As perhaps made apparent by my other posts, I too am a straight INFJ male. I don't like the characteristics of the archetypal male and have found many of the men in my age range to be animalistic, thoughtless, and simple. I don't like sports, I'm not competitive, I laugh when men describe themselves as 'alpha males.' It amuses me that some males strongly indentify with a biological role common to dominant male wolves and apes. In my last relationship, my girlfriend of the time would tell me that I'm 'not like a man'. I like being given flowers on romantic occasions, have a plant collection and like making floral arrangements. I guess it's very INFJ to see sex as an intimate and emotional thing and certainly that puts me apart the other men I meet. Overall, while somewhat sexually frustrated, I'm not conflicted or confused and enjoy being the way I am.
I can relate to quite a bit of what you posted.
I believe I said in an earlier post on this thread that I don't care about sports, and that at times I have to defend my masculinity with other men when they find this out.
"You don't watch football?!"
I sometimes have fun with it. "Oh, was there a game yesterday?" in response to being asked if I watched the Super Bowl. he he.
I find the whole male, wolves, chest thumping, Neanderthal mentality amusing myself. I think men that present themselves that way are dumbing themselves down. "I'm just a big dumb oaf" is what it tells the world.
I also think it is a cover for their insecurities.
God, I hate the freakin' term "Man cave"!
I love being out in my garage working on my car, or welding something up. Or fixing something that is broken.
Grease, gears and gasoline!
I love the smell of exhaust that comes from burning premium fuel in a big block V8.
These are things I enjoy that are manly.
But, at the same time can enjoy helping the Wife care for her gardens or whatever interests she may have.
I happen to have a couple of Orchids I tend to in the house. They aren't doing so well right now, but I try.
I easily make friends with Women. They seem to easily accept and trust me. My Wife says it's because my respect for Women shines through, and they can sense it.