stealing images


On Holiday
stealing images off the internets, for use on forums or just for fun:

how wrong is it? is it very wrong, or just a little bit wrong?
I don't believe copyrights are good. At best they are a necessary evil- at their very best. How can anyone own sound? or light?
For signature or avatar use. I wold argue its fair use. As long as you don't clam credit for the work. Don't pass a character off as yours or otherwise claim undue ownership.
It's Fair Use. Most of the images like the ones on DA, are under a Creative Commons license anyway. Just don't claim /b/'s memes or they'll DDOS you like Tumblr.
It's Fair Use. Most of the images like the ones on DA, are under a Creative Commons license anyway. Just don't claim /b/'s memes or they'll DDOS you like Tumblr.

I avoid 4chan. Nothing but the stinking underbelly of the internet. Nothing but wanna be's, hackers, trolls and people who enjoy drama. I wouldn't mind seeing 4chan or Dncyclopedia Dramatica go by the way side honestly.
I avoid 4chan. Nothing but the stinking underbelly of the internet. Nothing but wanna be's, hackers, trolls and people who enjoy drama. I wouldn't mind seeing 4chan or Dncyclopedia Dramatica go by the way side honestly.
Yeah, I don't really like 4chan either. Post some random nude girl, make comments about boobies and memes, call each other faggots and repeat. Sounds interesting.
stealing images off the internets, for use on forums or just for fun:

how wrong is it? is it very wrong, or just a little bit wrong?

I do not think it is wrong. Although I do understand how it is to buy a nice camera. Drive to a location. Spend all day taking photos. Then loading them into a computer. Photo shopping them. And finally load them onto the internet so some one else can use them. I used to use them in the past I feel guilty now. Al though I give my photos away when people ask... If my photos were published and I did not get paid. I would have a problem with that. If your using someones photos and giving them credit I think that is okay with most people. A link to their site is nice..
i tried to go to 4chan once but i couldn't understand what it was. i still don't know what it actually is.
I do not think it is wrong. Although I do understand how it is to buy a nice camera. Drive to a location. Spend all day taking photos. Then loading them into a computer. Photo shopping them. And finally load them onto the internet so some one else can use them. I used to use them in the past I feel guilty now. Al though I give my photos away when people ask... If my photos were published and I did not get paid. I would have a problem with that. If your using someones photos and giving them credit I think that is okay with most people. A link to their site is nice..


A previous avatar of mine was found at a Russian art gallery's online website. I felt very conscious at the time about using it without attribution. I researched the copyright issues and I contacted the gallery and artist to ask permission. They gave it without reservation and expressed appreciation that I would acknowledge them if ever asked about the image.

In the end though, I had the sense from those I interacted with on the topic that I had gone a bit overboard and haven't taken as much care since.

I don't feel very confident about what is legally OK or what is socially/ethically OK on the topic.
I think it depends on the circumstance. If you're an artist and you've created something for profit, and you rely on those profits then you could successfully say you're not being paid for your work. On the other hand, it's nearly impossible to go after every image violation on the internet. It's the same as a written work, though, or something else created; it's better to get the author or artist's permission unless it's showing up in several areas freely (Creative Commons license, advertisement, etc).

But it happens in several areas; if you're a writer or artist being paid for your work and you don't want someone copying it, then you'd better put a watermark on it and you'd better copyright it. And if I pay for an image, I'd rather not have someone else using it for free - otherwise, what's the point of me paying for the image?

Good thoughts, though. Good discussion.
I think using a picture for an avatar or in a thread is acceptable, as stealing implies that the owner of such works is being harmed by your use of it. If you aren't making a profit off of it and are not claiming it as your own creation and are giving the original source credit, then it isn't stealing. That said, if something is copyrighted, then make sure you have permission.
Is duplicating and redistributing really stealing? Theft implies a loss of property from another party. Seems as if duplicating pictures falls closer to forgery than theft.

As for my opinion on the matter I think it depends on intent, I think use on forums and such would fall under fair use. However trying to sell someone else's work is something I would disagree with. But there is a difference between sharing and selling.
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I think using a picture for an avatar or in a thread is acceptable, as stealing implies that the owner of such works is being harmed by your use of it. If you aren't making a profit off of it and are not claiming it as your own creation and are giving the original source credit, then it isn't stealing. That said, if something is copyrighted, then make sure you have permission.

As for my opinion on the matter I think it depends on intent, I think use on forums and such would fall under fair use. However trying to sell someone else's work is something I would disagree with. But there is a difference between sharing and selling.


This is why there's a disclaimer in the first post of "wet paint", my art blog.
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It is one of the most evil acts conceivable.
[MENTION=1857]youhemmein[/MENTION] is charging me .005 cents a post for using this avatar.
Is bill waterson gonna sue me because I have Calvin as my avatar? I did make the scan myself, so....
I don't think it's wrong at all. Physical copies are what should have value. I think paying for electronic substance (unless it's a service) is bullshit.

If you steal the image and then print it, that's wrong. If you steal it and sell it as your own, that's wrong.
Forums make no money so there is nothing 'wrong' with the use of image. Copyright only concerns with individual gain not use. On a personnel level I feel one should express through your own material to be truly perceived but it is my job (to make images) so I would think that.
It's disrespectful, but it's not "wrong" in the sense that it makes any significant (read. any) difference to our society as whole. It does not damage anything, except perhaps the ego of certain wound-up individuals.