terrorist action of israel vs apathy

We're not talking about a subjective thing here...we're talking about a photo that anyone can use their own eyes to view

The feet don't even point sideways or anyways in that photo...they simply don't appear at all!

No i've raised two points...

One is that the photo looks like a big pile of horse shit and frankly the whole missing boy situation looks like a classic false flag

and secondly i asked you if this invasion of gaza is to do with the 3 boys then when will enough dead palestineans be enough?

Admit it....its not about the 3 boys its about Israeli racism

You don't get to decide what people can see with their own eyes

They can look at the photo for themselves and say: ''oh yeah...where are their feet?''

No most bodies are buried or cremated

And besides you just said jews don't do it so its immaterial in this case

Would you like to answer my second question if you can't answer the first one?

How is the fact that Jews don't embalm their deceased immaterial to the case? The three Israeli teens were Jewish. No embalming took place, therefore, the relaxed muscles in the body wouldn't have allowed the feet to point upward. They could have been lying to the side. And pictures are very different than reality. The positioning of where the camera was pointed during the shot has a lot to do with what you can see and not see.

And to your second question; this conflict has been ongoing for the last 8 years or so. I don't see it ending anytime soon. When 3 Israeli Teens are murdered, just because they are Jewish, then it is a personal attack against Israeli. They were looking for a reason and handed one on a silver platter. Were they not supposed to respond? And you don't think retaliation was expected?

Anyhow, I'm done talking about this. I just jumped in to tell you that your "feet" theory stinks. It's smells like bad conspiracy. Peeu!
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All kinds of people exist in all societies. There are people in any group that will stand up against their own leadership, and vast reasons/excuses why they do it. A mere picture can be turned into an act of war when circulated in the wrong mannerisms. There are world leaders that act disrespectfully for all kinds of reasons/excuses. A nation will be divided basically because there are many people with different intel, opinions, motives, past hatred; and the strife and envyings most always escalate if not doctored.

There are vast numbers of different ethnic groups that show hatred for a Jew, and America still has their very own Jew haters. I speak out in favor of Israel and can expect a visit from a local group that bases their group on hate. Hatred for Jews has even been turned into a religion, all because the Jews would not proclaim a man as a Prophet of God. So, he became a self-proclaimed prophet and turned his back on Jerusalem, where he was traveling to. He had a dream where he went anyway, and in so doing reached his hand into the midst of the Middle East to cause division and separation. Kill in the name of Allah. It laid the foundation of an embattled region of the war that will be fought until someone comes to stop it. There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will all stop one day. Truth has two edges, one of which is too soon not listened to. It cuts to hurt, but cuts to heal at the same time.

This last round was started with the kidnapping of three Israeli Jewish boys, and the murders of them. Most people have now already forgotten about this. One day all of this will be forgotten.

Try reading this again, [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION]. People accept the cuts but not the truth. I can keep quoting this so it will not get cut apart. I am glad my computer would not show your picture.
How is the fact that Jews don't embalm their deceased immaterial to the case? The three Israeli teens were Jewish. No embalming took place, therefore, the relaxed muscles in the body wouldn't have allowed the feet to point upward. They could have been lying to the side. And pictures are very different than reality. The positioning of where the camera was pointed during the shot has a lot to do with what you can see and not see.

The feet aren't pointing in any direction!

You can see from the photo that there are no feet pointing at any angle

The only way they could be pointing is straight downwards in alignment with the leg and for that to happen the ankles would need to be completely dislocated

And to your second question; this conflict has been ongoing for the last 8 years or so. I don't see it ending anytime soon. And when 3 Israeli Teens are murdered, just because they are Jewish, then it is a personal attack against Israeli. Were they not supposed to respond?

The conflict has been going on since the rothschilds as heads of the zionist federation signed the 'balfour declaration' with the british government agreeing the hand over of palestine to the zionists....the only problem was that there was already people living on the land

But lets say hypothetically that the boys were actually kidnapped and taken by palestineans...baring in mind that palestinean boys are kidnapped all the time by the israelis (i can provide plenty of footage of that)....do i think after the settlers have aggressively attacked palestineans and pushed them off their land, murdering many of them with US supplied hardware that attacking gaza and killing hundreds of men, women and children is a suitable response?

NO i don't think murderers are justified in murdering more people no

Anyhow, I'm done talking about this. I just jumped in to tell you that your "feet" theory stinks. It's smells like bad conspiracy. Peeu!

Doesn't stink as much as the Israeli justification for their ethnic cleansing
Try reading this again, @muir . People accept the cuts but not the truth. I can keep quoting this so it will not get cut apart. I am glad my computer would not show your picture.

