terrorist action of israel vs apathy

Hope the tunnels can be taken care of without casualties.
I dont think that there's apathy about Israel's actions so much as resignation to what's taking place, the world does not want to take on the role of policing the, at this point, insane Palestinian population, neither do they want to deal with the Israelis or the terrorism they could be capable of, I mean, the actions of Israeli fighters against British Mandate Palestine havent been forgotten, or the actions of Mossad, or the Suez Crisis and Pan-Israelism in the US.

The rest of the world just morally despairs at it and I understand why.

A realistic onlooker would wisely consider that a militarised society such as Israel is going to do without the Palestinians as their "other" to carry on offensives against, if the world thought that the US struggled with anomie as a post-conflict society after the Cold War I predict that they have seen nothing yet.
@Lark I think Palestinians would like to have food, access to fresh water, and a chance to live life in peace.
We humans appreciate the simple things in life, like living without constant fear of bombardment.

Israeli psychopaths are killing women and children, and enjoying it, because they consider themselves superior.
If you had not heard about this, it's an ethnic cleansing of the palestinians taking place.
I don't know if you actually intended to insult the entire Palestinian population by calling them insane.
I hear you speaking about them like a pack of wild dogs, like their existence is inconvenient for the rest of the world.

Man, imagine it was your own loved ones out there in the killing fields.
These are beautiful people that have lived with incredible oppression for decades, and they are being systematically eliminated on our watch.

A realistic onlooker would recognize that our government is responsible as much as "Israel".
Next, one would realize it is actually us, we, the people, who let our governments carry on with these insane wars.
This is the perspective from a realistic/compassionate onlooker such as myself.

The people of the world would be outraged if they could clearly discern what is happening on their watch.

But apathy is the killer. People just don't care, or they don't know how to care, or they don't know how to act when they do feel compassion for humanity stirring inside of them.
Don't let your hearts grow cold and hard, life is precious no matter what your ethnicity happens to be.

So many "Christians" are pro "Israel". What is going on with this phenomena?
I see people on FB that I have known for years, they sing about the love of Jesus,
and now I see them posting "pray for Israel, may her enemies be scattered!"

What did you see Christ do when you killed him because of your hatred?
He forgave you because you didn't know who you were, and you couldn't recognize Him!
Are we not all Children of God?

Get real, you 'Anointed Ones'. If you call yourself a Christian, you had better learn how to identify with 'the least of these'.

Let the love He has for the world be the love you express for humanity right now. That's how the world will know He Is in You.

Jesus loves all the children of the world, remember? Don't you dare act like a Christ follower and support this genocide.

The People of Israel reject the so called "state of Israel".
@Lark I think Palestinians would like to have food, access to fresh water, and a chance to live life in peace.
We humans appreciate the simple things in life, like living without constant fear of bombardment.

Israeli psychopaths are killing women and children, and enjoying it, because they consider themselves superior.
If you had not heard about this, it's an ethnic cleansing of the palestinians taking place.
I don't know if you actually intended to insult the entire Palestinian population by calling them insane.
I hear you speaking about them like a pack of wild dogs, like their existence is inconvenient for the rest of the world.

Man, imagine it was your own loved ones out there in the killing fields.
These are beautiful people that have lived with incredible oppression for decades, and they are being systematically eliminated on our watch.

A realistic onlooker would recognize that our government is responsible as much as "Israel".
Next, one would realize it is actually us, we, the people, who let our governments carry on with these insane wars.
This is the perspective from a realistic/compassionate onlooker such as myself.

The people of the world would be outraged if they could clearly discern what is happening on their watch.

But apathy is the killer. People just don't care, or they don't know how to care, or they don't know how to act when they do feel compassion for humanity stirring inside of them.
Don't let your hearts grow cold and hard, life is precious no matter what your ethnicity happens to be.

So many "Christians" are pro "Israel". What is going on with this phenomena?
I see people on FB that I have known for years, they sing about the love of Jesus,
and now I see them posting "pray for Israel, may her enemies be scattered!"

What did you see Christ do when you killed him because of your hatred?
He forgave you because you didn't know who you were, and you couldn't recognize Him!
Are we not all Children of God?

Get real, you 'Anointed Ones'. If you call yourself a Christian, you had better learn how to identify with 'the least of these'.

Let the love He has for the world be the love you express for humanity right now. That's how the world will know He Is in You.

Jesus loves all the children of the world, remember? Don't you dare act like a Christ follower and support this genocide.

The People of Israel reject the so called "state of Israel".

I dont like it when anyone enlists Jesus or Christianity to any political cause or campaign, least of all war.

