stopping myself. I get too much of a kick out of this.dammit
I didn't think you, of all people, would be thrilled by the idea of my foot getting stuck.then please keep kicking. you deserve it.
Totally agree Trump is not a republican. They would have never given him the nomination if they could have. They never dreamed that he would win. We need more citizens involved. Trump could the catalyst of a new movement. I think political parties should not exist. They make you only focus on your party rather than the nation. No nation no party. What they are doing to Trump is just the tip of the iceberg of what they would do to us if we got into power. They do not want the people having a voice politically. The more we look into their affairs on Capitol Hill the more we will find. The real question to me is does the American public have the stomach to remove these liars and thieves. Because as we are seeing there are those in government that are doing what they think is best and have been blatantly ignoring the citizens that they are supposed to be serving. They work for us. We do not work for them. We are the citizens the rulers of our land. They have turned the tables on us. It is they who should be more worried than they are. Because they are in violation of the people's trust. They have given the government over to corporations and their interests. Which should have never been the case. Look at how poorly man treats one another just as a human being. Look how much worse they treat you when they think they have power over you. They think they are the plantation masters and we are their workers. They are wrong. Americans can change the tide by not listening to them. And voting them out of office. Figure out which corporates that are against your freedom and stop using their products. We have more power than we realize. If we Americans turn on one another we lose. If we turn on them we win. We don't need bullets to take our country back. We need faith in God and one another. Once those things are reinstalled into our minds we can get on with the business of the nation. We are the share holders of the government and we deserve a seat at the table. Actually they took the chairs and closed the doors to the public.You are partially right but don't think for a second Trump was the Republicans "guy". They are scared of him. If he's successful he shows everyone they don't need a career politician to get things done. He threatens the very core of everything they have built.
You lost me, the United States is still functionally a Republic.If they wreck America where will we be versus where they will be. Do you think they will starve with you? Did bush miss a meal during Katrina? Do they ever really suffer? You will. But they will not. They have stolen the Republic and given you Democracy. Majority rule. Where individual rights mean nothing. A Democracy will vote away your rights.
We have decided to give groups the power "democracy " rather than the individual his rights first "republic" Corporations are large groups. And because the political parties wrote rules making it ok to service the groups needs rather than the individual citizen. The citizen has all the rights of his protected by the republic. By respecting one another's individual rights we ensure that our rights are protected also. When one group gets large enough to take over the other in a democracy that larger side wins and rules. In a republic we have checks and balances to stop majority rule from taking over. And to protect the individual from persecution for their beliefs. America today is more like a popularity contest. With the group making the decisions at the individuals cost. That is why we have the electoral college to make sure that democracy does not rule. If it was as easy as fixing the popular vote that would be the only focus of political parties. We are lucky that they did their best to eliminate as many treacherous ways a man can ruin himself and others into the constitution. Man if left to his own devices will ruin himself. He needs restraint. Good law helps remind. Bad law creates chaos out of truth. The constitution was written so that when the people lost power ther could regain it again when they realized it had been taken. How they do it is up to them. It's quite an inspiring document.You lost me, the United States is still functionally a Republic.
We don't directly vote for the President.
I'll explain.Our political parties have led this country to ruin on purpose and I as a citizen want to know why.
In the 80s and 90s, our economy shifted from a secondary to a tertiary economy. Hence, manufacturing jobs left in the eighties to shift our nation to a tertiary economy (third economic sector in the three-sector theory).Why did the jobs have to leave in the eighties?
Easy. China has lax industrial protections compared to us. Now due to that change, we've got better, safer, healthier job options in the United States.Why were our congressmen voting the end of our way to make a living? Why purposely gut manufacturing and move it to China. .
I understand what and how and why. They wrote the legislation allowing them to move out of country. What sane person would shoot themselves in the foot like that. It was foolish to the no a country can survive and actually create nothing. Manufacturing or rather industry's are is the backbone of any country. To just set it aside and say we no longer which to make things here is pure insanity and it guarantees the collapse of your country in the end. We Americans come from a long line of tinkerers by way of England. This nations ability to become what it has has come directly from our free ability to persuade ideas to their eventual end. Reagan gutted America I remember watching it on tv as a kid. My entire 45 years has been spent watching America go into decline by way of the two parties allowing it to happen or being a direct sponsor of it happening. Citizens need to get more involved in learning their rights and understanding their government. It is to their eventual peril if they do not. Apathy is killing America.I'll explain. In the 80s and 90s, our economy shifted from a secondary to a tertiary economy. Hence, manufacturing jobs left in the eighties to shift our nation to a tertiary economy (third economic sector in the three-sector theory).
Due to that change: there's jobs out there in the following sectors: retail and wholesale sales, transportation and distribution, entertainment (movies, television, radio, music, theater, etc.), restaurants, clerical services, media, tourism, insurance, banking, healthcare, and law.
That's a lot of options. You've just got to get the qualifications for the job and move to where the jobs are.
Easy. China has lax industrial protections compared to us. Now due to that change, we've got better, safer, healthier job options in the United States.
Instead of slaving away at a coal mine, dying of black lung, I can make more money and live longer as a banker, engineer, nurse, or a doctor.
Bill Clinton saved my life.
Manufacturing jobs aren't the backbone of this country. Service sector jobs are the backbone of this country with 79.7% of our GDP coming from that sector, according to the CIA World Factbook.I understand what and how and why. They wrote the legislation allowing them to move out of country. What sane person would shout themselves in the foot like that. It was foolish to the no a country can survive and actually create nothing. Manufacturing or rather industry's are is the backbone of any country. To just set it aside and say we no longer which to make things here is pure insanity and it guarantees the collapse of your country in the end. We Americans come from a long line of tinkerers by way of England. This nations ability to become what it has has come directly from our free ability to persuade ideas to their eventual end. Reagan gutted America I remember watching it on tv as a kid. My entire 45 years has been spent watching America go into decline by way of the two parties allowing it to happen or being a direct sponsor of it happening. Citizens need to get more involved in learning their rights and understanding their government. It is to their eventual peril if they do not. Apathy is killing America.
Tradesmen work in the service sector. The higher the demand for these jobs, the more money they'll make.One other thing comes to mind. We need our plumbers and electrical and tradesmen. We are just handing over those jobs. Why would we degrade our fellow country men like that. Without those who know how to plumb your house your showers and poo would be less pleasant. We take for granted in this country way too many things. That we should respect. Not everyone wishes to work in an office. And we as a nation put them out to pasture.
What did these millions of college students major in? There's work out for them to do if they study the right thing.We have millions of college students defaulting on loans because they have no work for them to do.