I've read it and i want to understand the mindset behind it which is why i've asked you questions

All this talk of 'jews' and 'muslims' and 'christians' means nothing to me...there are only humans
Human muir, you are not acting like yourself today. Try me again tomorrow.
Hey, lets not bicker. I have a response to post but I will wait until the formatting issue is resolved, because I don't like my links not working or posting big blocks of text.

To give a preview, Christians need to represent Christ.
Jesus loves all the children of the world.

Jesus did not come to establish the "state of Israel"

Zionism is not Judaism!

The true people of Israel reject the State of Israel.

Jesus does not support genocide, nor does the creator of the universe.

With love for humanity we would manifest heaven on earth, so lets go that direction!

We aren't called to destroy the planet and eliminate infidels, we are to love one another!

The theology of Western Christianity would be unrecognizable to the early Church.

Stop spreading hate with twisted theology!
Hey, lets not bicker. I have a response to post but I will wait until the formatting issue is resolved, because I don't like my links not working or posting big blocks of text.

To give a preview, Christians need to represent Christ.
Jesus loves all the children of the world.

Jesus did not come to establish the "state of Israel"

Zionism is not Judaism!

The true people of Israel reject the State of Israel.

Jesus does not support genocide, nor does the creator of the universe.

With love for humanity we would manifest heaven on earth, so lets go that direction!

We aren't called to destroy the planet and eliminate infidels, we are to love one another!

The theology of Western Christianity would be unrecognizable to the early Church.

Stop spreading hate with twisted theology!

Muir and I aren't bickering. This is how we communicate with one another. Right [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION]? Lol :)
I just got done playing Assassins Creed Black Flag. I really liked this one. I note that here, now because almost all mention of Templars etc sound as if they are taking from the words of muir. So much so that I am convinced I have found the source of his content.
Hey, lets not bicker. I have a response to post but I will wait until the formatting issue is resolved, because I don't like my links not working or posting big blocks of text.

To give a preview, Christians need to represent Christ.
Jesus loves all the children of the world.

Jesus did not come to establish the "state of Israel"

Zionism is not Judaism!

The true people of Israel reject the State of Israel.

Jesus does not support genocide, nor does the creator of the universe.

With love for humanity we would manifest heaven on earth, so lets go that direction!

We aren't called to destroy the planet and eliminate infidels, we are to love one another!

The theology of Western Christianity would be unrecognizable to the early Church.

Stop spreading hate with twisted theology!

Youre so right

You have a good heart man

There are also good people of all faiths

There are righteous jews that are disgusted at what is going on and there is also an increasing number of US american jews who are distancing themselves from israel because they are sickened by what they are seeing them do and distance themselves they must because its only by the withdrawel of consent that they then lose their political legitimacy and risk being exposed as completely undemocratic

Israel is like a crazy attack dog that is given a long leash by its paymasters in europe and the US (eg the rothschilds and rockefellers)

It will not come to the negotiation table while it is given that long leash (see for example the billions given by the US gvoernment to israel every year to buy weaponry)

But here's the bit that taxpaying voters need to realise....the paymasters of israel DO NOT WANT ISRAEL TO COME TO THE NEGOTIATION TABLE otherwise it would have happened already; israel is doing everything they want it to do in their crazy schemes

And by negotiation table i mean a proper compromise not a different death for the palestineans by the pen; it has to be something that gives palestineans a sustainable and dignified future

many israelis seem to be drinking the kool aid in believeing that their future lies down the route of all out war with islam...it doesn't...only death and destruction on both sides lies down that route (i heard their iron dome defence doesn't even work so how do they think they're going to fare when world war 3 kicks off....israel will be obliterated)
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I just got done playing Assassins Creed Black Flag. I really liked this one. I note that here, now because almost all mention of Templars etc sound as if they are taking from the words of muir. So much so that I am convinced I have found the source of his content.

It should be called assassins creed false flag!

I used to work for a templar family; this lead to research which lead to all sorts of things....it really is all connected and the dots can be joined

I'm not familiar with the computer game or dan browns books but i think this popularisation of this aspect of the whole thing is to manage peoples perceptions....you know to steer people away from the real juice

So youngsters/young adults play that game and they build their warped understanding of the templars from it

Adults will read dan brown books and get their warped perceptions form his stuff and so on

Hollywood will make films like 'national treasure' and then some people will get their warped perceptions of reality from that

Most people don't dig beneath the off the shelf perceptions that are handed to them (which are all missleading) and are content with some surface knowledge

What the system does when it is being exposed is to go into damage limitation mode where they try to guide peoples perceptions away from the core truths