I think the Palestinians would like those things you mentioned, is Hamas or the utterly futile, as anything other than pretext for further Israeli aggression, rocket attacks bringing them any closer to that? How so?

Its been more than twenty years since I found discussions which are long on platitudes and moral indignation but painfully short on realpolitik that interesting.

When Palestine is gone will the Israelis find another nation or people to take the place of the Palestinians?
@Lark Could you describe your stance more clearly for me? I don't know what 'realpolitik' is, I had to look that up. Speak simply to me, please.

I don't believe in fictional political theater. Politics has shown itself to be little more than a game used to spin the masses into a frenzy. I'm concerned with what is real, and right now, people are dying for no good reason. It could be you or me out there!

My goal with this thread is to share information on the reality of the genocide happening, and I hope this conversation would inspire folks to pay attention to what is happening around the world in general.

This issue is tied to just about every other major issue in the world that humanity faces today. I can expand more on this later, if you don't know what I mean.

Our ignorance is allowing these atrocities to persist. I had to bring up Jesus because those who would call themselves Christians need to be addressed. I am familiar with Christians, I've been around them my whole life, I see them now ignoring the facts and blindly supporting "Israel".

I don't know where you stand. Your posts seem antagonistic, but I know text can be misleading.

Did you check up on any of the links or videos I posted?
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[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION] you are entitled to your view however I believe its incorrect. I believe that thought like yours is part of the problem and not the solution. I think you will find many people do not listen to you when your stance is based of information that is "known" only by a few.
[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION] you are entitled to your view however I believe its incorrect. I believe that thoughts like yours is part of the problem and not the solution. I think you will find many people do not listen to you when your stance is based of information that is "known" only by a few.
You can follow the masses, you can have your indifference, but it's so much greater to be free!

Educate yourself man, make up your own mind!

Don't swallow everything they put in front of you!

Have you checked any of the links I have provided?

I'll post more. What do you think about this?


Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes.""They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists," Shaked said, adding, "They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”
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[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION] I do think for myself a great deal more than I think most of the rest of society does. Lets look at this objectively though. I recieve news from a variety of sources. All of this news conflicts with a great majority of what you are trying to say. Yes it may be wrong but I doubt completely wrong. I was read between the lines and read and listen to both conservative and liberal media if for no other reason to see issues from both perspectives. Why would I listen to a single person clearly biased in one direction? Wouldnt that make me a fool?
[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION] I do think for myself a great deal more than I think most of the rest of society does. Lets look at this objectively though. I recieve news from a variety of sources. All of this news conflicts with a great majority of what you are trying to say. Yes it may be wrong but I doubt completely wrong. I was read between the lines and read and listen to both conservative and liberal media if for no other reason to see issues from both perspectives. Why would I listen to a single person clearly biased in one direction? Wouldnt that make me a fool?
All kinds of people exist in all societies. There are people in any group that will stand up against their own leadership, and vast reasons/excuses why they do it. A mere picture can be turned into an act of war when circulated in the wrong mannerisms. There are world leaders that act disrespectfully for all kinds of reasons/excuses. A nation will be divided basically because there are many people with different intel, opinions, motives, past hatred; and the strife and envyings most always escalate if not doctored.

There are vast numbers of different ethnic groups that show hatred for a Jew, and America still has their very own Jew haters. I speak out in favor of Israel and can expect a visit from a local group that bases their group on hate. Hatred for Jews has even been turned into a religion, all because the Jews would not proclaim a man as a Prophet of God. So, he became a self-proclaimed prophet and turned his back on Jerusalem, where he was traveling to. He had a dream where he went anyway, and in so doing reached his hand into the midst of the Middle East to cause division and separation. Kill in the name of Allah. It laid the foundation of an embattled region of the war that will be fought until someone comes to stop it. There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will all stop one day. Truth has two edges, one of which is too soon not listened to. It cuts to hurt, but cuts to heal at the same time.

This last round was started with the kidnapping of three Israeli Jewish boys, and the murders of them. Most people have now already forgotten about this. One day all of this will be forgotten.
All kinds of people exist in all societies. There are people in any group that will stand up against their own leadership, and vast reasons/excuses why they do it. A mere picture can be turned into an act of war when circulated in the wrong mannerisms. There are world leaders that act disrespectfully for all kinds of reasons/excuses. A nation will be divided basically because there are many people with different intel, opinions, motives, past hatred; and the strife and envyings most always escalate if not doctored.

There are vast numbers of different ethnic groups that show hatred for a Jew,

Can you please explain to me why there is bad feeling towards jews?

I mean many people hate the british because they created an empire killing, raping and exploiting many people to do so

Many people hate US americans for the same reason

So why do some people hate jewish people?

and America still has their very own Jew haters.

