Straight INFJ Males

I'm a bisexual one. But mostly see girls. Furthermore, I don't identify myself as a typhical male, I sure am a biological one, but, I can't say i fit more into that stereotype than I fit into the one of a girl, I'm somewhere in between.
This is true. I actually heard somewhere that NF males seem more "effeminate" than other types... At least I think it was NF. It also said that NF's tend to be friends with more girls than guys. If I seem more effeminate I don't ever notice it. Even if I am, I think bein introverted hides most of that in me.
I'm just going to borrow revery2043's excellent point-form summary template.

Type: INFJ
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Normative Gender Role: Laid back, prefer not to lead but will do the job if there isn't anyone else.
Military interest: I have a keen interest in war and strategy. I served my mandatory two-year military service in a non-combat role as I sustained an injury during Basic Training. I have a keen interest in strategy and I am currently reading Sun Tzu's "Art of War".
Firearm interest: Shooting is fun, I'm not too good at it yet and I have little opportunity to do so in my country after my military service.
Martial Art Interest: I have an interest in Medieval stuff, so I am currently learning fencing. I hope to move on to Kendo next, and other martial arts with swords or wielded weapons. I'm not too interested in the unarmed martial arts.
Sports: I like to run, swim. I used to dive but it is expensive and I have stopped. I also like playing Soccer but I am also currently injured so all these activities are put on hold for the moment. I support the English football club Arsenal :) I am proud to support a club which is run on sustainable budgets (instead of relying on borrowed money) and can still attain a respectable league position. We aren't doing so well this season though :(
Rage Index: Used to be hot-tempered due to the hormones. I'm pretty conflict-avoidant now.
Cuddle Index: I'm not a touchy-feely person in front of people, but I secretly wish to be cuddly with a SO.
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How about a straight-gay INFJ male? I mean, for instance:

My favorite sports consist of golf, billiards/pool and bowling
My hobbies are playing an instrument, computers and video games
I like gardening
I don't specifically train in anything - weights, martial arts or otherwise
I don't really drink and when I do it's usually a glass of wine
I talk with animals
I listen to classical music
I play classical guitar
I hate most sports like Football (US version) and Baseball
I'm a tree-hugger
I grow tired of interacting with people displaying the typical male stereotypes - they bore me
I've had several good female friends
My bookshelf consists of classic literature

If I weren't married and definitely interested in the opposite, sex, people would end up thinking I'm gay. Because I didn't get drunk in the bars watching football in college and then always try to hit on anything with two legs they assumed even more.

IDK how any of this is gay. You sound like a few of my friends. While they may be hiding something - I doubt it.
As perhaps made apparent by my other posts, I too am a straight INFJ male. I don't like the characteristics of the archetypal male and have found many of the men in my age range to be animalistic, thoughtless, and simple. I don't like sports, I'm not competitive, I laugh when men describe themselves as 'alpha males.' It amuses me that some males strongly indentify with a biological role common to dominant male wolves and apes. In my last relationship, my girlfriend of the time would tell me that I'm 'not like a man'. I like being given flowers on romantic occasions, have a plant collection and like making floral arrangements. I guess it's very INFJ to see sex as an intimate and emotional thing and certainly that puts me apart the other men I meet. Overall, while somewhat sexually frustrated, I'm not conflicted or confused and enjoy being the way I am.

I like you. Congrats.
INFJ male thread, mochi likes :mlove2:
Is it really more rare to find a straight INFJ than otherwise? Come to think of it, one of the few INFJs I know IRL is my brother's (an ENFP) boyfriend...

The couple other INFJs I know are female.
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what would be possible reasons supporting the assumption that infj males would have an above average amount of gay people?
single straight INFJ male here

no question about it

and i agree with having more female friends, i have quite a few more female friends than male, and i can talk to them easier about NF stuff than i do with the guys

concerning conflict though, i'm passive unless someone rly pisses me off, then they get the F explosion. i'll go all drill sergeant on them.
i served 9yrs in the military, intel. i'm a hands-on computer installer/maintenance kinda guy with UNIX/LINUX/WIN training, like a quietly excited well-rounded fixer upper
Single & straight INFJ male. I might come across as a little metro because I do appreciate good quality clothing and design. If people think I'm gay I enjoy just playing along with it.
Straight INFJ male here.