Its said that the best way to lie is to include as much truth into the lie as possible to give it credibility, so they'll give some info but keep the real juice for themselves
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[h=1]Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman: Time to Take Back Gaza[/h] 58


by Jordan Schachtel 15 Jul 2014 48 post a comment
[h=2]Tel Aviv, Israel -- At 4 p.m. Tuesday, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said at a press conference that the IDF’s Operation Protective Edge should conclude with Israel “controlling all of the Gaza Strip.”[/h] “Israel must go all the way,” said the Foreign Minister. “A ceasefire is a tacit agreement that [will allow] Hamas [to] continue to build up its power.” He continued, “All the diplomatic formulations are, in this case, hurtful. … A full takeover of the Gaza Strip is Israel’s only course forward.”
Lieberman went on to call the ceasefire “nothing but a preparation for the next round” of conflict against Hamas. “It is clear that Hamas will use any ceasefire to make more rockets and smuggle in more explosives,” he said.
At 3 p.m., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu terminated Jerusalem’s unilaterally agreed-upon ceasefire, ordering the IDF to continue to defend Israel against terror group Hamas. “After Hamas and Islamic Jihad refused a proposal for a ceasefire and fired dozens of rockets at Israel, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon ordered the army to carry out forceful strikes against terror targets in Gaza,” said a senior Israeli official.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called upon Hamas to stop its continuing rocket fire and accept the Egyptian plan for a ceasefire with the Jewish state. “I condemn Hamas for shooting rockets at the time Israel and Egypt are working in good faith to get a ceasefire,” Kerry said in Vienna.
Israel completely withdrew all military assets and civilians from the Gaza Strip in 2005. The unilateral disengagement plan, which was enacted by recently deceased Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, called for the forceful eviction of all Israeli citizens from Gaza in exchange for the hopes of peace with the Palestinians.
If anyone is mentioning me or quoting me my control panel doesnt hotlink it at the minute so if I've not responded (and you're not on ignore) its not that I'm failing to respond or ignoring you.
It should be called assassins creed false flag!

I used to work for a templar family; this lead to research which lead to all sorts of things....it really is all connected and the dots can be joined

I'm not familiar with the computer game or dan browns books but i think this popularisation of this aspect of the whole thing is to manage peoples perceptions....you know to steer people away from the real juice

So youngsters/young adults play that game and they build their warped understanding of the templars from it

Adults will read dan brown books and get their warped perceptions form his stuff and so on

Hollywood will make films like 'national treasure' and then some people will get their warped perceptions of reality from that

Most people don't dig beneath the off the shelf perceptions that are handed to them (which are all missleading) and are content with some surface knowledge

What the system does when it is being exposed is to go into damage limitation mode where they try to guide peoples perceptions away from the core truths

Its said that the best way to lie is to include as much truth into the lie as possible to give it credibility, so they'll give some info but keep the real juice for themselves
Sometimes I cant tell if you are joking or not.

Did you know the sun was put in the sky long ago by the templars to give everyone skin cancer?
Sometimes I cant tell if you are joking or not.

Did you know the sun was put in the sky long ago by the templars to give everyone skin cancer?

A lot of the skin cancer that has been blamed on the sun was actually caused by the suncream people put on

What my previous post was about was a warning about how hollywood often creates peoples perceptions of history (except hollywood does not portray history accurately...insiders often joke about not letting the facts get in the way of a good story)

Computer games can obviously have the same effect

People need to dig deeper to get to the really interesting info
Documentary: how the media lies:

What would people think they mean by take back? Security. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are proving they have no care for human life by their actions. They fire rockets at civilians, and hide their command and control center in tunnels and war rooms underneath a hospital. Maybe it's just so crowded there, they have no spare room to do what they live for: kill Jews. So, they hide where they can and whatever. They use civilian deaths as a media tool against Israel. Imagine a group of people being pushed around as pawns by people that hate day and night. 2007 was a dark day for the Palestinians.

Hatred digs two holes, not one.
What would people think they mean by take back? Security. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are proving they have no care for human life by their actions. They fire rockets at civilians, and hide their command and control center in tunnels and war rooms underneath a hospital. Maybe it's just so crowded there, they have no spare room to do what they live for: kill Jews. So, they hide where they can and whatever. They use civilian deaths as a media tool against Israel. Imagine a group of people being pushed around as pawns by people that hate day and night. 2007 was a dark day for the Palestinians.

Israel created hamas

Its israel that is showing no concern for human life


A total of 50,000 people in Gaza have fled their homes as Israel steps up its ground offensive on the Gaza strip.
The refugees are seeking sanctuary in 34 UN shelters in the strife-hit region, relief workers said. At least 60 Palestinians are thought to have been killed since Israel launched the ground offensive in Gaza on Thursday.

Israeli troops battled Hamas militants in Gaza on the second day of the operation as the Palestinian death toll from the 12-day offensive topped 340, according to officials in Gaza. 70 of those killed are children.



Relatives carry the the bodies of children during the funeral of eight members of the Abu Jarad who were killed overnight in an Israeli strike in Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza strip

For the rest of the article click on the link above