Why is that?

I speak out in favor of Israel

Why do you do that?

Help me understand

and can expect a visit from a local group that bases their group on hate. Hatred for Jews has even been turned into a religion, all because the Jews would not proclaim a man as a Prophet of God.

So...all jew haters are christians that hate jews for crucifying jesus? Is that what you're saying?

What about the christian zionists? why don;t they hate jews if the other christians hate him for crucifying their messiah?

Are you saying that christendom is split between those who hate the jews for killing christ and those that don't hate the jews despite them denying the messiahhood of jesus?

So, he became a self-proclaimed prophet and turned his back on Jerusalem, where he was traveling to. He had a dream where he went anyway, and in so doing reached his hand into the midst of the Middle East to cause division and separation. Kill in the name of Allah.

Wait.....so the allah worshippers are jew haters as well?

Why is that?

It laid the foundation of an embattled region of the war that will be fought until someone comes to stop it.

Who is going to stop it?

Why will they do it?

How will they do it?

There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will all stop one day.

Will that be the nuclear armageddon or the biblical armagedon or are the two the same thing?

Truth has two edges, one of which is too soon not listened to. It cuts to hurt, but cuts to heal at the same time.

This last round was started with the kidnapping of three Israeli Jewish boys, and the murders of them. Most people have now already forgotten about this. One day all of this will be forgotten.

Do you think the israelis wanted to attack gaza before the missing boys scandal?

Do you think that the israelis wanted to eradicate gaza enough to orchestrate the disapearance of the 3 boys?

In the picture below of the bodies of the 3 boys can you please tell me where the feet of the boys are?

I studied a forensic medicine module and i'm aware how the blood pools to the bottom half of the body after death but the feet do not suddenly unhinge at the ankles....so can you please tell me why their feet are not sticking up?

Where are their feet? Is it jewish custom to break the ankles before displaying a body in public?


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@myself I do think for myself a great deal more than I think most of the rest of society does. Lets look at this objectively though. I recieve news from a variety of sources. All of this news conflicts with a great majority of what you are trying to say. Yes it may be wrong but I doubt completely wrong. I was read between the lines and read and listen to both conservative and liberal media if for no other reason to see issues from both perspectives. Why would I listen to a single person clearly biased in one direction? Wouldnt that make me a fool?

Here's a source of information, Ron paul explaining how the israelis created hamas just as the US created al qaeda:

...so can you please tell me why their feet are not sticking up?

The position of the body at time of death would determine where the blood would pool. Blood pools in the part of the body closest to the ground. Let's say he was left to die lying on his back. The blood would then pool in the buttocks and back.

Now, when a person dies, every single muscle in their body relaxes 100%. Once the pooled blood fixes in one position of the body (and body is not moved), it will then cool. Then, rigor mortis will kick in anywhere from 2-6 hours after death...that is the stiffening of the muscles. This will affect every muscle in the body within that timeframe. Then, within 1-2 days, the muscles will relax again.

This is where embalming a body comes into play. The embalmer removes the blood from the corpse and injects it with formaldehyde to greatly reduce the speed of decomposition for viewing (funeral). Once the formaldehyde is injected, the body will begin to harden, and this is where the embalmer will then position the body correctly. I can only assume that is why bodies are positioned so neatly during viewings and funerals. I doubt they knew they were going to die and jumped into that position.

Anyhow, maybe this is why you assume that the feet of the corpse should be pointing to the sky? Because you have only seen a dead body lied out neatly after the embalming stage? I'm sure of it.

Now I am sure you are wonder why I am going through all of this with you, so now I will tell you.
Jewish tradition finds the practice of embalming to be a humiliating and disrespectful act towards the deceased. Jewish law strictly prohibits it. Therefore, there would be no erect feet to see because we do not position our deceased for viewing, nor could we even if we wanted to...the relaxed muscles of the corpse would not allow for such a thing...unless, of course, it was embalmed. But now you know that wasn't the case.

So there you go. I answered your silly question.

The position of the body at time of death would determine where the blood would pool. Blood pools in the part of the body closest to the ground. Let's say he was left to die lying on his back. The blood would then pool in the buttocks and back.

Now, when a person dies, every single muscle in their body relaxes 100%. Once the pooled blood fixes in one position of the body (and body is not moved), it will then cool. Then, rigor mortis will kick in anywhere from 2-6 hours after death...that is the stiffening of the muscles. This will affect every muscle in the body within that timeframe. Then, within 1-2 days, the muscles will relax again.

