Ha! Yeah...whose having the last laugh now beyatch?
I get that no one really knows what this virus is or what its capable of. I also get we have a bunch of people running around who are supposed to be leaders spreading disinformation around either through ignorance or intent. The more that happens the more fear it will instill in the public and ultimately that may become more threatening than the disease itself.Thanks for the information EV.
It sounds like it likes cold temperatures? Or does this suggest neither experimenters knew what they were doing? ....Or is the virus seeking equilibrium and trying out new environments?....Nobody knows what they're doing?
What do you get from the article?
Ok but you can appreciate that global events went up a gear after 911?
If you look across the whole global arena there are a bunch of problems all coming at once here
The stock market is plummeting
Ebola fears are growing
ISIS is creating a 'terror' fear
The cold war has gone hot with proxy wars in Syria and Ukraine
The Russians are kicking out the foreign oil companies and setting up markets to trade commodities in non dollar currencies which will end the dollars status as world reserve currency
Obama is inviting people over the mexican border and then granting them citizenship whilst running drugs and guns in the other direction (eg the fast and furious scandal)
The police have been militarised by the DHS and have been brutalising the public leading to a stand off in Fergusson
The state has passed laws taking the freedoms of the public away such as the patriot act and the NDAA and has been trying to disarm the public
We have had revelations from whistleblowers like snowden telling us that the government has a massive spying programme which is spying on it own citizens (PRISM)
Global treaties are being ratified that will give the corporations power over countries such as the TTIP and TAFTA
A new housing bubble is being inflated just like the one that led to the 2008 global financial crisis
Fracking is polluting the water supply and causing mini earthquakes
The government is tampering with the climate through geoengineering
I could go on and on.....there is a perfect storm's like a total overload for the minds of the public....and what...this is all coincidence?
It isn't coincidence and when you look into all these areas you find that the same names always come up again and again. The same network of insane people are behind all these things and they have various stated agendas relating to population control and concerning creating a new more globalised and centralised form of government...a totalitarian government (run by a well established hive mind psychopathic network)
They want everyone in a state of confused fear and not knowing which way to turn because then they become more pliable and will do what authority tells them to do (fear shuts down the rational mind)
I dont think its orchestrated at the level you are suggesting. I think and have for a long while now that theres a critical mass related to the population level of the earth. Leaders want to seem as if they are in control so that the people dont figure out they really arent in control and dknt really have that much effect on anything to begin with. Naturally a government wants their peoe to be complacent. It just makes sense to want that.
The normal incubation period is 2-21 days….there have been a few cases up to 42 days. That isn’t the norm.
Ebola really has an incubation period of 45 days...
No not the norm. Just possible.The normal incubation period is 2-21 days….there have been a few cases up to 42 days. That isn’t the norm.
No not the norm. Just possible.
Fox and CNN do this all the time…they make speculative claims and then elaborate upon them to induce fear…and I would say it is working pretty well.According to World Health Organization (WHO), 95 percent of confirmed Ebola cases have an incubation period in the range of 1 to 21 days, while 98 percent have an incubation period that falls in the 1 to 42-day interval, which means 2 percent– or 1 in 50 people– have a longer incubation period than 21 days.
The story you put up is one study conducted on the possibility that the incubation period can last up to 40+ days.
From your own article -
Fox and CNN do this all the time…they make speculative claims and then elaborate upon them to induce fear…and I would say it is working pretty well.
They then throw the factual information in a dismissive manner at the end of the story.
The statistical information is out there for anyone to see.I did not know that it can take 42 days before. Did you? Why isnt that something people should know?
Some have estimated that around 5% of cases may take greater than 21 days to develop.
You know…you should look up the Spanish Flu and how that devastated the US in the early part of the century…Ebola is slightly more difficult to catch and we have a much more sanitary and preventative practice now.A coworker of mine said he doesn't worry about Ebola, because you can't control if you get it or not; if it happens, it happens. I tend to agree, you can take the same measures you would to not catch a cold like washing your hands and such. But anything could kill you at any time if you think about it, so why is there so much panic every time a virus breaks out?
Is it because it's so preventable? Is it because media fear mongering? Or is it because of fearing a slow and painful death?
A coworker of mine said he doesn't worry about Ebola, because you can't control if you get it or not; if it happens, it happens. I tend to agree, you can take the same measures you would to not catch a cold like washing your hands and such. But anything could kill you at any time if you think about it, so why is there so much panic every time a virus breaks out?
Is it because it's so preventable? Is it because media fear mongering? Or is it because of fearing a slow and painful death?