Heh. We're all brown. Just on different hue percentages. I've never seen a black man, nor a white man...
Even Caucasian Albinos aren't truly white.
It's why I prefer to refer to people (when defining or describing), not by race, but by subspecies, or genus.
Homo Sapiens Australoid
Homo Sapiens Caucasian
Homo Sapiens Mongoloid
Homo Sapiens Negroid
Et Cetera.
There are, I think I recall reading, over 300 subspecies, or breeds of humanity.
We're like dogs. We can breed amongst each other and create new breeds or crosses. The only people who seem to object to my definitions are those who dislike the idea of us as primates rather than "A Species Apart". We can't possibly be a part of the animal kingdom.
God Created Us.