This is where embalming a body comes into play. The embalmer removes the blood from the corpse and injects it with formaldehyde to greatly reduce the speed of decomposition for viewing (funeral). Once the formaldehyde is injected, the body will begin to harden, and this is where the embalmer will then position the body correctly. I can only assume that is why bodies are positioned so neatly during viewings and funerals. I doubt they knew they were going to die and jumped into that position.

Anyhow, maybe this is why you assume that the feet of the corpse should be pointing to the sky? Because you have only seen a dead body lied out neatly after the embalming stage? I'm sure of it.

Now I am sure you are wonder why I am going through all of this with you, so now I will tell you.
Jewish tradition finds the practice of embalming to be a humiliating and disrespectful act towards the deceased. Jewish law strictly prohibits it. Therefore, there would be no erect feet to see because we do not position our deceased for viewing, nor could we even if we wanted to...the relaxed muscles of the corpse would not allow for such a thing...unless, of course, it was embalmed. But now you know that wasn't the case.

So there you go. I answered your silly question.


No that doesn't answer anything

Most corpses are not embalmed but their feet don't suddenly dissapear!

Look in any forensic book at corpses at different stages.....the feet don't suddenly dissapear

So the question is still out there to be answered and its not a 'silly' question; in fact hundreds of palestineans have died because of it

But let me ask another question:

'if this israeli invasion of the gaza strip is really about those 3 boys at what point will revenge be declared achieved? How many palestineans must be killed?'

Unless of course the attack has nothing to do with the 3 boys and everything to do with israel wanting to eradicate the gaza strip (ethnic cleansing) to make lebensraum (living space) for gods chosen people (cor sounds a bit like the nazis with their whole aryan spiel doesn't it?)
No that doesn't answer anything

Most corpses are not embalmed?!!

Look in any forensic book at corpses at different stages.....the feet don't suddenly dissapear

So the question is still out there to be answered

Of course. Everyone is wrong and you are right. And what facts to you have to support that feet point straight to the sky during death? What was that? None? Exactly.

And I want to point out that reading that really made me laugh out loud. Really? The position of the feet are "pointing" towards a conspiracy now? O.k.

I say debunked.

Also, embalming is not a requirement, but yes, most bodies are embalmed in first world countries because it helps prevent the spread of disease. UNLESS you're Jewish. ;)
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Of course. Everyone is wrong and you are right.

We're not talking about a subjective thing here...we're talking about a photo that anyone can use their own eyes to view

And what facts to you have to support that feet point straight to the sky during death? What was that? None? Exactly.

The feet don't even point sideways or anyways in that photo...they simply don't appear at all!

And I want to point out that reading that really made me laugh out loud. Really? The position of the feet are "pointing" towards a conspiracy now? O.k.

No i've raised two points...

One is that the photo looks like a big pile of horse shit and frankly the whole missing boy situation looks like a classic false flag

and secondly i asked you if this invasion of gaza is to do with the 3 boys then when will enough dead palestineans be enough?

Admit it....its not about the 3 boys its about Israeli racism

I say debunked.

You don't get to decide what people can see with their own eyes

They can look at the photo for themselves and say: ''oh yeah...where are their feet?''

Also, embalming is not a requirement, but yes, most bodies are in first world countries because it helps prevent the spread of disease.

No most bodies are buried or cremated

And besides you just said jews don't do it so its immaterial in this case

Would you like to answer my second question if you can't answer the first one?
We're not talking about a subjective thing here...we're talking about a photo that anyone can use their own eyes to view

The feet don't even point sideways or anyways in that photo...they simply don't appear at all!

No i've raised two points...

One is that the photo looks like a big pile of horse shit and frankly the whole missing boy situation looks like a classic false flag

and secondly i asked you if this invasion of gaza is to do with the 3 boys then when will enough dead palestineans be enough?

Admit it....its not about the 3 boys its about Israeli racism

You don't get to decide what people can see with their own eyes

They can look at the photo for themselves and say: ''oh yeah...where are their feet?''

No most bodies are buried or cremated

And besides you just said jews don't do it so its immaterial in this case

Would you like to answer my second question if you can't answer the first one?

They're under the fucking shroud.

Stop trying to find conspiracies where there are none. You discredit yourself.
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There under the fucking shroud.

Stop trying to find conspiracies where there are none. You discredit yourself.

Yeah i thought you wouldn't be able to answer either of those questions....my jewish sparring partner.....they challenge your perception of reality too much and its one you don't want to let go of

It's ok to criticise the nazis when they do ethnic cleansing but when the israelis do it...well they're the good guys right?

wow....i know now how the crimes of history are made possible...it really does just take for good people to turn a blind eye

Just don't ever kid yourself that youre better than any german people who turned a blind eye to the persecution of the jews

I wonder how many israelis would shelter a palestinean neighbour from extermination
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